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Rizal exile In Dapitam
Jose Rizal's arrival in Manila on June 26, 1892 had
become very sensational among the filipinos. His
popularity feared the spaniards, and such paid
carefully attention to his every move- all houses
where he had been were searched and the filipinos

seen in his company were suspected.

As he had planned, on July 3, 1892 he founded

the La Liga Filipina in the house of Doroteo
Ongjunco in Tondo Manila.
Apat na Kasong isinampa kay
for publishing anti-catholic and anti friar books and articles'

for having in possession, a bundle of handbills, the Pobres frailes, in which

advocates were in violatiion of spanish orders;

fordedicatiing his novel; El Filibusterismo to the three 'traitors' (GOmez, Burgos and Zamora)
and for ephasizing on the novels title page that the only salvation for the philippines was
separation from mother country (reffering to spain); and

for simply criticizing the relion and aiming for its exclussion from the filipino culture
topic 1 topic 3
July 17,1892 - Rizal, he could live in the priest's
quarters only if;
together with his guard he publicly retracted his
Captain Ricardo Masonic and antichurch beliefs
Carnicero, arrived in he regularly participate in
church rites
Dapitan he conduct himself as a good
Spanish subject and a man of
topic 2 topic 4
Rizal was given the choice Rizal made him a bust
to live in the house of the and composed a poem in
parish priest, Fr. Antonio his honor A Don Ricardo
Obach at Carnicero's Carnicero on his birthday
house on August 26, 1892
Topic 3

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

Don Recardo Fr. Antonio Obach Dorotheo Ongjunco
Dapitan, chartered city and port, western Mindanao,
Philippines, situated on Dapitan Bay of the Sulu Sea. One of
the principal cities located on the Zamboanga Peninsula, it
lies 8 miles (12 km) northwest of Dipolog, the largest
settlement of the region.

José Rizal, the Filipino patriot whose writings inspired the

nationalist movement, was exiled there from 1892 to 1896.

The dwelling in which he stayed survives. Dapitan’s main

economic activities are fishing (round scad, sardines,
bonito, and anchovy) and agriculture. Copra is the most
important commercial agricultural product. The area’s
picturesque location and lush vegetation have been
promoted by city planners in an effort to make Dapitan a
centre for ecotourism. Inc. city, 1963. Pop. (2000) 68,168;
(2010) 77,441.
Reporting in Rizal
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