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The Best English r*¾Zif;udk tGefvdkif; (Online) uae Ebook jzifh

xkwfa0cJhonfrSm 2021 'DZifbmvrS pwifa&wGufvQif ,ck 2022? arv qdkvQif
(6) vjynfh? ESpf0ufyif usKd;cJhygNyD/ Online uae 0,f,lzwf½Iolrsm;taejzifh
wpfpkHwpf&mtusKd;&Sdrnf[k arQmfvifhygonf/ rdrdwdkYbufuvnf; t*Fvdyfpmavhvmol
pmzwfy&dowftwGuf tpGrf;ukefBudK;pm;xm;ygonf/ pmzwfolrsm;taejzifh zwf½Ivdk
onfhpmrsm;? avhvmvdkonfhtaMumif;t&mrsm; ryg&Sdygu r*¾Zif;\ Facebook Page
&Sd messenger uaewpfqifh yGifhyGifhvif;vif; a&;om;ajymqdktBuHjyKEdkifygonf/
rdrdwdkYbufuwwfEdkiforQ azmfjyay;aeygaomfvnf; wpfpkHwpf&mcsKdU,Gif;csufrsm;?
trSm;t,Gif;rsm;yg&Sdygu em;vnfcGifhvTwfapcsifygonf/ pmzwfolwdkY ay;vdkuf&aom
aiGEiS t
hf csed w Ykd kd tv[ó rjzpf&avatmif The Best English r*¾Zif;t,f'w
f u D mtzGUJ

rS tpOftNrJ BudK;pm;aeygaMumif; today;wifjytyfonf/

,aehb0c&D;vrf; Today’s Walk
'DaeY wpfaeukef jznf;jznf;avQmufr,f I will walk slowly through this day;
raeYu usefcJhwJh I leave what is not needed behind from yesterday.
rvdktyfwmawGudk xm;vdkufw,f I will treasure all the knowledge to move forward.
todynmawGtm;vkH;udk What I do today will not change or erase the
tjrwfwEdk;odrf;qnf;&if; a&SUqufoGm;r,f past..
'DaeYvkyfudkifwmawGu I move on knowing that today I will do differently
twdwfudk ajymif;vJwmrsKd;? than before.
acszsufypfwmrsKd;awmh r&Sdbl;uG,f If I fail, there will be another tomorrow and a
,cifvkyfudkifcJhwmawGeJYrwlbJ future tomorrow for hope..
'DaeYrSmvkyfaqmifr,fqdkwJhtodeJY a&SUqufw,f
rjzpfajrmufcJh&ifvnf; By Kathy Russell
arQmfvifhp&m tem*wfreufjzefawG
&Syd gvdrrhf ,f/

rd k ; ,H j rif h

April 2022
May 2022 The Best/ 1
My night has passed on the
bed of sorrow
My night has passed on the bed of
Sorrow, and my eyes are tired.
My heavy heart is not yet ready to
meet morning with its crowded joys.

Draw a veil over this naked light,

beckon aside from me this glaring
flash and dance of life.

Let thy mantle of tender darkness

cover me in its folds, and cover my
pain awhile from the pressure of the world.

2 /The Best March

May 2022
0rf;enf;aMuuGrJ t
I yd &f may:rSm
0rf;enf;aMuuGJrI tdyf&may:rSm El;nhHnifomwJh
ukd,hf&JUnwm ukefqkH;oGm;cJhNyDav/ tarSmifxk0wf½kHvTmMum;xJrSm
ukd,hfrsufvkH;awG[mvnf; yifyef;EGrf;vsaecJhaygh/ ukd,hfukd zkH;uG,fxm;ygap/
av;vHxdkif;rdIif;aewJh ukd,hfESvkH;om;[mvnf; avmuBuD;&JU zdpD;'PfrS
aysmf&Tifp&mawG jynhfESufaewJh wpfcPavmuf (oufom&m&atmif)
eHeufcif;ukd awGUqkHzdkY ukd,hfa0'emawGukd
tckxufxd tqifoifh rjzpfao;ygbl;uG,f/ zk;H tkyx
f m;ay;ygvm;uG,/f /

Avmusif;wJh tvif;a&mifukdvnf;
rif;&JUy0gav;eJY zk;H tkyx
f m;ay;yg/
pl;&SawmufywJh tvif;awGeJY
b0&JU jrL;wl;aysmfyg;rIawGukdvnf;
udk,hftyg;u z,f&Sm;ay;yguG,f/

tdE´d,uAsmpmqdk Rabindranath Tagore \ Fruit-GatheringpmtkyfrS tydk'f (45) ukd jyefqdkygonf/

May 2022
2022 The Best/ 3
avmu&JYo&zl Crown of the World
&GufvTihfvdkufawmh At sailing
b0[m pD;aMumif;xJrSmarsmvdkY life is floating along the current
aomuawG scavenging the worries hotly
tylwjyif;vdkufq,f&if; feverish clocks
tysif;zsm;aewJh em&DawGeJY and choking tomorrows
touf½SLusyfaewJh reufjzefawG are blown away
zkefxlxlawmvrf;av;twdkif; vGifhvdkY along dusty country road
Everytime I have
avmuBuD;&JU NydKifyGJwdkif;rSm
no chance to take part in a ready position
toifhtaetxm;eJY in every contest of the world,
,SOfNydKifcGifhr&wJh tBudrfwdkif; have to excruciatingly withstand the knocks of
b0&JUxdk;ESufcsufawGukd the life
tvl;tvSrd chf &H if; and to exchange my losses
tNyHK;awGukd t½IH;eJYvJ,lae&w,f/ for smile.
bmyJjzpfjzpf Whatever it is,
reufjzefawG rsufESmopfNyD;wJhtcgwdkif; everytime tomorrows wash their face
aea&mifjcnfvdk tm;opftifopfawGeJY to win the crown of the world
avmu&JU o&zlukd &,lzdkY with the new strength like a sunlight
ukd,hfukd,fukd,f pdfefac:&OD;r,f/ I have to challenge myself.


4 /The Best May 2022

May 2022 The Best/ 5
Romantic Messages

Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in

hJ cspfqw
kd m wkjYH yefvmrSmudk vufc&H &Szd q
Ykd w
kd t
hJ awG;rsKd; vk;H 0r&Sb
d eJ YJ ay;qyfvw
kd hJ

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the
tcspfqdkwm tjcm;olxHrSm oifhudk,foif &SmazGawGU&Sdwm&,f? todtrSwfjyKcH&wmudkyJ

You can create anything that makes you happy if you have love.
oifhrSmomtcspf&Sdae&if oifhudk aysmf&TifapwJh b,ft&mrqdk zefwD;Edkifygw,f/

Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously thehead,

the heart, and the senses.
tcspfqdkwm tm;taumif;qkH;cspfaZm[kefawGygyJ/ taMumif;uawmh tcspfu OD;acgif;?
ESvkH;om;eJY tm½kHawGudk wpfNydKifeufwnf; wdkufcdkufwmaMumifhyg/

6 /The Best May 2022

If I get tired of loving you, I will just rest a little then I will love you again.
udk,f rif;udk cspf&wm NiD;aiGUvm&if enf;enf;em;vdkufNyD; tJh'Daemuf wpfzef jyefcspfOD;rSmaemf/

There is nothing sweeter than the sweetness of our love.

udk,fwdkYtcspfawG&JUcsKdNrdefrIavmuf ydkNyD;csKdNrdefwJht&m r&Sdawmhygbl;/

Happiness is pretty simple: someone to love, something to do, something to look

forward to.
aysmf&TifrIqdkwm ½dk;½dk;av;ygyJ/ wpfa,mufa,mufudkcspfaewm? wpfckckudkvkyfaewm? wpfckckudk

If you could only see what's on my mind, it would be like you're looking at your own
photo album.
udk,fhpdwfu bmjzpfaew,fqdkwm rif; jrifEdkifw,fqdk&if rif;&JUudk,fydkif"mwfykHt,f(v)brfudk
Munfhae&ovdkrsKd; jzpfaevdrfhr,f/

cspf y ef ; yG i f h

May 2022 The Best/ 7

Many years ago, an English family were living in China. One
evening an important Chinese officer came to visit them. It got later and
later, and he still did not go, so his hostess invited him to have dinner with
them. But she had very little food in the house, so she quickly went to the
kitchen and spoke to her Chinese cook. He said, "It is all right. You will
have a very good dinner."
When they all sat down to eat, the lady was very surprised, because
there was a lot of very good food on the table.
After the dinner, the hostess ran to the kitchen and said to the
cook. 'How did you make such a good meal in half an hour?"
"I did not make it, madam." he said. "I sent one of the servants to
the Chinese officer's house, and he brought back the Chinese officer's

8 /The Best May 2022

wpfcgwkef;u w½kwfEkdifiHwGif aexdkifonfh t*Fvdyfrdom;pk &Sdavonf/
wpfnaewGif ta&;ygonfh w½kwftpdk;&t&m&SdwOD; olwdkYqDodkY vmvnfonf/
nOfhydkydkeufvmaomfvnf; olrjyefao;wmaMumifh npmtwlwlpm;&efzdwfac:vdkufav
'gayr,fh tdrf&SifrwGifvnf; tdfrfrSm pm;p&mu tenf;i,fom &Sdavonf/
xdUk aMumifh olronf rD;zdak csmifxo
J Ykd tjrefomG ;NyD; olr\w½kwpf m;zdrk LS ;tm;ajymavonf/
pm;zdkrSL;uvnf; ajymavonf/
]]aumif;ygNyD/ npmaumif;aumif;pm;&atmif csufjyKwfvdkufygr,f}}
olwdkYtm;vHk; npmpm;zdkY xrif;pm;yGJxdkifvdkufcsdefwGif pm;yGJay:wGif tpm;taomufawG
tvQHy,fjzpfaewmaMumifh tvGeftHhtm;oifhoGm;avonf/
npmpm;NyD;csdefwGif tdrf&Sifronf rD;zdkacsmifodkYajy;í pm;zdkrSL;tm;ar;avonf/
]]wpfem&DcGJavmuftwGif; 'Dpm;p&mawG &Sifb,fvdkrsm; csufjyKwfvdkufwmrsm;vJ}}
]]uRefawmf rcsufcJhygbl;? r'rf/ tapcHwpfOD;ukd w½kwft&m&SdtdrfvTwfNyD; olut&m&Sd
twGuf npmawGukd o,fvmay;wmyg}}[k olu ajymjyavawmhonf/

1.When did this story happen ?

2.Where were the English family living ?
3.What happened one evening ?
4.What did the hostess do ?
5.Why did she do this ?
6.Why did she go to the kitchen ?
7.What did the cook say ?
8.What did the English family and the Chinese officer do then ?
9.How did the lady feel ?
10.Why did she feel like this ?
11.What did she do after the dinner ?
12.What did she say to the cook ?
13.What was his answer ?
,cifvrStajzrSefudk þpmtkyfwpfae&mwGif azmfjyxm;ygonf/

May 2022 The Best/ 9

b,fvdk ......... rSef;rodbl; (rwwfbl;)
S don't/ doesn't know how to + V1 (Infinitive) ......
e.g. *sKd;onf? a&b,fvdkul;&rSef; rodbl; (a&rul;wwfbl;)
A. Joe doesn't know how to swim.
Exercises: Do oral practice first repeatedly and write down the sentences
in English.
1. uREfkyf nDrav;onf b,fvdkcsufjyKwf&rnfukd rodyg (rcsufwwfyg)
A. My younger sister doesn't know how to cook.
2. uREfkyftronf b,fvdk u&rnfukd rodyg/ (ruwwfyg)
A. My elder sister doesn't know how to dance.
3. igu pydefpum; b,fvdkajym&rnfukd rodyg (pydefpum; rajymwwfyg/)
A. I don't know how to speak Spainish.
4. uREfkyfwdkY pifumylrSm b,fvdkpD;yGm;a&;vkyf&rSef; rodyg/ (pD;yGm;rvkyfwwfyg)
A. We don't know how to do business in Singapore.
5. 'if;epf(pf)u ukd,fydkifoHpOf oDcsif;wpfyk'f? b,fvdka&;zGJU&rSef; rodyg/ (ra&;zGJUwwfyg)
A. Dennis doesn't know how to compose an own-tuned song.
6. olwdkYonf oGif;ukefxkwfukef ukrÜPDwpfck b,fvdkpDrHxdef;ausmif;&rSef; rodyg/
A. They don't know how to manage an export-import company.
7. ig 0ifaiGESifh xGufaiGtvsOfrDzdkY b,fvdkvkyf&r,f rodbl;/
A. I don't know how to make both ends meet.
8. tcsKdU rdef;uav;rsm;onf a,mufsm;uav;rsm;\ tm½kHukd zrf;pm;&ef rodMubl;/ (rwwfMubl;)
A. Some girls don't know how to catch boys' attention.
9. eefpDonf um;b,fvdk armif;&rnfukd rodyg/
A. Nancy doesn't know how to drive (a car).
10. *suf(zf)onf pGefrvTwfwwfyg/
A. Jeff doesn't know how to fly a kite.
11. vrf;avQmufwwfcgpuav;wpfOD;onf pufbD;rpD;wwfyg/
A. A toddler doesn't know how to ride a bike.
12. aumfzDb,fvdkazmf&rnfukd igrodyg/ (razsmfwwfyg)
A. I don't know how to make coffee.
13. tJvpf(pf) BudK; rckefwwfbl;/
A. Alice doesn't know how to skip a rope.
14. ig vufa0SUrxdk;wwfbl;/
A. I don't know how to do (play) boxing.
15. olwdkYpifumylrSm b,fvdkrdwfaqGzGJU&rnf rodyg/ (rdwfaqGrzGJUwwfyg)
A. They don't know how to make friends in S'pore.

10 /The Best May 2022

b,fae&m .......... rodyg (rodbl;)
S don't / doesn't know where to + V1 (infinitive) ........
e.g. uRefawmf? uRefrwdkY r*FvmyGJ b,fae&mrSm usif;y&r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. We don't know where to hold our wedding ceremony.

Exercises: Do oral practice first repeatedly and write down the sentences
in English.
1. "m;jyrsm;onf &wemypönf;rsm;ukd b,fae&mrSm 0Suf&rnfukd rodMuyg/
A. The bandits don't know where to hide the treasure.
2. rdk;a&pkdaewJh rdk;umtusÐukd ig b,fae&mrSmxm;&rnfukd rodbl;/
A. I don't know where to keep (put) my wet raincoat.
3. ig b,fae&mrSm tvkyfaumif;wpfck &Sm&r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. I don't know where to find a good job.
4. uRefawmf rsufvkH;awG b,fae&mrSm prf;oyf&rnfqkdwm rodbl;/
A. I don't know where to have my eyes tested.
5. ig b,fae&mrSm qHyifn§yf&r,fqkdwm rodbl;/
A. I don't know where to have my hair cut.
6. ighum;udk b,fae&mrSm jyif&r,fqkdwm rodbl;/
A. I don't know where to have my car fixed. (repaired)
7. aeYv,fpmb,fae&mrSm pm;&r,fqkdwm rodbl;/
A. I don't know where to have my lunch.
8. b,fae&mrSm a&csKd;&r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. I don't know where to have (take) a shower (bath).
9. b,fae&mrSm tem;,l&r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. I don't know where to take a rest. (a nap)
10. b,fae&mrSm tav;taygh (tdrfomwuf) &r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. I don't know where to go for a call of nature. (where to use the toilet.)
11. igwdkY b,fae&mrSm tm;vyf&uftyef;ajz&r,fqkdwm rodawmhbl;/
A. We don't know where to go for relaxation. (where to go on a holiday.)
12. rpöwm*sufz&D½u kd (f pf)onf a':vmawGudk b,fae&mrSm a&mif;&r,fqw
dk m rodawmhb;l /
A. Mr. Jeffrey Rice doesn't know where to exchange (sell) dollars.
13. igwdkYa&T&wkr*Fvm ESpfywfvnf b,frSm usif;y&r,frodbl;/
A. We don't know where to celebrate the golden jubilee of our marriage.
14. 'DuAsmq&m&JU uG,fvGefjcif;ESpfywfvnf b,frSm usif;y&r,frodbl;/
A. We don't know where to hold the anniversary of the poet's death.
15. tnMwppfonfrsm; atmufarhzG,ftcgor, b,frSmusif;y&r,f rodMuyg/
A. We don't know where to celebrate the memorable occasion for the
Un known Combatants.

May 2022 The Best/ 11
Oypm pum;qkdwm b,fbmompum;rSmrqdk &Sdygw,f/ Oypmpum;okHk;Edkif
avav? qdv k &kd if; t"dymÜ ,fyNkd yD; &Si;f vif;pl;&SavavyJ/ t*Fvyd b
f momrSm ok;H avho;Hk x
&SdwJh Oypmpum;awGukd trsKd;tpm;cGJNyD; &Sif;jyygr,f/ 'gawG[m pma&;&m? pmzwf&m?
pum;ajym&mrSmyg tvGeftokH;0ifr,fh tokHk;tEIef;awG jzpfygw,f/

(1) Simile (tEIdif;tckdif;)

'guawmh jrefrmo'´gpum;eJY ajym&&if ½lyutvuFmvdpk um;rsK;d awG jzpfygw,f/
wlnDwJh taMumif;t&mawGukd ,SOf,SOfjyNyD; pum;av;eufatmif okH;pGJwJhoabmyg/
'as' (okdY) 'like' qdkwJh pum;awGeJYwGJwGJokH;avh&Sdw,f/

Oyrm - He stood as firm as a rock.

ausmufaqmifvdkyJ cdkifcdkifNrJNrJ ol&yfwnfw,f/

- He is as poor as a church mouse.

ol[m bk&m;ausmif;xJu <uufvdkyJ odyfqif;&Jw,f/

12 /The Best May 2022

(2) Metaphor (Oypm)
h &mESpcf &k UJ wlncD suaf wGudk ,SOjf ywJph um;awGudk Metaphor vdaYk c:w,f/
oGijf yifjcm;em;wJt
Metaphor onf Simile wpfrsKd;yg/

Oyrm - The camel is the ship of desert.

ukvm;tkyf[m oJuEÅm&&JU oabFmyJ/
- Life is a dream.
b0qdkwm tdyfrufygyJ/
- Thakhin Ko Daw Hmaing is the Shakespeare of Myanmar.
ocifukd,fawmfrdIif;[m jrefrmjynf&JU &SdwfpyD;,m;yJ/
- He is a bookworm.
oluawmh pm*sydk;yJ/
- Bogyoke Aung San is the pillar of the nation.
AdkvfcsKyfatmifqef;[m wkdif;jynf&JU urÁnf;ausmufwdkifBuD;yg/

(3) Personification (Oyrmwifpm;csuf)

oufrt hJ &m0w¬KawG? pdwZå emrfawGudk ouf&adS wGvkd wifpm;ok;H EIe;f wJh pum;awGjzpfygw,f/

Oyrm - Oh, even sleep has left me.

aMomf tdyfpufjcif;uawmif ighukd aemufcsef&pfxm;cJhNyD/
- Dreams are sweeter than honey.
tdyfruf[m ysm;&nfxufcsKdw,f/
- The moon kissed her cheeks.
vrif;u olY yg;jyifukd erf;MuLw,f/

(4) Hyperbole (pum;y&d,m,f)

jrefrmo'´grSmawmh twdó,0kwå tvuFmvdkYqdkEdkifw,f/ pum;tokHk;tEIef;ukd
ydkrdkxda&mufatmif twif;t"r® csJUum;ajymqdkjcif;rsKd;ukd qdkvdkygw,f/
Oyrm - The wave rolled mountain high.
vIdif;awG[m awmifvkH;avmuf jrihfNyD;wufaew,f/
- River of blood flows.
-If the river were dry, I am able to fill it with tears.
jrpfa&awG ajcmufcef;ukef&if ighrsuf&nfawGeJY jznfhay;Edkifygw,f/
- A cry that would raise the dead from the graves.
ocsKØif;xJu vlaoawG aigufceJxvmEdkifavmufwJh atmfoHBuD;ygyJ/

(5) Antithesis (qefYusifzDvmpum;)

taMumif;t&mwpfckeJY aemuftaMumif;t&mwpfckukd ,SOfwGJokH;pGJjyNyD; ydkrdkav;eufrI
aqmifwJh pum;vkH;awGyg/

May 2022 The Best/ 13

Oyrm -Many are called, but few are chosen.
ac:wmutrsm;BuD;yJ/ 'gayrJh a&G;vdkufwmu enf;enf;av;/
- Speech is silver, but silence is golden.
pum;ajymwmawG aiGqdk&if wdwfwdwfaewma&T/
- Do error is human, to forgive divine.
rSm;wmu vlawGtvkyf? cGifhvTwfwmu bk&m;ociftvkyf/

(6) Oxymoron (qefYusifbufpum; 2 ck 'GefwGJokH;jcif;)

qefYusifbuf taMumif;t&mESpfckudk ,SOfwGJokH;pGJjcif;rsKd; jzpfonf/

Oyrm - Life is bitter sweet.

b0qdkwm tcsKdcg;cg;av;/
- There were tears of joy.
0rf;omvGef;vdkY rsuf&nfvnf/
- It was an honourable defeat.
'guawmh *kPf,lavmufwJh t½IH;ygyJ/
- Kind cruelty of the surgeon's knife saved him.
cGJpdwfq&m0ef&JU MuifemNyD; &ufpufvSwJh "m;oGm;u olYtoufukd u,fwifcJhw,f/

(7) Epigram (wdkwdkeJY tom;ygwJhpum;)

tawG;tac:ESpfckukd xl;xl;jcm;jcm; pdwf0ifpm;rI&atmif wrifokH;pGJxm;jcif;rsKd;/
Oyrm - The child is the father of the man.
uav;qdkwm vlBuD;&JUtazyJ/
- A little learning is a dangerous thing.
enf;enf;av;odwm[m odyftEÅ&m,frsm;wJht&myJ/
- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
olawmfaumif;awG vmzdkY aMumufwJhae&mukd ol½l;olESrf;awGu twif;wkd;0ifMuw,f/

(8) Irony (aighajymjcif;)

csD;rGrf;ovdkvdkeJY uJh&JUa0zefwJhpum;rsKd; ajymwJhpum;eJY qefYusifbufteuft"dyÜm,fukd
,lvdkY&wJh pum;rsKd; awGjzpfygw,f/
Oyrm - Don't you know my father, who was your friend.
uRefawmfhtaz? cifAsm;&JUrdwfaqGBuD;ukd cifAsm;rodbl;vm;/
(wu,fawmh &efolukd rdwfaqGBuD;vdkY wrif&GJUajymwm)

(9) Transferred Epithet (0daooeyk'f)

Oyrm - You are very beautiful, just look at your face in the looking glass.
rif; wu,fvSwmyJ/ rif;rsufESmukd rif;rSefxJrSm jyefMunhfvdkufygOD;/
(t½kyfqdk;wmukd wrifajymwm)

14 /The Best May 2022

(10) Pun (pum;vdrf)
pmvkH;wpfvkH;xJu t"dyÜm,fESpfcGxGufwJh pum;rsKd;awGukd a&G;NyD;oHk;EIef;wmrsKd;/
Oyrm - Is life worth living? It depends upon the liver.
b0[m aeaysmfygovm;/ 'gawGawmh aexdkifwJholay:rSm rlwnfygw,f/ (Liver
k phJ um;u ]aexdik f wJo
h }l qdw
k hJ t"dymÜ ,fa&m? toJEv
S ;Hk tajctae (ok)Yd aexdik v
f aYkd umif;wJh
tajctaeqdkwJh t"dyÜm,fa&m ESpfckxGufygw,f/ BudKufwJht"dyÜm,fukd,lNyD; em;vnfzdkYygyJ/)
- An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his
('Dae&mrSmvnf; 'lies' qdkwJh pum;vkH;[m ]aexdkifw,f} qkdwJhtjyif ]vdrfvnfw,f}
qkdwJh t"dyÜm,fvnf;&Sdaeygw,f/ 'gaMumifh t"dyÜm,fESpfrsKd;,lvdkY&r,f)
oHwrefqdkwmu olYEdkifiHaumif;usKd;twGuf olrsm;EdkifiHrSm oGm;vdrfae&wJh ½dk;ajzmifhwJh
yk*¾dKvfyJ/ (odkYr[kwf)
oHwrefqdkwmu olYEdkifiHaumif;usKd;twGuf olrsm;EdkifiHrSm oGm;vdrfae&wJh ½dk;ajzmifhwJh
yk*Kd¾ vfy/J

(11) Trasferred Epithet (0daooeyk'f)

emr0daooeeJY emrfwoJG ;Hk xm;ayr,fh tJ'D emr0daooe[m emrfut
dk xl;jyKwJh t"dymÜ ,f
raygufbJ wjcm;t"dyÜm,fxGufaewmrsKd;/

Oyrm - It was a happy day for us.

uRefawmfwkdYtwGuf aysmf&Tifp&maeYwpf&uf jzpfcJhw,f/
(aeYxl;aeYjrwfjzpfvdkY tvdkvdkaysmf&Tifp&m aumif;wJhaeYjzpfw,fvdkY rqdkvdkyg/
uRefawmfwkdYaysmf&TifaeMuwmukd qdkvdkygw,f/)
- He passed a sleepless night.
oltdyfr&wJhnukd vGefajrmufcJhw,f/
(tdyfr&wJhnqdkwmu nudkrqkdvdk/ oltdyfr&wmukd qdkvdkw,f)
- He received a moral wound.
ol aoavmufwJh'Pf&m&w,f/
(aoavmufw,fqkdwmu 'Pf&mukd rqdkvdk/ ol &wmukdqdkvdkw,f)

(12) Pathetic Fallacy (u½kPm&o)

oufr0hJ w¬Kypön;f awGudk ouf&v
dS Ykd oabmxm;Ny;D ok;H EIe;f Ny;D pdw0f ifpm;atmifa&;om;wmrsK;d /

Oyrm - The singing of the wind.

avnnf;oH (avwdkufwJhtoH? oufrJhjzpfwJh ]av} ukd ouf&SdokH;wJh ]nnf;} qdkwJh
pum;vkH;eJY wGJokH;xm;w,f/)
- The moon and stars, tell me if you have seen my lover anywhere.
tdk ... pE´mvrif;eJY Mu,fuav;awG&,f? ukd,fhcspfolukd b,frSmawGUcJhw,fqkdwm
ukd,hfukd ajymjyygvm;uG,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 15

His Goodwill
A certain man and his bride didn’t have
a place to live, so they spent their wedding
night at the woman’s parents’ home.
The next morning they didn’t come
down for breakfast, but the old couple didn’t
think anything of it. They didn’t come down
for lunch, either, but the old couple figured
they were tired from the previous night and
still didn’t think anything of it.
When they still didn’t come down at
dinner time, the old couple couldn’t sit still.
They asked their young son, “Your sister
and brother-in-law didn’t have any problems last night, did they?”
“No, no problems,” the son replied. “Oh, right. My brother-in-law asked me for some Vaseline
last night, but I’d just used the last of it. I had some super glue I’d been using to build a model,
though, so I gave him that.”

rxEd k i f j cif ; taMumif ; &if ;

vlwpfa,mufESifhol\ZeD;wdkYrSm aep&mae&mr&Sd? xdkYaMumifh olwdkY\r*FvmOD;nudk trsKd;orD;\rdbtdrfwGif
aemufwpfaeYreufwGif olwdkYZeD;armifESHrSm eHeufpmtwGuf atmufxyfodkY qif;rvmMu/ odkYaomf tbdk;BuD;
tbGm;BuD;ESpfOD;u ¤if;ESifhywfoufí rnfodkYrQrxifMu/ aeYv,fpmpm;csdefwGifvnf; olwdkY qif;rvmMu/ odkYaomf
olwEYkd pS Of ;D nu yifyef;oGm;aomaMumifjh zpfonf[k tbd;k BuD;tbGm;BuD;vifr,m;u wGuq f rdNy;D rnforYkd Q rxifMuay/
npm pm;csdef olwYkd qif;rvmaomtcg tbd;k BuD;tbGm;BuD;vifr,m;rSm xdik rf aeEdik af wmh/ olw\ Ykd om;ti,fukd
ar;Munfhvdkufonf/ ]]eifhtreJY eifha,mufz nu bmjyóemrS rwufMubl;r[kwfvm;/}}
]]Edk;? bmjyóemrS rwufMuygbl;/}} [k om;i,fu ajzonf/ ]]aMomf? [kwfNyD/ uRefawmfha,mufzuawmh
h n hJ u tqDyspfawGawmif;w,f? 'gayrJh uRefawmfu tukeo f ;Hk xm;rdvu
kd w
f ,f/ armf',f½yk wf pfcu k kd vkyw
f t
hJ cg
okH;aewJh plyg*vl;(uRJaumf)awG&SdaevdkY uRefawmfvnf; tJh'gudk ay;rdvdkufw,fav/}}

16 /The Best May 2022

Good Boy
A boy asked his mother: “What’s a girl-
His mother said: “After you’ve grown
bigger, if you’re a good boy, you’ll get one!”
The boy: “And if I’m not a good boy?”
His mother: “Then you’ll get lots of ‘em.”

vl v d r ® m av;
aumifav;wpfa,mufu olYrdcifudk ar;w,f/
]]&nf;pm;aumifrav;qdkwm bmudkajymwmvJ}}
taru ajzw,f/ ]]om; BuD;vmvdkY vlvdr®m
av;wpfa,mufjzpf&if wpfa,mufawmh&rSmaygh/}}
aumifav;u ]]wu,fvdkY om;u vlvdr®mrjzpfcJh&ifaum . . .}}
rdcifu ]]'gqdk&if om;u olYudk qkH;½IH;oGm;rSmayghuG,f}} vdkY ajymvdkufygawmhw,f/

The Method
Q: “How can you win a woman’s heart,
so that she’ll never leave you?”
A: “When someone has made up their
mind to leave you, you can’t tie them down
even if you use iron chains.”
Q: “Then what should one do?”
A: “Use gold chains.”

enf ; vrf ;
ar;cGef;/ / olru rif;udk b,fawmhrS ypfroGm;
bJeJY olr&JUESvkH;om;udk b,fvdkrsm; ydkifqdkifvdkY &Edkif

tajz/ / wpfa,mufa,mufu cifAsm;udk ypfoGm;zdkY qkH;jzwfcsufcsxm;NyD;NyDqdk&if cifAsm;u oHBudK;uGif;
awGudk tokH;jyK&ifawmif csnfaESmifxm;vdkY r&Edkifygbl;/
ar;cGef; / / 'gqdk bmvkyfoifhovJ/
tajz / / a&TBufdK;uGif;udk tokH;jyKvdkufayghAsm/

May 2022 The Best/ 17

Blind Date
Man: “I don’t have a condo or a car.”
Woman: “What’re you telling me that
for? You think I’m one of those women that
only cares about material things?”
The man was quite moved, but
remained silent.
Woman: “What’s your favorite color?”
Man: “I like red.”
Woman: “Oh, I like blue. I’m sorry, but

we aren’t right for each other. We like different things.”

&S i f h t Bud K uf e J Y uRef r tBud K uf

trsKd ; om; / / udk,fhrSm uGef'dkwpfvkH;? um;wpfpD;awmifr&Sdygbl;/
trsKd;orD; / / &Siuf uRerf udk bmtwGuf ajymaewmvJ/ uRerf u ½ky0f w¬Kypön;f awGuykd J *½kpu
kd af ewJh rde;f rawGxu
wpfa,mufvdkY &Sifu xifaewmvm;/
xdkvlu tawmfhudk pdwfvIyf&Sm;oGm;ayrJh NidrfNidrfav;aevdkufw,f/
trsKd;orD; / / &Sif BudKufwJhta&mifu bmta&mifvJ/
trsKd;om; / / udk,fu teDBudKufw,fav/
trsKd;orD; / / aMomf? uRefruawmh tjyma&mifuBkd udKufw,f/ 0rf;enf;ygw,f/ uRefrwdu Yk wpfa,mufew YJ pfa,muf
rudkufnDMuygbl;/ rwlwmawGudk BudKufaeMuwmav/

Buying Grapes
I went to buy some grapes today.
I asked the storekeeper, “Can I taste these
Storekeeper: “No tasting.”
Me: “Then how’ll I know if they’re sweet?”
Storekeeper: “I’ll taste one, and you watch
the expression on my face.

pyspf o D ; csKd 0 ,f w J h t cg
'DaeY uRefr pyspfoD;tenf;i,f oGm;0,fcJhonf/ aps;a&mif;oludk uRefru ar;onf/ ]]'DpyspfoD;awGudk
uRefr jrnf;MunfhvdkY&Edkifovm;}}
aps;a&mif;ol / / jrnf;vdkYr&bl;/
uRef r / / 'gqdk pyspfoD;awG csKdrcsKd uRefr b,fvdkvkyf od&rvJ/
aps;a&mif;ol / / uRefawmf wpfvkH;jrnf;jyr,f/ cifAsm;u uRefawmfhrsufESmudk MunfhNyD;qkH;jzwfvdkufav/

ausmf j rif h a t;

18 /The Best May 2022

t*Fvyd b
f mompum;udk atmifatmifjrifjrifavhvmzdYk bmawGvtkd yfygovJ/ a,bk,stm;jzifh
ZGJ&Sd&SdavhvmrIeJY taumif;jrifoabmxm;u r&Sdrjzpfvdktyfygw,f/ 'gayrJh rnfonfhbmom&yf
(od)Yk bmompum;udk avhvmavhvm ydrk w kd ud swJh vufawGUtoH;k us tBuHay;pum;awG &Syd gw,f/
atmufrSm t*Fvdyfpum;ajymavhvmaeolrsm; tqifajyatmifjrifEdkifapr,fh tBuHay;pum;
(10) ckudk azmfjyay;vdkufygw,f/

1) Break it down then build it up

(cGJjcrf;pdwfjzmyg? NyD;aemuf wnfaqmufyg)
t*Fvyd pf um;udk aumif;aumif;rGerf eG f ajymwwfzt
Ykd &mrsm;pGmudk wpfNydKifeufwnf; vkyaf qmif
Edik zf Ykd vdt k yfygw,f/ oifah wmfwhJ a0g[m&awG od&&dS r,f? a&G;cs,f&r,f/ rSeu f efwo hJ '´geJY 0gusyHpk u
H kd
toHk;jyK&ygr,f/ NyD;awmh rSefuefwJhtoH? tzdtazghyHkpH (stress pattern) awG? &pforfeJY
av,lavodr;f (intonation) eJaY jym&ygr,f/
pum;vHk;awG rod&if xpft xpft jzpfaeygr,f/ oifhawmfrSefuefwJh o'´geJY 0gusyHkpHudk
roHk;Edkif&if r,Ofaus;wJh? tqifhr&SdwJh t*Fvdyfpum; jzpfoGm;ygr,f/
'ghaMumifh tay:rSm azmfjyxm;wmawGudk wpfckcsif;pD oD;jcm;avhusifhNyD;rS twlwla&mNyD;
avhusifhyg/ oifhajympum;[m ydkrdkwdusacsmarGUvmygvdrfhr,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 19

2) Learn to interact (wHkYjyefajymqdkzdkY oif,lyg)
t*Fvyd pf um;tjyeftvSeaf jymwm[m tjcm;vlwpfa,mufeYJ pum;ajymjcif;eJY em;axmifjcif;wdYk
yg0ifwJh tjyeftvSefvkyfaqmifrIyg/ oifeJYpum;ajymaewJhol[m oifajymwmudk em;axmifae
ovm;qdw k mudk pum;ajymenf;AsL[mawGukd toH;k jyKNyD; ppfaq;Munfyh g/ Oyrm - t"dupum;vH;k
awGukd tav;ay;ajymjcif; (emphasizing key words)? pum;udw k pfenf;wpfzkH xyfajymjcif;
(rephrasing) 'grSr[kwf “You know what I mean?” (uReaf wmf ajymwmodvm;) or “Don’t
you agree?” (cifAsm;oabmwlvm;) awGvdk toHk;tEIef;awGudk toHk;jyKjcif;rsKd;aygh/
oifeJYpum;ajymaewJholudk pum;ajymzdkY tcGifhta&;ay;yg/ (olYudkpum;ajymcGifhray;&if tjyef
tvSefpum;ajymr[kwfbJ oifwpfa,mufwnf; rdefYcGef;ajymovdk jzpfoGm;ygvdrfhr,f) NyD;awmh
olUtajzawGudk toHk;jyKNyD; oifaemufxyfajymr,fh pum;udkpOf;pm;yg/

3) Use your body (oifh cE¨mudk,fudk toHk;jyKyg)

pum;vH;k rygwJq
h ufo, G rf I (non-verbal communication) [mvnf; xda&mufwphJ um;
ajymjzpfzYkd tvGetf a&;BuD;ygw,f/ 'g[m t*Fvyd pf m^pum;udk avhvmoif,al ewJh uGsefawmfwv Ykd kd
EdkifiH&yfjcm;uvlawGudk tomxm;vdkY native English speaker awG twGufawmif ta&;BuD;
ygw,f/ t*Fvyd pf um;? jyifopfpum;? w½kwpf um;? *syefpum;? ud&k ;D ,m;pum; b,fbmompum;udk
rqdk awmifhawmifhBuD; rwfwyf&yfNyD;? xdkifNyD; pum;ajymaewJh native speaker awGudk awGUzl;yg
ovm;/ 'ghaMumifh vuf[efajc[ef? udk,f[eftaetxm;? rsufESm trlt,mwdkYeJY pum;ajymyg/
oifeJYpum;ajymaeol&JU body language u bmudk qdkvdkaeovJqdkwm em;vnfatmif
k f taetxm;udv k nf; owdjyKyg/ oifrwfwyf&yfaeyH?k xdik af eyHk [m oift
h azmf&UJ
ajympum;udk oifysif;&daeovm; odkYr[kwf pdwf0ifpm;aeovm;qdkwm azmfjyaeEdkifygw,f/
t*Fvdyfpum;ajym ½kyf&SifawG? AD'D,dkawGrsm;rsm;MunfhNyD; twkcdk;avhusifh&if [efeJYyefeJY

4) Sing a song! (oDcsif;qdkyg)

*Dw[m oifhpum;ajympGrf;&nf? bmompum;&JU&pforfeJY toHk;tEIef;awGudk wdk;wufapzdkY
tvGefaumif;wJht&m wpfckyg/ oDcsif;pmom; (lyrics) awGudk tifwmeufrSm &SmazGyg? NyD;&if
oDcsif;us,fus,f oDqdkavhusifhyg/ &Sufwwf&if tdrfrSmwpfa,mufwnf; oDqdkyg/ tjyifxGuf
vnfwwfoq f cD sif;udk um&mtdak c oDqykd g/ YouTube
l &kd if oli,fcsif;wcsdKUeJY csde;f qdNk yD; t*Fvyd o
rSm oDcsif;pmom; (lyrics) ygwJh oDcsif;AD'D,dkawG trsm;BuD; &Sdygw,f/

20 /The Best May 2022

5) Be brave (&J&ifhyg)
t*Fvdyfpum;ajympGrf;&nf wdk;wufapzdkY rSefuefwJh oabmxm; vdktyfygw,f/ pum;ajym
avhusifzh tYkd cGit
hf vrf;awGu&kd mS azGyg/ Oyrm - yGaJ wGrmS vlawGeYJ pum;ajymwmrsKd;? vrf;aysmufwhJ
yHkaygufaewJh EdkifiHjcm;om;wpfa,mufudk csOf;uyfNyD; pum;ajymwmrsKd;? twef;xJrSm q&m^r u
wpfckckar;vdkufwJhtcg oifuvufaxmifNyD; ajzqdkwmrsKd;awGaygh/
jyKvkyfrdwJh trSm;t,Gif;wdkif;[m oif,lzdkY tcGifhtvrf;qdkwm trSwf&yg/ 'ghaMumifh wpfcg
wav pum;ajym&if; trSm;t,Gif;vkyfrdrSmudk raMumufygeJY/ &J&Jajymyg/ rSm;,Gif;oGm;&if raeEdkif
wJholu jyifqifay;ygvdrfhr,f/ trSm;udkrSwfxm;yg/ aemuf rvkyfrdatmif owdxm;yg/

6) Think in English (t*Fvdyfvdk awG;yg)

t*Fvdyfpum;ajympGrf;&nf wdk;wufcsif&if t*FvdyfvdkawG;yg/ b,fae&mrSm rqdk b,ftcsdef
rqdk oif tJ'gudv k yk Ef ikd yf gw,f/ tdrrf mS wpfa,mufwnf; oifu
h o
kd if pum;ajymyg/ tdrrf u
I pd aö wG
vkyfae&if; (Oyrm - xrif;0dkif; jyifae&if;) wpfa,mufwnf; pum;ajymyg/ &xm;ay: 'grSr[kwf
bwf(pf)um;ay: a&mufae&if ab;em;uvlawG&UJ yHyk ef;o@mefukd wpfa,mufa,mufukd pdwx f rJ mS
&Sif;vif;ajymjyyg/ (toHxGuf rajymygeJY? ab;uvlawGu oifhudk t½l;vdkY xifoGm;ygvdrfhr,f)
oif tdyfcgeD;rSm wpfaeYvHk; jyKvkyfcJhorQ? awGUBuHKcJhorQudk t*Fvdyfvdk ajymyg/

7) Record yourself speaking (oifhpum;oHudk toHzrf;,lyg)

udk,fhtoH udk,fjyefMum;&wm oif rBudKuf&ifawmifrS toHzrf;,lyg/ 'grSom oif t*Fvdyf
pum;ajymwm b,fae&mrSm rSm;,Gi;f aeovJ oiford mS yg/ trSm;udk odrS rSeu f efatmif jyifqifEikd rf mS
jzpfygw,f/ 'ghaMumifh oif t*Fvyd v f akd jymqdk aeoHukd toHzrf;xm;yg? 'grSr[kwf AD',
D kd ½du
k x
f m;yg/
tJ'gudk jyefem;axmifyg? jzpfEdkif&if native speaker wpfa,mufa,mufudk tJ'gudk jyNyD;
bmvdkaeovJqdkwm tBuHawmif;yg/
NyD;awmh taumif;jrifzdkY BudK;pm;yg/ oif t*Fvdyfpum;ajym&mrSm aumif;wJhtcsufawGudk
pm&Gufay:rSmcsa&;yg/ wpfcgwav pum;ajymavhusifhzdkY rdkwDaA;&Sif; (motivation) vdkaewJh
tcsdefav;awG &Sdwwfygw,f/ tJ'DtcgrsKd;rSm a&;cJhwJhtcsufuav;awGudk jyefzwfMunfhay;&if

8) Keep a speaking journal (pum;ajym aeYpOfrSwfwrf;xm;yg)

nbuf rtdycf if oift h awG;awGukd toHzrf;xm;NyD; rSww f rf;wifyg/ ESpw f pfEpS f ukeq f ;kH wJt
h cg
tJ'rD w
S wf rf;av;udk jyefem;axmifNy;D oifbh 0&JUta&;BuD;wJh tjzpftysuaf wGukd jyefowd&Edik yf gw,f/
'ghtjyif tJ'geJY oifht*FvdyfpmpGrf;&nf wdk;wufvmrIudkvnf; apmifhMunfhvdkY&ygw,f/
ajympum;udk toHzrf;zdYk tqifrajybl;qd&k if pm&Guaf y:rSmcsa&;yg/ oif jyKvkycf w hJ hJ tjyeftvSef
pum;ajymawGukd csa&;xm;NyD; rSww f rf;wifxm;yg/ wpfEpS wf m ukeqf ;kH oGm;csderf mS oifw h ;kd wufru I kd
tJ'DrSwfpkuae ajc&mcHvdkufvdkY&ygw,f/ bmawG wdk;wufvmovJ od&NyD; aemufESpftwGuf
&nfrSef;csuf topfawG csrSwfEdkifrSm jzpfygw,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 21

9) Take extra classes
(tydk oifwef;awGwufyg)
wu,fvYkd oiftjcm;olawGeYJ tydak vhusifzh v
Ykd t
kd yfw,fvYkd cHpm;&&if tydo
k ifwef;awG wufyg/
oifhywf0ef;usif teD;tem;rSm? tGefvdkif;rSm bmompum; oifwef;awG trsm;BuD;ygyJ/ rsm;rsm;
avhusifhav aumif;avygyJ/ jrefjrefwwfzdkY rsm;rsm;avhusifhyg/

10) Find English-speaking friends

(t*Fvdyfpum;ajymwJh oli,fcsif;awG &SmazGyg)
t*Fvdyfpum; wu,fajymwwfcsif&if oift*Fvdyfvdk pum;ajymvdkY&r,fh olawGudk &SmazGzdkY
vdkygw,f/ native speaker awGukdyJqdkvdkwm r[kwfygbl;? t*Fvdyfpum;ajymwwfolawGudk
qdkvdkygw,f/ urÇmhvlrsKd;aygif;pHku t*FvdyfvdkajymMuygw,f/ olwdkY&JU0JoH (accent) aygif;pHkudk
odxm;zdkYvdkygw,f/ NrdKUBuD;jyBuD;rSm aeolawGuawmh aumfzDqdkifav;awGrSm vlrsKd;aygif;pHkeJY
awGUEdkifygw,f/ tJ'Dvdk tcGifhta&;r&EdkifolawGuvnf; pdwftm;ri,fygeJY/ ½kyf&SifawGrSm?
qdk&S,frD'D,mrSm ,lusLUrSm 0JoHaygif;pHkudk em;axmifEdkifygw,f/
ZGJ&Sd&SdeJY tay:rSm azmfjyxm;wJhtwdkif; yHkrSefavhusifhoGm;&if rMumcif oifh t*Fvdyf pum;ajym
wdk;wufvmrSm jzpfygw,f/
Saya Min Myo Thant - English
Achiever English School
09 445 445 552, 09 7838 13043

(1) It was a beautiful spring morning.
(2) He saw an old gentleman at the bus-stop.
(3) He was surprised.
(4) Because the old gentleman was carrying a big, strong black umbrella in his hand in
fine weather.
(5) He said to him, "Are we going to have rain today, do you think?
(6) He answered. "No, I don't thik so."
(7) He said, "Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?"
(8) He answered, "No, the sun is not very hot in the spring."
(9) He looked at the big umbrella again.
(10) He said, "I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a
walking-stick. But when I carry a walking-stick, people say. "Look at that poor old
man." and I don't like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only
say, "Look at that stupid man."

22 /The Best May 2022

- James had watered the plants.
- James had the plants watered.

'D0gus ESpaf Mumif;u rwlyg/ yxr0gusu *srd ;f pf ud,

k w
f ikd f opfyifawGukd a&avmif;Ny;D wJh
oabmyg/ 'kwd, 0gusuawmh *sdrf;[m opfyifawGa&avmif;zdkY (wpfa,mufa,mufudk)
cdkif;cJhw,fqdkwJhoabm jzpfygw,f/

'kwd,0gusvdk (wpfa,mufa,mufudk) jyKvkyfapwJh? cdkif;qdkwJh 0gusykHpHrsKd; (caus-

ative form) taMumif;avhvmwifjyrSm jzpfygw,f/

"Bob had his jacket cleaned."

(He didn't clean it himself.)
abmhbfu olY*sufuuftusÐ oefY&Sif;oyf&yfatmif wpfpkHwpfa,mufudkvkyfcdkif;wm?
oefY&Sif;zdkY pDrHnTefMum;ay;wmyg/ oludk,fwdkifvkyfwmr[kwfyg/

wpfa,mufa,mufu udk,fhudk wpfckck vkyfoGm;w,fqdkwJh oabmudkvnf; caus-

ative ykHpHeJY azmfjywwfygw,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 23

wpfpwHk pfa,mufu uRefawmf&h UJ pufb;D "have" omru get, let, make, help"

cdk;oGm;w,fqdkwmudk - wdkYudkvnf; causative verb awGtjzpf okH;Mu

"I had my bicycle stolen." vd k Y ygw,f/

a&;om;? ajymqdkwwfygw,f/

&if;ESD;yGifhvif;wJh (informal conversations)

rESpNf rKd zG,?f tjzpfq;kd (unpleasant ex- pum;0dik ;f awGrmS "have"tpm; "get" udk ydo
k ;Hk wwf

perience) awGUBuHK&wmudk tJ'Dvdkazmfjywwfyg



A: "Sue's getting her hair done again."

B: Really?

"have + object + past participle"

qdkwJh causative ykHpHudkawGU&ygvdrfhr,f/ 'DykHpH

- I got the plates washed.

rSmygwJh past participle [m jyKvkycf &H jcif;oabm - She can get John to do anything she

(passive teuf)udk aqmifygw,f/ wants.

tjcm; causative Bud,mawGukdvnf; om"u
causative verb awGudk verb forms ○

trsKd;rsKd;eJY azmfjyEdkifygw,f/ - They don’t let their kids go out at night.

- Last night, my mother let me watch TV.

- John is going to have his hair cut to- - She let me come in.


"help+ person + (to) verb" vnf; okHk;Muyg

- We’re having our car repaired this


- He helped me carry the books.

- Mike had his teeth whitened.

- He helped me to carry the books.

("to"rygbJ okH;wmykdawGU&ygw,f)

- Our washing machine is broken; we

- She helped me solve the problem.

need to have it repaired.

"make + person + verb" ykHpHukdvnf; awGU&

owdjyKp&mu "have + something+

- The teacher made all the students

past participle" ykHpHvdkyJ "have + person

rewrite their papers.

(someone) + verb (base form)" ykHpHvnf; - She makes them clean the room.


causative ykHpHtaMumif;ukd avhvmwifjycJhjcif;

- I had my car washed.

- I had him wash my car. jzpfygw,f/ 'DtokHk;awG[m ta&;tom;rSma&m

pum;ajymqdk&mrSmyg ta&;ygaMumif; xif&Sm;

"have +someone+ do something" vSygawmhw,f/

ykHpHudknTefMum;cdkif;apjcif; (giving instructions

or orders ) oabmeJY txl;ojzihf American av;pm;vsuf

English rSm okH;wwfygw,f/ aESmifBudK;oefY


- She had her assistant type the

report (olu refae*smudk tpD&ifcHpm ½dkufcdkif;cJh


24 /The Best May 2022

In a pretty little house
near a wood there lived a
widow with her two
daughters. One was as white awmtkyw f pfctk eD;u vSywJt h rd if ,fav;wpfv;Hk rSm
as the icing on a Cake and rkq;kd rwpfO;D eJY olo
Y rD;ESpaf ,mufaeMuygw,f/ wpfa,muf
was called Snow White. The u udwrf ek aYf y:u c&ifvkd jzLqGwaf ewJt h wGuf ESi;f yGijhf zLvdYk
other was always as red as a ac:Muygw,f/ aemufwpfa,mufu ESi;f qDwpfyiG v hf kd tNrJ
rose and was called Rose wrf; eD&aJ ewJt h wGuf ESi;f qDev
D aYkd c:Muygw,f/ rde;f uav;
Red. The two girls were very ESpfa,mufvkH;[m oem;MuifemwwfNyD; tdrfrIudpöEdkifeif;
kind and domesticated.

May 2022 The Best/ 25

''Nothing will ever separate ]]b,ft&murS uRefrwdu Yk kd rcGJ
us. mother," Edik yf gbl;tar}} vdYk olwt Ykd NrJwrf; ajymMu
they always said, since w,f/ olwdkYwpfa,mufukdwpfa,muf
they loved each other very vnf; odyfcspfMuw,f/
Every day, after helping aeYwikd ;f vdv
k kd olwt Ykd ar&JU oD;ESH
their mother in the vegetable pd k u f c if ; uk d ul n D N yD ; wJ h a emuf teD ; u
garden, they went to play in awmtk y f x J r S m ol w d k Y u pm;Muygw,f /
the nearby wood. The little wd&pämefi,fav;awGu olwu Ykd dk oduRrf;
animals came to know them 0ifvmNyD; olwdkYukdraMumufMuawmhbl;/
and were not afraid of them. iSuu f av;awG? orifeYJ &SOu f av;awGu
The birds, deer and squirrels vnf; rde;f uav;awGudk yGwo f yfcyH gw,f/
let the girls stroke them and olw[ Ykd m jrufcif;xJrmS rde;f uav;awGeYJ
they played with them happily
twl aysmf&TifpGm aqmhupm;Muygw,f/
in the grass.

26 /The Best May 2022

One Winter's evening aqmif ; &moD w pf n aecif ; rS m aMumuf r ,f z G , f
there was a terrible snow ESif;rkefwdkif;wpfckusa&mufvmygw,f/ ½kwfw&uf wHcg;
storm. Suddenly there was acgufoMH um;&w,f/ ESi;f yGijfh zLav;u wHcg;oGm;zGiafh y;w,f/
a knock at the door and BuD;rm;wJh 0uf0BH uD;wpfaumif wHcg;0rSm ay:vmygw,f/
Snow White went to open
it. An enormous bear uav;awGu vefYNyD;atmfMuw,f/
appeared in the doorway and ]]aus;Zl;jyKNyD; usKyfukd0ifcGihfay;yg/ usKyft&rf;csrf;
the children let out a shriek. aevdyYk g}} vdYk 0uf0BH uD;u ajymygw,f/
''Please let me in, I'm ]]0ifcyhJ g rdwaf qG}}vdYk taru jyefajymvdu k yf gw,f/
very cold,"said the bear, ]]txJ0ifvmNyD; aEG;axG;atmifaeyg}}
"Come inside and get

May 2022 The Best/ 27

0uf0HBuD;vnf; rD;zdkem;rSm vJavsmif;vdkufyg
The bear lay down near w,f/ ]]olu Y , dk af y:u ESi;f cJawGub dk &yfeYJ yGww f u
kd f
the fire. "Brush all the snow ay;vduk yf g}} vkYd olwt Ykd aru olwu Ykd adk jymygw,f/
off his coat."their mother yxrawmh uav;awG[m olwu Ykd dk ajymxm;wJh
told them. At first the
children did what they were twdik ;f wGeq Yf w k w
f eG q
Yf w k ef YJ vkyaf eMuygw,f/ okaYd omf
told rather timidly, but soon vnf; 0uf0HBuD; El;nHhodrfarGUwmukdjrifawmh olwkdY
gained confidence when they ,kMH unfr&I vmMuNyD; 0uf0BH uD;eJt Y wl upm;Muygw,f/
saw he was gentle and they
were soon playing with him. a&S U vquf z wf & ef
jr0wf & nf

28 /The Best May 2022

The Perfect Cottage
Angela and Phil had taken a trip into the country for the day. It was a beautiful
day and they were hoping to find a pub, where they could have lunch and idle away a
few pleasant hours. Suddenly Angela stopped the car and pointed to a cottage with a
For Sale sign in the garden. “Mum and dad would like that. They had decided on one
nearer the city, but someone else offered a higher price. I wonder when they could see
over this.” Angela’s parents wanted to buy a country cottage which they would use for
family holidays just now, intending to live there permanently on their retirement. Phil
noted down the estate agent’s address and telephone number and they planned to
ring him up after lunch. They found a pub easily and, after an excellent lunch, they
asked the landlord where the estate agent’s office was. Since it was very near to the
pub, Angela and Phil drove to the office and asked if someone could show them round
the cottage that afternoon. The woman in charge of the office fished out the cottage
keys and drove to the house. Angela and Phil liked it very much, but the woman
impressed on them that cottages in that area usually sold very quickly. “Your parents
might have to beat off several other prospective buyers, unless they move quickly.”
Angela’s parents took her up on the suggestion that they see the cottage immediately
and were soon its proud owners.

May 2022 The Best/ 29

idle away = tcsdejf zKef;onf/ 'Dvrf;xJrSm iSm;zdkYwdkufcef;wpfck&Sdw,f?
It was lovely to idle away a few hours uRefawmf tJ'gudk tckyo J mG ;Munfah wmhrvd/Yk
siting in the garden.
tJ'OD ,smOfxrJ mS em&Dtenf;i,f xdik Nf yD; note down = csa&;onf/ rSwo f m;onf/
tcsdejf zKef;wm ESpo
f ufp&maumif;cJw
h ,f/ I’ll just note down your address and
On holiday we idled whole days away post the information to you.
sitting on the beach. uRefawmf cifAsm;&JUvdypf mudk csa&;xm;NyD;
tm;vyf&ufawGrmS uGReaf wmfwYkd wpfaeukef tJ'o
D wif;tcsuftvufawGukd ydaYk y;ygr,f/
D rf;ajcrSm xdik Nf yD; tcsdejf zKef;cJw
h ,f/ If you note the details down, the
manager will deal with your complaint.
decide on = taotcsm pOf;pm;Ny;D a&G;cs,f tJ'u
D rk P
Ü [
D m aiGaMu;qH;k ½H;I aecJNh y;D ydik &f iS f
onf/ awGu tJ'gudk ydwof rd ;f cJ&h w,f/
We looked at various holiday Bess noted down Charlie’s address
destinations but decided on Paris. on a piece of paper, but she can’t find it.
tm;vyf&ufc&D;oGm;r,fhae&mrsm;pGmudk buf(pf)u csmvD&UJ vdypf mudk pm&Gupf
uRefawmfwdkY MunfhcJhw,f? 'gayrJh yg&Dudk wpfcak y:rSm csa&;cJw
h ,f? 'gayrJh olr tJ'gudk
hJ ,f/ &SmrawGUEdik b
f ;l /
My parents spent a long time looking
at wallpaper and I’m surprised that they ring up = zke;f qufonf/
decided on that. We’ve rung a few people up to get
uRefawmhrf b d awG[m eH&u H yfpuúLawGukd their opinions.
MunfNh yD; tcsdet
f awmf ukeq f ;kH cJw
h ,f/ olwYkd uRefawmfw[ Ykd m vltenf;i,fukd olw&Ykd UJ
tJ'gudak &G;cs,fcwhJ m uRefawmftMhH ow,f/ tjrifawG (od)&zdYk zke;f qufcNhJ yD;NyD/f
Sara will know the answer — I’ll ring
see over = taotcsmavhvmonf/ her up right now.
h nf/ qm&mu tJ't D ajzudk odvrd rhf ,f? uRefr
We have seen over several houses, olrudk tck zke;f qufr,f/
but didn’t put an offer in any of them.
uRefawmfwdkYawG tdrftawmfrsm;rsm;udk show around/ round = vdu
k v
f jH yoonf/
oGm;MunfNh yD;NyD? 'gayrJh b,ftrd u
f rkd S (0,fz)Ykd vSnyhf wfjyoonf/
ruyfvrS ;f cJMh ubl;/ Bob showed his parents around the
There is a flat to let in this street and university.
I’m just going to see over it.

30 /The Best May 2022

abmh(b)u olUrdbawGukd tJ'w
D uúov
kd f The opposition was strong but we
udk vdu
k v
f jH yocJw
h ,f/ beat it off.
If you like I can show you round the tJ'DNydKifbufawGu awmifhwif;oefrm
town this afternoon. w,f? 'gayrJh uRefawmfwYkd tEdik ,
f cl w
hJ ,f/
cifAsm; qE´&rdS ,fq&kd if uRefawmf cifAsm;
udk 'DaeYcif; tJ'ND rdKUudk vdu
k v
f jH yoEdik yf gw,f/ take up on = vufoifch o H nf/
We decided to lake George up on
fish out = &SmazGqx
JG w
k o
f nf/ his offer to lend us his holiday cottage.
The teacher opened a desk drawer uReaf wmfw[
Ykd m a*sm(h *s)&JU olUtm;vyf&uf
and fished out a piece of chalk. tdraf v;udk uRefawmfwt Ykd m; iSm;zdYk urf;vSr;f
tJ'qD &mru pm;yGcJ tkH qH u
JG kd zGiNhf y;D ajrjzLcJ csufukd vufoifch cH yhJ gw,f/
wpfacsmif;udk xkwcf w
hJ ,f/ I’ll take you up on your offer of a
Maria searched in her handbag and cup of tea.
fished a bar of chocolate out. cifAsm;&JU aumfzw
D pfcu
G f urf;vSr;f csufukd
rm&D,m[m olr&JUvufuikd tf w
d x
f rJ mS &Sm uRefawmf vufoifch rH ,f/
azGNyD; acsmuvufwpfacsmif;udk xkwcf w
hJ ,f/
impress on = (ta&;BuD;aMumif;) 1. Complete the phrasal verb: Dennis
odomaponf/ was surprised to notice that it was
The boss impressed on the staff the getting dark and that he had idled
need for speed. the whole day _________ .
D vky&f iS o
f al X;u 0efxrf;awGukd tjref 2. Replace the underlined words with a
vdak Mumif; odomapcJw h ,f/ phrasal verb: Trevor spent a long
His parents impressed on him the time looking at flats before he
importance of studying hard. bought one, but eventually chose
olUrdbawGu olUudk pmBuKd ;pm;jcif;&JU ta&; one near his work.
ygrIukd odomapcJw
h ,f/ 3. Complete the phrasal verb: Donna
thought that the house was worth
beat off = armif;xkwo f nf/ tEkid ,f o
l nf/ the asking price, but she asked her
Julia beat her rivals off easily. father to see _________ it before
*sLvD,m[m olr&JUNyKd ifbufawGukd tvG,f making an offer.
wul tEdik &f cJw
h ,f/ 4. Replace the underlined words with a
phrasal verb: Julie wrote down the

May 2022 The Best/ 31

details of some holidays that she eventually decided on one near his
saw in the travel agent’s window. work.
5. Replace the phrasal verb with one 3. Donna thought that the house was
word: I rang up Paul and asked worth the asking price, but she
him to come to the party but he asked her father to see over it
was not in the mood. before making an offer.
6. Complete the phrasal verb: Evelyn 4. Julie noted down the details of
made on appointment for the some holidays that she saw in the
estate agent to show her travel agent’s window.
_________ the flat. 5. I telephoned Paul and asked him
7. Fill in the missing phrasal verb: to come to the party but he was
Donald searched in his rucksack not in the mood.
and eventually _________ his 6. Evelyn made on appointment for
passport. the estate agent to show her
8. Complete the phrasal verb: The around/ round the flat.
police impressed _________ the 7. Donald searched in his rucksack
children the dangers of playing on and eventually fished out his
thin ice. passport.
9. Fill in the missing phrasal verb: The 8. The police impressed on the
successful candidate had to children the dangers of playing on
_________ a lot of stiff thin ice.
competition to get the job. 9. The successful candidate had to
10. Complete the phrasal verb: Alison beat off a lot of stiff competition
decided to take Robert _________ to get the job.
his offer of a job at the coffee shop. 10. Alison decided to take Robert on
his offer of a job at the coffee shop.
1. Dennis was surprised to notice that a':at;at;vGif M.A.(English)
it was getting dark and that he had Achiever English School
Ph - 09 445 445 552
idled the whole day away.
2. Trevor spent a long time looking
at flats before he bought one, but

32 /The Best May 2022

,aeYt*Fvdyfpmudk urÇmrSm tokH;0ifqkH;bmomwpf&yftaeeJY vufcHMuw,f/
txl;ojziht f *Fvyd pf mtkyaf wG[m urÇmrSm tifrwefrmS rsm;jym;NyD;tvG,w f ul&Edik w
f ,f/
'gaMumihf vli,frsm;[m t*Fvdyfpmudk 'kwd,bmompum; (Second Language)
taeeJY oif,laeMuwmyJ/
odaYk omf jrefrmvli,ftrsm;pk[m t*Fvyd pf mudk 10 ESpaf usmf oif½;kd twdik ;f oif,al yr,hf
wwfajrmufwJhtqihf ra&mufolawGtrsm;BuD;ygyJ/
'g[mvnf; rdrdpdwf0ifpm;rIeJY enf;pepfawGtxdtawGUawGaMumihfjzpfw,f/
,aeY t*FvdyfpmwwfzdkY enf;vrf;taeeJY vufcHxm;wJhtcsuf 6 csuf udkwifjyygr,f/
tcsuf 6 csupf vk;H [m ud, k wf ikd Bf udK;pm;&wmawGcsn;f yJqw
kd moabmaygufMurSm jzpfw,f/
odkYaomf enf;jyay;r,hfq&mawmhvdkygw,f?
eHygwf (3) jzpfwhJ Read English stories udak wmh 'Doifcef;pmawGrmS qufvufycYkd soGm;

May 2022 The Best/ 33


English Learning Tips for Beginners

Six ideas to help beginners learn English faster

1. Listen to English every day

Listen to English radio.
Watch English TV.
Go to English movies.
t*FvdyfpmeJYaeYpÚfxdawGUzdkY t*Fvdyfpum;udkaeYwdkif;em;axmifyg/
wDAGDut*Fvdyfvdkajymwmudk aeYwdkif;em;axmifyg/

2. Make an English/ESL friend

Make up conversations.
Practise dialogues.
Use beginner textbooks.
t*Fvdyfudk'kwd,bmompum;taeeJYoif,lolawG (English as a Second Language) eJY
rdwaf qGzUJG yg?
pum;ajymyg? aqG;aEG;yg/
tajccH t*Fvdyfpm jy|mef;pmtkyfawGudk zwfyg/

3. Read English stories

Start with children's books.
Try ESL readers.
Read advertisements, signs and labels.
ESL ( English as a Second Language) zwfpmawGudkzwfyg/

4. Write down new words

Start a notebook for new words.
Write words in alphabetical order (A, B, C).
Make example sentences.
pmvkH;topfawGudka&;csyg? usufyg/

34 /The Best May 2022

5. Keep an English diary
Start with one sentence.
How do you feel?
How is the weather?
What did you do today?
Write another sentence tomorrow.
rSwfwrf; ('dkif,m&D) ukd t*Fvdyfvdka&;yg/
0guswpfaMumif;csif;pD a&;yg/

6. Visit and English speaking country

Learn English more quickly.
Stay with an English family.
Hear native speakers talk.
t*Fvdyfpum;ajymwJhEdkifiHawGudk tvnftywfoGm;yg/
'Dajcmufcsuf[m tifrwefaumif;wJh tBuHÓmPfawGygyJ/
(1) uae (6) txdukd okH;ckyJ wdwdusus bmomjyefay;xm;wmyg/ usefwmukd rdrdukd,fwkdif
bmompum;uRrf;usifzdkY ukd,fukd,fwdkif BudK;pm;&wmygyJ/
vmr,fhtywfawGrSm t*Fvdyf0w¬Kwdkav;ukd pNyD;wifqufoGm;rSmjzpfw,f/
bmawGukd b,fvdkzwf&rvJqdkwm oabmaygufatmifvdkYygyJ/


May 2022 The Best/ 35


(1) I could eat a horse

f rif; qmavmifrw
G o
f yd af ecsderf mS ajymwJh
- “I’ve had nothing but a sandwich all day -
I could eat a horse.”
- wpfaeYv;Hk qif;'Gp(f cs)uvGNJ yD; uRefawmfrh mS bmrS
d ;l / uRefawmf qmqmeJt Y irf;r&pm;cJ&h w,f/

(2) Hold your horses

cPapmifhygOD;/ jrefjrefBuD;roGm;ygeJY/
- “Just hold your horses, Mary, and let’s
think about this for a moment.”
- cPapmifhygOD; (tavmwBuD;rvkyfygeJY) ar&D/
'DtaMumif; cPawmhpOf;pm;MunfMh u&atmif/

36 /The Best May 2022

(3) Never look a gift horse in the
tvum;&wJhjrif; oGm;NzJrMunfheJY/ (jrefrm
pum;ykH ]tvum;&wJhEGm; oGm;NzJrMunfheJY}wlw,f)
- “I don’t know why you’re complaining
because that job they offered you is
fantastic: the pay is great, the holidays are
long, and you’ll be working with an
experienced team. I wouldn’t look a gift
horse in the mouth if I were you.”
- rif;udk urf;vSrf;wJhtvkyfu odyfaumif;vdkY rif;
bmhaMumifY nnf;nL (rausreyfajym) &wmvJqdk
wm ig rodawmhb;l / vpmuvnf;aumif;? ydw&f uf
awGuvnf;&Sn?f NyD;awmh tawGUtBuKH&w dS t
hJ zGUJ eJY tvkyv
f yk af e&wmav/ igom rif;ae&mrSmqdk tvum;&wJEh mG ;

(4) To put the cart before the

ra&mif&m qDvl;
- “You’re wasting all this time deciding
what to wear for the party when they
haven’t even invited you to it. It’s a bit
like putting the cart before the horse.”
- rif;udk rzdwxf m;bJeYJ ygwDrmS bm0wf&rvJvYkd
qkH;jzwfzdkY tcsdefawGjzKef;aew,f/ rif;u
ra&mif&m qDvl;aewmyJ/

May 2022 The Best/ 37

(5) You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink
vludkawmh xdef;csKyfvdkY &w,f? pdwfudk
awmh xdef;csKyfvdkYr&bl;/
- “I made all the arrangements for the
holiday: I bought the ticket, I packed
his bags, and I took him to the airport
but in the end he just wouldn’t get on
the plane. You can lead a horse to water
but you can’t make him drink.”
- tm;vyf&uftwGuf pDpOfp&mawGtm;vkH;pDpOf
Ny;D Ny/D vufrw S 0f ,fxm;w,f/ olt Y w
d af wGvnf;
xkyfydk; ay;xm;w,f/ avqdyfudkvnf; olYudk
vdkufydkYay;cJhw,f/ 'gayrJh aemufqkH;awmh olu av,mOfay:wufrSmr[kwfbl;/ vludkawmh xdef;csKyfvdkY&w,f?
pdwfudkawmh xdef;csKyfvdkY r&bl;uG/

(6) To lock the stable door after

the horse has bolted
To take precautions after a bad
event has occurred, and not before.
rdk;vGefrS xGefcs/
- “That Picasso painting was stolen last
week, and now they are thinking
about improving security. It’s a bit
like locking the stable door after the
horse has bolted.”
- tJh[dk yDumqdk&JUyef;csDum;u NyD;cJhwJhtywfuyJ tcdk;cHcJh&w,f/ tckawmh olwdkYwpfawG vkHNcKHa&;wdk;jr§ifhcs
xm;zdkYpOf;pm;aeMuNyD/ tJh'g rdk;vGefrS xGefcswmayghuG/

ok w armif a rmif

38 /The Best May 2022

Best English No.(263) April vrSm Punctuation eJY Capitalization eJY
ywfoufNy;D The Semicolon(;) eJY Question Mark(?) wku
Yd kd &Si;f vif;wifjycJNh y;D jzpfygw,f/
'Dvawmh The Comma (,) eJYywfoufNyD; qufvufwifjyygr,f/

The Comma ( , )
1/ (Punctuation) trSwftom;awGxJrSm Comma [m toHk;trsm;qHk; trSwftom;
jzpfygw,f/ Comma (,) aMumifh t"dyÜm,fajymif;oGm; yHkav;awGudk avhvmMunfhyg/
Oyrm 1. The teacher said the pupil was an idiot.
q&mruajymw,f wynfhjzpfol[m rdkufrJol t½l;tESrf;wpfa,mufjzpfw,fwJh/
2. The teacher, said the pupil, was an idiot.
q&mr[m rdkufrJolt½l;tESrf;wpfa,muf jzpfw,fvdkY wynfhjzpfoluajymw,f/

Comma aMumifh qdkvdkcsuft"dyÜm,f ajymif; oGm;wmudk awGU&ygvdrfhr,f/ 'gaMumifh (,)

rygbJ t"dyÜm,f&Sif;vif;aocsmae&if(,)udk rxnfh&ygbl;/

May 2022 The Best/ 39

The Comma is used wherever it is natural to make a slight pause in a sentence. It

depends to some extent on individual taste, but it is a good rule never to use a comma if the

sense is clear without it. Better too few commas than too many.

An Intermediate English Course

for Adult Learners (Pg-203)

D.H.Spencer and A.S. Hornby

rdrad &;om;aewJ0h gusudk zwf½o

I l &Si;f &Si;f vif;vif; em;vnfapzdYk yk'jf zwfoifw
h ,f/ yk'jf zwfzYkd
vdktyfw,fvdkY owfrSwfxm;wJhae&mav;awGrSmom (,) comma udk xnfh ay;&ygw,f/

Comma ud k (rsm;aomtm;jzifh) atmufrSm azmfjyxm;wJh ae&mawGrSm oHk;ygw,f/

(1) 0gp*Fwl (same part of speech) pum;vHk; oHk;av;ig;vHk;udk (and) odkYr[kwf (or) eJY
qufwJh tcg tJ'Dpum;vHk;toD;oD;&JU Mum;rSm Comma xnfhay;&ygw,f/

Oyrm 1. We can see red, pink, yellow and white roses in the garden.
2. He may be honest, simple or kind.

2/ Comma udk t&m0w¬K? ypönf;pm&if;awGudk cGJjcm;azmfjywJhtcg (odkYr[kwf) vkyfaqmifrI?

vkyf&yfawG wpfckNyD;wpfckvkyfaqmifwmudkazmfjycsifwJhtcg Comma udk oHk;&ygw,f/
Oyrm - We bought peers, plums, apples and oranges.
- He ran down the stairs, opened the door and jumped into the car.

3/ wpfa,mufa,mufuar;vmvdkY ar;cGef;wpfckudk ajzwJhtcg [kwf&if yes, r[kwf&if No

eJY ajzqd&k ygw,f/ tJ'D Yes wdkY No wdu
Yk kd usef0gusydik ;f eJY cGjJ cm;&ef (to separate "Yes" and "No"
from the rest of the sentence) twGuf Comma udk oHk;&ygw,f/

- Have you seen your father?

- Yes, I have.
- No, I haven't.

4/ Direct Speech wdu

k ½f u
kd af jympum; 0gusawGukd a&;om;wJt
h cg? ajymoleYJ olajymwJph um;udk
cGJjcm;zdkY twGuf Comma (,) udk oHk;&ygw,f/ (to separate the words of a speaker)

40 /The Best May 2022

- Ko Ko said, “I am very busy.”
ajymol ajympum;
ajymoludk a&SUrSmxm;a&;&if“ ” twGif;u ajympum;a&SU? (“ ”) rwdkifrD comma
udak &;&ygw,f/
Mon Mon said to me, “I don't believe you”.
The boy said to his lover, "I love you more than I can say."

5/ wpfcgwpf&H ajympum;u a&SUa&mufaeNyD; ajymBud,mu aemufa&mufae&if close

inverted commas rydwfcif comma udk xnfhay;&ygw,f/
- “You are not honest,” said Yin Yin.
- “I have no lover,” said the girl.
wpfenf;tm;jzifh Close Inverted Comma &SdwJh ae&mwdkif;rSm Comma &Sdw,fvdkY
rSw&f ygr,f/
'gayrJh >cif;csufawmh&Sdygw,f/ ajympum;twGif;u 0gus[m ar;cGef;0gus (Question
Mark) ygae&if odkYr[kwf tmar!dwf0gus (Exclamation Mark) ygae&ifawmh Comma
rxnf&h ygbl;/

- “When will you come to me?” asked the boy.

- “How lovely you are!” he said.

6/ wdkuf½dkufajympum; (Reported speech) twGif;rSm? tajymcH&ol? tar;cH&oleJY

tjcm;pum;vHk; (odkYr[kwf) 0gusMum;rSm Comma xnfhay;&ygw,f/
- San San said, “Kyaw Zin, you should try your best”.
- Soe Soe said, “I like your longyi, Ma Phyu.”
- “What is it, dear?” asked Sue.
- “Son, don't tell lies,” said U Kyaw.
- “I really love you, daughter,” said Daw Thet.
- Daw Hnin called out, “ Pinky, come here!”
- “Yes, Kyaw Kyaw, I agree with you,” I said.

7/ atmufrSmazmfjyxm;wJh pum;vHk;awG? pum;pk awG&JUtqHk;rSm Comma cHay;&ygw,f/

1. Therefore 2. However
3. Then 4. Moreover

May 2022 The Best/ 41

5. Besides 6. That is
7. For instance 8. For example
9. By the way 10. In fact
11. At last 12. Finally

- Driving in the night is dangerous and one should, therefore, be very careful.
- In fact, I don't even know her name.

8/ As, If, Unless, Because, Though, Although, After, When, Since, While, Before
pwJh Subordinating Conjunctions awGudk toHk;jyKNyD; 0gusawGudk qufwJhtcg olwdkYudk
0gusa&SUrSmxm;r,fqkd&if (The comma is used after subordinate clauses) 0gus ESpcf Mk um;
rSm Comma(,) xnfah y;&ygr,f/
- If you try hard, you will pass the examination.
- When the thief saw the police, he ran away.

9/ 'gayrJh tJ'D Conjunction awGudk 0gus&JU tv,frSmxm;NyD; 0gusESpfaMumif;udk qufr,f

qd&k ifawmh 0gusESpcf &k UJ tv,frmS Comma rvdyk gbl;/ (However, when the clause is at the
end of the sentence, we leave out the comma.)
- You will pass the examination if you try hard.
- They walked home although it was late.

10/ Sentence Modifier eJY Sentence &JUMum;rSm Comma xnfhay; &ygw,f/

- Sitting under a tree, she waited for her friend.
- Sitting at the table, Htay Htay does her homework.

11/ &Snfvsm;wJh0gusawGudk and, as, for, or pwJh conjunction awGeJY qufwJhtcg Comma
- We had been looking forward to meeting Nyo Nyo's husband, but discov-
ered that he was not as pleasant as we had hoped.

12/ wpfqufwnf;&Sd&r,fh 0gus&JUMum;rSm (txl;jyKwJhoabm? zGifhqdk&Sif;jywJhoabmeJY)

tjcm;pum;pk (odkY) 0guswpfaMumif;ygvm&if Comma cHay;&ygw,f/
- Man has used wheels, in various forms, for about five thousand years.

42 /The Best May 2022

13/ uRefawmfwdkYq&m OD;tkef;? uRefawmfhtaz OD;ausmf? uRefawmfh oli,fcsif; wif0if;?
l u
kd kd ponfjzifh emrfwpfv;kH udk ay:vGiaf v;eufvmapzdYk tjcm;emrfwpfv;kH eJY txl;jyKzdYk
Nouns in Apposition awGeJYa&;wJhtcg comma(,) udk toHk;jyK&ygw,f/
Our teacher, U Ohn.
My father, U Kyaw.
My friend, Tin Win.
My lover, Ko Ko.
We admire Saya Zawgyi, the great
poet and novelist.

14/ Who, which, that pwJh Relative Pronoun awGudktoHk;jyKNyD; 0gusESpfaMumif;udk

qufwJhtcg a&SUrSm&SdwJh txl;jyKcHudk wkduf½dkuftxl;rjyKwJh 0gusydkif; non-defining relative
clauses awGMum;rSm comma (,) cHay;&ygw,f/
- U Chit Swe, who is an old friend of mine, returned from abroad yesterday.
uRefawmfh&JUrdwfaqGa[mif; wpfa,mufjzpfwJh OD;cspfaqG[m EdkifiHjcm;uae raeYu jyefvm
(uRefawmfrh wd af qGa[mif; jzpfygw,fqw kd hJ Relative clause udk pOf;pm;yg/ rdwaf qGa[mif;
jzpfvdkY EdkifiHjcm; ujyefvmwmr[kwfygbl;/ OD;cspfaqGudk wkduf½dkuf txl;rjyKygbl;? 'gaMumifh
non-defining relative clause vdkY ac:wmjzpfygw,f/)
'gayrJh txl;jyKcHyk'fudk wdkuf½dkuftxl;jyKwJh defining clause awG qdk&ifawmh Comma
(,) udk roHk;&ygbl;/ (In defining clauses, however, the comma is never used)
- This is the house that U Tin Tun bought.
'D[mu OD;wifxGef; 0,fxm;wJhtdrfyJ/

15/ aejrifhav ...t½l;&ifhav? tvdkBuD;av ...t& enf;av? qdkav ...uJav? ref;av

...NyJav ponfjzifh ]]avav}}yHpk eH YJ a&;zGUJ wJh parallel structure 0gusawGq&kd ifvnf;? clause
0gusydkif; (2)ckMum;rSm Comma(,) cHay;&ygw,f/
- The harder he tried, the richer he became.
- The more you read, the more knowledge you gain.
16/ Noun clause awG? Adjective Clause awGudk woDwoef;BuD; yl;wGJa&;om;wJhtcg
a&SUqHk; yxrwpfckuvGJ&if usef clause awGMum;rSm comma (,) cHay;&ygw,f/
- I do not know when he did it, where he did it, or why he did it.
- He is a man who is never satisfied with what he has, who is always crav-
ing for more, and who is determined that he will get it.

May 2022 The Best/ 43

17/ aomif;eJY odef;eJY csDNyD;a&;wJh udef;*Pef;awGrSm oHk;vHk;wpfwGJwdkif;&JU Mum;rSm comma cHNyD;
cGJjcm;a&;om;ygw,f/ (Commas are used to divided large numbers into groups of
three figures, by separating off the thousands and millions.
- 9, 516, 289
- 63, 279

18/ ude;f *Pef;u av;vH;k yJ&&dS ifawmh Comma cHay;&ifvnf; &ygw,f/ cHray;&ifvnf; &ygw,f/
- 7564 (or) 7, 564

We do not always use commas in four-figure numbers, and they are not used in
4, 126 OR 4126 the year 1648 Spaces are also possible in British
English There are 1,000 (OR 1 000) millimetres in a metre.
Practical English Usage Pg(385)
Micheal Swan

19/ &ufpGJ? aeYpGJ ckESpfawG qdk&ifawmh Comma udk roHk;&ygbl;/

- the year 2010

In British English we always use "and" before the tens in a number. In American
English, and can be dropped. 310 three hundred and ten (US also three hundred
5,642 five thousand, six hundred and forty-two In measurements contain-
ing two different units, and is possible before the smaller, but is usually left out.
two hours (and) ten minutes
two metres (and) thirty centimetres
In writing we generally use commas (,) to divide large numbers into groups
of three figures, by separating off the thousands and the millions. Full stops (.) are
not used in this way.
3, 127 (NOT 3.127) 5, 466, 243
Practical English Usage, Pg(385)
Micheal Swan

44 /The Best May 2022

20/ 0guswpfct k wGi;f comma(,) eJY jzwfawmuf& r,fh pnf;urf;awGukd azmfjycJNh yD;jzpfygw,f/
'gayrJh wkdawmif;wJh0gusav;awGqkd&ifawmh comma(,)udk oHk;zkdY rvdktyfygbl;/

Oyrm - During the night everyone is home.

It is not necessary to use a comma with a short sentence.

In January she will go to Switzerland.
After I rest I'll feel better.
At Grandma's we had a big dinner.
During the day no one is home.
REA's Handbook of English, pg-189
Research & Education Association


pum;vkH;awGvdkuf&Sm&atmif(99^13) [ May , 2022 ]

. . .uHxl;&Sifrsm; . . .
,ckv tm;vk;H rSeu
f efatmif ajzqdEk ikd o
f l (1) OD;udk
uHx;l &Sit
f jzpf a&G;cs,fvu
kd yf gonf/
1/ [def;awZ (POL) - w^q OD;atmifapm? trSwf (23)? atmifr*Fvm&yfuGuf? qm;arSmf?
rdk;aumif;NrdKU? ucsifjynfe,f/
wdkufwGef;csuf/ (u) owfrSwf&ufxufaemufusNyD;rS a&mufvmaomtajzvTmrsm;udk
r[kwfojzifh tcsdefrDay;ydkYapvdkygonf/
(c) þya[Vdu@udk tajzrSefazmfEdkif½kHtwGufomru? rod&dSao;aom a0g[m&
topfrsm;udk t"dyÜm,fESifhwuG &SmazGusufrSwfjcif;jzifh t*Fvdyfpma0g[m&
<u,f0a&;twGufyg tokH;jyK&ef wdkufwGef;ygonf/
trSwfpOf (94^13) tajzrSef - Across - (1) cloud (4) boots (5) rain
Down - (1) coat (2) umbrella

May 2022 The Best/ 45

opf&Guf&xm;ay:u oDtdk&D
qdkufa&mufvmwJh b0opf
tpdr;f a&mifEiS ;f qD wdrw
f pfpif;&JUjy,k*f
ql;awGeJY &Sifoefjcif;vufwpfqkyfpmeJU
pl;cJhw,f/ a&;qGwJ yhJ ef;csD/
&eHY[m aMuGvGifhoGm;&wJhopf&GufedrdwfyHk
bmomjyefzkdY ajymif;vJrIpmrsufESmwpfcsyfrSm
cufvScsnhf / twdwfjzpfoGm;wJhypöKyÜef
igu txl;jycef;xJ
ryGihfbJ NyKH;wwfwJh vJavsmif;aewJh
EIwcf rf;zl;zl;av;ukrd S wpfaeukefxdkifzwf
t½l;trl; ESvHk;om;udk
jyefcl;csifaerdawmh&JU / tifx&maqmif;&dkufaevdkufw,f/ /

0if;rif;pkd;(rdw¬Dvm) tvif;tdrf

yd;k pke;f MuL;

ig[m arSmifrdkufwJhnrSm
rmusL&DrD;wdkifatmufu udk,fa&mifudk,f0gawmufypGmeJY
yd;k pke;f MuL;i,fwpfaumifyg nurÇmvrif;av;vdk omcGifh&cJhw,f/
vif;vufjcif;&JUatmufrSmaum &SifoefcGifh[m
arSmifru kd jf cif;&JUatmufrmS yg pdwfqE´wpfzufpGef;rSm BuD;jyif;NyD;
r0Hrh &Jtouf&iS &f if; pdwfqE´wpfzufpGef;rSmyJ aoqkH;cJh
b0[m rSdwfwkwfrSdwfwkwfeJYaygh/ &r®ufjrLcdk;wa0a0 . . . /
tvif;wef;wpfcsKdUudk zrf;,lqkyf 0&m(a,m)

46 /The Best May 2022

pmempdwfawG &SdzdkYtwGuf
uRefawmf yufyufpufpuf usdefqJvdkufw,f
]½dkif;vdkufwm} vdkY ememusifusifwkHYjyefMuayrJh
wcsKdUu ]Muifemoem;pdwf} qdkwm
bk&m;ocifxHrSmyJ &Sdw,fqdkNyD;
Nidr;f csrf;a&;qdw
k m
tdyfrufwpfckrQom . . ./


aumfzwD pfcu G ef hJ
rmusL&DrD;eJYcrf;em;aewJh n
tJ'aD &m*g
nawG 'DxuftdyfysufroGm;zdkY
wdkifyifMunfhOD;r,f/ /
qef ; a';

udk trnf? vdyfpm? zkef;eHygwf? gmail wdkYjzifh a&;om;ay;ydkYEdkifygonf/
May 2022 The Best/ 47

tD o D , d k ; yD ; ,m;wd k Y & J U jyu© ' d e f

An Ethiopian year is comprised of 13 months, and is seven years behind the
Gregorian calendar. In fact, Ethiopians celebrated the new millennium on September
11, 2007; this is because the Ethiopians continued with the same calendar that the
Roman church amended in 525 AD. Till date, Ethiopia uses its ancient calendar.

tDoD,dk;yD;,m;ESpfwpfESpfudk vaygif; (13)veJY zGJUpnf;xm;NyD; *&Da*:&D,efjyu©'defxuf (7)ESpf

aemufusygw,f/ wu,fawmh tDoD,dk;yD;,m;vlrsKd;awG[m 2007 ckESpf? pufwifbmv (11)
&ufaeYrSm axmifpkESpf? ESpfopfudkusif;ycJhMuygw,f/ 'g[m tDoD,dk;yD;,m;vlrsKd;awG[m at'D
(525) tcsdeuf a&mrbk&m;&Scd ;kd ausmif;u jyifqifcwhJ hJ jyu©'ed ef t
YJ wl ¤if;wd&Yk UJ jyu©'ed u
f kd qufomG ;
cJhwmaMumifhjzpfygw,f/ ,aeYtcsdefxdvnf; tDoD,dk;yD;,m;[m ¤if;&JUa&S;a[mif;jyu©'defudk
tok;H jyKaewke;f ygyJ/

48 /The Best May 2022

rdkemvDqmyef;csDum;qdkwm . .
The Mona Lisa holds the
Guinness World Record for the
highest known painting insurance
valuation in history at US$100
million in 1962 (equivalent to $870
million in 2021). It has been on
permanent display at the Louvre
in Paris since 1797. It is described
as “the best known, the most
visited, the most written about, the
most sung about, the most
parodied work of art.”

rdkemvDqmyef;csDum;[m 1962
ckEpS rf mS tar&duefa':vm oef;wpf&meJY
ordkif;rSm tjrifhqkH;vdkY odMuwJh yef;csD
um;tmrcHwefz;kd jzwfrI *if;epfurÇmph cH sed f
wifcJhygw,f/ (,if;wefzdk;yrmP[m
2021 ckESpfrSm a':vmoef; (870) eJY
nDrQygw,f) xdkyef;csDum;udk 1797
ckESpfuwnf;u jyifopfEdkifiH? yJ&pfNrdKU&Sd
avmfA&D jywdu k rf mS tNrw
J rf;jyoxm;cJyh g
w,f/ ¤if;udk ]]vlot d rsm;qk;H ? vma&mufMunf½h o
I t
l rsm;qk;H ? ¤if;taMumif;a&;om;cH&rItrsm;qk;H ?
oDcsif;a&;zGJU oDqdkrItrsm;qkH;? twkcdk;a&;qGJrItrsm;qkH; yef;csDum;}} tjzpf azmfjyxm;ygw,f/

*sd r f ; (p)bG e f ; tppf wu,f & S d r &S d

There was a real spy named James Bond during 1960s. Born in Devon in 1928,
he worked at British Embassy in Warsaw, Poland in 1960s. James Albert Bond
arrived in Warsaw on February 18, 1964, using the cover of secretary-archivist of
the British Embassy’s military attaché. Found to be talkative, but very cautious and
was interested in woman. His real mission was to ‘penetrate military facilities.

1960 jynfEh pS u f mvtwGi;f u *srd ;f (p)bGe;f vdYk ac:wJh olvQKw d pfa,muf trSew f u,f&cdS yhJ gw,f/
1928 ckEpS ?f a'AGerf mS arG;zGm;cJNh y;D 1960 jynfEh pS u f mvawGrmS ydv k efEikd if ?H 0gaqmNrKd Uu NAw
d o
d Qo½H ;Hk rSm
tvkyfvkyfcJhygw,f/ *sdrf;(p)tJ(v)bwfbGef;[m 1964 ckESpf? azazmf0g&Dv (18) &ufaeYrSm
0gaqmudk a&muf&v dS mcJNh yD; NAdwo d QoH½;Hk &JU ppforH LS ;&JUvufaxmufarmfueG ;f jywdu k rf LS ;ta,mifaqmif
cJhygw,f/ ol[m pum;rsm;rsm;ajymwwfoljzpfayrJh owdBuD;oljzpfNyD; trsKd;orD;awGudkvnf;
pdwf0ifpm;oljzpfygw,f/ olY&JUwu,fhwm0efuawmh ppfwyftaqmufttkHawGxJudk xdk;azmuf
0ifa&mufzyYkd jJ zpfygw,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 49

a&Tpnf;rsOf;awGGeJY aezdkY
BudK;pm;ygw,f/ I try to live by the Golden
uRefawmfwdkY b0awGtwGuf Rule–to always accord others the
tm;vkH;vdkcsifaeMuwJh same dignity. decency, and re-
*kPfodu©m? aumif;jrwfjcif; spect that we all want in our own
½dkaoav;jrwfrIawGukdvnf; lives. In my experience, you can
olwpfyg;ukd ay;EdkifzkdY achieve much more by bringing
uRefawmf tNrJwrf; BudK;pm;ygw,f/ others along with you.
tjcm;olawGukd cifAsm;eJYtwl RICHARD A. GEPHARDT
ygvmatmif vkyfEdkifjcif;tm;jzifh Democratic leader, United States
cifAsm; ydkNyD;atmifjrifEdkifygw,f/ Congress

50 /The Best May 2022

ppfrSefwJh xl;cRefajymifajrmufrItwGuf
vufawGUuswJh tBuHÓmPfeJY
½IH;edrfhrIukd raMumufwJh
pGefYpm;&JwJh owådawGvdktyfygw,f/

42 a,mufajrmuf tar&duefor®w

True excellence requires a worthy dream, a good idea of how to realize it,
and the courage to risk failure to achieve it.

42 nd President of the United States


May 2022 The Best/ 51


His wife was in despair, and she obtiained permission from the
did not know what to believe. Her officials and was taken to him. When
children wrea all quite small. Taking she saw her husband in prison-dress
them all with het, she went to the and in chairs, shut up with teieves and
town where her husband was, in murderes, she fell down and did not
prison. At first she was not allowed come to her senses for a long time.
to see him; but, after much begging, Then she drew here childen to her,

52 /The Best December

May 2021
and sat down near him. She told him of And Aksenov gave up all hope,
things at home, and asked about waht and only prayed to God.
had happened to him. He told her all, and
she asked, "What can we do now?" Aksenov was condemned to be
whipped and sent to the mines. So he was
Aksenov did not reply, but only shipped, and when the wounds were
looked down on the ground. healed, he was driven to Siberia with other
Then his wife said, "It was not
for nothing that I dreamt your hair had For twenty-six years Aksenov
turned grey. You remember? You should lived as a prisoner in Siberia. His hait
not have started, that day." And passing turned white as snow, and his beard grew
her fingers through his hair she said: long, thin, and grey. He walked slowly,
"Vanya, dearest, tell your wife the truth; spoke little and never laughed, but he of-
was it not you who did it?" ten prayed.

"So you, too, suspect me! said olrY ed ;f ru bmuk,

d MHk unf&rSe;f rodawmh
Aksenov, and, hiding his face in his hands, bl;jzpfNyD; pdwfysuftm;i,faerdw,f/ olr&JU
he began to cry. Then a soldier came to uav;awG[m i,fvGef;ao;w,f/ olr[m
say that the wife and children must go uav;awGukd vufqGJNyD; olra,musfm;axmif
away, and Aksenov said good-bye to his uscHae&wJhNrdKUukd vdkufoGm;cJhw,f/ yxrawmh
family for the last time. olr[m a,mufsm;ukd awGUcGirhf &ygbl;/ awmifyef
vGef;ru awmif;yefawmhrS t&m&SdawGu olrukd
When they were gone, Aksenov a,mufsm;qDac:oGm;Ny;D awGUcGiafh y;cJw
h ,f/ olr[m
remembered what had been said, and axmif0wfpkH0wfxm;NyD; vlowform;awG? olcdk;
when he remembered that his wife also awGuadk wGomcsnfaESmifxm;wJh tcsKyfoBH udK;uGi;f
suspected him, he said to himself, "It awG tcsnfcHxm;wJh olra,mufsm;ukdjrifwJhtcg
seems that only God can know the truth: rl;arhvJusoGm;w,f/ tcsdeftawmfMum owdarh
it is to Him alone we must pray and from oGm;cJhygw,f/ owdjyef&awmhrS olr[m uav;
Him alone expect mercy." awGudk olrtem;ukd qG,
J v
l u
kd Nf y;D a,mufsm;em;rSm

53 /The
May 2022Best December 53
The Best/
xd k i f vd k u f w ,f / ol r a,musf m ;uk d wmudkowd&rdNyD; olYbmoma&&Gwfajymqdk
tdrrf mS jzpfwm awG ajymjyvdu
k w
f ,f/ NyD;awmh vdu
k rf w
d ,f/ ]}trSew
f &m;ukd bk&m;ocifyo
J d
ol b mawG j zpf c J h wmvJ v d k Y ar;w,f / Edik w
f ,f/ 'Dupd u
ö dk bk&m;ocifwpfygwnf;om;
a,mufsm;u olrukd jzpfysuf wmawGtm;vk;H odjrifEdkifwmrdkY bk&m;ocif&JU oem;u½kPm
ajymjycJyh gw,f/ 'Dawmh olru tck uRefrwdYk awmfuo
dk m arQmv
f ifNh y;D qkawmif;&awmhrmS yJ}}
bmvkyfEdkifao;vJvdkY ar;vdkufw,f/
tJ'Daemuf tufpfqDaemhfAf[m bm
tufpfqDaemhAf ajrBuD;ukdom pkduf arQmfvifhcsufrS rxm;awmhbJ bk&m;ukdom
MunhfaeNyD; bmrSjyefrajymcJhbl;/ &Sdcdk;aeygawmhw,f/

tJ'Daemuf olYrdef;ru ajymw,f/ tufpfqDaemhAfukd Budrf'Pfay;NyD;

]]&Siahf cgif;u qHyifawG azG;azG;jzLoGm;w,fvYkd owåKwGif;awGqDydkzdkY pD&ifcsufcsygw,f/ 'g
td y f r uf r uf c J h w m tvum;r[k w f b l ; / aMumihf ol[mBudr½f u
kd cf &H ygw,f/ 'Pf&mawG
&Sifowd&ao;vm;/ tJ'DaeYu &Sifc&D;rxGuf ukd aq;ukoay;NyD;wJhtcgrSmawmh tjcm;
f ;l /}} NyD;awmh olra,mufsm;&UJ qHyifawG tusOf;om;awGvykd J qdu
k af A;&D;,m;ukd tydcYk H
Mum;xJ vufudk xd;k oGi;f &if; ]]Aef&mtcsp&f ,f? &ygw,f/
&Sifhrdef;rukd trSeftwdkif;ajymjyprf;yg/ 'DtrI
ukdusL;vGefcJhwJh ol[m &Sifr[kwfygbl;aemf/ tufpfqDaemhAf[m qkdufaA;&D;,m;
rSm tusOf;om;tjzpf 26 ESpfwdkifatmif
]]rif;vnf; ihgukd 'DvdkxifwmyJ}}vdkY aecJh&ygw,f/ olYqHyifawG[m ESif;awGvdk
tufpfqDaemhAfuajymNyD; rsufESmukd vuf0g;eJY jzLqGwfoGm;NyD; olYrkwfqdwfarG;awG[m &Snf
tkyfNyD; idkygawmhw,f/ tJ'Daemuf rdef;reJY &Snyf g;yg;eJY rD;cd;k a&mifajymif;vJomG ;ygawmhw,f/
uav;awGjyefMuawmhvdkY tapmifhppfom; jznf;jznf;yJ vrf;avQmufw,f/ pum;vnf;
wpfa,mufa&mufvmNyD; ajymygw,f/ tufpf enf;enf;yJajymawmhw,f/ b,fawmhrS r&,f
qDaemhAf[m olYrdom;pkawGudk *GwfbdkifvdkY awmhb;l / 'gayrJh rMumcP bk&m;&Sd cd;k aewwf
aemufq;Hk tBudrf EIwq
f ufvu
kd yf gawmhw,f/ ygw,f/
olwdkYjyefoGm;NyD;wJhtcg ajymqdkoGm; aumif ; oef Y
wmawGukd tufpfqDaemh[m jyefowd&rd Leo Tolstoy \ God Sees The
w,f/ olrY ed ;f ruvnf; olt
Y ay:ukd oHo,&Scd hJ Truth, But Waits udk bmomjyefqdkonf

54 /The Best December

May 2021
(Are you) ready for this?
tajymcH&ol pdwfvIyf&Sm;aprnfh? tHhtm;oihfaprnfh owif;tcsuftvuf ponfukd
yg;vdkuf&mwGif okH;EIef;aompum;/

Tom: Boy, do I have something to tell you! Are you ready for this?
rdef;uav;a&? ig ajymp&mwpfck&Sdw,f/ rif;Mum;csifvm;/
Mary: Sure. Let me have it!
Mum;csifwmaygh/ bmvJqdkwm uRefrukdajymav/
Tom: Now, here's a great joke! Are you ready for this? It is so funny!
a[m 'DrmS wu,faumif;whJ jyufv;Hk ? em;axmifrmS vm;/ ody&f ,fp&maumif;w,f/
Alice: I can hardly wait.
em;axmifcsifvdkY atmifhawmif ratmifhEdkifawmhbl;/

May 2022 The Best/ 55

(Are you) ready to order?
The waitress came over and asked,"Are you ready to order?"
pm;yGJxdk;rdef;uav; vmar;w,f/ ]bmpm;p&m rSmcsifygovJ&Sif}
Tom: I know waht I want. What about you, Silly?
Are you ready to order?
ukd,f bmpm;csifw,fqkdwmukd odw,f/ rif;aum q,fvD? (pm;p&m) rSmzdkY
Sally: Don't rush me!
uRefrukd vmravmygeJY&Sif/

(Are you) sorry you asked?

ar;rdwm pdwfraumif;jzpfoGm;NyDvm;/ (You'll be sorry you asked ESifh EIdif;,SOfMunhfyg)
Father: How are you doing in school?
ausmif;rSm rif;tajctae b,fvdk&SdvJa[h/
Bill: I'm flunking out. Sorry you asked?
uRefawmf pmar;yGJusw,f/ taz ar;rdwm pdwfraumif;jzpfoGm;NyDvm;/
Mother: You've been looking a little down lately. Is there anything wrong?
rif; Munh&f wm ckwavm pdwyf suf (pdw"f mwfus) aeovdyk /J bmjzpfaewmvJ/
Bill: I probably have mono. Are you sorry you asked?
uRefawmf tusdwfa&mifzsm; jzpfaeovm; rodbl;/ arar ar;vdkufrdvdkY
pdwfraumif;jzpfoGm;NyD vm;/

as alike as (two) peas in a pod

toGifoP²mef tvGefwlaom
The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.
t>rTmyl;awG[m ½kyfqif;oP²mef odyfwlw,f/
Q: Are these two books different?
'DpmtkyfESpftkyf uGJjym;csuf&Sdovm;/
A: These two books are as aliks as peas in a pod.
'DpmtkyfESpftkyfu cGJr&atmif wlw,f/

56 /The Best May 2022

(as) far as I know AND to the best of my knowledge
uRefawmf odorQuawmh/ uRefawmfÓmPfrDoa&GU ajym&&if-

Tom: Is this brand of computer any good?

'DuGefysLwm trsKd;tpm;u aumif;&JUvm;As/
Clerk: This is the very best one there is, as far as I know.
uRefawmf odoa&GUuawmh 'g[m 'DrSm&SdwJhtxJrSm taumif;qkH;yJ cifAs/
Fred: Are the trains on time?
&xm;awG[m tcsdefrSef&JUvm;/
Clerk: To the best of my knowledg, all the trains are on time today.
uRefawmf odoavmufuawmh 'DaeY &xm;tm;vkH; tcsdefrSefygw,f/

(as) far as I'm concerned

1/ uRefawmhftjrifukdajym&&ifawmh-
Bob: Isn't this cake good?
'DudwfrkefYu raumif;bl;vm;/
Alice: Yes, Indeed. This is the best cake I have eaten as far I'm
at; wu,faumif;w,f/ ightjrifukd ajym&&ifawmh igpm;zl;orQxJrSm 'g[m
Tom: I think I'd better go.
ig oGm;&ifaumif;r,f/
Bob: As far as I'm concerned, you all leave now.
ightaeeJYuawmh rif;wkYdtm;vkH; ckyJ oGm;vdkY&w,f/

2/ &ygw,f/ uRefawmhfbufu jzpfygw,f/

Alice: Can I send this package on to your sister?
'Dtxnfukd eifhtpfrqD ykdYvdkYjzpfrvm; [if/
John: As far as I'm concerned.
ightaeeJY jzpfygw,f/
Jane: Do you mind if I put this coat in the closet?
'DukwftusÐukd 'DbD½dktcef;av;xJ xm;vdkY jzpfrvm;[if/
John: Far as I'm concerned. It's not mine.
&ygw,f/ 'gayr,fh tJ'g uRefawmfhukwftusÐ r[kwfbl;/

May 2022 The Best/ 57

as I see it AND in my opinion; in my view.
Tom: This matter is not as bad as some would make it out to be.
'Dudpö[m wcsKdUvlawG ajymqdkoavmuf rqdk;vSygbl;/
Alice: Yes. This whole affair has been overblown, as I see it.
at; ightjriftwdkfif;qdk&ifawmh 'DudpöwpfckvkH;[m ykHBuD;csJUvdkufwmuG/
Bob: You're as wrong as can be.
rif; rSm;ukd rSm;Edkifw,f/
John: In my view, you are wrong.
ightjrift& qdk&if rif;rSm;wm/

as I was saying AND like I was saying

uRefawmf ajymovdk/
Bill: Now, Mary, this is one of the round ones that attaches to the wire
uJ ar&Da&? 'gav;u 'DrmS &Sw
d hJ 0g,mBudK;ukd wG,x
f m;wJh t0dik ;f jym;av;awGxu
Bob: (passing through the room) Hello, you two! Catch you later.
(tcef;xJjzwf0ifvm&if;) [Jvdk? rif;wYdkESpfa,muf 'DrSmygvm;/ rif;wkdYeJY aemufrS
Bill: Yeah,see you around. Now, as I was saying this goes here on this
at; rif;eJY qkHOD;rSmyguGm/ 'Dr,f apmapmu igajymovdk 'D[mu 'D0g,mBudK;qD
Tom: I hate to interrupt, but someone's car is being broken into down on the
pum;jzwfajym&awmh raumif;bl;uGm/ b,folYum;vnf; rodbl;/ vrf;atmuf
bufrSm tazmufcH&vdkYwJh/
Fred: As I was saying, these illegal practices must stop.
igajymwJh twkdif;ayghuGm/ 'Dvdk Oya'rJh vkyf&yfrsKd;awGudk wm;qD;&r,f/

aumif;usKd;vdk&mqE´jynfh0Muygap .../
q&mrdk; Follow Me
B.Sc.(Hons).,M.Sc., Ph.D

58 /The Best May 2022

In Time or On Time em;vnfEdkifygvdrfhr,f/

in time eJY on time u pmvk;H csi;f qifawmh - Will we be in time for the six

t"dymÜ ,f twlwyl vJ m;vdYk pOf;pm;p&m &Syd gw,f/ o'clock train?

wdkYu ajcmufem&D&xm;ukd tcsdfefrDrSmvm;/

in time (tcsd e f r D ? tcsd e f u d k u f ) - The ambulance got there just in

in time ukd no late; with enough time time.

to be able to do something vdYk Oxford vlemwifum;u tJ'Dukd tcsdefrD½kHav;

tbd"mefu t"dyÜm,fzGifhygw,f/ aemufrus a&mufvmcJhw,f/

ao;wJo h abm? wpfcck uk dk vkyEf ikd zf Ykd vkaH vmufwhJ (=toufi,fzdkY tcsdefrD½Hk)

tcsed &f w Y kd in time udk oH;k &ygw,f/

dS hJ oabmeJq

on time (tcsd e f t wd t us? tcsd e f u d k u f ?

in time u 'Dpum;vk;H awGeYJ t"dymÜ ,fwyl gw,f/ tcsdefrSef)

= before something happens on time ukd at the correct time or the

(wpfcck rk jzpfcif) time that was arranged vdkY Longman

= before the scheduled time tbd"mefrSm t"dyÜm,fzGihfqkdygw,f/ rSefuefwJh

(pDpOfxm;wJh tcsdefrwdkifcif) tcsd e f r S m 'grS r [k w f pD p Of x m;wJ h t csd e f r S m

= with time to spare (ydkay;p&mtcsdefeJY)

apmvnf;rapm? aemufvnf;rusbJ twd

OyrmawGeJY wGJNyD;avhvmvdkuf&if ykdNyD; tusjzpfwJhoabmukd on time ukd okH;NyD;

May 2022 The Best/ 59

azmfjyEdkifygw,f/ *sufu tJ'Dukd tcsdefudkuf a&mufEdkifyghrvm;

on time uawmh 'Dpum;vk;H awGeYJ t"dymÜ ,fwyl g qkdwm pdk;&drfylyefaew,f/

w,f/ - Amber always arrives late to work.

She is never on time.

= punctual (tcsdefrSef)

= on schedule (tpDtpOftwdkif;jzpf) trfbmu tvkyfukd tNrJaemufusNyD;rSa&muf

= at the arranged time (pDpOfxm;wJt h csefd rf mS ) w,f/ olu b,fawmhrS tcsdefrrSefbl;/

= at the planned time (pDpOfxm;wJt ckq&kd if in time eJY on time okH;pGJykHukd aumif;

h csderf mS )

= at the correct time (rSefuefwJhtcsdefrSm) aumif;em;vnfNyD xifygw,f/ t*Fvyd pf m tok;H

= neither early nor late (apmvnf;rapm? csNyD; b0wdk;wufygap/

aemuf vnf;aemufruswm)


OyrmawGukd MunhfygOD;/

- Jack was worried about whether he'd ○

be able to get there on time.

uav;rsm;udk aumif;aumif;apmifMh unfah y;yg/

h q
J akd wmh olwu
Ykd oifu
h kd *½kpu
kd f apmifMh unfah ewm
r[kwvf yYkd g/

60 /The Best May 2022

Something we need to do uREkfyfwdkh jyKvkyf&rnfUt&m
It’s impossible. rjzpfEikd b
f ;l wJ/h
The enemy who makes you weak. tm;aysmhoGm;atmif vkyfwJh&efol[m
That’s him. olyaJ ygh/
It is impossible, rjzpfedkifbl;qdkwm
A sign of shame.
The one who lets down
the courage and the will.
owdåeJYqE´udk usqif;apolaygh/
When he wants to stay oifhESvkH;om;rSm ol wnf;cdkcsifwJhcg
in your heart, a0;a0;ESix f w k yf pfprf;yg/
Throw it away uREkfyfwdkY&JU tdyfrufawGudk
and throw it away. uREkfyfwdkY taumiftxnfazmfvdkY
To our dreams uREkfyfwdkYtwlwl aysmfEdkif&rnfaygh/
Because we implement it.
We need to have fun together. udkjidrf;i,f(uRef;a'gifh)

Ko Nyein Nge (Kyun Daung)

My Significant Other ud,

k t
Uf oJwpfjcrf;
I just realised "what love is" tcspfqkdwm rif;eJYawGUrS
Only when I met you. cHpm;wwfvmw,f
My life became "meaningful" b0qdkwm rif;eJYawGUrS
Only when I met you. t"dyÜm,f&Sdvmw,f
In the ups and downs of life b0tedrfhtjrifhawGMum;rSm
You gave me strength and cHEdkif&nfawG&Sdvmatmif
Made me strong who I am now.
cGeftm;awG ay;cJhw,f
For whatever had happened in our life
b0rSm b,fvdkyJ jzpfcJhjzpfcJh
Thanks for being with me
Up to now, dear.
aus;Zl;yg cspfa&/
Thu Rein Hsong Thit (Kyaunggon)

May 2022 The Best/ 61

Lightened-pole tvif;wdkif

In spite of being burned, zJah cRwdu

k pf m;cH&ayrJh
Until having fallen down, rusqkH;ciftxdawmh
I wish to brilliantly blaze. vif;y? 0if;jrcsifw,f
Really, I'm just
wu,fawmh . . . ig[m
A little candle.
za,mif;wdkifi,f/ /
Man Thit Noe

Love Letter cspfjcif;pmvTm

Many miles far away rdik af ygif;rsm;pGmuGma0;

Although we live in different land
With a mind to remember owd&wJhpdwfeJY
To where you are rif;&Sw d t
hJ &yfqD
Poems of lovetvGrf;uAsmawG
I send with my heart every day ESvkH;om;eJY aeYwdkif;ydkYjzpfw,f/
What is pain of longing?
There is no cure for it, Angel
ukp&maq;r&Sdbl; . . . tdef*s,f
At night,
Through the starsMu,fawGuwpfqifh
Sending my longing for you
Will you hear?
rif; Mum;avrvm;/
When you are in a distant land
a0;wpfajrqDrSm &SdaewJhtcg
May you always be happy
rif; tNrJaysmf&Tifygap
I pray with love . . . Angel.
cspfjcif;rsm;pGmeJY qkawmif;w,f . . .
Thin Ya Thaw tdef*s,f/ /

62 /The Best May 2022

I want to meet aemufxyfwpfBurd f
you again qHck siw
f ,f
Breeze avnif;
In the cool evening naecif;at;at;rSm
It flies with flowers. iHyYk ef;awGeyYJ sHoef;w,f?
In my opinion NyD; vloGm;vrf;ay:jzefYBuJw,f/
A paved road ightawG;rSm
A summer poem zGizhf wfvmT cif;vrf;wpfck
It looks like a aEGuAsmwpfyk'f
summer painting. aEGyef;csDwpfcsyftoGif odyfvSw,f/
Breeze avnif;
Before you go home cifAsm;tdrjf yefroGm;rD
I want to say thank you. aus;Zl;wifpum;ajymcsifw,f/
“Thank you very much.” ]] aus;Zl;txl;yg avnif;av; }}
I want you meet you again. aemufxyfwpfBudrfqHkcsifw,f/ /

Sunday qef ; a';

Summer aEG
So hot! ylw,f
Planting tree to bear tyl'PfumzdYk
heat. tyifpukd &f wmaygh/

Shady tree was rooted t&dy&f wJt h yifav;

out for the blowing wind 'DaEG&UJ av'PfaMumifh
of this summer.
tjrpfuyg NydKvJcJh&w,f/
Go on . . .
Mr.Sun! qufNyD; ylvdkufprf;yg
Hottest and making dry ylavmifajcmufaoGUapwmu
is your nature. rif;obm0udk;/

To nurture a plant tyifjyKpkzdkYu wdkYwpfawGwm0efrdkY

is our duty. ylavmifreI yYJ sKd;axmifrI
Hottest and nurturing 'DaEGrSmb,folomrvJ
Which one will be better MunfhMuwmaygh/
in this summer?
Let's wait and see!
[def;awZ (POL)

May 2022 The Best/ 63


Crazy and Insane

Hello! This week on Ask a Teacher, we will answer a question from
Leah from Vietnam.

Hi! I’m Leah from Vietnam. I would like to know the difference
between “insane” and “crazy”. Thank you so much! Leah

Dear Leah,
I really appreciate the question. These two words may appear as
synonyms in some situations. But in recent years, their usage and meanings
have changed with increased knowledge of mental health issues.

Let us start with “crazy.”

“Crazy” is mostly used as an adjective and can have several different
meanings that are informal.
Its first meaning is foolish, strange, wild or intense.
The crazy kittens knocked over their water bowl because they were so
In this example, the kittens were a little wild and foolishly spilled the

64 /The Best May 2022

A second meaning of “crazy” is really Compare these examples:
enthusiastic, interested in, or in love with I had an insane day at work.
something. We usually use the preposition In this example, “insane” means intense
“about” with the word. and busy.
The couple is crazy about each other;
they are always holding hands. The pasta sauce smells insane.
And crazy can also mean mentally sick Here the sauce has an intense and
or unbalanced. This meaning is falling out wonderful smell.
of use because now there is more
awareness and sensitivity towards mental “Crazy” and “insane,” as adjectives,
health issues. are used informally to mean foolish,
An example from recent years can be intense, or not believable. If they are used
seen in the TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. this way, they can be synonyms.
The song for the show is about the Insane is stronger and often sounds
main character, Rebecca Bunch, an more negative than crazy. Crazy is more
ex-girlfriend who is “crazy” and not doing normal in informal speech when showing
well with her mental health. enthusiasm or even expressing love. But,
At the time, people criticized the use both terms have in the past been used to
of “crazy” in the show’s title. But the describe people with mental illnesses.
creator and star, Rachel Bloom, also While both terms are still used
helped to increase awareness of mental informally, saying them in the wrong
health issues through the TV show. situation can be a mistake.
I hope these explanations and
Let’s move on to “insane.” examples have helped you, Leah!
“Insane” has a stronger, more What question do you have about
negative association than crazy. As an American English? Send us an email at
adjective, it was once used to describe And
people with severe mental illness. But it is that’s Ask a Teacher.
no long used in the field of medicine.
Today, some people, especially t½l ; trl ; jzpf w mES i f h ½l ; oG y f w m
younger ones, use it to mean extremely
foolish, irrational, or not able to make good [Jvdk? ,cktywf Ask a Teacher u@u
decisions. Those kinds of meanings are ae AD,uferfEdkifiHrSmaexdkifwJh vD&JUar;cGef;udk
falling out of use. ajzMum;rSmjzpfygw,f/
Another, more recent use as an
adjective can mean shocking, outrageous, ar;cGef; / / [dik ;f ? uRefawmfu AD,uferfEikd if u
or intense. This meaning is similar to vD y g/ insane eJY crazy wd k Y t Mum; uG J j ym;

May 2022 The Best/ 65

jcm;em;csufudk odcsifygw,f/ aus;Zl;trsm;BuD; - 'DpkHwGJ (vifr,m;ESpfa,muf) [m wpf
wifygw,f/ a,mufuw kd pfa,muf t½l;trl;cspMf uNy;D tNrw J rf;
vD(AD,uferf) vufawGudk udkifxm;Muygw,f/
xdtYk jyif crazy [m pdwyf ikd ;f usef;rma&;csKdUwJh
tajz / / cifrif&wJh vDa&/ 'Dar;cGef;udk wm? pdwftajctaeykHrrSefwm pwJht"dyÜm,fawG
uReaf wmf wu,fyJ oabmusygw,f/ tJ'h pD um; vnf; zGifhvdkY&ygw,f/ ,if;t"dyÜm,fudkawmh
vkH;ESpfck[m tcsKdU tajctaeawGrSm aMumif;wl ,cktcsderf mS pdwu f sef; rma&;eJq
Y ikd w
f jhJ yóemawG
oHuGJ (t"dyÜm,fqifwlayrJh pum;vkH;csif;rwl) rSm ydkNyD; owdjyK? wkHYjyefrIawG&SdvmwmaMumifh
pmvk;H rsm;tjzpf awGU&Edik yf gw,f/ 'gayrJh rMumao; qufvuftokH;jyKjcif; r&Sdawmhygbl;/
cifEpS af wGrmS awmh ¤if;wd&Yk UJ tok;H tEIe;f eJY t"dymÜ ,f rMumao;cifEpS rf sm;u ¤if;eJyY wfoufwhJ Oyrm
awGu pdwfusef;rma&;udpöawGeJYywfoufNyD; wpfcu k kd Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (½l;aMumifaMumif
wdk;wufvmwJhA[kokwaMumifh ajymif;vJoGm;cJhyg jzpfaewJh &nf;pm;a[mif;) qdkwJh ½kyfjrifoHMum;
w,f/ azsmfajzrIrSm jrifawGU&Edkifygw,f/
- The song for the show is about the
uJ? uRefawmfwdkY crazy uae pajymMu& main character, Rebecca Bunch, an ex-
atmif/ girlfriend who is “crazy” and not doing well
crazy qdw k phJ um;vk;H udk emr0daooetjzpf with her mental health..
trsm;qkH;tokH;jyKMuNyD; udef;BuD;crf;BuD;r[kwfbJ - xdkazsmfajzyGJtwGuf oDcsif;u ½l;aMumif
vGwvf yfNyD; rwlnw D hJ t"dymÜ ,fawGrsm;pGm &SEd ikd yf g aMumifjzpfaeNy;D pdwu f se;f rma&;raumif;wJh tquf
w,f/ a[mif;wpfa,mufjzpfwJh t"duo½kyfaqmif
¤if;&JUyxrOD;qk;H t"dymÜ ,fu rdu k rf ½J ;l oGyaf om? &Dbufum befY(cs) taMumif;jzpfygw,f/
xl;qef;aom? ½dik ;f pdik ;f aom odrYk [kwf jyif;xefaom xdtk csed u
f vlawG[m xdak zsmaf jzyG&J UJ acgif;pOf
pwJht"dyÜm,fyg/ rSm crazy qdw k t hJ ok;H tEIe;f udk tok;H jyKjcif;tay:
- The crazy kittens knocked over their a0zefcJhMuygw,f/ 'gayrJh xdkazsmfajzrIudk zefwD;
water bowl because they were so excited. olvnf;jzpf emrnfausmfo½kyfaqmifvnf;jzpfwJh
- txdrf;tuGyfrJhaewJhaMumifav;awG[m a&cs,fbvGef;u ,if;½kyfjrif oHMum;Zmwfvrf;
pdwv f yI &f mS ;vGe;f aewmaMumifh a&cGuu f kd arSmufcs uae pdwfusef;rma&;jyóemawGtay: tav;
vdkufygw,f/ xm;rIudk wdk;jr§ifhay;cJhygw,f/
azmfjywJOh yrmrSm aMumifav;awG[m tawmf
av;udk txdrf;tuGufrJh½dkif;pdkif;pdwfazmufNyD; uJ? tck insane qDoGm;Mu&atmif/
a&awG zdwfpifusatmifvkyfcJhwmjzpfygw,f/ insane [m crazy xufpm&if ydt k m;aumif;
crazy &JU 'kwd,t"dyÜm,fuawmh wpfckckeJY NyD; tEkwfoabmaqmifwJh tawG;qufpyfrIrsKd;
ywfoufNyD; pdwt f m;xufoefwm? pdw0f ifpm;wm &S d y gw,f / emr0d a ooewpf c k t aeeJ Y u awmh
odkYr[kwf cspfcifaewmrsKd;udk ajymwmjzpfygw,f/ pdwfydkif;zsm;emrItrsKd;rsKd; &SdolawGudk azmfjy&mrSm
¤if;udk about qdw k hJ 0dbwfeYJ trsm;tm;jzifh wGo
J ;Hk wpfcgu tokH;jyKcJhygw,f/ 'gayrJh aq;ynm
avh&Sdygw,f/ e,fy,frSm 'gudk qufvuftokH;jyKjcif; r&Sdawmh
- The couple is crazy about each ygbl;/
other; they are always holding hands.

66 /The Best May 2022

,aeYrSmawmh vlwcsKdU txl;ojzifh vli,f ,if;enf;twdkif; tokH;jyKw,fqdk&if aMumif;wl
awG[m tvGeftusL;½l;oGyfrdkufrJwmrsKd;? usKd; oHuGJpum;vkH;awGjzpfEkdifygw,f/
aMumif;qifjcif wkHw&m;r&SdwmrsKd;? qkH;jzwfcsuf insane [m ydkrdktm;aumif;NyD; crazy xuf
aumif;awG rcsEdik w f m rsKd;awGukd qdv k w
kd ahJ e&mrSm pm&if tEkwfoabmydkNyD;aqmifygw,f/ crazy
tok;H jyKvmMuygw,f/ ,if;t"dymÜ ,fawGuv kd nf; uawmh pdwftm;xufoefwm odkYr[kwf cspfjcif;
qufvufokH;pGJjcif; r&Sdawmhygbl;/ arwåmudak zmfjywJh tcsed af wGrmS ydNk y;D obm0uspmG eJY
emr0daooetjzpfrMumao;cifu ydkNyD; vG w f v G w f v yf v yf a jymqd k M uygw,f / 'gayrJ h
tokH;jyK vm&wJh ¤if;pum;vkH;&JUt"dyÜm,faemuf twdwu f mvrSmwke;f u ,if;a0g[m& ESpcf pk vk;H udk
wpfrsKd;u wkevf yI pf &maumif;wm? tvGe&f ufpuf pdwfusef;rma&;csKdUwJholawGudk azmfjy&mrSm tokH;
wm odrYk [kwf jyif;xefwm pwJt h "dymÜ ,fawGyjJ zpfyg jyKcJNh yD;jzpfygw,f/
w,f/ ,if;t"dyÜm,fu crazy eJY wlygw,f/ ,if;a0g[m&ESpfckpvkH;udk ,aeYxufxdwdkif
atmufygOyrmawGudk EIdif;,SOfMunfhyg/ ae&mvGJ rSm;pGmtokH;jyKajymqdkjcif;u trSm;wpfck
- I had an insane day at work. jzpfEikd yf gw,f/
- tvkyrf mS wkevf yI pf &maumif;wJh (qd;k &Gm;wJ)h ,ck&Sif;jycsufawGeJY OyrmawGu oifhudk
aeYwpfaeY&SdcJhw,f/ taxmuftuljzpfNyv D Ykd uReaf wmf arQmv f ifyh gw,f?
,if;OyrmrSmawmh insane [m jyif;xefNyD; vDa&/
tvkyfrsm;wJh t"dyÜm,fjzpfygw,f/ tar&dueft*Fvyd pf meJyY wfoufNy;D oifrh mS ar;
-The pasta sauce smells insane. p&mar;cGef;&Sdygovm;/ learningenglish @
- tDwvDacgufqGJ&JUpm;Nrdef&nfu xl;jcm; voanews. com vdypf mudk tD;ar;ydv Yk &Ykd ygw,f/
qef;us,fwJh teHYxGufaew,f/ 'guawmh ,cktywf twGuf Ask a Teacher!
'Dae&mrSm aqmh(pm;Nrdef&nf)[m jyif;xefNyD; qdkwJh u@u jzpfygw,f/
tHhzG,faumif;aew,fvdkY qdkvdkwmyg/ rdk;,Hjrifh

emr0daooeawGjzpfMuwJh crazy eJY in-

* þpmrl\ audio zdik u
f kd moeyanmyint0422
sane wdkYudk ½l;oGyfrdkufrJaom? jyif;xefaom?
trnfeYJ The Best English Magazine &JU
r,kMH unfEikd pf &m aumif;aomqdw
k hJ t"dymÜ ,fawGeYJ
Facebook rSm 0ifa&mufMunfh½IEkdifygw,f/
vGwfvGwfvyfvyftokH; jyKMuygw,f/ ¤if;wdkYudk


- The largest restaurant in the world is China’s Beijing Duck, which can seat
9,000 people at one time. This is the equivalent of 200 McDonald’s restau-
rants all under one roof.
- urÇmay:u tBuD;qkH;pm;aomufqdkif[m w½kwfEdkifiHu Beijing Duck (ab*sif;bJ)
pm;aomufqdkifBuD;jzpfNyD; wpfcsdefwnf;rSm vlaygif; (9000) qdkifxdkifpm;aomufEdkifygw,f/
¤if;[m trd;k wpfcw
k nf;atmuf&dS rufa':e,f pm;aomufqikd af ygif; (200) eJY nDrQygw,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 67

owÅdqdkwm tod? owdeJY twl,SOfwGJxm;rSaumif;w,f/ ausmfol0if;

olrsm;ajymwdkif; acgif;ndwf? acgif;cgvkyfaezdkY rvdkygbl;/ trSm;? trSefa0zefydkif;jcm;

Edkifjcif;om t"duyg/ rESif;EkEkEdkif(ajrmif;jr)

Opömypönf;onf wpfcP? *kPfodu©monf xm0&/ Nidrf;apaom0f

igraysmfb;l vdYk b,fawmhrES v

S ;kH roGi;f ygeJ?Y tNrJwrf;aysmfw,fqw
kd hJ pdwef yYJ J aexdik Mf unfh
prf;yg/ t&m&majymif;vJaewm awGU&r,fvdkY awG;rdw,f/ qef ; a';

G pf mG
f efuefeYJ usK;d aMumif;nDnw
vlwikd ;f awG;awm pOf;pm;Muwmcsn;f yJ/ 'gayrJh rSerf eS u
awG;zdkYawmh vdkw,f/ ol o l

aMumufNyD;aozdkY vljzpfvmwmr[kwfbl;/ eE´(t*Fvdyfpm)

f ufygeJ/Y vTrf;a&mifusL;
I kd b,fawmhrS rESpo
olwpfyg;rsuf&nfusrS &wJah ysmf&iT rf u
(ynma &;)

k u
f ,
kd w
f ikd f rawGUBuKH? rcHpm;Munfzh ;l &if tJ'h t
D &mtay: av;av;eufeufem;vnfzYkd
rvG,fulyg/ aroG,fESif;

68 /The Best May 2022

Ykd ykd gw,f/
wpfcgwpfav jyóemaweG BYJ uKHrmS yJ/ b,fvykd jJ zpfjzpf jyóemaweG YJ &ifqikd zf v

oli,fcsif; . . . tcspfrSmyJ om,mae&if rif;b0 ysm,mcwfoGm;r,faemf/


b0qdkwm qE´eJYxyfwlrusEdkifygbl;/ aysmf&mxuf awmf&mudka&G;&wm b0yJav/


olrsm;xufacgif;wpfv;Hk omzdq
Yk kd olrsm;xuf tNrw
J rf;BudK;pm;tm;xkwaf erSjzpfvrd rhf ,f/

vlYb0qdkwm &aumif;wJhtcGifhta&;wpfckyg/ vljzpf&wkef;tcsdefav;rSm wefzdk;&Sdatmif

aexdkifMuyg/ pif a &mf(Y.I.O.E)

udk,fvkyfcsifwJhtvkyfr&cif &wJhtvkyf? &SdwJhtvkyfudk wm0efausyGefygap/


oli,fcsif; . . . cspfMuwJholwdkif; pdk;7drfylyefwwfMuwmcsnf;yJ? rqef;ygbl;/


taumif;qHk; b0aexdkifenf;[m taumif;qHk;owdeJYESvHk;oGif;jcif;yJ xifw,f/


]]olwdkY&JU tawG;'óersm;}} rSm yg0ifa&;om;vdkygu udk
trnf? vdyfpm? zkef;eHygwf? gmail wdkYjzifh a&;om;ay;ydkYEdkifygonf/

t,f ' D w mtzG J U

May 2022 The Best/ 69

70 /The Best May 2022
It was 1933. I had been laid off back on for sanitation reasons. The
from my part-time job and could no cupboard got very bare. We had a
longer make my contribution to the vegetable garden and were able to
family larder. Our only income was cook some of its produce on a
what Mother could make by doing campfire in the back-yard.
dressmaking for others. Then Mother Then one day my younger sister
was sick for a few weeks and unable came skipping home from school
to work. The electric company came saying, “We’re supposed to bring
out and cut off the power when we something to school tomorrow to give
couldn’t pay the bill. Then the gas to the poor.”
company cut off the gas. Then the Mother started to blurt out, “I
water company. But the Health don’t know of anyone who is any
Department made them turn the water poorer than we are,” when her mother,

May 2022 The Best/ 71

who was living with us at the time, ay;cdik ;f vdu
k w f ,f/ pm;p&meJY ok;H p&mydu k q f v H nf;
shushed her with a hand on her arm awmfawmfudk jywfvyfaeygjyD/ [if;oD;[if;&Guf
and a frown. NcHuav;wpfck &Sad eayvdYk tJ'u D &wJh toD;t&Guf
“Eva,” she said, “if you give that awGukd tdraf emufaz;rSm rD;zdNk yD; cl;csufpm;Edik af o;
child the idea that she is ‘poor folks’ at wm/
her age, she will be ‘poor folks’ for wpfaeYrmS awmh uReaf wmhn f rD av;[m ausmif;
the rest of her life. There is one jar of uae tdru f kd ckeu f maygufum jyefvmNy;D reufjzef
that home-made jelly left. She can take us&if r&Sq d if;&Jom;awGuakd y;zdYk ausmif;udk wpfcck k
that.” ,loGm;rSjzpfr,fvdkY ajymygw,f/
Grandmother found some tissue ]]igwdx Yk ufqif;&Jwo hJ l &Sad o;vm; rodygbl;
paper and a little bit of pink ribbon with [,f}} vdYk taru rqifrjcif ajymcsvu kd yf gw,f/
which she wrapped our last jar of jelly, tJ'u D mvrSm uReaf wmfweYkd t YJ wlvmaewJh olt Y ar
and Sis tripped off to school the next (uRefawmfwdkYtbGm;)u olYudk rsufarSmifBuKwfNyD;
day proudly carrying her gift to the vufwdkYum wdwfwdwfaezdkY ajymvdkufw,f/
poor. After that, if there ever was a ]]tDAm? eif uav;udk 'Dtouft&G,frSm
problem in the community, she just qif;&Jom;qdkwJh t,ltqudk ½dkufoGif;vdkuf&if
naturally assumed that she was olYb0wpfavQmufvkH; qif;&Jom;yJ jzpfoGm;vdrhf
supposed to be part of the solution. r,f/ tdrfrSmvkyfwJh *s,fvDvufusefwpfbl;
Edgar Bledsoe &Sdao;w,f/ ol tJ'gudk ,loGm;vdkY &wmyJ[m}}
Ref: A Cup of Chicken Soup for the vdkY tbGm;u ajymvdkufw,f/
Soul tbGm;u puúLyg;eJY yef;a&mifzJBudK;puav;
&SmazGay;NyD; uRefawmfw&Ykd UJ vufusef*s,fvb D ;l udk
1933 ckESpfuaygh/ uRefawmf tcsdefydkif; xkyfydk;vdkufw,f/ aemufwpfaeYrSm nDrav;[m
tvkyfuae tvkyfjyKwfNyD; tdrf&JhrD;zdkacsmif qif;&Jom;awGuakd y;r,fh ol&Y UJ vufaqmifav;udk
p&dwu f kd raxmufyEhH ikd af wmhygbl;/ 0ifaiGqvkd Ykd 0ihf<um;pGm udkifaqmif&if; ausmif;udk aomhaomh
trsKd ;orD;0wfpcHk sKyfNy;D &wJh tarh&UJ 0ifaiGuav; oGm;awmhw,f/ tJ'aD emufyikd ;f vlryI wf0ef;usirf mS
yJ&ydS gw,f/ tJ'h aD emuf tar[m &ufowåywf tcuftcJwpfpw Hk pf&m &Sv d mNyDq&kd if tkww f pfcsyf
tenf;i,fMumatmifzsm;emNy;D tvkyrf vkyEf ikd f oJ w pf y G i h f yg0if u l n D z d k Y t a&;[m uRef a wmh f
awmhygbl;/ abraqmifEikd w f t
hJ wGuf vQyfppf nDrav;&JUyifudkcH,lcsufwpfck jzpfvmcJhygawmh
"mwftm;ay; ukrÜPDuvmNyD; rD;jzwfoGm; w,f/
w,f/ "mwfaiGUukrP Ü u
D "mwfaiGUay;wmudk &J & ih f r if ;
jzwfvdkufw,f/ a&ay;wJh ukrÜPDu a&jzwf
oGm;w,f/ 'gayrJh use;f rma&;Xmeu rdvm’ pepf Edgar Bledsoe \ ‘Out of a Jam’ udk jrefrmrI
aumif;rGefa&;twGuf a&ukrÜPDudk a&jyef jyKonf/

72 /The Best May 2022

awG U qk H ? cG J c G m EI w f q uf p um;
Paul : Hello. How are you?
ayg(v) / [Jvdk? aeaumif;&JUvm;/
Don : Fine, thank you. How are you?
'G e f / aumif;ygw,f? aus;Zl;yg/ cifAsm;aum aeaumif;&JUvm;/
Paul : Fine, thanks. (bus sound-effect) Oh, excuse me --- here's my bus. Good-bye.
ayg(v) / aumif;ygw,f/ aus;Zl;/ (bwf(p)um;oHay:xGufvm) tdk;? cGifhjyKygOD;cifAs? uRefawmfpD;r,fh
bwf(p)um;vmaeNyD/ wmhwm (*Gwfbdkif)/
Don : Good-bye.
'G e f / wmhwm/

Dick : Hi! How are you?

'pf ( c) / [dkif;? aeaumif;&JUvm;/
Helen : Fine, thanks --- and you?
[,fviff / aumif;ygw,f? aus;Zl;&Sifh? &Sifaum (aeaumif;&JUvm;)/
Dick : Just fine. Where are you going?
'pf ( c) / aumif;ygh/ cifAsm; b,foGm;rvdkYvJ/
Helen : To the library.
[,fvif / pmMunfhwdkufudk/
Dick : O.K. I'll see you later. So long.
'pf ( c) / tdkau? aemufrSawGUMuwmaygh/ wmhwm/
Helen : So long.
[,fvif / wmhwm

rSwfom;zdkYu -
[Jv?kd [dik ;f ae&mrSm aumif;aomeHeufcif;yg? aumif;aomaeYv,fcif;yg pwmawGuv
kd nf; tcsdeu
f kd
MunfhNyD; tokH;jyKEdkifygw,f/
How are you? qdkwmudk wdkuf½dkufbmomjyefr,fqdk&if rif;b,fvdkvJvdkY t"dyÜm,f&ygvdfrfhr,f/
'gayrJh 'Dae&mrSmawmh aeaumif;usef;rm tqifajy&JUvm;aygh/
So long qdkwmuvnf; Good-bye eJY t"dyÜm,fcsif;twlwlygyJ/

May 2022 The Best/ 73

armif x uf O D ; ,H
trSwf (14)? a&Tjynfat;vrf;?
prf;acsmif;NrdKUe,f? &efukef/

ES i f ; Ek E k a tmif &J & if h r if ;

wdkuf (11)? okcod'¨d&yfuGuf? ayyifav;&Gm? aysmfbG,fNrdKU?
ZrÁLoD&dNrdKUe,f?aejynfawmf/ rEÅav;wdkif;a'oBuD;/

y xxrr q k k &
& p mrrl l acG;vdka[mifwwfwJUiSuf
y q Apfw;kd &D;,m;e,fxüJ &Sad om rJvb f ek ;f NrdKUrS 0g&m*lvNf rdKUodYk aeYcsif;jyefc&D;wcktm;
rMumao;rDomG ;a&mufcphJ Ofu oabmusNyKH ;&,frpd &mjrifuiG ;f wck awGUBuKHc&hJ onf/ ¤if;rSm trsK;d orD;
BuD;wpfO;D u uav;wGe;f vSn;f ay: uwå0giSuu f w
kd ifNyD; yef;NcHxJ vrf;avQmufaejcif; yifjzpfonf/
trsKd;orD;BuD;rSm OD;xkyfBuD;BuD;aqmif;um aeumrsufrSefwyfxm;NyD; aeYv,f aeYcif; aea&mif
atmufwGif at;at;vlvl vrf;avQmufaeykH&onf/
uRefawmfonf trsKd;orD;BuD;tem;odYk avQmufomG ;um þuJo h Ykd uwå0giSut f m; uav;
wGef;vSnf; ay:wifí vrf;avQmufonfrSm ykHrSefavQmufaeus[kwfr[kwf pl;prf;Bunfhvdkufonf/
olru pdwfygvufygyif ]]tdk; [kwfwmaygh}} [k ajymqdkNyD; qufvufí olr\uwå0giSufonf
35 ESpfyif &SdNyD;jzpfaMumif;? olwdkYESpfOD;om; aeYwdkif; vrf;avQmufjcif;udk ESpfoufMuaMumif;
ajymjyygonf/ olr ajymjyykt H & tqdyk guwå0giSuo f nf olr\tdraf rG;iSuf tjzpfomru oli,fcsi;f
taejzihfvnf; xm;&SdaBumif; udk,fhbmomudk,fawG;rdonf/
uRefawmfu ¤if;iSuf pum;rsm; ajymwwfrvm;[k odcsifpdwfjzihf ar;Munhf&m ¤if;iSufrS
½kwfw&uf us,favmifaom toHxGufoGm;&m trsKd;orD;BuD;u olr\iSuftm; *kPf,l0Hh<um;pGm
Munfhvdkufí uRefawmfhem;udkyif r,kHMunfEkdifavmufatmif tHhMooGm;&onf/ taMumif;rSm
xdkiSufxHrS acG;a[mifoH xGufay:vmaomaMumifhjzpfonf/
uRefawmfu trsKd;orD;BuD;tm; ]]uRefawmfajymwmudk pdwrf &Syd geJ/Y tpfrBuD;iSuaf tmfou H
acG;a[mifoeH w YJ w
l ,faemf}} [k ajymvduk af omtcg trsK;d orD;BuD;u ¤if;iSurf mS olr\acG; tem;wGif
ESpaf ygif;rsm;pGm twl aecJah omaMumifh acG;a[mifot H m;wkyí atmfwwfaMumif; jyef&iS ;f jyavonf/
0efc&H ygrnf/ uReaf wmfh wpfoufEiS w hf pfu, kd f iSuu f acG;a[mifot H wdik ;f cRwpf yG w
f al tmif
atmfEdkifonfudk vkH;0rMum;zl;cJhyg/

74 /The Best May 2022

jrefrmvdkav; a&;MunfUyg

OD ; aZmf 0 if ; (trSwf (31)? usDawmfvrf;? r*FvmawmifnTefYNrdKUe,f? &efukef)? Nid r f ; apaom0f
(trSw-f 122^c? jroD&v d rf;? (16) &yfuu G ?f vIid o
f m,mNrKd Ue,f? &efuek w f ikd ;f a'oBuD;)? ausmf0if;xGef;
(trSwf- 349^at? (u-7) vrf;? NrdKUopf (u^c) &yfuGuf? tif;pdefNrdKUe,f? &efukef)?
[d e f ; awZ(POL) (trSwf-23? atmifr*Fvm&yfuGuf? qm;arSmf? rdk;aumif;NrdKU)? aucdkifxGef;
(vIdifNrdKUe,f? &efukefwdkif;a'oBuD;)? ol&defaqmif;opf (trSwf (50)? bk&ifhaemifvrf;? trSwf
(2) &yfuu G ?f ausmif;uke;f NrKd U? {&m0wDwidk ;f a'oBuD;)? cspfcGef;csKdcsKd (trSwf 271^c? a&TzcD ikd n
f m§ vrf;?
15 &yfuGuf? awmifOuúvmyNrdKUe,f? &efukef)/

May 2022 The Best/ 75

jrefrmvdkav; a&;MunfUyg
bmomjyefw,fqdk&mrSm jrefrmrSt*FvdyfodkY bmomjyefwmtjyif t*Fvdyfuae jrefrmokdYvnf;
bmomjyefwwfzdkYvdkygw,f/ 'gaMumifh t*FvdyfrSjrefrm bmomjyefNydKifyGJudk vpOfusif;yay;aewmjzpfygw,f/
The Best cspfolawGtwGuf bmomjyeftavhtusihf&atmif? rdrd&JUbmomjyef t&nftcsif;udk qef;ppfvdkY &atmif
usif;yay;wJNh ydKifyrJG mS The Best cspfoal wGtm;vk;H udk aysmfaysmf&iT &f iT f yg0ifqifEyJT gvdYk aEG;axG;pGm zdwaf c:vdu
k &f ygw,f/


Saving Waterways With Flower NydKifyGJ(208)

Power The Laziest Person
Almost half a billion people in India depend
on the 2500-kilometrelong Ganges for bathing, At an event famous for giving out
drinking and religious rituals. One of the largest awards in bizarre categories, the emcee
river systems in the world, the Ganges is also a
enthusiastically announces,
massive health and environmental concern; it has
long been a repository for pollution such as raw “The next prize will go to the laziest
sewage, agricultural runoff, plastics and flowers. person in the audience. If you think you qualify,
As part of Hindu ceremonies,
worshippers offer blooms at temples and dispose raise your hand.”
of them in rivers, like the Ganges, deemed sacred Everyone raises their hands except a
by believers. Every year, close to eight million tonnes
middle-aged man who seems to show little in-
of floral waste ends up in India’s waterways, where
it contributes to the already significant human and terest.
industrial pollutants. “All the pesticides and “Congratulations! You are the winner,”
insecticides that were used to grow these flowers
mix with the river water, making it highly toxic,”
says the emcee to the man.
entrepreneur Ankit Agarwal told Reuters TV. “Your prize is this $100 bill!”
To help address the issue, Agarwal laun- Still showing no emotion, the man
ched Phool, a startup focused on ‘flowercycling’:
it collects floral waste from the Ganges and recycles replies,
it into paper, charcoal-free incense, water- colours “Would you mind coming over here
and gulaal (the coloured powders used for Hindu
and putting it in my pocket?”
rituals). Based in Kanpur, the Phool team is also
helping to combat poverty by providing jobs to the — Submitted by José J. Zuluaga
local community.
(R/D Newzealand, April 2022) Canóvanas, Puerto Rico

(20-5-2022 aemufqkH;xm;ay;ydkUyg&ef) (20-6-2022 aemufqkH;xm;ay;ydkYyg&ef)

76 /The Best May 2022
"That's all for tonight," said the choir -master. "Richard, you sang
better than ever. You've got more music in you than all the others here put
together! I wish you could give them a little?"
Richard didn't even hear what the choir-master said. He was
dreaming as usual, thinking out the tunes he could put to some of the carols
they had been practising for Christmas week.
"Richard's dreaming of the time when he's grown up and sings at
concerts all over the world and makes more money than he'll know what
to do with!" said one of the boys, who was jealous of Rihchard.
The choir-master looked at the dreamy Richard. He was certain
that the boy would become famous when he grew up. He lived for his

May 2022 The Best/ 77

music and his singing, and what was more, "I like the way you play," he said.
he worked hard at it too. "You play wonderfully!"
"Yes," he said, "Richard will be The old man took his bow from
richer than any of us. He won't be able to the strings and peered at the boy. "I once
help it. But let's hope he'll think of others had a famous name," he said. "I played all
besides himself when success and wealth over Europe. Now I'm a poor old beggar-
come to him!" man scraping a cheap violin --- and I can't
Richard was the last to go home. earn anything for a meal, nothing for a bit
He always was because he was slow and of fire, or a warm coat. But it's done me
didn't think waht he was doing. But at last good to have a boy come and tell me I can
he went out of the church, and looked up still play! Can you play too?"
into the frosty sky, full of stars. "I can sing," said Richard. "I'll sing
As he turned a corner, he heard to your violin, if you like. Play the tunes of
the sound of a violin, and he stopped. It the old carols and I'll sing for you. Perhaps
was a cheap violin ---but how beautifully it you'll get some money if I sing and you
was being played. The player spoilt it, play."
though, by trying to sing to the melody. The old man put his violin under
Richard looked at him. He was his chin again. The first few notes of "Silent
an old and dirty fellow, which straggly grey night, came stealing on the night-air.
hair, and stained, ragged clothes. His voice Richard lifted his head. "Silent night, Holy
was hoarse and cracked as he tried to sing night," he sang, his voice as pure as an
the lovely old carols. People laughed at angel's.
him. Two boys sent a stone skimming down The old man stared in amazement
the road at him. No one threw money in and delight --- what a voice! Ah, this boy
the shabby hat put down at the man's feet. was a pleasure to play for. Violin and voice
"What a horrible noise!" said people mingled, and people passing by stopped
passing by. "We would give him money to suddenly. Who was this singing? Who was
go away, but none for his dreadful singing!" it playing? Two masters of music, surely!
Richard was struck by the man's But under the light of the lamp-post they
playing. A poor, cheap violin --- but how saw only a young boy and an old and dirty
marvellously played. He went up to the beggar.
man. A little crowd gathered round,

78 /The Best May 2022

listening in silence. The choir-master came "Sorry --- but you must move on,"
by on his way home, astonished by the he said. The crowd sighed. What a pity!
voice, unable to believe it could be They had never heard carols they enjoyed
Richard's. The carol came to an end. A more. Richard picked up the heavy hat and
stream of coins poured into the hat. gave it to the old man.
Richard looked down at the old hat in "There must be enough here to
delight. What a lot of money! buy you all you want this Christmas week!"
The beggar ran his bow gently he said. "I'm glad."
over the strings again. "Noel! Noel!" sang "Take half," said the beggar, but
the strings, and Richard's voice joined in, Richard pushed the hat away.
clear and lovely to hear in the dark, frosty "No. I couldn't take money for
night. singing to your lovely playing. You have it
The crowd joined in at the end of all." The boy ran home, humming a carol
each verse, and once more the money tune under his breath. The old man looked
rained down into the old hat. Then a police after him and the choir-master heard him
man loomed up apologetically. muttering to himself.
"Ah, you'll be a great musican one day,
my boy --- and you'll be a great man too!
You won't only think of your music --- you'll
think of your fellow-men." And off went
the old man with his pockets full of money-
-- the first money that Richard had ever
Good luck to you, Richard. You've
begun the right way.

May 2022 The Best/ 79

]]'Dwpfnawmh 'DavmufeJYawmfNyD}} [k &pfcsuf[m olrsm;awGxuf tdrfudkjyef
wD;0dkif;acgif;aqmifu ajymvdkufw,f/ ]]&pfcsuf? wm aemufusolyg/ 'Dvdk tNrJwrf;jzpfwm bmh
rif;u tNrJwrf; tqdkaumif;yJ/ 'DrSm&SdaewJh aMumifhvJqdkawmh olu aES;auG;NyD; olbmvkyf
tjcm;olawGtm;vkH;xuf rif;rSm ydkNyD;*Dw0dnmOf aew,fqw
kd mudak wmif rpOf;pm;cJw
h o
hJ jl zpfvyYkd gyJ/
m&Sdaew,fuG/ rif;udk olwdkYawGxuf enf;enf; 'gayrJh aemufqkH;awmhvnf; bk&m;&Sdcdk;ausmif;u
av;awmh omapcsifw,f/}} aexGufvmcJhw,f/ ESif;jrLawGtkyfqdkif;NyD; Mu,f
&pfcsuf[m wD;0dkif;acgif;aqmif ajymqdk awGeJYjynfhaewJh aumif;uifudk armhMunfhvdkuf
aewmudkawmif rMum;/ ol[m cgwdkif;vdkyJ ygw,f/
pdwful;awG,OfNyD; c&pfprwfoDwif;ywftwGuf vrf;axmifhwpfckudk csKd;auGUa&mufvm
olwdkYwpfawG avhusifhaeMuwJh aysmf&Tifp&m csed rf mS wa,mxd;k oHukd Mum;vdu
k &f vdYk vrf;avQmuf
c&pfprwf oDcsif;wcsKdUtwGuf xnfhoGif;vdkY wmudk &yfvu
kd w
f ,f/ wa,muawmh taygpm;yg/
&Edik rf ,fh oHpOfawGtaMumif; pOf;pm;awG;awmae 'gayrJh wa,moHav;uawmh em;axmifaumif;
ygw,f/ vdkufygbd/ odkYaomfvnf; wa,mxdk;olu oHpOf
]]&pfcsufu BuD;vmwJhtcg urÇmtESHY twdkif; oDcsif;oDqdkzdkY BudK;pm;tm;xkwf&if;eJY
udkoGm;NyD; wD;0dkif;awGeJYoDcsif;awGqdk? vkyfEdkifwm em;axmifaumif;wJhwa,moHudk zsufqD;vdkufyg
xufykd tvkyv
f yk Nf y;D ydu
k q
f aH wGtrsm;BuD;&SmazGEikd f w,f/
r,fhtcsdefudk pOf;pm;aewmyg/}} vdkY aumifav; &pfcsufu wa,mxdk;oludk Munfhvdkuf
wpfa,mufu ajymygw,f/ olu &pfcsufudk w,f/ npfnpfywfywftbdk;tdkwpfa,mufyg/
tm;usaeolyg/ qHyifjzLjzLzGmvefBuJ? tpGe;f tuGuaf wGeYJ pkwjf ywf
wD;0dkif;acgif;aqmifu pdwful;,Ofwwf aewJt
h 0wftpm;udk 0wfxm;vdaYk ygh/ oHpOfcsKdjrwJh
wJh &pfcsufudk Munfhvdkufw,f/ 'Daumifav; aysmfp&mc&pfprwf oDcsif;a[mif;awGudk oDqdkzdkY
toufBuD;vm&if emrnfausmfMum;vmrSmudk ol BudK;pm;vdkufwJhtcgrSm olYtoHu tufuGJuGJ
taotcsmodaew,f/ olu *DweJY oDcsif;oDqzkd Ykd Murf;&S&Sjzpfaew,f/ vlawGu olYudk avSmif&,f
twGuf touf&iS af ewmjzpfNy;D onfx
h ufyw
kd mu Muw,f/ aumifav;ESpaf ,mufu cJv;Hk udk ajrBuD;
olYtvkyfrSmvnf; BudK;pm;oljzpfygw,f/ eJYuyfNyD; olYqDypfvdkufw,f/ xdkvl&JUajc&if;rSm
]][kwfw,fuG/ &pfcsufu igwdkYawG csxm;wJh OD;xkyfpkwfxJudk b,folurS ydkufqHypf
xuf ydNk yD;BuD;yGm;csrf;omvmrSm/ 'gudk ol a&SmifvJT rxnfhcJhMubl;/
vdkYawmifr&Edkifbl;/ 'gayrJh atmifjrifrIeJY BuD;yGm; ]]qdk;vdkufwJhtoHuGm}} vdkY vrf;oGm;
csr;f omrIu olq
Y aD &mufvmcsed rf mS olt
Y jyif tjcm; vrf;vmawGu ajymMuw,f/ ]]ol 'Dem;uae
olawGtwGufyg awG;ay;r,fvdkY arQmfvifh&wm xGufoGm;r,fqdk ydkufqHay;vdkufr,f/ 'gayrJh
ayghuGm}} vdkY wD;0dkif;acgif;aqmifu ajymqdkvdkuf 'Dvdkqdk;wJhtoHaMumifh ay;wmr[kwfbl;aemf/}}
ygw,f/ &pfcsuf[m xdv
k Bl uD;&JUwa,moHx;kd oHrmS epfarsm

80 /The Best May 2022

oGm;w,f/ wa,mu a[mif;aeNyD; aps;uvnf; &pfcsuu
f ol&Y UJ OD;acgif;udk armhvu
kd w
f ,f/
aygw,f/ 'gayrJh wa,mxdk;oHuawmh wu,fh ]]wdwfqdwfwJhn? jrifhjrwfwJhn . . . }} vdkY
tHhzG,f&mygyJ/ olu xdkvlBuD;qDudk avQmufoGm; olu oDqdkvdkufw,f/ olYtoHu aumif;uif
vdkufw,f/ wrmefawmfwpfyg;&JUtoHvkd &Si;f oefjY zLpifvw
S ,f/
]]uRefawmf OD;av; wa,mxdk;wmudk tbdk;tdk[m olYudk pdkufMunfhNyD; tHMo0rf;omrd
oabmusw,f/ tHMh op&maumif;atmif xd;k wwf w,f/ aumif;vdkufwJhtoHygvm;/ tJh? 'Daumif
wmyJ}} vdkY ajymvdkufw,f/ av;u wa,moHeJYvdkufNyD; omom,m,moDqdk
tbdk;tdk[m BudK;awGMum;u wa,m Edik o
f yl /J wa,mxd;k oHeo
YJ cD sif;oDqo
kd w
H Ykd aygif;pyf
xdk;wHudk xkwfvdkufNyD; aumifav;udk pdkufMunfh oGm;csdefrSm vrf;oGm;vrf;vmawG[m ½kwfw&uf
vdkufw,f/ ]]wpfcsdefwkef;uawmh OD;av;vnf; &yfwefv
Y u
kd Mf uw,f/ oDcsi;f oDqakd eolu b,fol
emrnfausmfcJhwmygyJ/ Oa&mywpfcGif azsmfajzcJh rsm;ygvdrfh/ wa,mxdk;aeoluaum b,folrsm;
w,f/ tckawmh aps;aygaygwa,mwpfvufudk vJ/ *Dwq&mBuD;ESpaf ,mufqw
kd m aocsmygw,f/
yGwfqGJae&wJh olawmif;pm;tdkBuD;wpfa,mufjzpf 'gayrJh vrf;rD;wdik &f UJ tvif;a&mifatmufrmS olwYkd
D mG / rD;wpfyiG t
hf wGu?f aEG;axG;wJu
h w
k t
f usÐ awGUjrifvdkuf&wmu aumifav;wpfa,mufeJY
wpfxnftwGuf rajymeJY xrif;wpfeyfpmtwGuf npfnpfywfywfoal wmif;pm;tdBk uD;wdo
Yk mjzpfw,f/
awmif ydu
k q
f &H mS vdYk r&Edik b
f ;l jzpfaew,f/ 'gayrJh vltkyf[m xdkae&mrSm 0dkif;vmMuNyD; wdwfqdwf
'Dwa,moHaMumifh aumifav;wpfa,mufa&muf Nidro
f ufpmG em;axmifMuw,f/ wD;0dik ;f acgif;aqmif
vmNyD; wa,mxd;k Edik af o;w,fvYkd ajymwmaumif; uvnf; olt
Y rd u
f kd jyefvm&if; xdt
k oHukd Mum;&wJh
ygw,f/ aumifav;? rif;aum wa,mxdk;wwf tcsed rf mS tHt
h m;oifo
h mG ;ygw,f/ toHu &pfcsu&f UJ
vm;/}} toHjzpfaevdkY ,kHawmifr,kHEdkifbl;jzpfaew,f/
]]uRefawmfu oDcsif;qdkwwfygw,f}} oDcsi;f u tqk;H owfomG ;ygNy/D aiGta<uaphrsm;[m
f ajymvdu
k w
f ,f/ ]]OD;av; cGijhf yKr,fq&kd if OD;xkyfxJudk w&a[m usvmcJhw,f/ &pfcsufu
uRefawmf OD;av;&JUwa,moHeJY oDcsif;qdkr,f/ OD;xkypf w
k u
f kd ikMHY unf&h if; 0rf;omaew,f/ ydu
k q
f H
c&pfprwfoDcsif;a[mif;wpfyk'fudk xdk;? uRefawmf awGursm;vdkufwm/
k q
f akd y;r,f/ uReaf wmfu oDcsi;f qd?k OD;av;u olawmif;pm;[m olY&JUwa,mxdk;oHudk
wa,mxd k ; r,f q d k & if yd k u f q H e nf ; enf ; awmh BudK;awGqD aemufwpfBudrf nifnifomomav;
&aumif;&Edkifygw,f/}} upm;vdu
k w
f ,f/ ]]Ed0k ,f? Ed0k ,f}} vdYk wa,mBudK;
tbdk;tdku wa,mudk olY&JUar;atmuf awGu aw;oDvdkufwJhtcg &pfcsuf&JUtoHu
qD aemufwpfcg xd;k oGi;f vdu
k w
f ,f/ ]]wdwq
f w
d f aw;oGm;awGeJYaygif;pnf;oGm;NyD; ESif;jrLqdkif;wJh
h }} qdw
k hJ oDcsif;&JU yxrOD;qk;H oHpOf aw;oGm; narSmifarSmifxJrSm yDoMunfvifNyD; om,mem
av;awG u n&J U avxk a y:rS m wd w f w qd w f aysmfz,
G &f m oDcsif;oHukd Mum;vdu
k &f ygawmhw,f/
0ifa&mufvmygw,f/ vltkyfBuD;u oDcsif;ydk'fwpfydk'ftqkH;

May 2022 The Best/ 81

wdkif;rSm 0ifa&mufoDqdkMuNyD; ydkufqHawGuvnf; ]]'Dc&pfprwfow
D if;ywfrmS OD;av; vdck sif
OD;xkypf w
k x
f u
J kd rd;k &Gmovdk xyfNyD;usvmcJyh gw,f/ wmrSeforQ 0,fEdkifavmufatmif &SdaerSmyg/
tJh'DaemufrSm &Jt&m&Sdwpfa,muf ½dk½dkusKd;usKd;eJY 0rf;omygw,f/}} vdkY &pfcsufu ajymvdkufw,f/
a&muf&Sdvmygw,f/ ]]wpf0uf,al v}} vdYk olawmif;pm;tdBk uD;u ajym
]]0rf;enf;ygw,fAsm/ cifAsm;wdkY 'Dae&m vdkufayrJh &pfcsufu OD;xkyfudk wGef;xkwfvdkuf
uae a&SUqufoGm;Muyg/}} vdkY olu ajymvdkuf ygw,f/
w,f/ vltkyfBuD;[m oufjyif;csvdkufw,f/ ]]Edk;/ OD;av;&JUom,memaysmfzG,f&m wa,mxdk;
k yf gbd/ olw[
Ykd m aysm&f iT rf aI wG oHaMumifh oDcsif;oDqEkd ikd w
f mrdYk uRefawmf 'DaiGawG
trsm;BuD;&vdkufwJh 'Dvdkc&pfprwfoDcsif;awGudk udk ,lvdkYr&ygbl;/ 'DaiGawGtm;vkH; OD;av;ydkifyg
b,fwek ;f urS rMum;cJzh ;l ygbl;/ &pfcsufu ydu
k q
f H w,f}}
awGeJYav;vHaewJhOD;xkyfudk aumuf,lvdkufNyD; aumifav;[m tdru
f kd jyefajy;&if; c&pf
tbdk;tdkudk ay;vdkufygw,f/ prwfaw;oGm;wpfyk'fudkvnf; wdk;wdk;av;oDqdk
oGm;cJyh gw,f/ tbd;k tdu
k olaY emufukd vdu
k Mf unfh
aecsderf mS wD;0dik ;f acgif;aqmifuawmh oloq
D o
kd mG ;
wmudk Mum;vdkuf&ygw,f/
]]tm;? wpfaeYus&if rif;[m BuD;us,w
f hJ
*D w orm;wpf a ,muf j zpf r S m aumif a v;a&/
NyD;awmh BuD;us,fxif&Sm; wJholwpfa,mufvnf;
jzpfO;D rSm/ rif;u rif;&JU*Dwtay:rSmwifruao;bl;?
k nf; pOf;pm;wwf
h yl /J }} tbd;k td[
k m tusÐtw
d x
f rJ mS ydu
k q
f aH wG
tjynfheJYae&muae xGufcGmoGm;ygawmhw,f/
'DaiGawG[m olYtwGuf &pfcsufqdkwJhaumifav;
yxrOD;qk;H &Smay;wJah iGawGygyJ/
uHaumif;ygap? &pfcsuu
f av;a&/ rif;u
vrf;rSefudk pwifavQmufvSrf;aeNyDav/

On His Way Home by Enid Blyton

82 /The Best May 2022


Welcome to the Voice of America's

News Words.
Mumbai, India is a heavily developed
city. But activists there are finding tiny
plots of land to grow food.


The Turning Tide group builds what it cspf c if j rwf E d k ; wef z d k ; xm;onf
calls 'food forests.' The group plants trees
that clean the air, provide fruit and a green The Turning Tide group vdaYk c:wJh tzGUJ [m
space to enjoy. Jasmine Bagri said people
]tpmopfawmrsm;} vdkYac:wJht&mudk wnfaqmuf
Muygw,f/ ,if;tzGJU[m avxkudk oefY&Sif;apNyD;?
should cherish these spaces.
tpm;tpmeJY pdwfaysmf&TifMunfEl;p&m tpdrf;a&mif
Cherish describes the act of caring
ajruGuv f yfae&mwpfcu k kd vnf;zefw;D ay;r,fo h pfyif
for something well and with great love.
rsm;udk pdkufysKd;Muygw,f/ *sufprifbm*&Duawmh
The word 'treasure' can be used the same vlawG[m xdak jrae&mawGukd cspcf ifjrwfE;kd wefz;kd xm;
way. oifhw,fvdkY ajymqdkcJhygw,f/
If you cherish something like a hope Cherish qdkwJhpum;vkH;[m wpfpkHwpfckudk
or a pleasing memory, it stays in your mind BuD;rm;wJch spcf ifreI YJ aumif;rGepf mG *½kpu
kd af pmifah &Smuf
a long time. wJhvkyf&yfvdkY azmfjywmyg/
Treasure qdkwJhpum;vkH;udkvnf; ,if;enf;
cspf c if j rwf E d k ; wef z d k ; xm;onf twdkif; tokH;jyKEdkifMuygw,f/
oifu arQmfvifhcsufwpfckvdkrsKd; odkYr[kwf
VOA owif;pm ta&;tom;pum;vkH;rsm; qGwyf sUH MunfE;l zG,&f mrSwÚf mPfav;wpfcv k rkd sK;d wpfpHk
u@uBudKqdkygw,f/ wpfcuk kd cspfcifjrwfE;kd wefz;kd xm;w,fq&kd if ¤if;[m
oifh&JUpdwfxJrSm tcsdeftMumBuD;wnf&Sdaeygw,f/
tdE, d´ Edik if ?H rGeb
f ikd ;f NrdKU[m tvGet
f rif;zGUH NzdK;
wd;k wufwNhJ rdKUBuD;wpfNrdKUjzpfygw,f/ odaYk omfvnf; aumif;xufEdkif
wuf<uvIyf&Sm;olrsm;u tpm;tpmawGudk pdkuf
ysKd;Edik w
f hJ ajruGuaf o;ao;av;awGukd awGU&Sx d m; ,if;pmrl&JU AD'D,dkzdkifudkawmh The Best English
w,fvdkY qdkygw,f/ r*¾Zif;&JU Facebook Page u kaunghtetnaing
0522 rS m 0if a &muf M unf h ½ I E d k i f y gw,f /

April 2022
May 2022 The Best/ 83
2 0 2 2
Don’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that,
whatever you do, you cannot avoid. Salvador Dali
armf'efjzpfjcif; (acwfrDjcif;)eJY ywfoufNyD; pdwftaESmifht,SufrjzpfygESifh/
uHqdk;wmu tJh'g[m oif bmyJvkyfvkyf? a&SmifvTJvdkY r&EdkifwJh

The more you can remove the obstacles between you and the world
as a woman, the easier and simpler life becomes. Cate Blanchett
trsKd;orD;wpfa,muftaeeJY oifeJY urÇmBuD;Mum;u twm;tqD;awGudk
z,f&Sm;ypfEdkifavav? b0u ydkNyD;vG,ful? ydkNyD;½dk;&Sif;vmavavygyJ/

No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.

Bob Dylan
b,folrS rvGwfvyfMuygbl;/ iSufawGawmif aumif;uif&JUtaESmiftzGJUudk

Things happen for a reason, and in their own time.

Idina Menzel
t&m&m[m taMumif;&if;wpfckaMumifhjzpfvmwm? NyD;awmh oljzpf&r,fhtcsdef

When people don’t believe in you, you have to believe in yourself.

Pierce Brosnan
vlawGu oifhudk r,kHMunfbl;qdk&if oifhudkoif ,kHMunf&awmhr,f/

My worst fear is my music won’t connect with the public.

uRefrtaMumufqkH;t&muawmh uRefr&JU*Dwu jynfolvlxkeJY uif;uGmoGm;rSmudkygyJ/

84 /The Best May 2022

Once upon a time there was a famous Arab whose name was Al
Mansur. He was the ruler of all the Arabs, and was therefore called the
Al Mansur loved poetry and was fond of hearing poets repeat their
own verses. Sometimes, if a poem was very pleasing, he gave the poet a
prize. One day a poet whose name was Thalibi came to the caliph and recited
a long poem. When he had finished, he bowed, and waited, hoping that he
would be rewarded.
“Which would you rather have” asked the caliph, “three hundred
pieces of gold, or three wise sayings from my lips?”
The poet wished very much to please the caliph. So he said, “Oh, my
master, everybody should choose wisdom rather than wealth.”
The caliph smiled, and said, “Very well, then, listen to my first wise
saying: When your coat is worn out, don’t sew on a new patch; it will look

May 2022 The Best/ 85

“Oh, dear!” moaned the poet. The caliph, Al Mansur, lived nearly
“There go a hundred gold pieces all at twelve hundred years ago. He was the
once.” The caliph smiled again. Then he builder of a famous and beautiful city called
said, “Listen now to my second word of Bagdad.
wisdom. It is this: When you oil your beard, by James Baldwin from Fifty
don’t oil it too much, lest it soil your Famous Short Stories
“Worse and worse!” groaned the wpfcgwkef;u t,f(v)refqmvdkYac:wJh
poor poet. “There go the second hundred. emrnfausmf tm&yfvlrsKd;wpfa,muf&SdcJhygw,f/
What shall I do?” ol[m tm&yfvlrsKd;tm;vkH;&JUbk&ifwpfyg;jzpfvdkY
“Wait, and I will tell you,” said the umvpf(z)vdkY olYudk ac:Muygw,f/
caliph; and he smiled again. “My third wise t,f(v)refqm[m uAsmvuFmawGudk
saying is —” cspfNyD; uAsmq&mawGu ¤if;wdkY&JUuAsmvuFmydk'f
“O caliph, have mercy!” cried the awGudk xyfcgwvJvJ &Gwfqdkjywmudk ESpfESpfNcdKuf
poet. “Keep the third piece of wisdom for NcdKufem;axmifwwfol jzpfygw,f/ wpfcgwpf&H
your own use, and let me have the gold.” rSmawmh &GwfqdkvdkufwJhuAsmu tvGefom,mem
The caliph laughed outright, and so did aysmfzG,f&m&Sdw,fqdk&if olu xdkuAsmq&mudk
every one that heard him. Then he ordered qkvmbfay;ygw,f/ wpfaeYawmh o,f(v)tDbD
his treasurer to pay the poet five hundred vdaYk c:wJh uAsmq&mwpfa,muf[m umvpf(z)qD
pieces of gold; for, indeed, the poem which udka&muf&SdvmNyD; &Snfvsm;wJhuAsmwpfyk'fudk
he had recited was wonderfully fine. &Gwq f jkd yygw,f/ uAsm&Gwq f rkd NI y;D qk;H oGm;wJh tcsed f
rSm uAsmq&mu OD;nTwfNyD; olYudk bk&ifu
qkvmbfrsm; cs;D jri§ rhf vm;qdw
k ahJ rQmv f ifch suef YJ apmifh
qdik ;f cJyh gw,f/

86 /The Best May 2022

]]oif bmudkydkNyD;vdkcsifygovJ? a&T'*Fg; ]]aeygOD;? ud, k af wmf ajym&OD;r,f/}} vdYk
jym; okH;&mvm;? udk,fawmfEIwfu xGufwJhynm um vpf(z)u ajymum aemufwpfBudrNf yKH;vdu k jf yef
&Sdpum; okH;cGef;vm;}} vdkY umvpf(z)u ar;vdkuf ygw,f/ ]]ud, k af wmf&UJ wwd,ajrmufynm&Sd pum;
w,f/ uawmh . . . }}
uAsmq&mu umvpf(z)udk tvGef ]]td;k umvpf(z)? oem;ygOD;Asm/ wwd,
trif; pdwo f abmusapcsicf w hJ ,f/ 'ghaMumifh olu ajrmufynm&Sdpum;udkawmh udk,fawmfudk,fydkif
]]td;k ? ocif? b,forl qdk pnf;pdrOf pömxuf ÚmPf okH;zdkYyJxm;vdkufyg/ uRefawmfrsKd;udkawmh a&T'*Fg;
ynmudk ydNk yD;a&G;cs,f oifw h maygh/}} vdYk ajzvdu k yf g ,lcGifhay;yg}} vdkY uAsmq&mu atmfajymvdkufyg
w,f/ w,f/
umvpf(z)u NyKH;vdkufNyD; ]]aumif;NyD umvpf(z)u csufcsif;yJ &,farmvdkuf
av/ 'gqdk&if udk,fawmf&JU yxrOD;qkH;ynm&Sd wmaMumifh Mum;&wJo h t l aygif;uvnf; vdu k &f ,f
pum;udk em;axmifMunfhyg/ oifh&JUtay:tusÐ cJhMuygw,f/ tJh'DaemufrSmawmh uAsmq&mudk
pkwfjywfoGm;wJhtcsdefrSm tayguftNyJzm jcif;udk a&T'*Fg;ig;&may;tyfcsD;jr§ifhzdkY olY&JUb@mpdk;udk
rjyKygeJY/ Munfh&qdk;vdrfhr,fwJh}} trdefYay;vdkufygw,f/ wu,fawmh uAsmq&m
]]trav;Asm? a&T ' *F g ;wpf & mawmh &GwfqdkjywJh uAsm[m tHhzG,faumif;rGefvSwm
wpfcsuw f nf;oGm;ygNy/D }} vdYk uAsmq&mu Ni;D wGm; aMumifhjzpfygw,f/
vdu k w f ,f/ umvpf(z) u xyfrNH yKH;vdu k Nf yD;? tJ'h D umvpf(z)vdYk ac:MuwJt h ,f(v) refqm
aemufrmS awmh olu ]]ud, k f awmf&UJ 'kw,d ajrmuf [m vGefcJhwJhESpfaygif;wpfaxmifhESpf&meD;yg;u
ynm&Spd um;udk tck em;axmifMunfyh gOD;/ tJ'h gu ouf&Sdxif&Sm; aexdkifcJholyg/ ol[m buú'ufvdkY
]oifhrkwfqdwfarG;udk qDokwfwJhtcg trsm;BuD; ac:wJh ausmfMum;NyD; vSywJh NrdKUawmfudk wnf
rokwyf geJ/Y oift h 0wftpm;awGukd pGe;f xif;ukev f rd hf aqmufcJholvnf;jzpfygw,f/
r,fwJh}} vdkY ajymvdkufygw,f/
]]qd;k NyD;&if;qd;k vmygvm;Asm/ aemufxyf ausmfjrifh(ajrmif;jr)
'*Fg;wpf&mvnf; oGm;jyefaygh/ ig bmvky&f awmhrmS
vJ}} vdYk oem;p&muAsmq&m[m NiD;wGm;vdu k jf yef From Fifty Famous People (A Book
w,f/ of Short Stories) by James Baldwin

May 2022 The Best/ 87

&J & if h r if ;
rd k ; rif ; [ef Nid r f ; apaom0f
trSwf(32)? (4) vTm? awmf0ifvrf;? trSwf (122^c? jroD&dvrf;? (16)
G Nf rdKU? rauG;wdik ;f a'oBuD;/
f ma&SU?Munfjh rifwikd Nf rKd Ue,f? &yfuu G ?f vdiI of m,mNrdKUe,f?
&efuek /f 7efuek wf ikd ;f a'oBuD;/

The Moon Shinning in the

yx r qk &k &pmp mrlr l
y xrq Hollow of a Bamboo
It is known that the Japanese school curriculum includes lessons in which
their nation had once annexed other countries round the world. However, giving these
lessons to children is not meant to make them feel a sense of pride in their annexation.
They are taught about their mistakes by stating that the whole world has been nursing a
grievance against them for their wrong fascism. So they are trained to forgive and forget
even when they are blamed for it, as it is a home truth. They are educated to compensate
for those blunders to the best of their ability so that the world has a positive attitude
towards them. They are asked to use their brains to mull over how to do so. Thus, in
regard to history, children take pride in creditable things only, and they learn their lesson to
avoid the same mistake.
It is stated that in Germany, no student finishes high school without being educated
about the genocide perpetrated by Hitler. Not only are they taught simple facts but they
are given details of why and how it happened and what the root cause was. Germans are
said to grow up feeling guilty about it, so they never hesitate to apologize.
Also in the British Isles, the colonialism practised by the British Empire – aka ‘the
empire on which the sun never sets’ – is taught likewise, indicating that it is dishonourable,
wrong and shameful and that their ancestors had committed such an ignoble act, which
should be a salutary lesson to them.
Children from other countries gradually grow up with the intellectual ability to know
right from wrong and honour from shame. As for us, we grow up blowing our own trumpet
unilaterally, unable to discriminate between a moral and a disgrace, as we are educated in
an adulatory tone. Accordingly, we become adults, big-headed, thanks to the fact that we
are really envious and proud of our forebears. We are just the moon shining in the hollow
of a bamboo. (It means that we are just a big fish in a small pond.) Once we get out of the
bamboo, it dawns on us that we are in the dark while the whole world is brightly lit.
Ye Yint Minn

88 /The Best May 2022

88 /The Best March 2022
- rnforl qdk yg0ifa&;om;ay;ydEhk idk o
f nf/
- ud,
k w
f idk af &;om;aompmrljzpf&rnf/
- pmrlwGif trnf ? twef; ? ausmif;?
tvkyfXme ? qufoG,f&efvdyfpm tjynfUtpHkyg&rnf/
- 2022 ? ZGefv (20) &ufaeh ta&mufydkh&rnf/

All Change
armifbaomfajymonfhtwdkif; jyefvnfwifjyygonf/
armifbaomfonf &efukefNrdKU? 33 vrf;twGif;odkY nifompGm avQmufvSrf;í 0ifvmpOf
vlwpfa,mufu olYudk NyKH;jy\/ armifbaomfvnf; ]]aeygOD;? onfvludk b,frSm awGUzl;ygvdrfh? odzl;yg
vdrfh}} pOf;pm;onf/
pOf;pm;aepOfwGif xdkolu tem;uyfvmNyD; EIwfquf\/
olYxkH;pHtwdkif; ryGifhwyGifhajzonf/
,ck ukefoG,fa&;rSmyJvm;}}
]]r[kwfygbl;? jyefMum;a&;rSmyg}}
]]aMomf? tvkyfajymif;vdkufayghudk;}}
armifbaomfonf rnfonfhtcgurQ ukefoG,fa&;wGif rvkyfcJhzl;yg/ ,cktxd jyefMum;a&;wGif
omvkyfcJh? vkyfqJyg[k &Sif;jy&ef vufajr§mufvdkufpOfrSmyif xdkolu xyfrHar;jref;\/
]]tck aewmuaum ok0@rSmyJvm;}}
]]r[kwfygbl;Asm? MunfhjrifwdkifrSmyg}}
]]tdrfvnf;ajymif;oGm;rSudk;? awGU&wm 0r;fomygw,fAsm? udpöav;wpfck&Sdao;vdkY oGm;vdkufOD;
r,f? udkvSjrifha&U}}
]]uRefawmfhemrnf vSjrifhr[kwfygbl;? baomfyg}}
]]aMomf? tvkyfajymif;? ae&yfajymif;½kHru emrnfyg ajymif;xm;wmudk;}}
ajymajymqdkqkdjzifh xGufoGm;aomtcg armifbaomfrSm idk&tcuf? &,f&tcufESifh b,fvdkvlvJ[k
awG;vsuf usefcJhav\/

vufa&G;pifpmrl&iS rf sm;

OD ; aZmf 0 if ; (trSwf (31)? usDawmfvrf;? r*FvmawmifnTefYNrdKUe,f? &efukef)? ausmf 0 if ; xG e f ; (trSwf

(349^at)? (u-7) vrf;? NrdKUopf (u^c) &yfuGuf? tif;pdefNrdKUe,f? &efukef)? ESif;EkEkatmif (wdkuf (11)?
okcod'¨d&yfuGuf? ZrÁLoD&dNrdKUe,f? aejynfawmf)? oD o D a t; (ESif;qDvrf;? tvkHNrdKUe,f? &efukef)?

May 2022 The Best/ 89

March 2022 The Best/ 89
90 /The Best May 2022
May 2022 The Best/ 91
Nid r f ; apaom0f
trSwf 122^c? jroD&v d rf;? 16 &yfuu
G ?f vIid o
f m,mNrdKUe,f?

b0[m wdkawmif;vGef;wmaMumifU rdrdaexdkif&m

b0udk wjcm;olawG&JY xifjrif,lqcsufawG
atmufrSm r&SifoefygeJh/

ol & d e f a qmif ; opf

trSwf (50)? bk&ifah emifvrf;? (2) &yfuu
G ?f ausmif;uke;f NrdKUe,f?

ES i f ; Ek E k a tmif
k f (11)? okcod'&d¨ yfuu
G ?f ZrÁLoD&Nd rdKUe,f?

92 /The Best February

May 2022
atmufygykpH mudk jrefrmvlrsKd;wpfa,muftaeeJY cHpm;em;vnfatmif jrefrmrI
jyKay;yg/ taumif;qk;H jrefrmrIjyKEdik o
f l (3) OD;udk arwåmvufaqmifpmtkyf cs;D jri§ yhf grnf/

ay;yd k Y & ef vdypf mokYd 15-4-2022 aemufq;Hk ay;ydyYk g/ tm;vk;H rSeo
f rl sm;xJrS
(3)OD;udk a&G;cs,fívufaqmifay;ydkYoGm;rnfjzpfonf/

k l trnf ....................................................................................................................

tD;arvfezYJ ek ;f eHygwf ....................................................................................................................

ae&yfvyd pf m ...................................................................................................................

May 2022 2021 The Best/ 93
tar&duefoor®wawGjzpfMuwJh vifueG ;f eJY uae'Dwt
Ykd Mum; tHzh ,
G w
f u
kd q
f ikd rf aI wGtaMumif;
(1) vifuGef;aum? uae'Daum tar&duefor®wawGb0rSm vkyfBuHcHcJh&w,f/
(2) ESpfOD;pvkH; jynfolrsm;&ydkifcGifh (EdkifiHom;tcGifhta&;) eJY ywfoufaeMuw,f/
(3) vifuGef;[m 1860 jynfhESpfrSm or®wtjzpf a&G;aumufwifajrmufjcif;cHcJh&ovdk uae'D
uawmh 1960 jynfhESpfrSm or®wjzpfvmcJhw,f/
(4) ESpfOD;pvkH;&JUZeD;r,m;awG[m tdrfjzLawmfrSm&SdpOf olwdkY&JUom;orD;awGudk qkH;½IH;cJh&w,f/
(5) vifuGef;aum? uae'Daum aomMumaeYrSm towfcHcJh&NyD; olwdkY&JUZeD;r,m;awGa&SUrSmwif
(6) ESpfOD;pvkH; aemufuae OD;acgif;udk aoewfeJYtypfcH&w,f/
(7) olwdkYaemuf or®wjzpfvmolawG&JUtrnfawG[m *RefqifqdkwJhtrnfygMuw,f/ (tif'½l;
*RefqifeJY vif'ef*Refqifyg) wdkufqdkifvGef;wmuawmh tif'½l;*Refqifudk 1808 rSm arG;NyD;
vif'ef*Refqifudkawmh 1908 ckESpfrSm arG;zGm;cJhwmygyJ/
(8) vifueG ;f udk vkyBf uHol *Ref0(D v)uuf(p)bk(o)udk 1838 rSm arG;zGm;cJNh yD; uae'Dukd vkyBf uHwhJ
vD[maA;atmh(p)0J(v')udak wmh aemifEpS af ygif;wpf&meJw Y pfEpS Mf um 1939 rSm arG;zGm;cJyh gw,f/
(9) *Ref0D(v)uuf(p)bk(o)u vifuGef;udk uyGJ½kHrSmvkyfBuHcJhNyD; jrif;pD;vGwfajrmufoGm;w,f/
aemufyikd ;f oluY kd pyg;usDwpfcrk mS &SmawGUcJw
h ,f/ vD[maA;atmh(p)0J(v')uawmh uae'Dukd
ukefavSmif½kHwpfckuaevkyfBuHNyD;aemufydkif; ½kyf&Sif½kHrSm olYudk &SmawGUcJhw,f/
(10) vkyBf uHc&H olEpS Of ;D pvk;H [m trIukd rMum;emcifrmS yJ owfjzwfjcif;cHc&hJ ygw,f/ uJ? tJ'h gawGu
wdkufqdkifrIr[kwfygbl;vdkY b,folajymrSmvJ/

94 /The Best May 2022

uGufvyfxJwGif rSefuefaom pum;vkH;rsm;jznfhí xdk Crossword Puzzle udk ajz&Sif;ay;yg/
ajzqdkolrsm;taeeJY 'DykHpHudk jzwfNyD;awmhyJjzpfjzpf rdwåLul;NyD;awmhyJjzpfjzpf jznfhpGufajzqdkNyD;
trSwf (209)? yxyf (,m)? 38-vrf;(xuf) ausmufwHwm;NrdKUe,f? &efukefNrdKUodkY vdyfpmwyfNyD;
25-6-2022 aeY ta&mufydkYay;yg/
tm;vkH;rSefolrsm;xJrS ig;OD;udk rJjzifha&G;cs,fí r*¾Zif;pmtkyfvufaqmif ay;ydkYoGm;rnfjzpfonf/

k l trnf ....................................................................................................................
touf ....................................................................................................................
twef; .....................................................................................................................
ae&yfvyd pf m .....................................................................................................................

May 20222022 The Best/ 95
63) salad
(U) = tokw/f
Would you like oil and vinegar on your salad?
cifAsm;&JUtokwaf y:rSm qDe&YJ mS vum&nf vdck siyf govm;/
(tokwaf y: avmif;xnfah y;&rvm;)
(C) = tokww f pfy/JG tokww f pfrsK;d rsK;d /
I bought a goat’s cheese salad yesterday.
raeYu uReaf wmfwYkd qdwEf 'Ykd ed cf o
J w
k 0f ,fcw
hJ ,f/

96 /The Best May 2022

64) satire
(U) = oa&mfpm/
She does not like political satire.
olru Edik if aH &;oa&mfpmudk rBuKd ubf ;l
(C) = oa&mfpm (½ky&f iS ?f pmtky?f jyZmwf ponf)
Her play was a biting/cruel satire on life in the 80s.
olr&JUjyZmwfu 80 jynfEh pS af wGu b0awG tay: &ifo
h ;D wJ^h &ufpufwo
hJ a&mfpm jzpfchJ

65) silence
(U) = wdwq f w
d jf cif;/
In the silence of the night, a lone wolf howled.
tJ'n D &JU wdwq
f w
d rf rI mS txD;usef 0Hyak vG wpfaumif tlcyhJ gw,f/
(C) = b,forl S pum;rajym? wdwq f wd af eaom
tcsed u
f mvwpfc/k
Their conversation was punctuated by uncomfortable silences.
h ufomr&Sw
d hJ wdwq
f w
d rf aI wGu olw&Ykd UJ tjyeftvSeaf jympum;udk Mum;jzwf

66) sleep
(U) = tdyfpufjcif;/
I must get some sleep — I’m exhausted.
uReaf wmf tdypf uf&r,f? uReaf wmf tvGeyf ifyef; w,f/
(C) = tdypf ufaeonfh tcsed u
f mv/
He fell into a deep sleep.
ol[m ESpEf pS Nf cKd uNf cKd uf tdyaf ysmo
f mG ;cJw
h ,f/

67) smoke
(U) = rD;cdk;/
The fire produced a pall of smoke visible 20 miles away.
tJ'rD ;D [m rdik f 20 ta0;uae jrifEikd w
f hJ rD;cd;k awGukd xkwv
f w
T cf w
hJ ,f/

May 2022 The Best/ 97

(C) = pD;u&uf/
I really enjoy a smoke at the end of a meal.
tpm;pm;Ny;D &if pD;u&ufwpfvyd af omufwmudk uReaf wmf wu,fEpS o
f ufw,f/

68) soil
(U) = ajrqDvmT /
We have the most fertile soil in Europe.
uReaf wmfwrYkd mS Oa&myrSm taumif;qH;k ajrqDvmT &Swd ,f/
(C) = wpfpw kH pfcak om ajrqDvmT / wdik ;f jynf/
Corn is grown a lot in this area — the soil seems to suit it very well.
'D{&d,mrSm ajymif;zl; tawmfaygufw,f/ (jzpfxGef;w,f) ajrqDvTmu ajymif;zl;eJY
tawmfuukd w
f yhJ ykH /J
At the Olympics he was competing on foreign soil for the third time in his life.
k yH pfyaJG wmfrmS olu olUb0rSm wwd,ajrmuf tBurd t
f jzpf Edik if jH cm;wdik ;f jynfrmS ,SONf yKd if

69) sorrow
(U) = ylaqG;jcif;/ 0rf;enf;jcif;/ aomu/
The sorrow she felt over/ at the death of her husband was almost too much to
olr&JUcifyeG ;f uG,v
f eG jf cif;tay: olr cHpm;&wJh aomu[m rcHEikd pf &mjzpfvek ;D yg;jzpf
(C) = ylaqG;p&m/ 0rf;enf;p&m/ aomua&muf p&m/
Her death was a great sorrow to everyone.
f eG rf u
I vlwikd ;f twGuf Bu;D rm;wJh 0rf;enf;p&mwpfck jzpfcw
hJ ,f/

70) space
(U) = ae&m/ aumif;uif/ tmumo/
There isn’t much space left for your case.
f wGuf ae&mrsm;rsm;pm;pm; ruseaf wmhb;l /
He sat staring into space.
olu xdik &f if; aumif;uifukd ai;Munfch w
hJ ,f/

98 /The Best May 2022

(C) = uGuvf yf/ ae&mvyf/
Are there any spaces left in the car park?
D m;yguifxrJ mS ae&mvGwrf sm; &Syd govm;/

71) speed
(U) = vsijf refjcif;/ tjref/ tvsit
f [ke/f
Her leg healed with remarkable speed.
olr&JUajcaxmuf[m xl;uJjrefqefpmG ('Pf&m) aysmufuif;cJw
h ,f/
(C) = a&GUvsm;EIe;f / tjrefEeI ;f / t&Sed /f
He was travelling at a speed of 90 mph.
ol[m wpfem&Dukd rdik f 90 EIe;f eJY c&D;oGm;aecJh w,f/

72) spelling
(U) = pmvHk;aygif;/
His spelling was terrible.
olUpmvH;k aygif;u tawmfq;kd 0g;w,f/
My computer has a program which corrects my spelling.
uRefawmfhuGefysLwmrSm uRefawmfhpmvHk;aygif;udk rSefuefatmifjyifqifay;wJh y½dk*&rf
(C) = pmvH;k aygif;yH/k
This dictionary includes both British and American spellings of words.
'Dtbd"mefrmS NAw
d o
d QeYJ tar&duef pmvH;k aygif; ESpcf pk vH;k yg0ifw,f/

73) sport
(U) = tm;upm;/
She used to do/ play a lot of sport when she was younger.
olr (tckxuf) ydrk ikd ,f&,
G pf Ofu tm;upm; trsm;Bu;D vkycf ahJ vh&ydS gw,f/
(C) = wpfpw
kH pfcak om tm;upm;trsK;d tpm;/
I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.
uReaf wmfu puD;pD;jcif;eJY pudwpf ;D jcif;vdk aqmif; &moDtm;upm;awGukd ESpo
f ufygw,f/


May 2022 The Best/ 99

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