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Answer in detail:

Q.1. What is the name of the new year festival of the Tripura? Why do they
celebrate this festival? Write four sentence about the Tripura festival..
Ans: The new year festival of the Tripura is Boishu. They celebrate it to say goodbye
to the last year and to welcome the New Year. Various festivals are observed on
the eve of birth, death, and marriage in the Tripura society.
Four sentences about the Tripura festivals are given below:
a. The observe the Boishu festivle during the last two day of the year.
b. The most attractive part of the Boishu festivle is the “Ghoroya nritya”
c. The Tripura celebrate birth, wedding and death.
d. The women wear flowers in their hair during various festivals.
Q.2. What is the name of the language of the Khasi? Why book are not written in
this language? write four sentence about the Khashi society.
Ans: The name of the language of the khasi is Monkheme. Books are not written in
this language because it has no alphabets. It is used only for spoken not written.
Four sentences about the Khashi society are as follows:
a. The Khashi society is traditionally matriarchal.
b. The youngest daughter inherits the family proparty.
c. They have an agricultural society, which specializes in glowing betel leaves
and cultivating bees.
d. They Welcome their guests with betel leaves and nuts.
Q.3. Why should we be respectful towards all the ethnic groups?
Ans: There are many ethnic groups in Bangladesh. They have been living in our
country since ancient time. We should be respectful to them because:
a. They are conscious to protect their social culture and heritage.
b. Their charming lifestyle has made the society and culture of Bangladesh
diverse and rich.
c. They are maintaining social peace and amity among the people of
d. They are also the part of our country.
e. They are contributing to the overall development of our country.
f. We should come forward and help them to maintain the peace and
development of our country.
Q.4. What is the traditional festival of the Garo? Why do they celebrate it? Write
four sentences about the traditional festival of Garo.
Ans: Wangala is the traditional festival of the Garo. The festival is dedicated to the sun
and the god Sazlong who gives fertility to the soil. Four sentences about their
festivals are given below.
a. The traditional and main festival of the Garo is Wangala.
b. During this time, they sacrifice their crops to the god Sazlong.
c. This festival takes place during the harvest in October or November.
d. The festival is celebrated with drums and flutes.

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