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is passed through the fixed coil and movable coil in series

Thomas Billon was appointed ``anagrammatist to the king''

world. His collected poems (Diwan) have been published

be made to R. S. Heath, A Treatise on Geometrical Optics (2nd

pitch accent in the word, and the same method has been

South America on the river Maranon, which was named after them

the ship is let to the charterers; but there is no true

the fateful years, that is, between the Moscow campaign and

antagonism first appeared publicly during the Franco-German

known. In 1748 he was given a professorship at Gottingen,

field rations are issued to the patients, who also are

Fulbert's house as a regular inmate. Becoming also tutor to

Alps. The gain of the Milanese in 1859 by the future king of

solution it acts as an irritant to the stomach and kidneys,

grottoes, with two lateral ramifications which reach to the

the Bible) that Providence even in its revolutions is

k is a constant which is practically the same

of landed proprietors appointed by the government. At the

Alphabet. Taylor, however, derived the runes from the alphabet

personality, with power to own goods, contract loans, &c.,

it had been in the early part of 1780. On the American

The Himalayan varieties of the markhor and ibex are abundant in Kafiristan.

d'Orvilliers. The British government, having neglected to

grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two

no means of learning the true doctrine as expounded by the Latin

1877, with William of Palermo) contains an account of

had been already begun in 1613 (see DULWICH.) Alleyn was

has yet been adopted. An alphabet of fifty-two letters, some

and six deputies (one senator and two deputies for each
Suebic tribes had now moved westward. In later times the

Asfa Nassen, d. 1807

while there is no difficulty in recognizing skim-milk cheese.

by Robert Malet, a Norman. In 1155 the manor was granted

m. N.E. by E. from London. Area, 1629 acres. Pop. (1901)

and (3) the Trans-Ili Ala-tau, both N. of and parallel to the

(London, 1908; John Wise, A System of Aeronautics,

The condition of albinism thus assumed as a seasonal variation


Academie van Accountants (1902); the Nationale Organisatie van

before the Royal Commission on Civil Establishments, 1887,

With these Menno and his followers refused to hold communion.

is characterized by the production of zoospores (Gr. zoon,

which contains about 5% acetic acid, is frequently taken

volumes. It was continued by various writers and grew to

history of the word that Cicero gave the name to his villa near

objections to the doctrine. No man who has to deal daily

intercourse, gave feasts and presents, and practised unbounded

concessions of Spain came too late. In commerce it had to

quinine, &c.; the strychnos bases: strychnine, brucine;

Danes, in reality the tide had turned, and western Europe

of the Spanish settlements on the Rio de Oro, at Angra de Cintra,

PbSO4, 216210; for H2SO4, 192920; and for H2O, 68400

removed. Charles V. (1516-1556) rebuilt portions in the modern

search on vessels flying a foreign flag. The Brussels Act

in Central Africa on a large scale was that of Sir T. Fowell

subject of much investigation, but with very doubtful results.

accountants. The Companies Act 1879, which affected banking

Panama, described tools and products of activities similar to

sense of ``reserve'' (or of Disciplina Arcani--a modern term

not be taken except where the shell store and the adjacent

These stories have given rise to much discussion. The testi-

women. She died at Cairo on the 21st of January 1908.

Africa marching with the eastern frontier of the Congo Free

of agriculture at the time in different parts of England.

fields of minor poetry and magazine editing. In September

it be encroachment of a criminal upon an individual, or the

partly in connexion with the Sheffield Scientific School,

Almuggim are translated Algum or Almug trees in the authorized

rivers, and in a short time no white family in the Creek

furnaces.'' In the former case, the first reaction is produced

result. Notwithstanding this terrible disaster, Alexandria

existed, preserve fuller forms than their sister languages

music-hail. The Progressive majority on the London County

processes. Alchemy in this sense is merely an early phase of

shown by fig. 7. When a current is passed through the instrument

at Greenwich on the 19th of April 1012. He was buried in St

cover their maladministration at home, precipitated a war

1570, and that he held this office for forty-five years. His

expedition, but the Thebans intervened to prevent it, an

buildings proper, was the abbot's house, and annexed to it the

in his honour in the exchange at Stockholm. One of his sons,

problem---a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19---is solved

of Leicester's unlawful designs, and of endeavouring by the

Rome. Unfortunately, the remains of that civilization are very

he removed to London, where he practised as a consulting

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