Climate Change Grade 9

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Climate change it is a natural phenomenon and has been occurring since the earth
come into being; it also a change in the being average weather of a given area or region.

It is something to do with significant changes in global temperature precipitation; wind

patterns and other measures of climate that occur over several decades or longer. Experts
says that the earth go through the periods of cooling and warming the increase of earth’s
temperature is a natural occurrence caused by natural processes however it can be
enhanced rapidly through other factors like human activities.


Global warming – it is an increase in the temperature of earth’s atmosphere. This gradual

increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is due to greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse effect – is the process by which radiation from the sun is absorbed by greenhouse
gases and not reflected back into space; carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water
vapor, chlorofluorocarbon, and the carbon footprint are the total amount of greenhouse
gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions, and some
some of the greenhouse gases that are responsible for the existence of life on earth without
these gases earth will beat freezing point and life won’t be possible but if the concentration
of these gases in the atmosphere will be beyond the normal this will lead to a phenomenon
as global warming or enhanced greenhouse effect.


Burning of fossil fuels – refers to the burning of oil natural gases and coal to generate energy
when fossil fuels are burned they release a larger amounts of carbon dioxide a greenhouse
gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat un our atmosphere causing global warming.

Intensive farming to produce crops and livestock raising – producing more food out of the
land that is already used for agriculture often requires heavier use of nitrogen based fertilizers
which in turn release nitrous oxide emissions and contribute to climate change.

Deforestation – loss of trees and other vegetation that can cause climate change moreover it
may also cause soil erosion fewer crops flooding and increase greenhouse gases in the

Human activities – may lead to the increase of greenhouse gases pollution over consumption,
destruction of the reefs and emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

If we cannot control and minimize waste it may

lead to climate change

Climate change affects human health – extreme changes in the weather and environment
can increase existing health problems like respiratory and heart diseases, pest-related diseases
like Lyme disease and West Nile Virus, water- and food-related illnesses, and injuries and

Climate change affects plants – climate change also alters the life cycles of plants, for
example as temperature gets warmer many plants are starting to grow and bloom earlier in
spring and survive longer into the fall.

Climate change affects animals – they face new challenges for survival because of climate
change there were animals that are waking from hibernation sooner or migrating at different

Climate change affects the melting of glaciers – melting of glaciers may add to the rising of
sea levels which in turn increases coastal erosion and elevates storm surges.

Changes in precipitation – changes in precipitation patterns will impact people and

ecosystems by altering the availability of water throughout the year. The predicted impacts of
altered precipitation patterns include floods and droughts will become more frequent and
more severe wildfires are expected to become stronger and more common changing
ecological processes and species distribution in some aquatic habitats, and may cause
severe weather events.


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