Mau Cau Level 2

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Khắc Tùng

Khi Có cơ hội
 When I………, I can…………….  Have a chance of Ving
 As soon as I……………., I can  Stand a chance to V
Nếu … thì  There is a chance that I can …
 If I….., I can Bởi vì
 Because
 Since

Nhờ có Giúp Cho

 Thanks to … (sb/sth)  Help sb V/ to V
 As a result of (sth)  Make sb V
 Assist sb to V
 Allow sb to V
 Give sb a chance to V


C ụ m t ừ

 Balance my mind
 Escape from the hustle and bustle of the busy life
 Let my hair down= take it easy = feel at ease= relax
 Find peace of mind
 Recharge my battery
 Have tons of fun

• Broaden my mind
• Deepen my knowledge
• Broaden my horizon
• Catch up with up-to-the-minute information
• Accumulate knowledge and hands-on experience

 Prevent weight gain
 Encourage weight loss
 Reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
 Keep fit and stay healthy
 To be in good shape
 Slow down the aging process
 Prolong life span/ life expectancy
 Increase immune system
 Well, actually
 Well obviousl
 Oh certainly
 Of course, you know
 Well, let me think
 To be honest/ Honestly
 To be fair
 I am afraid
 Actually/ In fact/ As a matter of fact
 I suppose/ I guess
 It‘s a difficult question/ This is a task of challenge to me
 I haven’t thought about this question before
 That’s something that I have never considered before
 I need a couple of second to think
 As you can probably guess
 I am pretty keen on  The former…the latter
 I am into  A is my top priority
 I am a big fan of  A is my better choice
 I have a deep passion about
 I am passionate about
 I am interested in
 St and I are long life partners
 St is part of my life
 St plays a very important role in my life

 I really can’t stand
 St is the last thing I want to V

Play an important role

 (to be) prevalent
 To gain popularity

5. USE
 Utilize
 Make use of/ Take advantage of + smt: tận dụng
 Make use of/ Take advantage of + smb: lợi dụng
M ẫ u c â u

Chance of [doing] something (to do something; that…): sự có khả

 what are the chances of his coming? có khả năng ông ta đến hay không?
 she has only a slim chance of winning: khả năng dành phần thắng của chị ta chỉ
mỏng manh thôi
 please give me a chance to explain: xin cho tôi một cơ hội để giải thích

To make + someone/something + verb (in the infinitive without

to): khiến ai đó làm gì, bắt ai đó làm gì.
 This song makes me think of my boyfriend.
 This meeting was so long, it made me miss my flight.

To Make + someone/something + adjective : khiến ai đó làm sao …

 Music makes me happy.

S + V + too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something: (quá....để

cho ai làm gì...)
 This structure is too easy for you to remember.
 He ran too fast for me to follow.

S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V: (quá... đến nỗi mà...)

 This box is so heavy that I cannot take it.
 He speaks so softly that we can’t hear anything.
S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something: (Đủ...
cho ai đó làm gì...)
 She is old enough to get married.

Have/ get + something + done (past participle): (nhờ ai hoặc thuê ai

làm gì...)
 I had my hair cut yesterday.
 I’d like to have my shoes repaired.

It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for someone +to do

something: (đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gì...)
 It is time you had a shower.
 It’s time for me to ask all of you this question.

It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something:

(làm gì... mất bao nhiêu thời gian ...)
 It takes me 5 minutes to get to school.
 It took him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday.

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