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What do we mean by DATABASE?
Database is an organized stored collection of data that can be easily accessed.

This is a DATABASE
P This is not a database,
this is a DATA BANK O


Risk Management
• What is the difference between HAZARD & RISK?
• HAZARD is something danger that has a potential to cause harm to you.
• RISK is the exposure to the HAZARD that cause harm.

Risk = Hazard + Exposure

Hazard Risk

Risk Management
• Risk itself is not an issue if it is well High probability
studied & being managed. 1 Low impact

• Risk impact is a main driver when

evaluating a risk. Low probability
2 Low impact
• Based on that, risk is classified into 4
categories based on its probability & Low probability
impact. 3 High impact
1. High probability & Low impact.
2. Low probability & Low impact.
3. Low probability & High impact. High probability
4. High probability & High impact. 4 High impact

• As a conclusion:
Risk Exposure = Probability × Impact
Risk = Likelihood × Severity


SWOT Analysis
• SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats.
• SWOT analysis is a powerful planning analysis tool helping to develop
the business strategy & overcome challenges whether building a start-up
company or guiding an existing company.
• Strengths & Weaknesses are internal to your company that includes
things that you have some control over & can change such as who is on
your team, facility you have, your financial position, …etc.
• Opportunities & Threats are outside your company in the larger market
that includes things that out of your control such as competitors, prices of
raw materials, new regulations, shortage of resources…etc.
• You can take advantage of Opportunities & protect against Threats, but
you can’t change them.
• Strengths & Opportunities are helpful while Weaknesses & Threats
are harmful.
• For a SWOT analysis to be effective, company founders & leaders must
be deeply involved. This is NOT a task that can be delegated to others.

Decision Matrix
• Eisenhower Matrix, also known as Urgent-Important Matrix, is a decision-
making principle & productivity tool that helps prioritize your many tasks.


Follow Group’s Rules

• In this picture, someone who decided to
take away his fair share of the cake
"from his personal point of view" &
spoiled others' share!!.
• He will swear that he only took his
right!. “Truthfully, but he is one of the
• You have the right to take your rights,
but you have NO RIGHT to take it as you
see fit for your because you may simply
be wrong.
• Being in a group makes it necessary
that you adhere to the group’s vision &
mission & not to harm the others.

Negotiation Skills
• Negotiation is simply meaning a way in discussion used between
several parties to meet @ a point with an agreement that represents a
common ground for all the parties & should end up with keeping on a
good relation between all the parties.
• It is not recommended to use an E-mail or text message through
mobile for negotiation because it may cause passive negotiation since
it loses the face-to-face interaction which is most helpful for a positive
interaction during the negotiation process.
• In order to understand the negotiating, let’s see what is the best way to
share a cake between 2 persons?
• Assume that a cake is covered with a
chocolate cream & we would like to divide
it equally between two persons where one
of them likes the cake but without any
chocolate cream while the other like the
chocolate cream but not the cake.


Negotiation Skills
• Based on the classical negotiation (DISTRIBUTIVE Negotiation, i.e.,
someone wins & someone lose), the possible results of this process
should end with one of the following probabilities based on volume share:
1. Win – Win: this is called the FIXED PIE concept where each one got
50% of the cake covered with the chocolate cream.
- In this case both win the same volume of cake but they will lose
what they do not like in their own share.
2. Win – Lose: in this case one will take the biggest portion of the cake
with the chocolate cream while the other will take the rest.
- In this case, even for the one who almost got the entire cake but he
will also lose a big volume from his share that he do not like.
3. Lose – Lose: no one take any portion of the cake as they are not
agreed about which percentage or portion to be taken.
- In this case, both parties lose everything.

Negotiation Skills
• Based on the new fashion negotiation (INTEGRATIVE Negotiation), the
possible results of this process should end with one of the following
probabilities based on share of the interest:
1. Win – Win: this is called the EXPANDED PIE concept where each one
will get his share based on his interest only so one person will take
only the whole cake without any of the chocolate cream while the other
one will take the entire chocolate cream without any cake.
− By this way, all of them will eat all his own part without losing any thing
from his part.
− At the end, they will be all happy with what they got regardless the
volume of the share because the share was based on the interest.
2. The other two categories (Win – Lose & Lose – Lose) are the same as
in the old fashion classical negotiation (distributive negotiation).



How Much You Learn?

• Mistakes are the advantage of the human being, without mistakes there
would be no ranking between those who passed school exams, there
would be no 1st, 2nd & 3rd rankings.
• It was the human error that caused the striker of the football team to
miss his chance @ the goal & it is also what caused the goalkeeper to
lose his clean sheet.
• Our advantage as human beings lies in the impossibility of perfection,
no matter how much science we have, we continue to make mistakes,
because if we thought we had attained perfection, we would not have
seen competition.
• If we make mistakes, we repent to our Lord, or apologize to our fellow
human beings & continue our lives.
• To reduce the mistakes, teamwork is created, because then the
percentage of human error begins to decrease & approaches zero but
never reach it.


How Much You Learn?

• Summary of a professional life.



• A team is MANY hands & ONE mind.
• Teamwork divides the task & multiplies the success.


• This always happens without a Teamwork.



• Let’s see a real example for the Teamwork.


3 Types of People
• Those who watch it happen.
• Those who wonder what happened.
• Those who make it happen!
• Today STOP, take a second and think what type are you?



The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Be Proactive: focus & act on what you can control & influence instead
of what you can’t.
2. Begin With the End in Mind: define clear measures of success & a
plan to achieve them.
3. Put First Things First: prioritize & achieve your most important goals
instead of constantly reacting to urgencies.
4. Think Win−Win: collaborate more effectively by building high-trust
5. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood: influence others
by developing a deep understanding of their needs & perspectives.
6. Synergize: develop innovative solutions that leverage differences &
satisfy all key stakeholders.
7. Sharpen the Saw: increase motivation, energy & work/life balance by
having time for renewing activities.
What is the most important one for you❓


Start Today
• There will never be a 'right' time to start. Start today.



Your Plan & Reality


Support Yourself
• Difference between who supports you & who congratulates you.



Did You Know This Before?

Did you know this before?


Nonsense Information

I like this BLUE cat P

I like this BLUE cat ???!!!



Education & Skills

• All of us are educated but NOT all of use are skilled.
• This is the difference between being Educated & being Skilled.
• A person who never failed is a person who never tried anything new to
be more experienced & skilled.


• A quality job means one’s work is valued, respected & contributes to
the goals of the organization.
• In fact, there is a difference
between PERFECTING the work
& DOING the work.
• The difference is in quality
between completing the two jobs.



• This exactly what is happening when a customer telling you that I found
someone to do the job with less price (PERFECTING the work & DOING
the work).


• Accuracy is the exact value free from
error or defect.
• Inaccuracy to do your tasks may end up
with a huge UNDO disasters.



This is Not My Job

• When you doing your job as requested NOT as what should be.


Overconfident & Expectation



Different Point of View

• Which is the correct answer?


Being Kind May be Your End



Last Advise

• Never PROMISE when HAPPY.

• Never REPLY when ANGRY.

• Never DECIDE when SAD.


No more introduction please
Let’s relax



Thank You



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