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Themooserapist: I wouldn’t even rape anon

(anon): i was weak after the hard jerking i had to daughters cunt.
Callmelili: Tf is you doing here void
Onepiss: Hello
Generic: im gonna commit gay sex
Callmelili: Gens dead
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Callmelili: Hiii
Generic: ayo lili sry my fkn dog was chasing the cats and they fucked up my router
Callmelili: LOL
Mommymilkers42069: lmao
Callmelili: is it fixed?
Callmelili: I’m fuckin bored dude
Generic: well im talking to u rn soo...
Generic: i can prolly call in a lil bit
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Now before I leave
Generic: bruh cant rn
Generic: brb
Generic: i now have food
Callmelili: :c
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Generic: boop
Mommymilkers42069: bwp
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: i am returned
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: uwt
Generic: wut*
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: WUT
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: ok
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: y are u doing that
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: bro
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Mommymilkers42069: huh?
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: Z/fl
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: SHUT IT
(anon): w
Generic: L
Mommymilkers42069: q
Daughter: h
Callmelili: Owowowow
(anon): v
Mommymilkers42069: u
Daughter: b
(anon): e
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): e
Callmelili: E
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): ee
Mommymilkers42069: ee

Koda: rape a cat
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Generic: *shane dawson moment*
Koda: nah the cat gave consent to shane dawson
Generic: ah yes mf said "meow" and the gay ass thought "hm yep that must be
Koda: facts
Koda: you heard how seductive that meow was
Koda: mf didnt say meow
Koda: he said
Koda: mrow ;)
Generic: i am extremely uncomfortable rn
Generic: couldnt tell u y
Koda: im a dog person so i can make these jokes and not care
Koda: ay
Koda: quick question
Koda: cats are afraid of water
Koda: if u cum on a cat what happens?
Generic: cum isnt water
Generic: its seed.
Generic: #MeToo
Koda: im sure they cant tell the difference
Mommymilkers42069: mhm
Koda: alr ima go
Koda: bye
Generic: i think u killed chat
Mommymilkers42069: gebby
Generic: ut
Mommymilkers42069: i am bored
Generic: same
Daughter: meow
Generic: u should wear cat ears
Daughter: omg i should
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Daughter: i would look so good
Daughter: and stupid
Generic: i was joking but u go i g
(anon): neko girls hit different bro
Daughter: im not a girl im a helicopter
Daughter: don't assume my gender
Mommymilkers42069: i have a tail that some girl gave me as well as ears -.-
Daughter: owo
Daughter: lucky
(anon): furries be like
(anon): uwu nya~
Daughter: we do be like that sometimes
Generic: i need to get a butt plug that got a tail on it.
Generic: for uh. for my gf. def not for me
Daughter: i want that now
Mommymilkers42069: same
Daughter: i'll take 5
Mommymilkers42069: 10
Generic: 20
Mommymilkers42069: all different color
(anon): 400.
Generic: 800
Mommymilkers42069: 1000
Daughter: 69000000000000000000
Generic: yall are triggering me
Mommymilkers42069: 6969696969696969696969
(anon): lmaoo
(anon): 69.
Daughter: 69
Mommymilkers42069: lemmo go find gthat tail actually
Daughter: owo-
Generic: wut
Mommymilkers42069: easy to find
(anon): put it in ur ass and send a pic 🙏
Generic: if u turn ur attention to the game list
Mommymilkers42069: um
Generic: u will notice that somebody by the name of "Fuckthejews" is in a lobby
named "Gay biys inc"
Daughter: oh
Mommymilkers42069: no anon
Daughter: im a gay boy too
Blue_jollyrancher: usually n
Generic: im a pot boy
Generic: i mean pan boy
Generic: smh my bad yall
(anon): is anyone else able to send pics?
Daughter: no
Generic: anon how tf are u still on abt this :|
(anon): cmon just
Generic: welp
(anon): help a bro out.
Generic: im a guy so i cant help
Blue_jollyrancher: uwu nya~
Daughter: owo
Generic: unless ur into twinks *rock johnson eyebrow raise*
(anon): i mean....
Mommymilkers42069: nyaa~
Generic: nyaa~
(anon): sure why not.
Koda: bro
Koda: wtf is that.
Daughter: horni
Generic: i was playin anon...
Mommymilkers42069: dont ask anymore
Koda: same
Koda: anyone wanna beat my dick?
Daughter: nyo
Generic: *raises hand*
Koda: ok
Generic: id rather suck it tho *rock johnson eyebrow raise*
(anon): yall im begging cmon
Koda: no thanks
Koda: just want rubbing and licking.
(anon): help a brother.
Generic: cant help u then koda
Koda: oh alright
Generic: ask the anon
Generic: he seems horny
Koda: no.
Koda: i dont fw anons
Daughter: hrony
Generic: i fuck anons
Koda: i fucked daughter 6 times today
(anon): fuck me
Daughter: oop-
Koda: mmmmmmhm.
Koda: it was amazing
Daughter: help im scared
Generic: i like how daughter is not denying anything
Koda: well
Koda: we DID.
(anon): lmfao
Daughter: we did?
Generic: anon how abt that
Koda: mhm
Koda: you were very soft.
Daughter: i-
Mommymilkers42069: whisper if you need me
(anon): this is such a weird porno bro.
Koda: just the truth.
(anon): just fuck already.
(anon): smh
Koda: she's gay.
Daughter: very gay
Koda: mhm
Koda: i mean
(anon): lmao
Koda: i could become trans..
(anon): dyke.
Daughter: ok petition to kill all anons please?
(anon): no
Koda: yes.
(anon): no
(anon): if u kill me ur gay
(anon): faggot.
Generic: everybody here is gay
Daughter: yeah
Generic: ur statement means nothing
Koda: someone please suck on my nipples.
Daughter: no
(anon): only if u get breast implants
Koda: i have daughter's boobs.
Koda: on my chest.
(anon): daughters pussy is very hairy.
Koda: she is very flat
Koda: but it's okay.
(anon): i whacked off to it.
Generic: wtf
Daughter: i-
Daughter: w
Koda: i wasn't here to see it
Daughter: fghgfgjhgggrrtyuuy
Koda: god bless.
Daughter: yyytfggfdfghjkl
Daughter: kjhg
Daughter: d
(anon): yup.
Daughter: kill me
Koda: okay
(anon): and if she sends more imma have another good beating.
Koda: ur deadededed
Generic: ...
Daughter: im very uncomfortable...
Koda: i dont think she is sending more
Koda: ever.
(anon): so was my dick after i jerked it so much daughter.
Generic: *rock johnson eyebrow raise*
(anon): yup. thats the noise i made when i came to the pic of ur hairy pussy.
Daughter: shut
Generic: ^
(anon): pussy based tho ngl
Generic: wtf has this game gone to
(anon): porn site
(anon): send more pics daughter.
Daughter: uh no
(anon): do it u hairy dyke.
Themooserapist: I raped another moose today
Generic: goddamnit
Generic: i told u to call me if u was doing it again
Blue_jollyrancher: Anon stop harassing her
(anon): no
(anon): shes hot
Blue_jollyrancher: She's under age
(anon): i wanna see her pussy again.
Blue_jollyrancher: Pedo
Themooserapist: The best part was that is hot the moose with a crossbow and then
fucked the wound
Themooserapist: I shot
Blue_jollyrancher: And little bitch for being anon
Themooserapist: Anon is so weak
(anon): yea u too.
Themooserapist: I wouldn’t even rape anon
(anon): i was weak after the hard jerking i had to daughters cunt.
Callmelili: Tf is you doing here void
Onepiss: Hello
Generic: im gonna commit gay sex
Callmelili: Gens dead
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Callmelili: Hiii
Generic: ayo lili sry my fkn dog was chasing the cats and they fucked up my router
Callmelili: LOL
Mommymilkers42069: lmao
Callmelili: is it fixed?
Callmelili: I’m fuckin bored dude
Generic: well im talking to u rn soo...
Generic: i can prolly call in a lil bit
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Now before I leave
Generic: bruh cant rn
Generic: brb
Generic: i now have food
Callmelili: :c
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Generic: boop
Mommymilkers42069: bwp
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: i am returned
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: uwt
Generic: wut*
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: WUT
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: ok
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: y are u doing that
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: bro
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Mommymilkers42069: huh?
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: Z/fl
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: SHUT IT
(anon): w
Generic: L
Mommymilkers42069: q
Daughter: h
Callmelili: Owowowow
(anon): v
Mommymilkers42069: u
Daughter: b
(anon): e
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): e
Callmelili: E
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): ee
Mommymilkers42069: ee
Daughter: pp
Daughter: owo
(anon): no
(anon): e
Mommymilkers42069: ppp
Daughter: ppppppppppppppppppppp
(anon): that's too much pp
Daughter: its never too much
(anon): e
(anon): e?
Daughter: no
(anon): e ;(
(anon): balls
Daughter: clit
(anon): yes
Daughter: owo
(anon): rub ur clit on my balls ;)
Daughter: okay this conversation is over goodbye
Callmelili: lol
(anon): lmao
(anon): e
Callmelili: A
(anon): e
(anon): eae
Shell61: AMOGUS
Daughter: amogus
Shell61: e
Koda: stfu
(anon): emogus
Shell61: amogus
Daughter: sus
Shell61: S
(anon): e
Daughter: x
Shell61: S P O R T S
(anon): sperts
Daughter: sperm
Daughter: heh
(anon): e
Shell61: lmao
Koda: cummies
Daughter: owo
Shell61: eww
(anon): ewe
Koda: alr time to go jerk off
Koda: bye
Callmelili: Hi shell…
(anon): nice
Shell61: uh hi lili
Callmelili: Are u guys together again
Koda: lmaooooooooo
Shell61: t f-
(anon): bruh
Daughter: probably not?
(anon): e
Callmelili: U An logan
Shell61: ?
(anon): nobody wants to be with logan
(anon): the guy's a dick
Callmelili: Are u with LOGAN
Koda: im with logan.
Daughter: for once i agree with anon
(anon): e
(anon): thanks sweetie
Shell61: no sadly lili....
(anon): happily*
Koda: fr said "sadly"
Callmelili: U ain’t gonna get back togetger
Koda: like logan wasnt a racist homophobic cheater lmao
(anon): fr
Shell61: ugh...
Koda: desperate ass mf
Shell61: pls stfu koda....
Callmelili: Xtuck
(anon): we're jus speaking the truth about ur dumbass boyfriend...
(anon): dk why ur upset
Koda: yea fr
Koda: u literally watched it happen
Koda: its not like im making up lies :|
Callmelili: You shouldny
Callmelili: He’s an ass
Callmelili: I regret doing that to u :/
Daughter: logans the sussiest boy i know and thats saying something considering
that i know jimmy
Koda: such a silly baka
Callmelili: I’m sorry
Callmelili: :/
Shell61: t-t
(anon): "oh yea i'm sorry for making ur bf cheat on u, my bad pimp are we still
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: That’s mean
(anon): so are u
Callmelili: and he wanted to be with me and he said y’all broke up
(anon): :|
Callmelili: That’s wat he said to me
Daughter: wow
Callmelili: So it’s his fault really
Koda: that doesnt change the fact that you got with him.
Callmelili: I didn’t fucking know
Koda: you still GOT WITH a racist homophobe.
Shell61: ya'll don't have to be sorry.....
Koda: none of us are sorry.
Koda: lmaoooo
Callmelili: FUCK OFF KODA
Callmelili: Ur a piece of shit toxic cunt
Shell61: lmao
(anon): so are u
(anon): :|
Koda: yea idk why u hate me?
Koda: its just the facts
Koda: you got with a racist homophobe
Callmelili: Ur always an ass to me that’s why
Koda: you also got with a pedophile
Koda: and guess what
Generic: wuts happening
Koda: both in the span of a month.
(anon): lili's getting canceled
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Idc
Koda: lili has BEEN cancelled.
Callmelili: I only see Angel as a friend
Koda: shit already happened.
Callmelili: At least I didn’t get off in front of him
Shell61: *goes to corner and sits*
(anon): yo wut
Shell61: anon shut it
Koda: you got naked tho
Callmelili: Whatever dude
Koda: he watched you and you admitted he watched you :|
Koda: dumbass lmao
Daughter: ill watch you
Callmelili: I don’t care
Callmelili: Please do~
Koda: daughter stfu lmao
Daughter: oop- sorry
Callmelili: My tits are moving with the car
Daughter: owo
Koda: ur saggy tits?
(anon): horny ass mfs
Daughter: we are
(anon): ik
(anon): i can see
(anon): :|
Koda: anon ur not masturbating rn?
Koda: weird.
Callmelili: OwO you are annon
(anon): no
(anon): n-no
Shell61: *quitly sits in corner*
(anon): im jus drinking a capri sun
Koda: spelled quietly wrong.
Shell61: ok and?
(anon): e
Shell61: . . . .
Daughter: i'm horny
(anon): we know
Daughter: helep
(anon): help urself
(anon): u got hands right

(anon): yea u too.
Themooserapist: I wouldn’t even rape anon
(anon): i was weak after the hard jerking i had to daughters cunt.
Callmelili: Tf is you doing here void
Onepiss: Hello
Generic: im gonna commit gay sex
Callmelili: Gens dead
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Callmelili: Hiii
Generic: ayo lili sry my fkn dog was chasing the cats and they fucked up my router
Callmelili: LOL
Mommymilkers42069: lmao
Callmelili: is it fixed?
Callmelili: I’m fuckin bored dude
Generic: well im talking to u rn soo...
Generic: i can prolly call in a lil bit
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Now before I leave
Generic: bruh cant rn
Generic: brb
Generic: i now have food
Callmelili: :c
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Generic: boop
Mommymilkers42069: bwp
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: i am returned
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: uwt
Generic: wut*
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: WUT
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: ok
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: y are u doing that
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Generic: bro
Mommymilkers42069: 😋
Mommymilkers42069: huh?
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: Z/fl
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Generic: Callmelili: okay now I’m hornyyy
Callmelili: SHUT IT
(anon): w
Generic: L
Mommymilkers42069: q
Daughter: h
Callmelili: Owowowow
(anon): v
Mommymilkers42069: u
Daughter: b
(anon): e
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): e
Callmelili: E
Daughter: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
(anon): ee
Mommymilkers42069: ee
Daughter: pp
Daughter: owo
(anon): no
(anon): e
Mommymilkers42069: ppp
Daughter: ppppppppppppppppppppp
(anon): that's too much pp
Daughter: its never too much
(anon): e
(anon): e?
Daughter: no
(anon): e ;(
(anon): balls
Daughter: clit
(anon): yes
Daughter: owo
(anon): rub ur clit on my balls ;)
Daughter: okay this conversation is over goodbye
Callmelili: lol
(anon): lmao
(anon): e
Callmelili: A
(anon): e
(anon): eae
Shell61: AMOGUS
Daughter: amogus
Shell61: e
Koda: stfu
(anon): emogus
Shell61: amogus
Daughter: sus
Shell61: S
(anon): e
Daughter: x
Shell61: S P O R T S
(anon): sperts
Daughter: sperm
Daughter: heh
(anon): e
Shell61: lmao
Koda: cummies
Daughter: owo
Shell61: eww
(anon): ewe
Koda: alr time to go jerk off
Koda: bye
Callmelili: Hi shell…
(anon): nice
Shell61: uh hi lili
Callmelili: Are u guys together again
Koda: lmaooooooooo
Shell61: t f-
(anon): bruh
Daughter: probably not?
(anon): e
Callmelili: U An logan
Shell61: ?
(anon): nobody wants to be with logan
(anon): the guy's a dick
Callmelili: Are u with LOGAN
Koda: im with logan.
Daughter: for once i agree with anon
(anon): e
(anon): thanks sweetie
Shell61: no sadly lili....
(anon): happily*
Koda: fr said "sadly"
Callmelili: U ain’t gonna get back togetger
Koda: like logan wasnt a racist homophobic cheater lmao
(anon): fr
Shell61: ugh...
Koda: desperate ass mf
Shell61: pls stfu koda....
Callmelili: Xtuck
(anon): we're jus speaking the truth about ur dumbass boyfriend...
(anon): dk why ur upset
Koda: yea fr
Koda: u literally watched it happen
Koda: its not like im making up lies :|
Callmelili: You shouldny
Callmelili: He’s an ass
Callmelili: I regret doing that to u :/
Daughter: logans the sussiest boy i know and thats saying something considering
that i know jimmy
Koda: such a silly baka
Callmelili: I’m sorry
Callmelili: :/
Shell61: t-t
(anon): "oh yea i'm sorry for making ur bf cheat on u, my bad pimp are we still
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: That’s mean
(anon): so are u
Callmelili: and he wanted to be with me and he said y’all broke up
(anon): :|
Callmelili: That’s wat he said to me
Daughter: wow
Callmelili: So it’s his fault really
Koda: that doesnt change the fact that you got with him.
Callmelili: I didn’t fucking know
Koda: you still GOT WITH a racist homophobe.
Shell61: ya'll don't have to be sorry.....
Koda: none of us are sorry.
Koda: lmaoooo
Callmelili: FUCK OFF KODA
Callmelili: Ur a piece of shit toxic cunt
Shell61: lmao
(anon): so are u
(anon): :|
Koda: yea idk why u hate me?
Koda: its just the facts
Koda: you got with a racist homophobe
Callmelili: Ur always an ass to me that’s why
Koda: you also got with a pedophile
Koda: and guess what
Generic: wuts happening
Koda: both in the span of a month.
(anon): lili's getting canceled
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Idc
Koda: lili has BEEN cancelled.
Callmelili: I only see Angel as a friend
Koda: shit already happened.
Callmelili: At least I didn’t get off in front of him
Shell61: *goes to corner and sits*
(anon): yo wut
Shell61: anon shut it
Koda: you got naked tho
Callmelili: Whatever dude
Koda: he watched you and you admitted he watched you :|
Koda: dumbass lmao
Daughter: ill watch you
Callmelili: I don’t care
Callmelili: Please do~
Koda: daughter stfu lmao
Daughter: oop- sorry
Callmelili: My tits are moving with the car
Daughter: owo
Koda: ur saggy tits?
(anon): horny ass mfs
Daughter: we are
(anon): ik
(anon): i can see
(anon): :|
Koda: anon ur not masturbating rn?
Koda: weird.
Callmelili: OwO you are annon
(anon): no
(anon): n-no
Shell61: *quitly sits in corner*
(anon): im jus drinking a capri sun
Koda: spelled quietly wrong.
Shell61: ok and?
(anon): e
Shell61: . . . .
Daughter: i'm horny
(anon): we know
Daughter: helep
(anon): help urself
(anon): u got hands right
Koda: anyone wanna ride my face?
(anon): u got feet too
Generic: sure ;)
(anon): no
Shell61: *in corner and drinks vokda* hell naw
Koda: okay im ready.
Daughter: my back hurtss
Daughter: mgh
(anon): rip ur spine out cutie.
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Daughter: how about no
Koda: i can make ur back hurt even more.
Daughter: id prefer if you don't
Shell61: *drinks 10 bottles of vokda*
Daughter: shell's russian now
Shell61: NO
Daughter: ye
Shell61: NU
Koda: too late
Koda: ur back hurts more now
Koda: ok im leaving
Koda: bye.
Koda: koda!#0042
Daughter: ow
Daughter: kill me
(anon): nah u gotta drink at least 15 bottles in 1 sitting to be russian
Shell61: *drinks more vodka*
(anon): keep goin comrade.
(anon): for glory.
Shell61: *my head starts hurting* n-no
(anon): aw ok...
(anon): smh lightweight
Daughter: ur cock is a lightweight
Shell61: *clraws in a ball and falls asleep*
(anon): my cock is a heavy hitter hon.
(anon): u can try it if u want
(anon): ;)
(anon): or not.
(anon): ok
(anon): e
Daughter: im gay
(anon): cool
(anon): when did i ask tho.
(anon): e
Daughter: go fuck your own ass anon
(anon): nah, id rather fuck ur ass.
(anon): cute ass u got there babe
Generic: wtf
Shell61: i gtg
Shell61: bai
(anon): bye
(anon): e
(anon): chat is deader than 60 million jews rn
(anon): :|
(anon): ight im out
(anon): fuck u.
Koda: back.
Generic: kk
Koda: no.
Generic: ded chat moment
Ade: lmao
Generic: who
Generic: are u?
Ade: Idk man i am just in the game list
Ade: who are u
Generic: generic
Generic: duh.
Ade: Oh well lmao
(anon): e
Generic: f
Generic: g
Generic: h
Generic: i
Generic: j
Generic: k
Generic: l
Generic: m
Generic: n
Generic: o
Generic: p
Generic: q
Generic: r
Generic: s
Generic: t
Generic: u
Generic: v
Generic: w
Generic: x
Generic: y
Generic: and z
(anon): Bro
(anon): chill
(anon): daddy chill
(anon): owo
Daughter: daddy~
(anon): damn
(anon): e
Daddydom: hey Baby
(anon): yo wut
Daughter: um
Daughter: fist me daddy
Vegeta: Wtf
(anon): wtf
Daddydom: you want Daddys big cock?
Daughter: no im gay
(anon): horny ass mf
(anon): smh
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: no
Daughter: ok
Koda: daughter
Koda: smells like shit.
Daughter: uh yeah i do
Koda: yummy.
Koda: i love that smell.
Koda: makes me fuckin
Koda: horny.
Daughter: me too
Koda: love the smell of shit on a wednesday.
Koda: ah ur horny too?
Koda: lets
Koda: scissor.
Daughter: owo
Daughter: no
Koda: uwu
Koda: please daddy
Koda: rub your fat pussy lips against my wet. dripping pussy
Daughter: um
Katha74: Einen kater
Andi89: Halo
Andi89: Hallo
Koda: im waiting daddy
Katha74: Hallo
(anon): fuckin
(anon): e.
Callmelili: This is funn
Callmelili: I’m finished
Daughter: finished what
(anon): being gay
Callmelili: no
Daughter: oh right
Callmelili: My slime thing
(anon): yes
Koda: slime in my asshole mommy
(anon): wait what
Daughter: owo
Koda: uwu
Koda: give me cum
(anon): yo this is getting weird all of a sudden bruh
(anon): im scared.
Callmelili: Eeeee
Koda: nope
Koda: just give me cum
(anon): e
Daughter: can i have some too
Koda: can we trade cum
Daughter: no
(anon): ill take ur entire stock
Koda: then no.
Daughter: my fucking shoulder hurts
(anon): my nigga thats crazy
Koda: then stop masturbating.
(anon): but i don't remember asking.
Daughter: no
Koda: yes
Koda: stop flipping your flaps
Daughter: i couldnt if i wanted to dude...
Daughter: im a cum addict
Daughter: like 4x a day
Chikimcnug: what the fuck nuggets is happeneing
Daughter: cum
(anon): coochie destroyer.
Daughter: mhm
Chikimcnug: You pry have a tic tac
Koda: hm
Koda: well

Daughter: sus
Shell61: S
(anon): e
Daughter: x
Shell61: S P O R T S
(anon): sperts
Daughter: sperm
Daughter: heh
(anon): e
Shell61: lmao
Koda: cummies
Daughter: owo
Shell61: eww
(anon): ewe
Koda: alr time to go jerk off
Koda: bye
Callmelili: Hi shell…
(anon): nice
Shell61: uh hi lili
Callmelili: Are u guys together again
Koda: lmaooooooooo
Shell61: t f-
(anon): bruh
Daughter: probably not?
(anon): e
Callmelili: U An logan
Shell61: ?
(anon): nobody wants to be with logan
(anon): the guy's a dick
Callmelili: Are u with LOGAN
Koda: im with logan.
Daughter: for once i agree with anon
(anon): e
(anon): thanks sweetie
Shell61: no sadly lili....
(anon): happily*
Koda: fr said "sadly"
Callmelili: U ain’t gonna get back togetger
Koda: like logan wasnt a racist homophobic cheater lmao
(anon): fr
Shell61: ugh...
Koda: desperate ass mf
Shell61: pls stfu koda....
Callmelili: Xtuck
(anon): we're jus speaking the truth about ur dumbass boyfriend...
(anon): dk why ur upset
Koda: yea fr
Koda: u literally watched it happen
Koda: its not like im making up lies :|
Callmelili: You shouldny
Callmelili: He’s an ass
Callmelili: I regret doing that to u :/
Daughter: logans the sussiest boy i know and thats saying something considering
that i know jimmy
Koda: such a silly baka
Callmelili: I’m sorry
Callmelili: :/
Shell61: t-t
(anon): "oh yea i'm sorry for making ur bf cheat on u, my bad pimp are we still
Callmelili: lol
Callmelili: That’s mean
(anon): so are u
Callmelili: and he wanted to be with me and he said y’all broke up
(anon): :|
Callmelili: That’s wat he said to me
Daughter: wow
Callmelili: So it’s his fault really
Koda: that doesnt change the fact that you got with him.
Callmelili: I didn’t fucking know
Koda: you still GOT WITH a racist homophobe.
Shell61: ya'll don't have to be sorry.....
Koda: none of us are sorry.
Koda: lmaoooo
Callmelili: FUCK OFF KODA
Callmelili: Ur a piece of shit toxic cunt
Shell61: lmao
(anon): so are u
(anon): :|
Koda: yea idk why u hate me?
Koda: its just the facts
Koda: you got with a racist homophobe
Callmelili: Ur always an ass to me that’s why
Koda: you also got with a pedophile
Koda: and guess what
Generic: wuts happening
Koda: both in the span of a month.
(anon): lili's getting canceled
Callmelili: Bitch
Callmelili: Idc
Koda: lili has BEEN cancelled.
Callmelili: I only see Angel as a friend
Koda: shit already happened.
Callmelili: At least I didn’t get off in front of him
Shell61: *goes to corner and sits*
(anon): yo wut
Shell61: anon shut it
Koda: you got naked tho
Callmelili: Whatever dude
Koda: he watched you and you admitted he watched you :|
Koda: dumbass lmao
Daughter: ill watch you
Callmelili: I don’t care
Callmelili: Please do~
Koda: daughter stfu lmao
Daughter: oop- sorry
Callmelili: My tits are moving with the car
Daughter: owo
Koda: ur saggy tits?
(anon): horny ass mfs
Daughter: we are
(anon): ik
(anon): i can see
(anon): :|
Koda: anon ur not masturbating rn?
Koda: weird.
Callmelili: OwO you are annon
(anon): no
(anon): n-no
Shell61: *quitly sits in corner*
(anon): im jus drinking a capri sun
Koda: spelled quietly wrong.
Shell61: ok and?
(anon): e
Shell61: . . . .
Daughter: i'm horny
(anon): we know
Daughter: helep
(anon): help urself
(anon): u got hands right
Koda: anyone wanna ride my face?
(anon): u got feet too
Generic: sure ;)
(anon): no
Shell61: *in corner and drinks vokda* hell naw
Koda: okay im ready.
Daughter: my back hurtss
Daughter: mgh
(anon): rip ur spine out cutie.
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Daughter: how about no
Koda: i can make ur back hurt even more.
Daughter: id prefer if you don't
Shell61: *drinks 10 bottles of vokda*
Daughter: shell's russian now
Shell61: NO
Daughter: ye
Shell61: NU
Koda: too late
Koda: ur back hurts more now
Koda: ok im leaving
Koda: bye.
Koda: koda!#0042
Daughter: ow
Daughter: kill me
(anon): nah u gotta drink at least 15 bottles in 1 sitting to be russian
Shell61: *drinks more vodka*
(anon): keep goin comrade.
(anon): for glory.
Shell61: *my head starts hurting* n-no
(anon): aw ok...
(anon): smh lightweight
Daughter: ur cock is a lightweight
Shell61: *clraws in a ball and falls asleep*
(anon): my cock is a heavy hitter hon.
(anon): u can try it if u want
(anon): ;)
(anon): or not.
(anon): ok
(anon): e
Daughter: im gay
(anon): cool
(anon): when did i ask tho.
(anon): e
Daughter: go fuck your own ass anon
(anon): nah, id rather fuck ur ass.
(anon): cute ass u got there babe
Generic: wtf
Shell61: i gtg
Shell61: bai
(anon): bye
(anon): e
(anon): chat is deader than 60 million jews rn
(anon): :|
(anon): ight im out
(anon): fuck u.
Koda: back.
Generic: kk
Koda: no.
Generic: ded chat moment
Ade: lmao
Generic: who
Generic: are u?
Ade: Idk man i am just in the game list
Ade: who are u
Generic: generic
Generic: duh.
Ade: Oh well lmao
(anon): e
Generic: f
Generic: g
Generic: h
Generic: i
Generic: j
Generic: k
Generic: l
Generic: m
Generic: n
Generic: o
Generic: p
Generic: q
Generic: r
Generic: s
Generic: t
Generic: u
Generic: v
Generic: w
Generic: x
Generic: y
Generic: and z
(anon): Bro
(anon): chill
(anon): daddy chill
(anon): owo
Daughter: daddy~
(anon): damn
(anon): e
Daddydom: hey Baby
(anon): yo wut
Daughter: um
Daughter: fist me daddy
Vegeta: Wtf
(anon): wtf
Daddydom: you want Daddys big cock?
Daughter: no im gay
(anon): horny ass mf
(anon): smh
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: no
Daughter: ok
Koda: daughter
Koda: smells like shit.
Daughter: uh yeah i do
Koda: yummy.
Koda: i love that smell.
Koda: makes me fuckin
Koda: horny.
Daughter: me too
Koda: love the smell of shit on a wednesday.
Koda: ah ur horny too?
Koda: lets
Koda: scissor.
Daughter: owo
Daughter: no
Koda: uwu
Koda: please daddy
Koda: rub your fat pussy lips against my wet. dripping pussy
Daughter: um
Katha74: Einen kater
Andi89: Halo
Andi89: Hallo
Koda: im waiting daddy
Katha74: Hallo
(anon): fuckin
(anon): e.
Callmelili: This is funn
Callmelili: I’m finished
Daughter: finished what
(anon): being gay
Callmelili: no
Daughter: oh right
Callmelili: My slime thing
(anon): yes
Koda: slime in my asshole mommy
(anon): wait what
Daughter: owo
Koda: uwu
Koda: give me cum
(anon): yo this is getting weird all of a sudden bruh
(anon): im scared.
Callmelili: Eeeee
Koda: nope
Koda: just give me cum
(anon): e
Daughter: can i have some too
Koda: can we trade cum
Daughter: no
(anon): ill take ur entire stock
Koda: then no.
Daughter: my fucking shoulder hurts
(anon): my nigga thats crazy
Koda: then stop masturbating.
(anon): but i don't remember asking.
Daughter: no
Koda: yes
Koda: stop flipping your flaps
Daughter: i couldnt if i wanted to dude...
Daughter: im a cum addict
Daughter: like 4x a day
Chikimcnug: what the fuck nuggets is happeneing
Daughter: cum
(anon): coochie destroyer.
Daughter: mhm
Chikimcnug: You pry have a tic tac
Koda: hm
Koda: well
Koda: i have an idea
Koda: for u to stop masturbating.
Daughter: m?
Koda: cut your body off
Koda: belly button down
Koda: cut it off.
Daughter: oh good idea
Koda: and uh
Koda: you wont be needing the bottom half so
Koda: ill take it.
Daughter: have fun
(anon): better idea
(anon): just
(anon): glue ur pussy shut.
(anon): ez
Koda: thanks
Koda: no no no.
Koda: my idea was better
Koda: ill take the bottom half
Daughter: it was
Koda: it will be used greatly
Koda: uh.
Koda: thanks.
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: rape my disembodied body daddy~
(anon): i say again
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: did i stutter
Daughter: cunt
Koda: i will~
Daughter: owo-
Koda: i will use your bottom half to fulfill my horny needs
Daughter: use me up kodaddy
Callmelili: Cursed
(anon): yea
Callmelili: I’m watching u
Daughter: im just kidding...
Koda: you feel amazing~
Koda: lmaoooooooo
(anon): jesus fuck
(anon): get a room.
Callmelili: Ki me
Leviathan1882: Bi?
Leviathan1882: Hi*
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no im not bi
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Leviathan1882: I ment hi,
(anon): no
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Koda: her bottom half is bi tho x-x
Koda: okay lemme stop lmao
Daughter: please do
(anon): so are we done fuckin or nah
Daughter: nope
Daughter: never
(anon): well in that case
(anon): smc?
Daughter: what
(anon): jk
(anon): never mind
Koda: no
Koda: im never done fucking
Daughter: ye
Daughter: welcome to fuck town
Koda: mmmmmmmmmnhmmmmmmmmm
Koda: i fuck 24/7
Koda: all day, all night
Koda: for free.
Koda: tons of cum.
(anon): how much to rent a high-caliber whore in fuck town?
(anon): asking for a friend
Daughter: 23 yen
(anon): alr bet
(anon): *gives daughter 23 yen* cmon
Daughter: im a low caliber, not for sale
Daughter: sorry
(anon): damn
(anon): is uh
Koda: how much for a pic of ur cock?
(anon): is lili available? asking for a friend
Daughter: no
(anon): 69 bucks fr cock
Callmelili: Hello?
Callmelili: Wtf
(anon): yo
Callmelili: What u want
(anon): are u available?
Koda: lili is 14.
(anon): ah
Callmelili: Yeah Ig
Koda: and likes 65 year olds.
(anon): oops
Callmelili: Wtf do y want
(anon): was gonna ask like
(anon): wanna fuck?
Callmelili: Logan?
(anon): yup
Daughter: anon i will break your coccyx
Koda: lets all just have a foursome.
Callmelili: Oh fuck where have u been hi
(anon): im down.
Callmelili: Logan what’s ur middle name
(anon): scooby dooby doo.
Koda: this is probably the same anon that begged daughter for pics
Callmelili: Not logqn
Daughter: it is
Koda: lol mhm
Callmelili: Lol
Koda: but i mean, who wouldn't beg ur sexy ass for pics?
Koda: alr lemme stop part 2
(anon): pedo ass
(anon): stfu
Koda: if im a pedo how old am i? lmao
Daughter: says the pedo
Koda: fr
(anon): fuckin...
(anon): 47.
Daughter: no
Koda: hahahahahaha :|
(anon): mk
(anon): pedo.
Koda: log in then pussy x-x
(anon): no.
Koda: thats what i thought
Daughter: sus
Koda: sussy sus susser
Daughter: amogus
Koda: stfu and make out with my toes
(anon): mogus
Daughter: oop-
Daughter: no
Koda: my thighs.
Daughter: no
(anon): yes
Daughter: no
Koda: my lips
(anon): hairy dyke.
(anon): smh
Daughter: make it your ass and i will
Koda: alright
Koda: make out with my ass
(anon): wut
(anon): da
(anon): fuk?
Daughter: i was kiddin
Koda: nope
Koda: bends over~ get to it.
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: im ready.
Koda: do it.
(anon): do it
(anon): do it
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: scared
Koda: u wont.
Daughter: yes im scared because im gay
Daughter: thank u
(anon): smh.
(anon): faggot ass
Koda: alr thats it
Koda: im going trans.
(anon): bruh
Daughter: owo

Generic: j
Generic: k
Generic: l
Generic: m
Generic: n
Generic: o
Generic: p
Generic: q
Generic: r
Generic: s
Generic: t
Generic: u
Generic: v
Generic: w
Generic: x
Generic: y
Generic: and z
(anon): Bro
(anon): chill
(anon): daddy chill
(anon): owo
Daughter: daddy~
(anon): damn
(anon): e
Daddydom: hey Baby
(anon): yo wut
Daughter: um
Daughter: fist me daddy
Vegeta: Wtf
(anon): wtf
Daddydom: you want Daddys big cock?
Daughter: no im gay
(anon): horny ass mf
(anon): smh
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
(anon): e
Daughter: no
Daughter: ok
Koda: daughter
Koda: smells like shit.
Daughter: uh yeah i do
Koda: yummy.
Koda: i love that smell.
Koda: makes me fuckin
Koda: horny.
Daughter: me too
Koda: love the smell of shit on a wednesday.
Koda: ah ur horny too?
Koda: lets
Koda: scissor.
Daughter: owo
Daughter: no
Koda: uwu
Koda: please daddy
Koda: rub your fat pussy lips against my wet. dripping pussy
Daughter: um
Katha74: Einen kater
Andi89: Halo
Andi89: Hallo
Koda: im waiting daddy
Katha74: Hallo
(anon): fuckin
(anon): e.
Callmelili: This is funn
Callmelili: I’m finished
Daughter: finished what
(anon): being gay
Callmelili: no
Daughter: oh right
Callmelili: My slime thing
(anon): yes
Koda: slime in my asshole mommy
(anon): wait what
Daughter: owo
Koda: uwu
Koda: give me cum
(anon): yo this is getting weird all of a sudden bruh
(anon): im scared.
Callmelili: Eeeee
Koda: nope
Koda: just give me cum
(anon): e
Daughter: can i have some too
Koda: can we trade cum
Daughter: no
(anon): ill take ur entire stock
Koda: then no.
Daughter: my fucking shoulder hurts
(anon): my nigga thats crazy
Koda: then stop masturbating.
(anon): but i don't remember asking.
Daughter: no
Koda: yes
Koda: stop flipping your flaps
Daughter: i couldnt if i wanted to dude...
Daughter: im a cum addict
Daughter: like 4x a day
Chikimcnug: what the fuck nuggets is happeneing
Daughter: cum
(anon): coochie destroyer.
Daughter: mhm
Chikimcnug: You pry have a tic tac
Koda: hm
Koda: well
Koda: i have an idea
Koda: for u to stop masturbating.
Daughter: m?
Koda: cut your body off
Koda: belly button down
Koda: cut it off.
Daughter: oh good idea
Koda: and uh
Koda: you wont be needing the bottom half so
Koda: ill take it.
Daughter: have fun
(anon): better idea
(anon): just
(anon): glue ur pussy shut.
(anon): ez
Koda: thanks
Koda: no no no.
Koda: my idea was better
Koda: ill take the bottom half
Daughter: it was
Koda: it will be used greatly
Koda: uh.
Koda: thanks.
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: rape my disembodied body daddy~
(anon): i say again
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: did i stutter
Daughter: cunt
Koda: i will~
Daughter: owo-
Koda: i will use your bottom half to fulfill my horny needs
Daughter: use me up kodaddy
Callmelili: Cursed
(anon): yea
Callmelili: I’m watching u
Daughter: im just kidding...
Koda: you feel amazing~
Koda: lmaoooooooo
(anon): jesus fuck
(anon): get a room.
Callmelili: Ki me
Leviathan1882: Bi?
Leviathan1882: Hi*
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no im not bi
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Leviathan1882: I ment hi,
(anon): no
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Koda: her bottom half is bi tho x-x
Koda: okay lemme stop lmao
Daughter: please do
(anon): so are we done fuckin or nah
Daughter: nope
Daughter: never
(anon): well in that case
(anon): smc?
Daughter: what
(anon): jk
(anon): never mind
Koda: no
Koda: im never done fucking
Daughter: ye
Daughter: welcome to fuck town
Koda: mmmmmmmmmnhmmmmmmmmm
Koda: i fuck 24/7
Koda: all day, all night
Koda: for free.
Koda: tons of cum.
(anon): how much to rent a high-caliber whore in fuck town?
(anon): asking for a friend
Daughter: 23 yen
(anon): alr bet
(anon): *gives daughter 23 yen* cmon
Daughter: im a low caliber, not for sale
Daughter: sorry
(anon): damn
(anon): is uh
Koda: how much for a pic of ur cock?
(anon): is lili available? asking for a friend
Daughter: no
(anon): 69 bucks fr cock
Callmelili: Hello?
Callmelili: Wtf
(anon): yo
Callmelili: What u want
(anon): are u available?
Koda: lili is 14.
(anon): ah
Callmelili: Yeah Ig
Koda: and likes 65 year olds.
(anon): oops
Callmelili: Wtf do y want
(anon): was gonna ask like
(anon): wanna fuck?
Callmelili: Logan?
(anon): yup
Daughter: anon i will break your coccyx
Koda: lets all just have a foursome.
Callmelili: Oh fuck where have u been hi
(anon): im down.
Callmelili: Logan what’s ur middle name
(anon): scooby dooby doo.
Koda: this is probably the same anon that begged daughter for pics
Callmelili: Not logqn
Daughter: it is
Koda: lol mhm
Callmelili: Lol
Koda: but i mean, who wouldn't beg ur sexy ass for pics?
Koda: alr lemme stop part 2
(anon): pedo ass
(anon): stfu
Koda: if im a pedo how old am i? lmao
Daughter: says the pedo
Koda: fr
(anon): fuckin...
(anon): 47.
Daughter: no
Koda: hahahahahaha :|
(anon): mk
(anon): pedo.
Koda: log in then pussy x-x
(anon): no.
Koda: thats what i thought
Daughter: sus
Koda: sussy sus susser
Daughter: amogus
Koda: stfu and make out with my toes
(anon): mogus
Daughter: oop-
Daughter: no
Koda: my thighs.
Daughter: no
(anon): yes
Daughter: no
Koda: my lips
(anon): hairy dyke.
(anon): smh
Daughter: make it your ass and i will
Koda: alright
Koda: make out with my ass
(anon): wut
(anon): da
(anon): fuk?
Daughter: i was kiddin
Koda: nope
Koda: bends over~ get to it.
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: im ready.
Koda: do it.
(anon): do it
(anon): do it
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: scared
Koda: u wont.
Daughter: yes im scared because im gay
Daughter: thank u
(anon): smh.
(anon): faggot ass
Koda: alr thats it
Koda: im going trans.
(anon): bruh
Daughter: owo
Koda: alr now do it.
(anon): do it
(anon): i got the camera
Daughter: im proud of you for having the courage to come out :) but no
Callmelili: lougan?
(anon): yea
Callmelili: What’s ur sisters name
Koda: nope
Koda: do it
Callmelili: Little
(anon): marissa
(anon): idk
Koda: probably fuckin
Koda: denice or something
Daughter: or candice
(anon): bruh
Koda: candice dick fit in your asshole?
Daughter: no it cant
Koda: lets try it.
Daughter: no
Koda: ok
Koda: bye
Daughter: bi
Koda: koda!#0042
(anon): she got a tight asshole.
(anon): hot.
Callmelili: Okay that’s not Logan
(anon): lemme see it?
Koda: nah i just have a big dick
Koda: ok bye
(anon): still tho.
(anon): lemme see
(anon): ?
(anon): 🤨
Daughter: shut the fuck up
(anon): ooh
(anon): fiesty
(anon): i like it.
(anon): get on my dick whore.
(anon): smc
Daughter: ill cut it off and wear it as an earring you fucking melon
(anon): wow.
(anon): i uh
(anon): got nothing to say.
(anon): thats just
(anon): wow
(anon): well ima go
(anon): cya <3
Daughter: get cancer you fuck
Daughter: ok that was kinda mean but seriously fuck u
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yello?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: well then, i guess not
Daughter: hilo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cheers love, the cavalry's 'ere
Daughter: lol
Daughter: sexx
Daughter: uwu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: xxx hentai sex
Daughter: yes
Daughter: uncensored
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: the best
Daughter: mhm
Daughter: i want hentai now
Daughter: gimme some
Daughter: thanks
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: np
Koda: im back.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ello
Koda: stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Daughter: tracer gave me tracer hentai
Daughter: owo
Koda: yall mfs not even gonna share?
Daughter: no
Daughter: ours
Koda: rude.
Daughter: hehe
Callmelili: Ohh
Daughter: owo-
Callmelili: Fuck
Daughter: monke daddy~
Koda: well damn
Koda: not winston x-x
Meatloaf: boy what the hell boy
Daughter: not winston, its harambe
Daughter: duh
Callmelili: LOL
Koda: yknow
Koda: when a gorilla is hard
Koda: its penis is only 1.5 inches.
Meatloaf: who measured
Daughter: lmao
Koda: scientists probably.
Meatloaf: maniacs thats who
Callmelili: My dad take hour long shits
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poor science team
Meatloaf: im not getting near a horny gorilla
Koda: tell him to shit in my mouth
Daughter: no in mine
Koda: NO
Koda: UR GAY
Daughter: oh right-
Daughter: srry
Koda: thats right, bitch.
Daughter: :'<
Daughter: true though
Daughter: im a bitch ass hoe
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is your mom
Daughter: :( i thought we were friends
Callmelili: NO
Daughter: um-
Koda: daughter
Generic: LMAOOOO
Koda: smells like peepee.
Callmelili: UFUCJ
Callmelili: Ruhsheuskdh
Callmelili: NO
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lili
Koda: that is
Callmelili: awhat
Koda: a lot of pussy.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: why?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: just why?
(anon): Okay I’m fead
Koda: lmao
Callmelili: Ul
Generic: Loganplayz104370: you want me hard dont you baby~*gives the biggest hickey
shes ever gotton*~
Koda: lmaooo
Callmelili: OKAY UR DONE
Generic: i cant wait to post some of these when charles comes bac
Generic: back*
Generic: Nekogonzales2002: *I turn the toy on and Cram it into Charles ass* Be a
good boy and take this for 5 minutes and madam Jose will let you get some Slurps,
and a special reward~
Charles_fenton: MNNFFH! *I claw at your thighs*
Koda: Nekogonzales2002: *I slobber onto your toes as I lick between each and every
one of them* G-God Puro... Charles would have a field day with this~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: damn
Koda: slobbering onto toes.
Koda: wtf.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: that's hot
Generic: EWWW
Meatloaf: fuck this site bruh

Daughter: no
Koda: yes
Koda: stop flipping your flaps
Daughter: i couldnt if i wanted to dude...
Daughter: im a cum addict
Daughter: like 4x a day
Chikimcnug: what the fuck nuggets is happeneing
Daughter: cum
(anon): coochie destroyer.
Daughter: mhm
Chikimcnug: You pry have a tic tac
Koda: hm
Koda: well
Koda: i have an idea
Koda: for u to stop masturbating.
Daughter: m?
Koda: cut your body off
Koda: belly button down
Koda: cut it off.
Daughter: oh good idea
Koda: and uh
Koda: you wont be needing the bottom half so
Koda: ill take it.
Daughter: have fun
(anon): better idea
(anon): just
(anon): glue ur pussy shut.
(anon): ez
Koda: thanks
Koda: no no no.
Koda: my idea was better
Koda: ill take the bottom half
Daughter: it was
Koda: it will be used greatly
Koda: uh.
Koda: thanks.
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: rape my disembodied body daddy~
(anon): i say again
(anon): yo wtf
Daughter: did i stutter
Daughter: cunt
Koda: i will~
Daughter: owo-
Koda: i will use your bottom half to fulfill my horny needs
Daughter: use me up kodaddy
Callmelili: Cursed
(anon): yea
Callmelili: I’m watching u
Daughter: im just kidding...
Koda: you feel amazing~
Koda: lmaoooooooo
(anon): jesus fuck
(anon): get a room.
Callmelili: Ki me
Leviathan1882: Bi?
Leviathan1882: Hi*
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no im not bi
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Leviathan1882: I ment hi,
(anon): no
Leviathan1882: Ok,
Koda: her bottom half is bi tho x-x
Koda: okay lemme stop lmao
Daughter: please do
(anon): so are we done fuckin or nah
Daughter: nope
Daughter: never
(anon): well in that case
(anon): smc?
Daughter: what
(anon): jk
(anon): never mind
Koda: no
Koda: im never done fucking
Daughter: ye
Daughter: welcome to fuck town
Koda: mmmmmmmmmnhmmmmmmmmm
Koda: i fuck 24/7
Koda: all day, all night
Koda: for free.
Koda: tons of cum.
(anon): how much to rent a high-caliber whore in fuck town?
(anon): asking for a friend
Daughter: 23 yen
(anon): alr bet
(anon): *gives daughter 23 yen* cmon
Daughter: im a low caliber, not for sale
Daughter: sorry
(anon): damn
(anon): is uh
Koda: how much for a pic of ur cock?
(anon): is lili available? asking for a friend
Daughter: no
(anon): 69 bucks fr cock
Callmelili: Hello?
Callmelili: Wtf
(anon): yo
Callmelili: What u want
(anon): are u available?
Koda: lili is 14.
(anon): ah
Callmelili: Yeah Ig
Koda: and likes 65 year olds.
(anon): oops
Callmelili: Wtf do y want
(anon): was gonna ask like
(anon): wanna fuck?
Callmelili: Logan?
(anon): yup
Daughter: anon i will break your coccyx
Koda: lets all just have a foursome.
Callmelili: Oh fuck where have u been hi
(anon): im down.
Callmelili: Logan what’s ur middle name
(anon): scooby dooby doo.
Koda: this is probably the same anon that begged daughter for pics
Callmelili: Not logqn
Daughter: it is
Koda: lol mhm
Callmelili: Lol
Koda: but i mean, who wouldn't beg ur sexy ass for pics?
Koda: alr lemme stop part 2
(anon): pedo ass
(anon): stfu
Koda: if im a pedo how old am i? lmao
Daughter: says the pedo
Koda: fr
(anon): fuckin...
(anon): 47.
Daughter: no
Koda: hahahahahaha :|
(anon): mk
(anon): pedo.
Koda: log in then pussy x-x
(anon): no.
Koda: thats what i thought
Daughter: sus
Koda: sussy sus susser
Daughter: amogus
Koda: stfu and make out with my toes
(anon): mogus
Daughter: oop-
Daughter: no
Koda: my thighs.
Daughter: no
(anon): yes
Daughter: no
Koda: my lips
(anon): hairy dyke.
(anon): smh
Daughter: make it your ass and i will
Koda: alright
Koda: make out with my ass
(anon): wut
(anon): da
(anon): fuk?
Daughter: i was kiddin
Koda: nope
Koda: bends over~ get to it.
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: im ready.
Koda: do it.
(anon): do it
(anon): do it
Daughter: no
(anon): do it
Koda: scared
Koda: u wont.
Daughter: yes im scared because im gay
Daughter: thank u
(anon): smh.
(anon): faggot ass
Koda: alr thats it
Koda: im going trans.
(anon): bruh
Daughter: owo
Koda: alr now do it.
(anon): do it
(anon): i got the camera
Daughter: im proud of you for having the courage to come out :) but no
Callmelili: lougan?
(anon): yea
Callmelili: What’s ur sisters name
Koda: nope
Koda: do it
Callmelili: Little
(anon): marissa
(anon): idk
Koda: probably fuckin
Koda: denice or something
Daughter: or candice
(anon): bruh
Koda: candice dick fit in your asshole?
Daughter: no it cant
Koda: lets try it.
Daughter: no
Koda: ok
Koda: bye
Daughter: bi
Koda: koda!#0042
(anon): she got a tight asshole.
(anon): hot.
Callmelili: Okay that’s not Logan
(anon): lemme see it?
Koda: nah i just have a big dick
Koda: ok bye
(anon): still tho.
(anon): lemme see
(anon): ?
(anon): 🤨
Daughter: shut the fuck up
(anon): ooh
(anon): fiesty
(anon): i like it.
(anon): get on my dick whore.
(anon): smc
Daughter: ill cut it off and wear it as an earring you fucking melon
(anon): wow.
(anon): i uh
(anon): got nothing to say.
(anon): thats just
(anon): wow
(anon): well ima go
(anon): cya <3
Daughter: get cancer you fuck
Daughter: ok that was kinda mean but seriously fuck u
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yello?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: well then, i guess not
Daughter: hilo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cheers love, the cavalry's 'ere
Daughter: lol
Daughter: sexx
Daughter: uwu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: xxx hentai sex
Daughter: yes
Daughter: uncensored
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: the best
Daughter: mhm
Daughter: i want hentai now
Daughter: gimme some
Daughter: thanks
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: np
Koda: im back.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ello
Koda: stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Daughter: tracer gave me tracer hentai
Daughter: owo
Koda: yall mfs not even gonna share?
Daughter: no
Daughter: ours
Koda: rude.
Daughter: hehe
Callmelili: Ohh
Daughter: owo-
Callmelili: Fuck
Daughter: monke daddy~
Koda: well damn
Koda: not winston x-x
Meatloaf: boy what the hell boy
Daughter: not winston, its harambe
Daughter: duh
Callmelili: LOL
Koda: yknow
Koda: when a gorilla is hard
Koda: its penis is only 1.5 inches.
Meatloaf: who measured
Daughter: lmao
Koda: scientists probably.
Meatloaf: maniacs thats who
Callmelili: My dad take hour long shits
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poor science team
Meatloaf: im not getting near a horny gorilla
Koda: tell him to shit in my mouth
Daughter: no in mine
Koda: NO
Koda: UR GAY
Daughter: oh right-
Daughter: srry
Koda: thats right, bitch.
Daughter: :'<
Daughter: true though
Daughter: im a bitch ass hoe
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is your mom
Daughter: :( i thought we were friends
Callmelili: NO
Daughter: um-
Koda: daughter
Generic: LMAOOOO
Koda: smells like peepee.
Callmelili: UFUCJ
Callmelili: Ruhsheuskdh
Callmelili: NO
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lili
Koda: that is
Callmelili: awhat
Koda: a lot of pussy.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: why?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: just why?
(anon): Okay I’m fead
Koda: lmao
Callmelili: Ul
Generic: Loganplayz104370: you want me hard dont you baby~*gives the biggest hickey
shes ever gotton*~
Koda: lmaooo
Callmelili: OKAY UR DONE
Generic: i cant wait to post some of these when charles comes bac
Generic: back*
Generic: Nekogonzales2002: *I turn the toy on and Cram it into Charles ass* Be a
good boy and take this for 5 minutes and madam Jose will let you get some Slurps,
and a special reward~
Charles_fenton: MNNFFH! *I claw at your thighs*
Koda: Nekogonzales2002: *I slobber onto your toes as I lick between each and every
one of them* G-God Puro... Charles would have a field day with this~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: damn
Koda: slobbering onto toes.
Koda: wtf.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: that's hot
Generic: EWWW
Meatloaf: fuck this site bruh
Koda: then leave
Daughter: i'm horny again
Koda: then fuck me.
Daughter: i wanna fuck lili
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wow, rejected
Callmelili: I love that
Koda: no
Koda: fuck me.
Koda: lili has stds
Callmelili: U do
Koda: nope just you.
Daughter: but i love her
Callmelili: Fuck u I don’t have stds
Koda: dont u have a gf :|
Meatloaf: someone fuck me, im a nice piece of meatloaf
Daughter: totally dont
Professionalsteak: lol
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yikes
Koda: :|
Daughter: no
Callmelili: Lol
Koda: mmmmhm.
Koda: i am.
Callmelili: Ur a fag
Daughter: i am
Daughter: im gay for lili
Koda: alr
Koda: lets have a threesome
Koda: ill bring ur bottom hal
Koda: half*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: kinky times
Callmelili: LOL
Callmelili: Mf
Paradox60: Ok bis dann
Koda: alr lili bend over
Daughter: no
Callmelili: w-why!
Professionalsteak: bis dann
Koda: do it :0
Callmelili: No!
Daughter: bend over for me honey not him
Koda: nah nah nah
Koda: bend over for me.
Callmelili: *bends over for D*
Koda: >:0
Koda: rude..
Daughter: thank u cutie
Koda: smh.
Daughter: *eats lilis ass*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: does this happen every day? because damn
Koda: AYO???
Daughter: owo
Koda: not even gonna share? ;(
Callmelili: Ah~
Callmelili: Come on koda~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: welp, i'll get the cum rag
Callmelili: What tf is happenjng
Daughter: we dont need a cum rag we just eat the cum
Koda: mmmmmmhm
Daughter: i bet lili has good cum
Generic: WUT
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok slow down
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: don't blow your gaskets kiddo.
Koda: no
Koda: doubt.
Koda: wait no i mean
Koda: no, doubt*
Callmelili: Owowoowowow
Daughter: no doubt~
Koda: NO-
Daughter: uwo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i'm calling the horny penitentiary to let them know they have
3 new prisoners.
Daughter: im already there
Shakezula: what the hell is going on here
Koda: im not :|
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wait, i don't need to call, i'm the warden
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: go directly to horny jail
Daughter: koda
Koda: what.
Daughter: go to jail :)
Hipeoplemc: bruh why do i get kicked out of every single game
Koda: no.
Koda: why?
Callmelili: Oop
Hipeoplemc: idk
Daughter: idk
Professionalsteak: fuck
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: idk
Koda: daughter
Hipeoplemc: ig ppl r retards
P1xel95: BORK
Daughter: m?
Professionalsteak: w
Callmelili: OMNY
Koda: wrap your legs around me and cuddle me xx
Koda: x-x*
Daughter: i mean, id do that for lili
Daughter: not u tho
Koda: bitch.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Koda: rude ass
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: rejected again
Callmelili: Lol
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Daughter: loli
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you a loli, miss?
Daughter: no im a big boy
Daughter: :<
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: um, actually, serious question
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: how old are you people?
Daughter: 69 and three quarters
Koda: 70
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i don't know what i expected
Generic: 87 years 10 months 3 days 8 hours and 58 minutes
Daughter: expect nothing
Daughter: were the retards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Daughter: hilo
Blue_jollyrancher: hey
Daughter: sorry about yesterday morning
Koda: sorry for fucking your cat
Daughter: or yesterday night
Blue_jollyrancher: its okay d'
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i had a cat
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: it died.
Daughter: well thats sad
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is my life
Koda: last friday night.
Daughter: i feel u
Daughter: pieday*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: creampie day
Daughter: owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: uwu
Koda: welp
Koda: ima go
Koda: actually
Koda: ima lurk
Koda: whisper if u need me
Daughter: im gonna cum
Daughter: brb
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poggers
Koda: send me some pls
Koda: ok bye
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: tell me how it goes daughter
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: for uh, research and stuff
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: and now i sound like a pedophile ✔
Koda: chat died faster than the babies i just came out.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
(anon): e

I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Daughter: loli
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you a loli, miss?
Daughter: no im a big boy
Daughter: :<
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: um, actually, serious question
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: how old are you people?
Daughter: 69 and three quarters
Koda: 70
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i don't know what i expected
Generic: 87 years 10 months 3 days 8 hours and 58 minutes
Daughter: expect nothing
Daughter: were the retards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Daughter: hilo
Blue_jollyrancher: hey
Daughter: sorry about yesterday morning
Koda: sorry for fucking your cat
Daughter: or yesterday night
Blue_jollyrancher: its okay d'
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i had a cat
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: it died.
Daughter: well thats sad
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is my life
Koda: last friday night.
Daughter: i feel u
Daughter: pieday*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: creampie day
Daughter: owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: uwu
Koda: welp
Koda: ima go
Koda: actually
Koda: ima lurk
Koda: whisper if u need me
Daughter: im gonna cum
Daughter: brb
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poggers
Koda: send me some pls
Koda: ok bye
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: tell me how it goes daughter
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: for uh, research and stuff
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: and now i sound like a pedophile ✔
Koda: chat died faster than the babies i just came out.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
(anon): e
Koda: whole lot of nut.
Blue_jollyrancher: kill me
Dersexleo: Hallo
Koda: no thanks.
Dersexleo: okay
Daughter: bac
Callmelili: Hii
Daughter: eee
(anon): ee
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): yall r boring
(anon): quiet ass mfs.
(anon): *loud fart* speak up a lil.
Daughter: *louder fart* no
(anon): fuck
(anon): ive been outfarted.
(anon): by a dyke.
Daughter: mhm
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): a hairy ass one too.
(anon): smh
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: i shaved
(anon): dam
(anon): it looked nice.
Callmelili: SHUT UP PEDO
(anon): no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: pedo
Callmelili: Pedo
(anon): degenerate.
(anon): whore.
(anon): stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
(anon): mk
Koda: the anon is meatloaf btw x-x
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Callmelili: Gae
Daughter: im gayer than a rainbow
Callmelili: Spam
Koda: i wanna throw up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: spum
Callmelili: OOL
Callmelili: Cum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cum
Daughter: cum
Callmelili: Rum
Daughter: bum
Daughter: owo
Daughter: i wanna see lilis bum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: whoa there cowgirl
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: uwu
Daughter: im stupid
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so i'd guessed
Daughter: shut up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
Daughter: im already tracer
Callmelili: Owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: if you're tracer, well,
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: come here
Daughter: no
Callmelili: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: please?
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Callmelili: *she grabs d*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 😔
Callmelili: *she kisses her and puts her hand on her throat*
Callmelili: Mine~
Daughter: mmm~ mommy
Callmelili: Shh baby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you guys need serious therapy
Callmelili: Shut up
Daughter: says the weir dude
Callmelili: LOL
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: fair enough
Callmelili: *she holds her hand*
Daughter: uwu
Callmelili: You’re fine
Daughter: no you're fine~
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: really fine~
Callmelili: Let’s take this somewhere else~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yeesh
Ells: huh
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: horny children are fucking
Callmelili: Shut up cunt
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Ells: wth
Organizationsoup: 🍆🍆
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 🤨
Callmelili: I’m glad this isn’t in lobby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so am i.
Callmelili: It’s hardcore
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): sussy baka
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 'mogus
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): bruh nigga horny facility
Callmelili: Owowwowow
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: owo
Callmelili: Zbrbrb
(anon): Anybody here??
Mxangel: Guess not :P
Koda: im here
Koda: im horny.
Callmelili: .
Koda: oh-
Callmelili: HI
Generic: and i am now fkn scarred
Callmelili: What
Callmelili: What happend
Generic: i just witnessed one of my alpacas being eaten alive
Generic: mf had his intestines and shit ripped out of him and was still moving his
neck looking around

57,561 337/600 Games.

IAmNigro Snaayk
Koda: koda!#0042
(anon): she got a tight asshole.
(anon): hot.
Callmelili: Okay that’s not Logan
(anon): lemme see it?
Koda: nah i just have a big dick
Koda: ok bye
(anon): still tho.
(anon): lemme see
(anon): ?
(anon): 🤨
Daughter: shut the fuck up
(anon): ooh
(anon): fiesty
(anon): i like it.
(anon): get on my dick whore.
(anon): smc
Daughter: ill cut it off and wear it as an earring you fucking melon
(anon): wow.
(anon): i uh
(anon): got nothing to say.
(anon): thats just
(anon): wow
(anon): well ima go
(anon): cya <3
Daughter: get cancer you fuck
Daughter: ok that was kinda mean but seriously fuck u
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yello?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: well then, i guess not
Daughter: hilo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cheers love, the cavalry's 'ere
Daughter: lol
Daughter: sexx
Daughter: uwu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: xxx hentai sex
Daughter: yes
Daughter: uncensored
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: the best
Daughter: mhm
Daughter: i want hentai now
Daughter: gimme some
Daughter: thanks
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: np
Koda: im back.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ello
Koda: stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Daughter: tracer gave me tracer hentai
Daughter: owo
Koda: yall mfs not even gonna share?
Daughter: no
Daughter: ours
Koda: rude.
Daughter: hehe
Callmelili: Ohh
Daughter: owo-
Callmelili: Fuck
Daughter: monke daddy~
Koda: well damn
Koda: not winston x-x
Meatloaf: boy what the hell boy
Daughter: not winston, its harambe
Daughter: duh
Callmelili: LOL
Koda: yknow
Koda: when a gorilla is hard
Koda: its penis is only 1.5 inches.
Meatloaf: who measured
Daughter: lmao
Koda: scientists probably.
Meatloaf: maniacs thats who
Callmelili: My dad take hour long shits
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poor science team
Meatloaf: im not getting near a horny gorilla
Koda: tell him to shit in my mouth
Daughter: no in mine
Koda: NO
Koda: UR GAY
Daughter: oh right-
Daughter: srry
Koda: thats right, bitch.
Daughter: :'<
Daughter: true though
Daughter: im a bitch ass hoe
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is your mom
Daughter: :( i thought we were friends
Callmelili: NO
Daughter: um-
Koda: daughter
Generic: LMAOOOO
Koda: smells like peepee.
Callmelili: UFUCJ
Callmelili: Ruhsheuskdh
Callmelili: NO
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lili
Koda: that is
Callmelili: awhat
Koda: a lot of pussy.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: why?
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: just why?
(anon): Okay I’m fead
Koda: lmao
Callmelili: Ul
Generic: Loganplayz104370: you want me hard dont you baby~*gives the biggest hickey
shes ever gotton*~
Koda: lmaooo
Callmelili: OKAY UR DONE
Generic: i cant wait to post some of these when charles comes bac
Generic: back*
Generic: Nekogonzales2002: *I turn the toy on and Cram it into Charles ass* Be a
good boy and take this for 5 minutes and madam Jose will let you get some Slurps,
and a special reward~
Charles_fenton: MNNFFH! *I claw at your thighs*
Koda: Nekogonzales2002: *I slobber onto your toes as I lick between each and every
one of them* G-God Puro... Charles would have a field day with this~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: damn
Koda: slobbering onto toes.
Koda: wtf.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: that's hot
Generic: EWWW
Meatloaf: fuck this site bruh
Koda: then leave
Daughter: i'm horny again
Koda: then fuck me.
Daughter: i wanna fuck lili
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wow, rejected
Callmelili: I love that
Koda: no
Koda: fuck me.
Koda: lili has stds
Callmelili: U do
Koda: nope just you.
Daughter: but i love her
Callmelili: Fuck u I don’t have stds
Koda: dont u have a gf :|
Meatloaf: someone fuck me, im a nice piece of meatloaf
Daughter: totally dont
Professionalsteak: lol
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yikes
Koda: :|
Daughter: no
Callmelili: Lol
Koda: mmmmhm.
Koda: i am.
Callmelili: Ur a fag
Daughter: i am
Daughter: im gay for lili
Koda: alr
Koda: lets have a threesome
Koda: ill bring ur bottom hal
Koda: half*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: kinky times
Callmelili: LOL
Callmelili: Mf
Paradox60: Ok bis dann
Koda: alr lili bend over
Daughter: no
Callmelili: w-why!
Professionalsteak: bis dann
Koda: do it :0
Callmelili: No!
Daughter: bend over for me honey not him
Koda: nah nah nah
Koda: bend over for me.
Callmelili: *bends over for D*
Koda: >:0
Koda: rude..
Daughter: thank u cutie
Koda: smh.
Daughter: *eats lilis ass*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: does this happen every day? because damn
Koda: AYO???
Daughter: owo
Koda: not even gonna share? ;(
Callmelili: Ah~
Callmelili: Come on koda~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: welp, i'll get the cum rag
Callmelili: What tf is happenjng
Daughter: we dont need a cum rag we just eat the cum
Koda: mmmmmmhm
Daughter: i bet lili has good cum
Generic: WUT
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok slow down
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: don't blow your gaskets kiddo.
Koda: no
Koda: doubt.
Koda: wait no i mean
Koda: no, doubt*
Callmelili: Owowoowowow
Daughter: no doubt~
Koda: NO-
Daughter: uwo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i'm calling the horny penitentiary to let them know they have
3 new prisoners.
Daughter: im already there
Shakezula: what the hell is going on here
Koda: im not :|
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: wait, i don't need to call, i'm the warden
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: go directly to horny jail
Daughter: koda
Koda: what.
Daughter: go to jail :)
Hipeoplemc: bruh why do i get kicked out of every single game
Koda: no.
Koda: why?
Callmelili: Oop
Hipeoplemc: idk
Daughter: idk
Professionalsteak: fuck
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: idk
Koda: daughter
Hipeoplemc: ig ppl r retards
P1xel95: BORK
Daughter: m?
Professionalsteak: w
Callmelili: OMNY
Koda: wrap your legs around me and cuddle me xx
Koda: x-x*
Daughter: i mean, id do that for lili
Daughter: not u tho
Koda: bitch.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Koda: rude ass
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: rejected again
Callmelili: Lol
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
Daughter: loli
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yes
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you a loli, miss?
Daughter: no im a big boy
Daughter: :<
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: um, actually, serious question
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: how old are you people?
Daughter: 69 and three quarters
Koda: 70
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i don't know what i expected
Generic: 87 years 10 months 3 days 8 hours and 58 minutes
Daughter: expect nothing
Daughter: were the retards
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Daughter: hilo
Blue_jollyrancher: hey
Daughter: sorry about yesterday morning
Koda: sorry for fucking your cat
Daughter: or yesterday night
Blue_jollyrancher: its okay d'
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: i had a cat
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: it died.
Daughter: well thats sad
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so is my life
Koda: last friday night.
Daughter: i feel u
Daughter: pieday*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: creampie day
Daughter: owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: uwu
Koda: welp
Koda: ima go
Koda: actually
Koda: ima lurk
Koda: whisper if u need me
Daughter: im gonna cum
Daughter: brb
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: poggers
Koda: send me some pls
Koda: ok bye
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: tell me how it goes daughter
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: for uh, research and stuff
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: and now i sound like a pedophile ✔
Koda: chat died faster than the babies i just came out.
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: nice
(anon): e
Koda: whole lot of nut.
Blue_jollyrancher: kill me
Dersexleo: Hallo
Koda: no thanks.
Dersexleo: okay
Daughter: bac
Callmelili: Hii
Daughter: eee
(anon): ee
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): yall r boring
(anon): quiet ass mfs.
(anon): *loud fart* speak up a lil.
Daughter: *louder fart* no
(anon): fuck
(anon): ive been outfarted.
(anon): by a dyke.
Daughter: mhm
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): a hairy ass one too.
(anon): smh
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: i shaved
(anon): dam
(anon): it looked nice.
Callmelili: SHUT UP PEDO
(anon): no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: pedo
Callmelili: Pedo
(anon): degenerate.
(anon): whore.
(anon): stfu
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
(anon): mk
Koda: the anon is meatloaf btw x-x
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Callmelili: Gae
Daughter: im gayer than a rainbow
Callmelili: Spam
Koda: i wanna throw up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: spum
Callmelili: OOL
Callmelili: Cum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: cum
Daughter: cum
Callmelili: Rum
Daughter: bum
Daughter: owo
Daughter: i wanna see lilis bum
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: whoa there cowgirl
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: uwu
Daughter: im stupid
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so i'd guessed
Daughter: shut up
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: no
Daughter: im already tracer
Callmelili: Owo
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: if you're tracer, well,
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: come here
Daughter: no
Callmelili: No
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: please?
Callmelili: No
Daughter: no
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: ok
Callmelili: *she grabs d*
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 😔
Callmelili: *she kisses her and puts her hand on her throat*
Callmelili: Mine~
Daughter: mmm~ mommy
Callmelili: Shh baby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: you guys need serious therapy
Callmelili: Shut up
Daughter: says the weir dude
Callmelili: LOL
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: fair enough
Callmelili: *she holds her hand*
Daughter: uwu
Callmelili: You’re fine
Daughter: no you're fine~
Callmelili: Owo
Daughter: really fine~
Callmelili: Let’s take this somewhere else~
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: yeesh
Ells: huh
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: horny children are fucking
Callmelili: Shut up cunt
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: lol
Ells: wth
Organizationsoup: 🍆🍆
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 🤨
Callmelili: I’m glad this isn’t in lobby
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: so am i.
Callmelili: It’s hardcore
(anon): e
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): sussy baka
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: 'mogus
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: e
(anon): bruh nigga horny facility
Callmelili: Owowwowow
I_wanna_fuck_tracer: owo
Callmelili: Zbrbrb
(anon): Anybody here??
Mxangel: Guess not :P
Koda: im here
Koda: im horny.
Callmelili: .
Koda: oh-
Callmelili: HI
Generic: and i am now fkn scarred
Callmelili: What
Callmelili: What happend
Generic: i just witnessed one of my alpacas being eaten alive
Generic: mf had his intestines and shit ripped out of him and was still moving his
neck looking around
Blue_jollyrancher: Big sister?
Rinalin: Mhm
Koda: ....
Koda: OK BYE
Rinalin: Sister blue
Blue_jollyrancher: Rin your older than me
Fluffyfurryboi: am I welcome here?
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah
Rinalin: That’s a bad guy bluey
Rinalin: be careful
Rinalin: I heard he touches young girls
Rinalin: amd boys
Rinalin: 👀
Rinalin: Not anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: Okay you mute them then
Rinalin: blue Is older
Rinalin: just prove me wrong?
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm 16
Fluffyfurryboi: 15
Rinalin: Play pretend
Rinalin: Rin doesn’t wanna be responsible anymore
Blue_jollyrancher: *I open my arms* come here
Fluffyfurryboi: who?
Rinalin: *I curl into blues chest*
Rinalin: thank you blues
Fluffyfurryboi: ok that was obvious I should have known
Blue_jollyrancher: *I hug rin close* it's fine
Rinalin: thank you bluey.
I’m sleepy
Rinalin: *yawns*
Blue_jollyrancher: Go to bed rin lay down and dream of warm cuddles
Rinalin: Okieeee
Rinalin: also
Fluffyfurryboi: oh damn did it again
Fluffyfurryboi: welp
Fluffyfurryboi: shit
Rinalin: The furry is jealous of the attention I’m getting from you.
*kisses blues cheek*
You should pay attention to him. He’s being weird. And pouty in pms
Blue_jollyrancher: I gave my consent to that
Rinalin: yes
Rinalin: she consented to my kiss
Rinalin: rin doesn’t force affections
Scov: a lot of things have happened during my absence i see
Rinalin: Mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: I mean I like cheek kisses from everyone
Rinalin: ah
Rinalin: rin isn’t hae
Rinalin: Gae
Rinalin: sorry
Rinalin: Sco
Rinalin: scov
Rinalin: anywho
Rinalin: nuhnught sister blue
Blue_jollyrancher: And fluffers and rin are gone sad
Scov: shame
Blue_jollyrancher: Is anybody here?
Scov: FUCK!
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello
Scov: hello
Blue_jollyrancher: Well it's 1 am nice
Scov: 11 pm for me
Blue_jollyrancher: Nice
Void_the_proto: hm
Mxangel: :P
Void_the_proto: hi
Mxangel: Hey
Void_the_proto: hru?
Mxangel: Alright, I think
Void_the_proto: thats good

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