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1.Being the foundations for distributed systems in which

information system applications are divided among a network of
computers. Facilitate more efficient use of computers and
improve the day-to-day control of a business by providing faster
information flow, aiding strategic competitive advantage.
Provide message transfer services to allow computer users to
talk to one another via email
2.Internet, email and video conferencing are the three important
applications of data communication networks in business and
personal use.
3.A Local Area Network (LAN) is a group of microcomputers or
terminals located in the same general area. A Backbone
Network (BN) is a large central network that connects most
everything on a single company site. A Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN) encompasses a city or county area. A Wide
Area Network (WAN) spans cities, states, or national
boundaries. Typically, MANS and WANS used leased facilities,
while LANs and BNs are often located internally in an
organization and used owned facilities.
4.The circuit is the pathway through which the messages travel.
It can be made up of a copper wire, although fiber optic cable
and wireless transmission are becoming more common. A
circuit can also pass across many types of physical facilities
such as copper wire or fiber optic cable, but the single end-to-
end connection, no matter what the equipment, is referred to as
the circuit. There are many devices along the circuit's path that
perform special functions such as hubs, switches, routers, and
-is the input output hardware device at the users end of a
communication circuit.
6.A server program must be executed before the client program
because once a client is run, it will attempt to initiate a
connection with the server. If the server is down, then the client
will not be able to make a connection.
7.The primary function of the network layer is to move data into
and through other networks. Network layer protocols
accomplish this goal by packaging data with correct network
address information, selecting the appropriate network routes
and forwarding the packaged data up the stack to the transport
layer (Layer 4).The primary function of the network layer is to
enable different networks to be interconnected. It does this by
forwarding packets to network routers, which rely on
algorithms to determine the best paths for the data to travel.
These paths are known as “virtual circuits.” The network layer
relies on the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) for
error control handling and diagnostics to ensure packets are
sent correctly. Quality of Service (QoS) is also available to
permit certain traffic to be prioritized over other traffic. The
network layer can support either connection-oriented or
connectionless networks, but such a network data transmission
can only be of one type and not boots.

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