Year-7-Into-8-Summer Work Answers

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Science Department

Year 7 into 8

Summer Recap & Intervention Work


 Read through the key points for to recap your knowledge of each of the
 Answer the quick quiz questions for each section (tick the correct answer).

Remember to hand this booklet into your teacher when you return to school in

Science Department 1
Biology- Cells - Key Points

 Cells are the building blocks of life – they are the smallest units in an organism.
 Scientists use microscopes to observe small objects in detail.
 Animal cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane and mitochondria.
 Plant cells also contain chloroplasts, a vacuole and a cell wall.
 Cytoplasm is where the chemical reactions in a cell take place.
 The cell membrane is a barrier that controls what moves in and out of the cell.
 The nucleus controls the cell, and contains genetic material needed to make new cells.
 Respiration occurs in the mitochondria – this chemical reaction transfers energy.
 The cell wall strengthens the cell and provides support.
 The vacuole contains a watery liquid called cell sap. It keeps the cell firm.
 Photosynthesis takes place inside the chloroplasts.
 Specialised cells have changed their shape and structure so that they are suited to carry out a
particular job.
 Nerve cells, red blood cells, sperm cells, leaf cells and root hair cells are specialised cells.
 Diffusion is the movement of particle from a high-concentration area to a low-concentration
area. For example, water and oxygen diffuse into cells.
 A unicellular organism contains only one cell.
 An amoeba is a unicellular organism consisting of a cell membrane, cytoplasm and a nucleus.
 Euglena appear green as they contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis. Their eye spot locates
light and they use their flagellum to swim towards it. In low light levels they can engulf food.

Science Department 2
Biology- Cells - Quick Quiz

1. Getting rid of waste is one of the life processes. What name is given to this process?
□ Excretion
2. What type of cell is this likely to be?

□ Plant cell

3. What is shown by the labelling line X?

□ Cell membrane

4. What is shown by the labelling line Y?

□ Cytoplasm

5. What is the job of the nucleus?

□ To control what happens inside the cell
6. What is the job of the cell membrane?

Science Department 3
□ To control what substances go into and out of the cell

7. Which of these is only present in plant cells?

□ Wall
8. What is the job of the cell wall?
□ To give a plant cell its shape

Quiz Score: /8

Science Department 4
Biology – Reproduction - Quick Quiz

1. Which of the following is not a part of the male reproductive system?

□ Uterus
2. Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system?
□ Ovary
□ Vagina
3. What are the male sex cells called?
□ Sperm cells
4. Where are the male sex cells made?
□ In the testes
5. What are the female sex cells called?
□ Egg cells

6. About how long does the menstrual cycle take?

□ About 28 days
7. What is ovulation?
□ The release of a mature egg cell
8. What substance passes through the placenta to the baby?
□ Oxygen
9. How long is gestation in humans?
□ 40 weeks
10. Which change during puberty happens to boys and girls?
□ Underarm hair grows
For questions 11 - 16 identify the named structures on the below diagram.

11. Which letter points to the sepals?

Science Department 5
□ I

12. Which letter points to the petals?

□ A
13. Which letter points to the stamen?
□ B
14. Which letter points to the anther?
□ E
15. Which letter points to the stigma?
□ F
16. Which letter points to the ovary?
□ G
17. Where is pollen produced?
□ Anther
18. Which part of the flower develops into the fruit?
□ Ovary wall
19. Where does fertilisation in plants occur?
□ Ovary
20. How do peas disperse their seeds?
□ Self-propelled

Quiz Score: /20

Science Department 6
Chemistry – Particles & their Behaviour - Quick Quiz

1. In which two states are the particles randomly arranged?

□ Liquid and gas
2. In which state are the particles only able to vibrate in a fixed position?
□ Solid
3. Which state can be compressed or squashed easily?
□ Gas
4. Which state is shown in this diagram?

□ Liquid

5. Which state cannot flow from place to place?

□ Liquid

6. Particles in which state have no bonds?

□ Gas
7. Particles in which state sit in a regular pattern and are held together tightly by bonds?
□ Solid
8. At room temperature, what state is mercury in?
□ Liquid
9. What happens to the pressure of a gas when it is heated at constant volume?
□ Increases
10. When 100 grams of water is boiled, what mass of steam is made?
□ 100 grams

Quiz Score: /10

Science Department 7
Chemistry – Elements, Atoms & Compounds – Quick Quiz

1. Which of these is the smallest particle?

□ An atom
2. Which of these is the correct symbol for magnesium?
□ Mg
3. Which statement about atoms and molecules is correct?
□ Elements and compounds can exist as molecules
4. How many different atoms are there in a compound?
□ Two or more
5. Approximately how many elements are there?
□ 100
6. Which one is a compound?
□ Water
7. Which of these contains two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms?
□ C2 H 6
8. Which of these contains four hydrogen atoms?
9. How many atoms are there in total in a molecule of sulfur trioxide, SO 3?
□ Four
10. Why does air not have a definite formula?
□ It contains different amounts of water depending on where you are

11. Does this show an element, a mixture or a compound?

□ Element

12. Is water an element, compound or mixture?

□ Compound

Quiz Score: /12

Science Department 8
Chemistry – Acids & Alkalis – Quick Quiz

1. What does this hazard symbol mean?

□ Corrosive

2. Which of these acids is most likely to be dangerous?

□ Hydrochloric acid
3. Which statement about bases is true?
□ They can neutralise acids
4. Which statement about alkalis is true?
□ They are all bases
5. What name is given to a hazardous substance that can burn through skin and other

□ Corrosive

6. Which of these is not a base?

□ Sulfur dioxide
7. What sort of substance is found in many medicines to cure indigestion?
□ A base

8. What name is given to a reaction in which an acid and base react with each other?
□ Neutralisation
9. Which is a source of naturally occurring acids?
□ Lemon
10. What sort of chemical is found in many household cleaning products, like bleach and oven
□ Alkalis
11. What happens to litmus paper in acidic solutions?
□ Blue litmus turns red

Science Department 9
12. Universal indicator solution is usually green to begin with. What does this mean?
□ It is neutral
13. A liquid has a pH of 8. What does this mean?
□ It is weakly alkaline
14. A liquid has a pH of 1. What does this mean?
□ It is strongly acidic
15. Which acid could be used to make ammonium nitrate (a type of fertiliser)?
□ Nitric acid
16. Farmers use lime to neutralise their acidic soils. What sort of substance is lime?
□ A base

17. Which salt is made when copper oxide and sulfuric acid react together?
□ Copper sulfate
18. What products are formed when a metal oxide reacts with an acid?
□ t and water
19. What products are formed when a metal carbonate reacts with an acid?
□ A salt, water and carbon dioxide
20. What is the name of the salt made from nitric acid and potassium hydroxide?
□ Potassium nitrate

Quiz Score: /20

Science Department 10
Physics – Forces – Quick Quiz

1. Which of these is the best way to measure a force?

□ Using a force meter
2. Forces can be:
□ Pushes and pulls
3. What is the unit of force called?
□ The newton, N
4. What can we say about the forces on an object that is not moving?
□ The forces must be balanced
5. The arrows in this diagram represent the sizes of forces acting on a stationary tennis ball. What
will happen to the tennis ball?

□ It will start to move downwards

6. What happens to the air resistance on a car as the car goes faster?
□ It increases
7. Gravity is an example of what?
□ A non-contact force
8. What store of energy does friction always produce?
□ Heat
9. Why does an astronaut weigh less on the Moon than on the Earth?
□ The force of gravity is weaker on the surface of the Moon than on the surface of the Earth
10. What is the weight of a 20kg box on the Earth?
□ 200 N

Quiz Score: /10

Science Department 11
Physics – Energy – Quick Quiz

1. What is another name for burning?

□ Combustion
2. What is the correct unit for energy?
□ Joule
3. Which of these foods has the most energy per 100 grams?
□ Bread
4. How can energy be released from food?
□ Combustion and respiration
5. How many watts are in a kilowatt?
□ 1000
6. Batteries are stores of:
□ Chemical energy
7. Energy is usefully transferred from a personal audio player as:
□ Sound energy
8. Which is likely to contain the most thermal energy?
□ A red hot horseshoe
9. Which is likely to have the highest temperature?
□ A spark from a firework
10. What type of energy is stored in a windup toy?
□ Elastic potential
11. What type of diagram shows the efficiency of energy transfer?
□ Sankey

Quiz Score: /11

Science Department 12
Physics – Electricity & Magnetism – Quick Quiz

1. What are all substances made from?

□ Atoms
2. What happens to an atom if it gains an electron?
□ It becomes negative
3. What charge are electrons?
□ Negative
4. Which is an example of the build-up of static electricity?
□ Lightning
5. What will happen to two objects with the same static charge?
□ They will repel
6. What will happen to two objects with the opposite static charge?
□ They will attract
7. What happens to an atom if it loses an electron?
□ It becomes positive
8. Which part of atoms cause static electricity?
□ Electrons

9. What machine is used by teachers to show static electricity?

□ Van de Graaff generator
10. Static electricity produces what type of force?
□ Non-contact
11. What needs to be done to this circuit so that the lamp lights up?

□ Add a cell and close the switch

12. What component does this circuit symbol represent?

Science Department 13
□ Cell

13. Which switch or switches must be closed to make the lamps light?

□ Switches 1 and 2

14. If lamp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, what will happen to lamp 2?

□ It will go out

15. If lamp 1 is unscrewed from its holder, what will happen to lamp 2?

□ It will stay lit

16. What is wrong with this circuit diagram?

□ The ammeter should be connected in series

17. Which ammeter will have the biggest reading?

Science Department 14
□ They will read the same

18. Which statement about electric current is correct?

□ It always flows clockwise
19. What is the definition of current?
□ The flow of charge
20. Which term is used instead of voltage?
□ Potential difference
21. Which of the following are magnetic poles?
□ North and south
22. Which of the following is not a magnetic material?
□ Steel
23. What do two poles of the same type do when they are brought close together?
□ They repel
24. What do two unlike poles do when they are brought close together?
□ They attract
25. The arrow on magnetic field lines shows them flowing in which direction?
□ From south to north
□ From north to south
□ From left to right

26. Where are the field lines most concentrated around a bar magnet?
□ At both poles
□ In the middle
□ At the north pole only

27. How can we increase the strength of an electromagnet?

□ Add an iron core
28. What is one difference between electromagnets and bar magnets?
□ Electromagnets need electricity but bar magnets do not
29. What can we use to find the shape of a magnetic field?

Science Department 15
□ A compass

30. Which of these doesn't usually use an electromagnet?

□ A compass

Science Department 16

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