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Chairperson Report

It was good to see the Centre get back to a new normal this year, though
there were some financial challenges along the way that we managed to
overcome as we were fortunate enough to secure funding to assist with
not only our revenue costs but also to help run our own centre groups

It was good to see regular groups back such as Art, Digital Photography,
Music Rehearsal, Women’s Group and Language class for
children/young people to name but a few.

It was also good to see new groups make the centre their meeting place
such as The Merge Welfare Group who are supported by Govanhill
Housing Association and hopefully this is a way for the centre to work
with the Housing Association over the new financial year and also
Zainab Ali’s P.T class who has made the centre her home to provide
Keep Fit Sessions for women.

Our Art Group and Digital Photography Group did a joint project about
Getting Life Back After Covid. It was the highlight of their year’s work
which was displayed in the centre. We currently have the photographs
and artwork created by the two groups still on display at the centre and
we have had many comments about them. People have told us it is great
to see their work on display as it brightens the centre and gives it a
friendly feel. So I’d like to thank the two groups for participating in the
Project and well done to them all.

It was also good to have our Christmas Lights Switch-on Event this year
as in previous years’ we couldn’t have the local community along for the
switch-on. The event went really well and many thanks to Hollybrook
Academy School Choir for coming along and entertaining us all at the
event it was amazing!
Chairperson Report Continued
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the following :

Glasgow City Council’s New Communities Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland

The Robertson Trust and also

The Weir Trust

Thank you all for supporting us over the last year as without your
financial support we would have had to close the doors on the centre
which has served the local community for just over 30years.

Thank you to the COOP Crown Street for supporting our events with
goodies for the community to share with us.

I’d also like to thank fellow Board Members for taking the time to oversee
the running of the centre as without your input there would be no centre.


John Peebles
Chairperson of the Larkfield Community Centre
Group News

Art Group
The art group came back after the
lockdown with no fire in their bellies to
paint. After a discussion with the group we
managed to secure funding for them to
bring in a Tutor to reignite their passion for Art.

The Tutor worked with the group over the year for 24 weeks leaving
them with work to do in-between sessions which resulted in them doing
some partnership working with the Digital Photography Group and an
exhibition was held the end of March 2023.

Digital Photography Group

We were fortunate enough to secure funding for the
group which enabled us to bring in at Tutor to share skills with the group
and encourage them to learn more about photography. The funding
meant that they could also exhibit the skills they learned and also
engage with the Art Group by providing a photograph for them to paint to
be part of an Exhibition which would take place end of March 2023.

Art & Digital Photography Exhibition

Art & Digital Photography Exhibition
Art & Digital Photography Exhibition
Art & Digital Photography Exhibition
Art & Digital Photography Exhibition
A huge thank-you to the National Lottery Community Fund Scotland as
without your support we would not have been able achieve what we
have done over the last year with the Art & Digital Photography groups.

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