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Skim 浏览,略读;滑过 Depict 描绘

Apply paint brushstroke 笔触

Bleak Blurry 模糊不清的

Pinkish 浅粉色的 An unnatural
Fence 栅栏,篱笆 Bought and sold
pumpkin 南瓜 Less than
Messed up Be wrapped in 被……包裹
Blanket 毯子 Zigzag

Chaotic 混乱的,杂乱的 Hints of 少许,少量
electric blue 钢青色,铁蓝色 Peek out 微露出,探出
vibrant accessible 容易理解的

Art fair 艺术博览会 Fundamental
canyon 峡谷 Solidify 凝固,变硬,巩固
Vast Mountain range 山脉

Flatten out 变平,弄平 Wisdom 知识,学问,智慧
Uranium 铀 Quite a while
Refinement 改进,改善,提炼 Eye-opening 有启发的;大开眼

Mixed in Grain 纹理;谷物

Tpo1L2 第 23 句

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