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The Circle of Life

Let’s celebrate Mother Earth’s birthday on 22nd April this year by preparing little accessories for
our friends and family.

This round accessory depicts how life too is a full circle – as you sow, so shall you reap.

So make the right efforts to witness the results of everything that you want to achieve!

What you will need:

 All-purpose bleached flour: 2 cups

 Salt: 1 cup
 Warm water: 1 cup
 A string or ribbon

What to do:

1. Add the flour and salt in a bowl, forming a well in the center.
2. Add the warm water to the ingredients already in the bowl and mix it all together until
you have formed a dough. In case the dough seems a little runny, allow the mixture to
to rest for a few minutes giving the salt a chance to absorb the extra moisture. If it still
seems runny, you can add little more flour.
3. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough such that it is one-fourth inch thick.
4. From the rolled dough, cut out large circle shapes to make your Earth. Use a fork or
butter knife to gently make outlines on the circles for land and ocean.
5. Make a hole at the top of each ornament with the help of a straw and leave all the
ornaments to air dry for 24 to 48 hours.
6. Once dry, paint your little Earths.
7. Pass a piece of string or ribbon through the holes in the ornaments.
Your salt dough necklaces are now ready to be flaunted.

Note: Store the necklaces in a dry, airtight container, away from heat, light and moisture for
longer preservation.

Let these little Earths serve as a reminder that there’s no one specific day to take care of
Mother Earth!

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