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NAME:________________________ GRADE & SECTION________________

Information and Misinformation Worksheet

Instructions: Read each statement carefully and determine whether it represents

accurate information (information) or false information (misinformation). Write "I" for
accurate information or "M" for misinformation in the space provided next to each

1. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect against infectious diseases. _____
2. The Earth is flat. _____
3. Social media is a reliable source of news and information. _____
4. Climate change is a hoax. _____
5. Drinking eight glasses of water per day is essential for good health. _____
6. Elvis Presley is still alive. _____
7. All spiders are venomous. _____
8. Eating carrots improves your eyesight. _____
9. Humans only use 10% of their brain capacity. _____
10. The moon landing was a hoax. _____
11. Eating sugar causes hyperactivity in children. _____
12. The Loch Ness Monster exists. _____
13. Sunscreen causes cancer. _____
14. Albert Einstein failed math in school. _____
15. Dogs only see in black and white. _____
16. Vitamin C can cure the common cold. _____
17. Bill Gates is implanting microchips in COVID-19 vaccines. _____
18. The Bermuda Triangle is a paranormal phenomenon. _____
19. The Great Wall of China is visible from space. _____
20. You can detox your body by using special detox products. _____
Answer Key:

1. I
2. M
3. M
4. M
5. M
6. M
7. M
8. I
9. M
10. M
11. M
12. M
13. M
14. M
15. M
16. M
17. M
18. M
19. M
20. M

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