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Objective: Use active and passive constructions under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Code: EN9G-Iva-22

Grade Level: Grade 9

Subject: English

1. Review

- Review the definition of active and passive constructions.

- Discuss the differences between the two constructions.

- Provide examples of both active and passive constructions.

2. Motivation

- Show a video clip that demonstrates the use of active and passive constructions in real-life situations.

- Ask the students to identify the active and passive constructions used in the video.

- Discuss the importance of using active and passive constructions in communication.

3. Activity

- Divide the class into pairs.

- Provide each pair with a set of sentences to rewrite using either active or passive constructions.

- Ask the pairs to switch their rewritten sentences with another pair and identify whether the sentence is
written in active or passive construction.

- Provide feedback and clarification as needed.

4. Analysis

- Ask the students to identify the subject and verb in a set of sentences written in either active or passive

- Discuss the differences in sentence structure between active and passive constructions.

5. Abstraction
- Discuss the importance of using active and passive constructions in different contexts such as writing
reports, news articles, and scientific papers.

- Provide examples of how active and passive constructions are used in different fields.

6. Application

- Provide the students with a real-life problem related to the objective, such as writing a news article
about a recent event.

- Ask them to use both active and passive constructions in their article.

7. Assessment

- Provide five sentences and ask the students to identify whether the sentence is written in active or
passive construction.

- Answers: 1. Active, 2. Passive, 3. Active, 4. Passive, 5. Active

8. Assignment

- Ask the students to write a paragraph using both active and passive constructions to describe a place
they have visited.

Interactive Activities:

1. Sentence Relay: Divide the class into two teams. One student from each team comes to the front of
the class. The teacher reads a sentence and the first student to correctly identify whether the sentence is
written in active or passive construction earns a point for their team. The next two students take their
place and the game continues.

2. Active or Passive? Ask the students to stand up and move to one side of the room or the other
depending on whether the teacher reads a sentence written in in active or passive construction.

3. Active and Passive Scavenger Hunt: Provide the students with a list of sentences written in either
active or passive construction. Ask them to find examples of both active and passive constructions in
their environment and bring them to class the next day.

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