# 'Zo17 - 18 - 01 - 2022 GMT 2043

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Blue_jollyrancher: yes kiddo it will

Mommymilkers42069: no its nottt ahhh
Blue_jollyrancher: Kid you can always make a new one
Mommymilkers42069: i did
Blue_jollyrancher: good
Blue_jollyrancher: blep
Mommymilkers42069: pel
Mommymilkers42069: b
Blue_jollyrancher: blrp
Mommymilkers42069: prlb
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mxangel: Hey
Mommymilkers42069: hru
Mxangel: I'm alright, hbu?
Mommymilkers42069: im eh here
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm just bored
Mommymilkers42069: same
Blue_jollyrancher: mood
Blue_jollyrancher: my room smells like blueberry cheesecake
Mxangel: Ooh >_>
Blue_jollyrancher: I love wax melts
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: i'm not allowed fire
Mommymilkers42069: i am but they dont know it
Blue_jollyrancher: I have a amazon list
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Mommymilkers42069: is it good stuff
Blue_jollyrancher: kinda
Blue_jollyrancher: I just made it with my good mom
Blue_jollyrancher: I put joke gifts on there too
Mxangel: Nice
Blue_jollyrancher: I wish for more people
Blue_jollyrancher: Like I want everyone here not fighting
Blue_jollyrancher: just getting along
Generic: gay
Blue_jollyrancher: sex
Mommymilkers42069: hot
(anon): jgjvvvjdjffog
Blue_jollyrancher: hello
Landon010: Heyo
Landon010: Anyone?
Blue_jollyrancher: yooyoyo
Landon010: Watup
Landon010: Hru
Landon010: Yo u got Reddit?
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah i do
Blue_jollyrancher: and i'm good
Blue_jollyrancher: how are you lando
Landon010: Follow me MastaCheeks420
Landon010: Doin good
Blue_jollyrancher: I choked when i read that
Landon010: 😂
Blue_jollyrancher: alright you got the follow
Landon010: Bitter blackberries
Blue_jollyrancher: ehh just a random name
Landon010: I just started not to long ago
Blue_jollyrancher: three months
Landon010: My post are so funny yet bad bc I can’t photoshop
Deathbylynx: Hi
Landon010: Hi
Blue_jollyrancher: yo
Landon010: Tg for r/mirror selfie 🤣
Landon010: Oh I keep forgetting
Landon010: Your a girl
Blue_jollyrancher: I might slap you this is the third time lando
Landon010: 😰
Landon010: Sorryyyyy
Landon010: But still idk what I would do without Reddit nsfw stuff
Landon010: 🤣
Blue_jollyrancher: same though
Landon010: What do u follow?
Blue_jollyrancher: i forgot
Landon010: Ok
Landon010: I might post some….
Landon010: More history memes ofc
Blue_jollyrancher: yes
Landon010: Na I’ma mix it up a bit
24cmcock: (⊙_(⊙_⊙)_⊙)
Landon010: 😏😉
Blue_jollyrancher: imma go look at rule 34
Landon010: Ohh noice
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
24cmcock: (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
Blue_jollyrancher: sup newbie
Landon010: Yo rule 34 got some good ones today
Blue_jollyrancher: sure do
24cmcock: nothing
Landon010: Dang wish I could make this myself
Landon010: ?
Blue_jollyrancher: thats wasup newbie welcome to world chat hell
Landon010: Oh yea 🤣
Landon010: Idk about y’all but a 3 some I’m down for but never an orgy
Landon010: Orgys just fuckin weird
Blue_jollyrancher: I was offed to be part of a threesome
Landon010: Wdym
24cmcock: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Landon010: You mean offered*
Landon010: How did it go?
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm not old enough lando
Blue_jollyrancher: I was told no
Landon010: Oh… lemme guess 13
Blue_jollyrancher: 16
Landon010: Same
Landon010: I’m Alabama 16 is legal Age
Blue_jollyrancher: the girl that offered was 19 with her 20 yearold boyfriend
Landon010: Oh 😅
Landon010: That might have been a case
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Blue_jollyrancher: she let me touch her boobs once or twice because of her lighter
Landon010: Lemme guess you pulled up to the house and then they said no
Blue_jollyrancher: no we were working
Landon010: Oh
Landon010: Fast food?
Blue_jollyrancher: the worst job type ever yeah
Landon010: I work as a landscaper
Blue_jollyrancher: I worked at kfc
Landon010: And a fish bait jeeper
Landon010: Keeper*
Blue_jollyrancher: nice
Landon010: Ehhh
Blue_jollyrancher: pay well?
Landon010: Yea I guess
Landon010: 14$ hour
Blue_jollyrancher: when I worked at kfc I got payed $11/hr
Blue_jollyrancher: shoulda asked for a dam raise
Landon010: Been working 4 a few years and got a raise
Blue_jollyrancher: I was working most nights alone on drive thru
Landon010: What state u in again?
Blue_jollyrancher: Illinois
Landon010: Oh way up there
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Landon010: On top of me
Landon010: Nvm on Tennessee
Landon010: Forgot
Blue_jollyrancher: Illinois is on top of a lot
Landon010: Yea
Landon010: Anyways why were you offered
Blue_jollyrancher: Because I'm fat and hot apparently
Landon010: If u don’t mind may I ask how much weight
Blue_jollyrancher: like right now 270
Blue_jollyrancher: when I worked there I was 250
Landon010: Ehh not to much not fat tho
Landon010: I worded that poorly
Blue_jollyrancher: lol its good
Blue_jollyrancher: I used too be over 400
Landon010: Not fat basically. I weigh in at 150 but bc of my high motabalisum…
Landon010: And workouts
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't work out anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: I've given up
Landon010: It’s fun when u get use to it
Landon010: I do track so the whole this is basically a workout
Blue_jollyrancher: I used to jog three or five miles a day
Landon010: Oh nice
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Landon010: That will do good
Blue_jollyrancher: yup
Landon010: See the only way I call people fat is when they know their fat but never
do anything about it
Landon010: Your not like that
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean I kinda am
Blue_jollyrancher: I've stopped working out for the most part outside of pe
Landon010: Your at the medium range plus you at least tryied to work out
Blue_jollyrancher: I'll start again when it gets warmer
Landon010: Amen
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Landon010: Look u might think you me fat and pretty but in some of our eyes your
slim and still pretty
Landon010: Your* no me
Landon010: In fist part of scrntence
Blue_jollyrancher: I've had that argument so many times
Blue_jollyrancher: with people on here
Landon010: Ehh I don’t like to argue. So u do u
Landon010: And if people don’t like u bc of that then they don’t need u
Landon010: Or u don’t need them
Blue_jollyrancher: No I argue that i'm fat and they argue back i'm not
Landon010: Ok but see you keep thinking what u think will make u feel good about
Landon010: In the present to the future
Blue_jollyrancher: yeah
Landon010: I’m not a person of judgment… looks don’t matter bc eventually they fade
with age
Chestnoot: ඞ
Blue_jollyrancher: thats true
Landon010: I’m sry if I brought a sensitive topic up
Blue_jollyrancher: nah you're good dude
Landon010: I hope you can forgive me
Landon010: Oh ok
Landon010: Ty
Blue_jollyrancher: I roll with the flow of life
Blue_jollyrancher: no anger just acceptance
Landon010: Look all you can due to start is when your in your room put your
backpack on and do squats
Blue_jollyrancher: I can do that
Blue_jollyrancher: chat really died
Mxangel: Oh damn, you got $11 an hour at kfc?
Mxangel: My job pays $8 an hour
Blue_jollyrancher: oof
Mxangel: Then again, the average wage is lower down here compared to illinois
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: where is father
Mommymilkers42069: i need to conversate with him about the ✨violence✨
Blue_jollyrancher: my god kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: what
Mommymilkers42069: i-i meant do you have a minute to talk about our lord and
saviour jesus christ
Blue_jollyrancher: kid I'm an atheist
Mommymilkers42069: shit
Blue_jollyrancher: well?
Mommymilkers42069: um um
Mommymilkers42069: look dog
Blue_jollyrancher: There is no dog kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: look over there
Blue_jollyrancher: Kid I know there is no dog
Mommymilkers42069: shit
Mommymilkers42069: cat?
Blue_jollyrancher: No kid
Mommymilkers42069: um
Mommymilkers42069: bible

Blue_jollyrancher: No
Mommymilkers42069: um ummmmmm
Mommymilkers42069: violence
Blue_jollyrancher: not now
Mommymilkers42069: but mommmmmmmmmmmmm
Blue_jollyrancher: No buts
Mommymilkers42069: but i need all of it for tomorrow
Blue_jollyrancher: why?
Mommymilkers42069: school
Blue_jollyrancher: why?
Vinnie_: A
Mommymilkers42069: just school
Blue_jollyrancher: Only if needed
Mommymilkers42069: thanks
Blue_jollyrancher: no problem kiddo
Mommymilkers42069: jnuh;bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb[90y8668y;
Blue_jollyrancher: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Mommymilkers42069: pp
Mommymilkers42069: qq
Blue_jollyrancher: pp's
Mommymilkers42069: qq

Mommymilkers42069: my comfort character in this book got shottttt
Blue_jollyrancher: oh no
Mommymilkers42069: my parents are asleep and im screaming
Blue_jollyrancher: oh no
Mommymilkers42069: the mc is a bad bitch
Blue_jollyrancher: unlike me
Mommymilkers42069: same
Opawesum: damn
Blue_jollyrancher: gay
(anon): you either a dice nigger or a
(anon): wait no i did the joke wrong oh god-
Blue_jollyrancher: .-.
Mommymilkers42069: oop
Blue_jollyrancher: Dinner takes too long
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm hungry
Mommymilkers42069: this chapter is called ¨some call it paranoia, but i call it an
evil bitch trying to use you as a human sacrifice¨
Blue_jollyrancher: what book is this
Mommymilkers42069: book one crave by tracy wolff
Blue_jollyrancher: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: pelb
Blue_jollyrancher: Gay
Mommymilkers42069: thanks
Mommymilkers42069: this book is making me cry I NEED THE SECOND ONE THAT MY FRIEND
Generic: hewwo
Mommymilkers42069: GEB
Blue_jollyrancher: Hey gen
Generic: hewwo
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Sup
(anon): amo gus
Blue_jollyrancher: welp imma go shower
Blue_jollyrancher: kiddo if your father comes on tell him i'm showeing
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I snort the nose, Lucifer. Banana.
(anon): yes
(anon): the benevolence
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Goddamnit no games
Mommymilkers42069: yes mothe
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Guess I might as well sit on a cucumber
Femboyliam: Sounds like a good Saturday night
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Just easing that baby into my rectum
Generic: it would seem as if moose has a new acct
(anon): e
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I am no longer raping moose
Generic: whoa re u raping now?
Generic: who are*
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Myself
Generic: nice
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: With this cucumber
Generic: ah nice
(anon): i rape my own dick
Generic: ^
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Me and Palmela Handerson are right
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Tight
Generic: borat reference
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Saw it in theatres three times lol
Generic: the new one is garb x0x
Generic: well ig its not that new anymore
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Original is old now like me lol
Generic: bruno was pretty good too
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: It was ok
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Wasn’t the same
Generic: it wasnt as good as borat
Generic: but i did enjoy it
Generic: the ali g shit was funny too
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmtyTp8cprA
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Oh god I actually watched that for thirty seconds
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I have AIDS now
Generic: bruh its heat idc wut u say x-x
Generic: hope yungliv blows up
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: You have an uncanny ability to always be wrong about
music. Like you should get it right once in awhile just be virtue of the odds but
you 100% like trash lolol
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: It’s like a reverse superpower
Generic: bruh that songs a W
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: That song is an audio abortion
Generic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkzRNyygfk
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I bet the CIA plays that songs to terrorists to break
their will and extract confessions
Generic: if u dont like the other song i sent u have a mental problem x-x
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I can’t watch it atm I am watching Redlettermedia
review Money Plane lolol
Generic: well its creep by radiohead
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: My god this movie was hilariously bad
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Oh well everyone likes Creep lol
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Except Thom Yorke
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: He hates it so much because still so many people only
know it
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: It’s the easy Radiohead song to like. It’s the one
normies like
Koda: dick me down
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: They hear Paranoid Android and they are like aahhhhh
too weird
Koda: k bye
Blue_jollyrancher: its been an estimated 3 hours sense I've vaped I'm stopping that
right there
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Wow Money Plane is so bad
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I bet some idiots liked it tho
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I am going to jerk off to it anyways
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Awwwwyeah terrible acting fuuuuuuck
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: The bitch in it is fucking hot
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: And she can’t act for shit UNGH UNGH UNGH
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Omg the Texas Holdem scenes wtf
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: The dealer is some dumb bitch who is chunk shuffling
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I can’t stop beating my meat now I am gone too deep
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Kelsey Grammer omg Fraser is named The Rumble
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Wtf kind of name is that
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I am going to cum on his face
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Here we go
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Hahahahaha Kelsey Grammer Aka Fraser just said “I am
the most dangerous motherfucker in the world” hhhhhnnnnnnnnnggggggg
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: I’m cumming
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Aw yeah Jesus my balls drained hard on that one
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: Thanks for being a part of it with me
(anon): this is why i need a therapist
Faggyfagfagfagthefaggintator: This is why I don’t
Blue_jollyrancher: this whole site is gay
Generic: ^
Blue_jollyrancher: night
Generic: morning
L2nig: i wanna join someone
Generic: nig.
L2nig: bro
L2nig: plz
L2nig: nig
Relativepleasure: hi
Relativepleasure: hi
Sidepoem: Zapni
Sidepoem: Zapni
Trees_the_proto: yello?
Gaylord57: Ist seid schlecht. No cap
Panzershrek: mornin
Panzershrek: anyone up yet
Panzershrek: guess not
Panzershrek: ah welp i guess today il be another lonely mornin
Panzershrek: anyone there?
Smokgier: yes
Panzershrek: e?
Panzershrek: ah welp i got about 20 or so minutes left
Panzershrek: if anyone comes on whisper me
Vinnie_: gay
Separatio: penis
Vinnie_: oh hey sep
Separatio: hey
Separatio: who are you?
Separatio: hello
Separatio: ajhisahpishfpshdflajshflahsdlfhlsdfhlasjfhlsdjhfas
Separatio: i dont know
Separatio: im bored
Vinnie_: ur mom
Separatio: is dead
Separatio: from sucking this DICK
Separatio: . /\
Separatio: sf
Separatio: f
Separatio: fsdfsdfsfsaf
Separatio: asf
Separatio: asf
Separatio: sdf
Separatio: dfsa
Separatio: sdfa
Separatio: saf
Separatio: a
Landon010: hellloooooo?
Landon010: hello?
Landon010: hellloooo
Landon010: ...
(anon): im here
Furryanimeboy: now im here had to login
Furryanimegirl: oh, thats nice
Furryanimeboy: I'm so bored
Landon010: HELLOOOO
Furryanimeboy: hey landon
Furryanimeboy: this new semester already sucks
Furryanimeboy: hello?
Furryanimegirl: hey
Landon010: anyone?
Furryanimeboy: thank god thought i was talking to myself
Landon010: hi
Furryanimegirl: not today landon
Furryanimeboy: hey landon
Landon010: wut?
Landon010: why not today
Furryanimegirl: today is semester change, and i already ahte myslef
Landon010: oh sry to hear that... u too boy?
Furryanimeboy: same semester change and life already suck no friends in any of my
Furryanimegirl: idk abt my friends yet, but im bored already
Landon010: why
Landon010: why u bored
Furryanimegirl: im in fundamentals of web design and development, its gonna be
Landon010: oof
Furryanimeboy: i had it last semester it was fun
Furryanimegirl: not when your in ALT
Landon010: what do yall wanna talk about? life problems?
Furryanimeboy: oh right i forgot you were there
Furryanimegirl: i went to alt for a dumbass
Landon010: o-o
Landon010: ...
Landon010: why did this turn to a domestic dispute?
Landon010: look how old are both of yall
Furryanimegirl: 15
Furryanimeboy: 16
Landon010: same boy... thats a good time 2 start dating
Furryanimeboy: we are
Furryanimegirl: im dating boy
Landon010: ik
Landon010: i kinda figured
Landon010: like the 2nd i saw yall
Landon010: i think everyone knows
Furryanimeboy: is it that noticeable
Furryanimegirl: yes bubs
Furryanimegirl: it is
Furryanimegirl: i call you puppy for gods sake
Landon010: what is yalls biggest prob between yall
Furryanimeboy: nothing
Furryanimegirl: nothing really
Landon010: 0-o so my lesson was gona be useless
Landon010: ...ok
Furryanimegirl: we do have problems with letting people into our relationship that
hurt uf
Furryanimegirl: us*
Landon010: like how?
Furryanimeboy: yep but im DONE with that type of shit
Landon010: wdym by "letting people in?"
Furryanimeboy: poly relationships
Furryanimegirl: im poly, and we both tried to date someone, and they hurt both of
Landon010: oh yea i can see that being a prob
Furryanimeboy: don't get me started on HIM THAT MISTAKE OF LIFE
Furryanimegirl: stop it
Furryanimeboy: fine
Landon010: so yall chouldnt complete each other so yall tried completing others?
Furryanimegirl: oww, that hurt
Furryanimeboy: yea thats hurts alot
Furryanimegirl: trust me when i say we complete each other
Landon010: like competing all side missions instead of focusing on the main
Landon010: why do a poly then?
Furryanimegirl: i dont know, just to try something different.
Furryanimegirl: but im over it
Furryanimeboy: no bloody clue the autistic stupidity probably
Landon010: ...ok.....
Landon010: so yall screwed other people other than yall to am i correct?
Furryanimegirl: im in alt for this type of thing
Furryanimeboy: not me i'm usually the wholesome one
Furryanimegirl: usually
Landon010: wdym girl?
Furryanimeboy: NOTHING
Furryanimegirl: i sucked a guys dick while we were dating him, and got into trouble
Furryanimegirl: got so deressed and guilty abt it i tried to commit suicide
Furryanimegirl: then went to a mental hospital for it and then ended up going to
alt afterwards
Landon010: 0-o...ok why did u do it? if u were already commted to boy
Furryanimegirl: i got manipulated guilt tripped and basically forced to do it
Landon010: what did he use? we dont have 2 talk abt it
Landon010: to guil trip
Furryanimeboy: i'm going to kill him just saying
Furryanimegirl: he may already be dead for how many people hes got trying to kill
Furryanimegirl: we havent seen him at school in a week
Landon010: ok
Furryanimegirl: but he guilt tripped me using other experiences with relationships,
guided me behind a stairwell and basically
Furryanimegirl: ...
Landon010: yall wanna talk about somethin else
Furryanimeboy: YES
Furryanimegirl: Pls
Landon010: ok
Furryanimeboy: before i freak out
Furryanimeboy: anyway what now
Landon010: cheese grater dildos
Furryanimegirl: what are your classes. And WHAT
Furryanimeboy: TOASTER BATH
Furryanimegirl: NO
Landon010: 9/11 porn paradoy
Furryanimeboy: fine
Furryanimegirl: Death by slide
Furryanimeboy: death by sex
Furryanimegirl: edging?
Furryanimeboy: what no
Furryanimegirl: makes you pass out
Landon010: my classes? history, engineering, bio,english, Ag, health/drivers ED,
andmath... in order
Landon010: Mental
Furryanimegirl: damn thats like 6/7 classes. i only have 4
Landon010: yea
Landon010: 45 min each
Landon010: 2 electives
Furryanimegirl: sounds like our middle school
Landon010: 5 mandatory
Landon010: its 10th grade
Landon010: middleschool is 5 classes 1 elective
Furryanimeboy: me
entrepreneurship biology 1 merchandising geometry
Landon010: noice
Furryanimegirl: our highschool only has 4 classes per semester
Landon010: cool
Landon010: e can exempt exams based on grades and attendance
Furryanimegirl: my classes are Fund of web design and deveopment 1, Biology 1
honors, Psychology, and english 2. and cool
Furryanimegirl: i wish we could exempt classes like that
Furryanimeboy: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th/id/OIP.NRtAe75Q5ISehqT9URebYQHaFU?
Furryanimegirl: exams*
A- exempt with 2 excused absences
B- 1 excused absence
C- 0 excused absences
Landon010: and thats 4 every class
Furryanimegirl: damn
Landon010: yea
Trees_the_proto: AH A LANDON
Landon010: AHHH
Furryanimeboy: i'm going to drink so much vodka right now
Furryanimegirl: no your not
Furryanimeboy: why T.T
Furryanimegirl: because your gonna ruin your liver if you do that every day
Furryanimeboy: fine *secretly drinks 1 bottle of vodka*
Landon010: igtg ill ttyl
(anon): Retard
Furryanimegirl: oh yea, i hurt myself really bad at wrestling last night, and bye
Furryanimeboy: why *hic* and how *hic*
Furryanimegirl: nope, not talking to drunk you
Furryanimeboy: T.T oh *hic* okay
Furryanimegirl: either way, you shouldnt be getting drunk everytime you get on here
Furryanimeboy: T.T fine i will stop
Furryanimegirl: thank you
Furryanimegirl: now, wanna know how i hurt myself
Furryanimegirl: at wrestling of course
Furryanimeboy: yes
Furryanimegirl: we were doing german suplexes, and anthony gave me one and i slung
so far back that i landed on my neck and my whole body folded
Furryanimeboy: OUCH you okay though right
Furryanimegirl: im at school in a lot of pain right now
Furryanimegirl: thats all i have to say
Furryanimeboy: oh okay
Furryanimeboy: gtg bye
Furryanimegirl: byye
Furryanimegirl: hi
Furryanimeboy: im back
Furryanimegirl: hello
Furryanimeboy: hi sempai
Furryanimegirl: hello puppy
Furryanimegirl: your in second period now
Furryanimegirl: right?
Furryanimegirl: cause i am too
Furryanimeboy: yep about to leave to go to third
Furryanimegirl: damn, im just starting secons
Furryanimegirl: second*
Furryanimegirl: iiimmm bbbbbbbbbbbbooooooorrrrrrreeeeeeddddddd
Furryanimeboy: same
Furryanimegirl: i hate school, but love it at the same time, adn not as much as i
love you
Furryanimeboy: T///T why
Furryanimegirl: O-O
Furryanimeboy: what
Furryanimegirl: i wuv u
Furryanimeboy: I wuv u 2
Furryanimegirl: i wuv u 3000
Furryanimeboy: I wuv u ∞
Furryanimegirl: how dare u
Furryanimeboy: hehe
Furryanimegirl: cskfkifkifkifkf
Furryanimegirl: mkiujnbhytgvcfredxzswqa
Landon010: im bored
Landon010: ...anyone?
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan94: hello?
Logan94: bye then
Vinnie_: gay
Generic: ger
Landon010: heyo
Landon010: hello?
(anon): hello....
(anon): ...
Landon010: hi
Landon010: hru
Landon010: ...
(anon): hello?
Mxangel: Damn, nobody here
Landon010: im here
Landon010: and anon
Landon010: .......
Landon010: yooo
Mxangel: I was anon
Landon010: ok
Landon010: hru
Landon010: ......
Mxangel: I'm alright :P
Landon010: goo tohear
(anon): my name is jeff
Landon010: no
(anon): ok
Landon010: ty
Landon010: hru tho
(anon): idk im just jeff
Landon010: -.-
Landon010: smh
Landon010: hey is 8.5 big? no homo
Landon010: ....
(anon): fuck off you fat dyke
Landon010: sry had to go
21:43:Landon010: ...heller?
Imafaggot: well damn yall homophobic or sum?
Imafaggot: lmao
(anon): fjueoijjfkofdoed
Sannkaed: yikes
b22:35Callmelili: Food

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