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Introduction people. In this stage, tasks need to be matched

to the right resource at the right time, taking into
This is Charlie Junior. He’s the project manager at
“Buckets of Chocolate,” a family-run business that
his great-great-grandfather started 99 years ago. • the availability of each resource at any given
They make all kinds of special and magic candy, and point in time
they’re at the top of their game.
• the performance and expertise of each resource
Next year is their centennial, and the boss wants to
• the demand for each resource based on current
create a new product to mark the occasion. It’s going
and future work
to be the most revolutionary candy item ever made!
But it needs a lot of planning to make sure it doesn’t • management of resources that will keep
turn sour. morale high
Luckily, Charlie here is an expert on activity and You might have completed the activity stage of your
resource planning, and he’s ready to get started. plan impeccably, but if you don’t back it up with
He’s going to show you what activity and resource great planning at the resource stage, things could
planning is, and why effective planning is essential go wrong. Like being short-staffed at a crucial point,
for successful projects. He’ll also let you in on a few because you missed a crucial resource out. And
secrets to help you plan more effectively. Sweet! sometimes it only takes a small oversight to throw
the whole project off course. Right, Charlie?

Scene 01 – What is activity and resource planning?

Scene 02 – Why effective planning is essential
Whatever field you work in, even if it’s a bizarre
chocolate factory, you’ll have project goals. To ensure So, what are the hazards of not conducting activity
those goals are met efficiently, you need a plan. and resource planning effectively? Well, effective
Charlie loves a good plan! And he knows that getting planning in these areas helps project managers
activities and resources planned out at the start utilize resources and time efficiently, and track
will save time and money in the long run. But what capacity, to ensure projects stay on course and on
exactly does activity and resource planning involve? budget. This makes planning crucial. If you leave out
an activity or resource, or don’t have them ordered
Stage 1 of your activity and resource planning is
correctly, your planning will come up short, and
identifying, and defining, all the activities involved
could derail the whole project.
in successfully executing the project. In project
management terms, an activity is 1 stage of a project. When done effectively, your planning can have many
Each activity is made up of 1 or more tasks, using 1 or benefits for the project, and your company.
more resources. And when all the activities are put For example:
together, you get the end product. In most project
management methods, activities have a start date Better Resource Utilization: A resource that’s sitting
and a deadline, and defining these is key to making idle with no tasks allocated isn’t earning you money.
the project run smoothly. Resource planning lets you measure the amount of
time each resource spends on valuable work. This
So, for example, here in the chocolate factory, the is your utilization rate. By mapping out resource
centennial project will include activities like recipe availability and performance, you can make sure
creation, taste testing, template design, packaging that no one’s sitting around with nothing to do,
design, and marketing campaign design. All these maximizing their value.
activities involve a number of tasks that lead to the
final product. Once all the activities are defined, it’s Preventing Overallocation of Tasks: In a factory like
up to the project manager and the stakeholders Charlie’s, having all the machines running 100% of
to sequence them, create deadlines, and track and the time would be great! But if he tried to get his
manage them. workers going at that pace, pretty soon they’d be
dropping like flies! This would make productivity,
The 2nd stage of activity and resource planning deals quality, and morale suffer. If you’re always running at
with the resources each task needs to successfully full capacity, then having a single member of staff go
complete each activity. Crucially, this deals with the off sick, or take a vacation, could spell disaster for the
most essential commodity your business has: your whole project. Good resource planning lets you track

utilization and capacity, helping you quickly identify milestones that need to be met for each activity to
areas where new hires might be needed, or where be completed.
work can be offloaded to contractors.
Step 2: Define relationships between activities.
Planning your hires: Deciding who to hire is often Once you have your activity list, you can put all the
based on gut instinct, or on looking for people who’ll activities into a sequence to make the project run as
“fit in” with your overall business strategy. Having an smoothly and efficiently as possible. Here, you can
effective resource plan can act as your crystal ball. It identify priority tasks – the jobs that must be done
lets you see into the future to decide what availability to reach the project goals. You can also look at how
you’ll need at any given time during the project. activity dependencies could affect your project. Is
This removes any uncertainty and prevents potential one task dependent on another being completed?
wasted resources. How would staff absence affect the activities? And
are there any external factors that could interrupt
Minimizing dependency: Picture the scene – your
the tasks being completed, like supplies, or freelance
new product range project has reached the
worker availability?
packaging design stage, but all the designers, bar
one, are tied up on other tasks. So, you assign all the Step 3: Estimate the duration for activities. With your
packaging design tasks to a single employee. Then activities mapped, you can estimate the time they’ll
halfway through the design, that employee goes take. Getting this right is crucial, as it will inform
off sick. You discover that they haven’t uploaded how you need to allocate resources. For example,
their work to your file-sharing network, so whoever if a task is expected to take 10 hours, but you only
you reassign the task to is going to have to start have 8 hours of a particular resource available, then
over. The whole project grinds to a halt because it you’ll need help. Trying to estimate timings can be
was dependent on one person. Nightmare! This is complicated. The best way to work this out is by
called single point failure. Because effective resource using weighted averages based on 3 factors:
planning maps all the tasks and resource availability,
• Industry standards
you can spot these weak points. This allows you to
reassign tasks early, to reduce risk. • Expert experience
• Past results
Scene 03 – How to create an effective activity and For example, you’ve found the industry standard for
resource plan creating a design is 10 hours, but your designer has
said it will take 12 hours. You know from past projects
When it comes to activity and resource planning, it’s
it has taken around 8 hours. Use all these figures to
easy to see how solid plans will benefit the process.
come up with an average time, weighted depending
But how do you go about creating that plan? Well,
on which figure you trust the most.
Charlie’s asked some of his workers to show you how
it’s done. Click on the workers to find out more. Step 4: Estimate the resources. Once you have a full
estimate of timings, you can estimate the resources
Step 1: Set up activities. The 1st step is to identify all
you’ll need to complete the project within that time
the activities that are needed to reach the project
frame. Make sure you consider things like employee
goals. This will also help to inform your resource
vacations and availability of external contractors.
planning. For each project, a Project Deliverables
Remember to think about employees’ potential to
Statement needs to be produced. This needs to
book leave, too. They might not have any time off
define the project requirements, the milestones
booked at the start of the project, but you need to
that need to be achieved to successfully complete
be ready, in case they book leave halfway through.
them, and the proposed project budget. When you
It’s a good idea to have a pool of people on standby,
know these, you can define the activities needed to
who know that work could come their way. This way
reach the target, and the cost per deliverable. This
you can call on them if you suddenly need more
is the cost of all the component parts. For example,
resources. Finally, ensure that employees aren’t
the chocolate factory centennial project needs to
overloaded, or that a crucial activity isn’t relying on
create a number of deliverables to be successful.
1 resource.
It needs the actual candy bar, the packaging, the
marketing campaign, and the all-important taste Once you have all these estimates, you can allocate
testing and quality control. And these all have a cost. tasks to resources, and begin to manage and
Consult your project teams and experts to draw up track progress. Luckily, there are many project
a detailed activity list, and a detailed list of all the management software programs, designed for each

project management methodology, to help you do

The centennial project is well underway at the
chocolate factory. Charlie has created detailed
activity and resource planning and, so far, everything
is running like a dream. Creating detailed plans like
this will not only help you keep projects on budget
and on time, it will help you identify any problem
areas early, so you don’t get any nasty surprises.
By following the 4 steps that Charlie recommends,
you can make your projects flow along as smoothly
as Charlie’s chocolate river! Start by identifying
all the activities the project deliverables required.
Then put them in sequence and decide on their
dependencies. Once you’ve done this, estimate the
duration for each task, activity, and the whole project,
by using weighted averages. And finally, estimate
the resources you’ll need to achieve the project goals
within that time.
With your plan in place, you can allocate tasks,
engage external help, and ensure your project
doesn’t have any slipups. And by using software to
manage and track your activities, you can be certain
all your projects will have the sweet smell of success.

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