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REG/NO: 20/02802

Internet games have become very popular. Designing a good computer game
needs to use 3D graphics and artificial intelligence technologies. Search the
literature to specify what AI techniques are able to make computer
entertainment more exciting and challenging.

1. Pathfinding and Navigation: Pathfinding algorithms, such as A* (A-star), help

game characters navigate complex environments efficiently. These algorithms
calculate the best path from one point to another, considering obstacles and
optimizing for factors like distance or time.

2. Behavior Trees: Behavior trees are hierarchical structures used to model and
control the behavior of non-player characters (NPCs) in games. They provide a visual
representation of decision-making processes, allowing designers to create complex
and dynamic AI behaviors.

3. Finite State Machines: Finite state machines (FSMs) are widely used to model AI
behavior in games. They define a set of states and transitions between them based on
specific conditions. FSMs are useful for creating AI agents with different behaviors,
such as patrolling, attacking, or fleeing.

4. Neural Networks: Neural networks can be employed to improve the realism and
responsiveness of game characters. For example, they can be trained to recognize
patterns in player behavior, predict player actions, or generate realistic animations.

5. Genetic Algorithms: Genetic algorithms can optimize game parameters or AI

behaviors by simulating the principles of natural selection and evolution. They
iteratively generate and evolve a population of solutions to find the best ones for a
specific task or challenge.

6. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms allow AI

agents to learn and adapt their behaviors based on rewards and punishments. RL can
be used to create opponents with adaptive strategies that respond to the player's
actions, making the game more challenging and engaging.

7. Procedural Content Generation: Procedural content generation (PCG)

techniques use algorithms to generate game content dynamically, such as levels,

terrain, or quests. By utilizing AI, games can offer vast and diverse environments,
ensuring each play through feels unique and exciting.

8. Player Modeling: AI can analyze player behavior and adapt the game experience
accordingly. By modeling player preferences, AI can personalize challenges,
difficulty levels, or content to provide a more engaging and tailored experience.

Find applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Identify an
organization with which at least one member of your group has a good contact
who has a decision-making problem that requires some expertise (but is not too
complicated). Understand the nature of its business and identify problems that
have been supported or can potentially be supported by intelligent systems.
Some examples include selection of suppliers, selection of new employee, job
assignments computer selection, market-contact method selection, and
determining admission to graduate school.

Nature of Business: Abyss a large-scale manufacturing company

that produces various industrial machinery and equipment.

Potential Problems Supported by Intelligent Systems:

1. Quality Control: An intelligent system can be developed to analyze sensor data

and perform real-time quality control checks during the manufacturing process. It can
detect defects or anomalies in the products, reducing the need for manual inspections
and improving overall quality.

2. Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing sensor data from machinery and

equipment, an intelligent system can predict maintenance requirements and detect
potential failures in advance. This allows for proactive maintenance planning,
minimizing downtime and optimizing production efficiency.

3. Supply Chain Optimization: An intelligent system can analyze historical data,

market trends, and supplier performance to optimize the selection and management of
suppliers. It can help identify the most reliable and cost-effective suppliers, ensuring
a smooth supply chain and minimizing disruptions.

4. Inventory Management: AI techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, can

be used to predict demand patterns and optimize inventory levels. An intelligent

system can analyze historical sales data, market trends, and external factors to make
accurate inventory forecasts and reduce inventory holding costs.

5. Production Planning and Scheduling: Intelligent systems can optimize

production planning and scheduling by considering factors such as machine
capacities, labor availability, and order priorities. They can dynamically adjust
schedules based on changing requirements, minimizing bottlenecks and maximizing

6. Fault Diagnosis: An expert system can be developed to assist in diagnosing faults

or malfunctions in machinery or equipment. By analyzing symptoms and historical
data, the system can provide recommendations for troubleshooting and repairs,
reducing downtime and improving maintenance efficiency.

Consider the decision-making situation defined by the following rules:
1. If it is a nice day and it is summer, then I go to the golf course.
2. If it is a nice day and it is winter, then I go to the ski resort.
3. If it is not a nice day and it is summer, then I go to work.
4. If it is not a nice day and it is winter, then I go to class.
5. If I go to the golf course, then I play golf.
6. If I go to the ski resort, then I go skiing.
7. If I go skiing or I play golf, then I have fun.
8. If I go to work, then I make money.
9. If I go to class, then I learn something.

a. Follow the rules for the following situations (what do you

conclude foreach one?):
1. It is a nice day and it is summer.
According to rule 1, if it is a nice day and it is summer, then I go to the
golf course.
Following rule 5, if I go to the golf course, then I play golf.

Following rule 7, if I play golf, then I have fun.
Conclusion: If it is a nice day and it is summer, then I have fun playing golf.
2. It is not a nice day and it is winter.
According to rule 4, if it is not a nice day and it is winter, then I go to
Following rule 9, if I go to class, then I learn something.
Conclusion: If it is not a nice day and it is winter, then I learn something in class.
3. It is a nice day and it is winter.
There is no rule that matches this situation.
Conclusion: No conclusion can be drawn for this situation based on the given rules.
4. It is not a nice day and it is summer.
According to rule 3, if it is not a nice day and it is summer, then I go to
 Following rule 8, if I go to work, then I make money.
Conclusion: If it is not a nice day and it is summer, then I make money by going to
b. Are there any other combinations that are valid? Explain.
Other combinations that are valid include:
 If it is a nice day and it is summer, I go to the golf course and play golf.
 If it is not a nice day and it is winter, I go to class and learn something.
 If it is a nice day and it is summer, I go to the golf course and have fun.
 If it is not a nice day and it is winter, I go to class and have fun (assuming
learning is considered fun).
c. What needs to happen for you to “learn something” in this
knowledgeuniverse? Start with the conclusion “learn something” and
identify the rules used (backward) to get to the needed facts.
Rule 9: If I go to class, then I learn something.
Therefore, for the conclusion "learn something" to be true, the condition "I go to
class" needs to be satisfied.

d. Encode the knowledge into a graphical diagram (like an
influence diagram). Use a circle to represent a fact such as: The day is
nice orThe day is not nice and an arrow to indicate influence.
(Nice Day) (Summer)
| |
v v
[Go to Golf Course] [Go to Ski Resort]
| |
v v
[Play Golf] [Go Skiing]
| |
v v
[Have Fun] [Have Fun]
| |
v v
[Learn Something] [Make Money]
e. Write a L.C. (or other third-generation language) program to
executethis knowledge. Use IF- THEN (ELSE) statements in your
implementation. How many lines long is it? How hard would it be to
modify the program to insert new facts and a rule such as:
1. If it is cloudy and it is warm

and it is not raining

and it is summer
nice_day = True
summer = True
if nice_day and summer:
print("I go to the golf course.")
print("I play golf.")
print("I have fun.")
elif nice_day and not summer:

print("I go to the ski resort.")
print("I go skiing.")
print("I have fun.")
elif not nice_day and summer:
print("I go to work.")
print("I make money.")
print("I go to class.")
print("I learn something.")

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