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Lesson Plan

Level : Senior High School ( class 10 )

Lesson: Descriptive text (tourist attractions)

Skill : speaking

Goal :

10.A.5 Analyzing and concluding the contextual meaning of social function, text structure, and
linguistic elements of spoken text in the form of descriptive (descriptive) critical, creative and
polite related to the topic of the physical and social environment of the community.

Media : LCD, photo

Method : project-Based Learning, Discussion, Presentation.

Learning steps:

Pre activities

 Prepare students to be ready to implement learning (praying, attendance, and preparing

learning resources.
 Providing Trigger Questions related to pictures of places famous historical tours/buildings
that are shown/watched

What come to your mind after seeing picture? Have you ever been there?
 Delivering topics and learning agendas

Main Activities

 Invite students to choose a friend to be a member of a group consisting of 4 students.

 Distribute one card to each group
 Each group discusses 10 words related to tourist attractions on the card they get and
writes each word on a posit and sticks it on the wall or newsprint provided, then group
representatives explain the reasons for choosing the 10 words.
 As a group discuss three description texts of tourist attractions related to social functions
based on student activity sheets distributed (hard copy or softcopy)
 After that, write down the results of the discussion and paste the wall, using an activity
 Each group provides responses to the results of other groups.

Post Activities

 Reflect on learning
 Gives the task of finding and reading some descriptions of places famous historical
buildings and attractions.
 Convey the agenda of the next meeting

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