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ĐỀ 1

I. Pronunciation: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
Câu 1:
A. singer B. scientist C. fisherman D. instructor
Câu 2:
A. creative B. famous C. interesting D. flexible
Câu 3:
A. charity B, safari C. money D. people
Câu 4:
A. information B. vacation C. celebration D. education
Câu 5:
A. volunteer B. organize C. study D. tutor
II. Vocabulary:
Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Câu 6: I won't be able to make a video call to my boyfriend in Canada if ___
A he slept B. it is very cloudy C. the internet is down D. I didn't surf the internet
Câu 7: We attract ___ designers who want to get involved in creating beautiful clothes and costumes.
A. inflexible
B. creative
C. fixed
D. unorganized
Câu 8: When you are in rural or mountainous areas ___ to keep insects away.
A. bring bug repellent B. take your sunglasses C. wear sunscreen D. wear your head phones
Câu 9: If we ___ we would run after him and take him to the police.
A. noticed a man cutting in line B. saw a man littering C caught a man stealing purse D. found a
wallet on the street
Câu 10: When Kim was a little girl,she used to ___ with herfriends.
A. have only three TV channels B. play hide-and-seek C. played video games D. went to a video
game arcade
Câu 11:Brian has worked ___ at Lotteriasince he was a freshman at university.
A. part-time
B. organized
C. late
D. for a long time
Câu 12: My friend has ___ with a community group to teach math for poor children.
A. studied B. volunteered C. tutored D. raised
Câu 13:Don't be lazy. Unless you are ___ you will fail the exam.
A. good with people. B.flexible C. creative D. hard working
Câu 14: Theyhave never ___ a roller coaster before.
A, driven B. ridden C. written D. hidden
Câu 15:After my sister went parasailing ___ she because she forgot to use sunscreen.
A. got vitamin B. got a sunburn C. wore sunglasses D. got glowing skin
Câu 16:This watch is so ___ I don't have enough money to buy it.
A. inexpensive B. cheap C. expensive D. flexible
Câu 17: I couldn't ___ because I was scared of heights.
A go scuba diving B. go ice fishing C. go ziplining D. go whitewater rafting
Câu 18: Hurry up! You don't want to ___ in the rush hour, do you?
A be stuck in traffic B. be late C. be lost D. be upset
Câu 19: We feltangry and annoyed when we ___ for buying coffee at a crowded shop.
A. noticed someone cutting in line B. saw someonesleeping C. heard a secret about someone D.
dropped the cellphone
Câu 20: Julie . As a result, she failed most of her courses.
A. finished her assignment on time B. finished her work late at night C. missed her friends and
teachers very much D. missed too many classes

III. Grammar & Language Use:

Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence
Câu 21:Did your father use to watch cartoons when hewasyour age?
A. He didn't use to have a smartphone B. Cartoons used to be on TV. C.No, he used to rent CDs.
D. No, he used to watch action movies.
Câu 22:What are your plans for this summer vacation?
A. I've traveled to Da Nang. B. I am going to visit my uncle. C. I have a wonderfulvacation.
D. I stayed at home.
Câu 23:How would you feel if you lost your smartphone?
A. I would forgive her. B I would be upset. C. I would be proud. D. I would be happy.
Câu 24: Has your brother finished writing hisnovel yet?
A. No, he has already finished it. B. He doesn't finish it. C. Yes, he has finished it already.
D. His novel is about a romantic love story.
Câu 25:You may not meet interesting people ___
A. if you study hard B. unless you go to the party C. if you took the bar D. unlessyou stay at
home and watch movies
Câu 26: What would you do if you a secret about someone?
A. heart B hear C. heard D. would hear
Câu 27:Tim ___ with his girlfriendlast night.
A. had dinner B. see a movie C. eat dinner D. wrote a letter
Câu 28: Emma ___ a solo in front of many people.
A. never has sung B. has sung never C. have never sung D. has never sung
Câu 29: Hewould take the bus ___ the train.
A, if he missed B. when hecatches C. if he miss D. when hecaught
Câu 30:We ___ K im for 10 years.
A. haven't met B. hasn't seen C. didn't see D. didn't meet
Câu 31:Mike often ___ the bus to work, but today he ___to his office.
A. takes/walks. B. takes/is walking C. is taking/is walking D. is talking/walks

Câu 32: Marry usually ___ to work by car.

A. walks B. is going C. goes many years. D. is travelling
Câu 33:He has organized wedding events ___
A. for B. since C. upon D. when
Câu 34: I like ___ tennis because it's a fun sport.
A. play B. do C. doing D. playing

Câu 35: The chairsand tables ___

A. haven't cleaned B. have been cleaned C. haven't been cleaned
D. hasn't cleaned
Câu 36: If I found a wallet on the street, I ___
it to its owner.
A. wouldn'ttell B. wouldreturn C. would be returning D. wouldn't turn up
Câu 37: We ___ go camping in the forest if the weather is awful.
A. couldn't B. could C. probably D. must
Câu 38:Darren ___ to Hochiminh City in 2010.
A. moved B. has been moved C. has moved D. was moved
Câu 39: ___ Peter finisheshis assignment this afternoon, he will go to a movie tonight.
A. Could B. May C. If D. Might
Câu 40:She has volunteered with a community group ____ she finished her study at university.
A. for B. if C. since D. because
IV. Reading: A. Fill in the blank with suitable word or phrase given Favela Tours
Around the world, Rio de Janeiro is famous for its (41) ___beaches and Carnival celebration. But the city
is also known for its poor areas, known as favelas. (42) ____ years, many favelas have had high poverty
and crime rates. However, things are starting to change. If you visit Rio, should you visit a favela? Favela
tours may be popular, but not everyone agrees they are a good idea. At its best, a favela tour allows
visitors to see a favela up close. Some tours also provide jobs for residents such as guides, (43)___ and
artists. The local people (44) ____ money, which can then be used to help develop the favela. While some
favelas receive money from tours, sometimes little is actually given back to the neighborhood. In
addition, some people feel that favelas are much like zoos, with visitors in buses kept separate from the
people living there. It's important, too, to remember that a favela can be dangerous. Crime remains a
problem, and a tour operator cannot ensure a visitor's (45)___
Câu 41:
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
Câu 42:
A. Since B. For C. With D. On
Câu 43:
A. drive B. driven C. driving D. drivers
Câu 44:
A. hate B. change C. earn D. know
Câu 45:
A. safe B. safely C. Safety D. unsafe

B. Choose the correct answer for the following questions

A Cool Job
Russell Chadwick remembers the summer he turned 16. It was the summer he wrestled with grizzly bears!
It all started when Russell worked as an animal trainer at Wasatch Rocky Mountain Wildlife. Wasatch
Wildlife is an animal-training center in Utah, in the U.S. At the center, Doug and Lynne Seus train animals
to be actors. Doug and Lynne asked Russell to help take care of two four-month-old grizzly bear cubs
named Little Bart and Honey Bump. That's more difficult than it sounds. Baby bears are big! Russell's job
was to play with the bears. This teaches them to be comfortable with humans. Playing with the bears was
fun, but Russell had to remember that bears are wild animals. “One time, Honey Bump took a bite out of
my back, and I had to wrestle her to the ground. But it also showed me how smart she is. She knew she had
done something wrong and 'apologized' by putting her head in my lap.” Russell found that bears can
understand more than just “sit" and "stay.” For example, when Russell said "Peekaboo!” to one baby bear,
he covered his eyes with his paws, just like a human child. Russell didn't get much money for doing this
job. But he enjoyed the experience. He also learned a lot from it. When you've wrestled with a grizzly bear,
things like work and exams don't seem so difficult anymore!
Câu 46: What is the reading passage mainly about?
A. How to get a summer job in Utah B. Why wild animals make good actors
C. What Russell Chadwick did for his summer job
Câu 47: In line 1, the word turned has the same meaning as
A. became B. changed C. went around
Câu 48: What do Doug and Lynne Seus do?
A. They are movie actors. B. They are animal trainers.
C. They live at Wasatch Rocky Mountain Wildlife.
Câu 49: What was the main thing that Russell Chadwick had to do?
A. Play with the bears B. Teach the bears to sit and stay C. Teach the bears to live in the wild
Câu 50: In line 13, the word he refers to ___
A. Doug Seus
B. a baby bear
C. Russell Chadwick
V. Writing Choose ONE of the topics below to write a paragraph (in 60-80 words)
- Describe a memorable event or story in your life
- Describe at least one thing in your bucket list (things you really want to do before you die)

DỀ 02

Part 1: Vocabulary
1. The children communicate in at the primary school.
A. taichi
B. sign language
C. poetry
D. flower arranging
2. The dinner that my mom made___
A. tastes
B. feels
C. sounds
D. looks
3. In case you're really into listening to music___ when you are on the bus.
A. wear sunscreen
B. wear your hiking boots
C. wear your headphones
D. take your sunglasses
4. When we ___ in Africa, we saw a very beautiful giraffe.
A. went hiking in the woods
B. went parasailing
C. went snowboarding
D. went on a safari
5. When I was at high school, I used to ___ at the library to find information.
A. go to drive-in movies
B. rent videotapes
C. use a card catalog
D. dial a rotary phone
6. He's very scared of height, so he has never___
A. fed a crocodile
B. ridden a roller coaster
C. given a speech
D. gone storm-chasing
7. In order to ___ you should be good at technology.
A. volunteer with a community group
B. work part-time
C. raise money for charity groups
D. be a member of a robot club
8. Whenever she has free time, she searches for new recipes and ingredients. She's going to___next year.
A. enter a cooking contest
B. appear in a movie
C. meet a famous athlete
D. see the northern lights
9. My wife isn't home yet. Maybe___
A. her phone is dead
B. she's hungry
C. she is stuck in traffic
D. feels upset with me about something
10. My sister and I went shopping last week. When we came to the shopping mall, unfortunately___
A. the Internet was down
B. it was closed for repairs
C. we didn't finish our chores
D. the weather was awful
11. While I was___, I took many photos of the undersea world.
A. jet-skiing B. zip-lining C. parasailing D. scuba diving
12. When I was young, one of the most popular games for kids in my neighbor used to be___
A. playing music on cassettes
B. playing hide and seek
C. renting videotapes
D. looking things up in an encyclopedia.
13. Our plans need to be___enough to cater for the needs of everyone
A. flexible B.creative
C. hardworking D.
good with people
14. Yesterday, on my way to the office, I___ on the subway.
A. heard a secret about my best friend B. forgot my father's birthday
C. lost my cell phone D. noticed someon cutting in
15. My parents told me that I might hang out with friends tonight if I___this afternoon.
A. had missed too many classes
B. had finished my errands
C. had missed the train
D. had been late for work
Part 2: Pronunciation Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest.
16. A. included B. wanted C. decided D. noticed
17. A. stormchasing B. karaoke C. race D. player
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
18. A. parasailing B. helicopter C. community D. athlete
19. A. safari B. terrific C. vacation D. wallet
20. A. bucket B. encyclopedia C. camel D. movie
Part 3: Grammar
21. When Mike ___, he took a lot of pictures below me.
A. was parasailing B. parasailed C. have parasailed D. had parasailed
22. If Mary ___ a little taller, she ___volleyball better.
A. is/will be play
B. were/could play
C. will be/will play
D. will be plays
23. ___did you promote your band at first? - We did it through social media sites.
A. How
B. What
C. When
D. Why
24. What ___you do if you forgot your bag on the train?
A. did B. would
C. do D. will
25. Music downloads_ _sharply in the first quarter. That is impressive news for us all.
A. rises B. rose C. is going to rise D. has risen
26. Has Tom arrived yet? -Not yet. He ___his car.
A. was parking B. may park C. might be parking D. will be parking
27. Where are they? They_ to discuss the possibility of starting a joint venture project.
A. meet B. met C. were meeting D. are meeting
28. Do all music streaming sites have ___
A. advertise B. advertisers C. advertisements D. advertising
29. ___eye contact with the audience when you are addressing them or getting their attention. A. Being
kept B. Keeping C. Kept D. Keep
30. Are you ready to order? - Yes, I_ some fried chicken with green salad.
A. will like B. will have C. could have D. may have
31. Is the internet access in the hotel room___ ? Yes, there is a small charge for it.
A. for free
B. free of charge
C. expensive
D. for a fee
32. Can I park my car here? ___
A. Yes, thanks
B. Sure, go ahead
C. I'm afraid so
D. So do I
33. It is hard to imagine how life used to be here 20 years ago.
A. inconvenient
B. inconveniently
C. inconvenience
D. convenience
34. The coffee house will expand its product lines, or it will have to close.
A. If the coffee house does not expand its product lines, it will have to close.
B. If the coffee house expands its product lines, it will have to close.
C. If the coffee house will not expand its product lines, it will have to close.
D. If the coffee house does not expand its product lines, it will not have to close.
35. Don't jump in this river. The water ___too cold for us to swim.
A. probably
B. was
C. may be
D. will be
36. I am writing to ask for___ on how to apply for the job.
A. advise B. advisor C. advice D. advices
37. Janet is not wearing a pink dress. She looks quite fat.
A. If she wore a pink dress, she would not look lat.
B. If she wears a pink dress, she will really look fat.
C. If she had worn a pink dress, she would really have looked fat.
D. If she is wearing a pink dress, she will really look fat.
38 Is this your new car? Yes,I ___ it at First Fast Auto Dealership on Ly Thuong Kiet Street,
A. buy B. was bought C. didn't buy D. bought
39. Mark used to watch cartoons when he was at high school.
A. Mark was used to watching cartoons at high school.
B. Mark usually watches cartoons at high school.
C. Mark was about to watch cartoons at high school.
D. Mark usually watched cartoons at high school.
40. Most vehicles___ in the USA.
A. are manufactured B. manufactured C. were manufactured D. manufacture
Part 4: Reading A. Fill in the blank with suitable word or phrase given
Changing your life Rich and Amanda Ligato were professional people with successful careers. Every
week, they worked (41) ___. They often intended to do something fun and (42) ___ at the weekend but, in
the end, there was never time. One day they asked themselves, 'Is this all there is? They realized that they
wanted to stop (43) ___ and to go travelling. Or, as Rich said, 'To buy our freedom.' But first they needed
to save some money. Every month they lived on Rich's salary and saved Amanda's. Then they bought a
campervan to travel from the bottom of South America to Brazil and from there they hoped to get to
Africa (44) ___a container ship. Colleagues at work found their (45) ___difficult to understand. Even
their closest friends thought they were crazy to go on this kind of journey but finally, the day came. They
left their home and started to live their dream.
41. A. success B. hardly C. hard D. successful
42. A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitement
43. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked
44. A. in B. on C. about D. up
45. A. decide B. decided C. decisive D. decision
B. Choose the correct answers to the following questions
Adventurers of the year
Every year, readers of National Geographic magazine vote for their adventurers of the year. Here are two

As a child, Edurne Pasaban lived in the mountainous Basque region of Spain and she climbed her first
mountain when she was fourteen. At university, she studied engineering but she didn't want a nine-to-five
job. In May 2010 she finished her biggest challenge, to climb the world's fourteen tallest mountains.
Nowadays she is famous for her many climbing achievements, However, she didn't climb in order to
become famous. She says, 'For me, adventure is a way of life.'
THE ROAD TRIPPERS Steven Shoppman and Stephen Bouey were old friends who grew up together
in Denver. But they knew each other a lot better after their adventure. They both had an ambition to go on
a road trip round the world. From 2007 to 2010, they drove through 69 different countries during their
122,000-kilometre journey and had many adventures. They took a big risk when they went across a
minefield. They also got help from lots of people and they found that the world wasn't as dangerous as
they thought!
46. Edurne Pasaban is a ____woman.
A. Spain B. Spanish C. Sweden D. Swedish
47. She climbed her first mountain ____
A. in May 2010 B. when she was five C. when she was nine D. when she was fourteen
48. Steven Shoppman and Stephen Bouey were famous for____
A. their friendship B. their road trip adventure C. their climbing achievements D. their risk
49. They went through 69 countries in the world ____
A. by car B. by hitchhiking C. by boat D. by motorbike
50. They realized that the world was ____after their adventure.
A. too dangerous B. not dangerous C. terrible D. scary
Part 5: Writing (2đ) Choose either of these topics to write a short paragraph in about 60 - 80 words.
1. Write about your last holiday.
2. Write about your weekend plans.


ĐỀ 3

Part 1: Vocabulary
1. Do you like ___ in the park? - No, I don't. I like playing it in the quiet room.
A. write poetry B. playing chess C. play chess D. flower arrange
2. Reading on the beach ___ relaxing.
A. sounds B. look C. seem D. boring
3. Remember to ___ when going around the large town like New York City.
A. fill your water bottle. B. bring bug repellent C. charge your phone D. bring a map
4. When going to the beach, wear in order to avoid a sunburn.
A. a rain coat B. sunscreen C. glasses. D. a phone charge
5. We used to ___ on the beach and go scuba diving when I was young.
A. go ziplining B. go rock climbing C. go horseback riding D. go ice fishing
6. While I was ___ in the woods, I saw a snake.
A. fishing B. climbing C. scuba diving D. hiking
7. Has your father ever gone to ___
A. watch cartoons B. drive-in movies C. play hide-and-seek D. play music MP3
8. People used to ___ at the library?
A. play music on cassette B. use a card catalog C. listen to record D. watch cartoons
9. He's___ blue and red to threaten people.
A. his hair dyed B. fed a crocodile C . gone storm chasing D. driven an old car
10. My sister has ___ for a newspaper since she was at secondary school.
A. volunteered B. written articles C. tutored kids D. organize events
11.I admire her a lot because she's very . She can make changes at the last minutes.
A. flexible B. creative C. hardworking D. intelligent
12. What has Peter done for the last two days? - He has ___ because he wants to apply for
a job at Uni- Sport Company.
A. interviewed some persons B. dyed his hair yellow C. studied for a test D. written a resumé
13. Ralph sent me his___ things he'd like to do before he's forty.
A. bucket list B. resumé C. article D. application form
14. It's very cold outside. You're coughing a lot. You could ___
A. be hungry B. have a backache C. have a cold D. have a headache
15. If I_____too much change at the supermarket, I would give the extra money back.
A. given B. received C. caught D. left
Part 2: Grammar
16. Ice___ when you___in the water.
A. floats/ drops B. floats/ drop C. does float/ drops D. doesn't float/ drops
17. Wood ___ if there if there___no air.
A. doesn't burn/ isn't B. burns/ is C. doesn't burn/is D. burns/ are
18. She ____ but she's given up now. She's really healthy these days.
A.smokes B. smoked C. has smoked D. used to smoke

19.___money to charity?
A. Have you ever donated B. Have you ever donate
C. Have you never donated D. Have you never donate
20. If I taller, I___ to wear high-heeled shoes.
A. were/ wouldn't have B. were/ would have C. was/ wouldn't have D. was/ would have
21. What time___she___ up every morning? - She often gets up at 6 o'clock.
A. do/get B. is/ getting C. does/ get D. is/ get
22. They have lived in Manchester ___ a long time.
A. since B. over C. in D. for
23. Have you visited the Taj Mahal
A. already B. yet C. then D. ago
24. We_ see a new horror film this week because we like the actors in the movie.
A. might B. might not C. are able to D. are capable of
25. If the weather ___nice this weekend, I camping with my classmates. go B. is/ don't go C. is, will go D. is/ won't go
26. I ___ him tomorrow if I thought he really me.
A. would married/ didn't loved B. would marry/ didn't love
C. would married/ loved D. would marry/ loved
27. If we ___on our assignment tonight, we ___ to the exhibition tomorow. could go B. work/ will go C. could work/ go D. will work/ go
28. You didn't buy that cellphone you like. It ___ very expensive. B. must be C. was D. has been
29. “Where are the children?" – "They___ outside now."
A. are playing B. play C. plays D. is playing
30. I've ___taken a road trip across America. It's been an amazing experience.
A. not B. never C. already D. yet
31. She ___ any sport at all, but now she's in the basketball team and she loves it.
A. didn't used to play B. didn't use to play C. used to play D. used to played
32. My uncle___his arm while he was playing football.
A. broken B. break C. breaks D. broke
33. John and Daisy have been best friend high school. .
A. for B. since C. until D. during
34. I ___ a solo in front of people before.
A.'ve never sang B.'ve never sing C. 've never sung D. 've never singed
35. How___you __ to drive? - My father taught me when I was 18.
A.was / learn
B. did / learn
C. did / learnt
D. are / learn

Part 3: Pronunciation Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
46. A. blood B. food C. mud D. flood
37. A. chef B. chief C. chicken D. children
38. A. needed B. stopped C. wanted D. visited
Choose the word hich is stressed differently from the rest.
39. A. assignment B. situation C. police D. reception
40. A. simple B. clever C. expensive D. interesting
Part 4: Reading Passage 1
Seamus McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has 13 jobs. He is a: mail carrier, a
police officer, a fire fighter, a taxi driver, a schoolbus driver, a boatman, an ambulance driver, an
accountant, a gas station attendant, a bartender and an undertaker. Also, : he and his wife, Margaret, have
a shop and a small hotel.
Seamus lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live in this island
but in the summer 150 tourists come by boat every day.
Every weekday, Seamus gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00, he drives the
island's children to school. At 9.00, he gets the mail from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the
island. He also delivers beer to the island's only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop.
He says: "Margaret likes being busy, too. We never take vacations and we don't like : watching TV. In the
evenings, Margaret makes supper and I pay the bills. At 10.00, we have a glass of wine and then we go to
bed. Perhaps our life isn't very exciting, but we like it."
Choose the correct answers A, B, C, D and mark on the Answer Sheet.
41. Where does Seamus live?
A. London B. Scotland C. England D. Ireland
42. How many people live on Gigha Island?
A. 60 B. 13 C. 120 D. 150
43. Which of the following is not his job?
A. wedding coordinator B. accountant C. police officer D. bartender
44. What does Seamus do every weekday morning?
A. gets up at 6.00 B. has breakfast alone C. makes breakfast for hotel guests
D. both A & C are correct
45. Which of the following is one of Seamus's daily work?
A. working in the police station from 8.00 to 9.00
B. serving alcoholic drinks in a pub
C. delivering beer to the only pub of the island
D. checking financial accounts for a local company

Passage 2
Jen Franchek was always interested in sports. When she was eight, she wanted to play baseball for the
Atlanta Braves and be a jet pilot. But when she grew up, she didn't become a baseball player or a pilot,
she became a computer programmer. When she was 23, she did a parachute jump with some friends and
loved it. She decided that jumping out of airplanes was much more interesting than being a computer
programmer, so she quit her job and moved to the country to learn parachute jumping and skydiving. She
is now a full-time teacher of skydiving. She says: “I love skydiving because it's so beautiful up there -
blue sky, green fields, white clouds. The views are fantastic. You can see forever. It's so peaceful, you can
forget about everything and relax. People think skydiving is dangerous, but it's very safe. Driving to the
airport is much more dangerous. People have car accidents ail the time, but when did you last hear of a
skydiving accident? Next summer I'm going to do a skydive with 30 other women from 3 planes. That's a
record. I'm never going to retire. I'm going to jump out of planes until I'm a little old lady!”
Decide whether the statements below are True or False.
46. Jen Franchek wasn't really into any kinds of sport when she was a child.
A. True B. False
47. When she grew up, she found that being a computer programmer was boring.
A. True B. False
48. The reasons why she's interested in sky diving is that she can enjoy the wonderful views from the sky.
A. True B. False
49. People believe that sky diving is much more dangerous than driving.
A. True B. False
50. She's working as a full time sky-diving teacher at the present.
A. True B. False
Part 5. Writing (2đ)
Choose either of the following questions and write a paragraph in 60 - 80 words to answer it.
1. What do you plan to achieve when you are 40?
2. What adventurous things would you like to try someday in the future?

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