Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Characterization of The Varnish and Glue of An Ancient 18th Century Double Bass

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Journal of Chromatography A, 1147 (2007) 206–212

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry characterization of the

varnish and glue of an ancient 18th century double bass
Francesco Caruso a,∗ , Santino Orecchio b , Maria Grazia Cicero c , Cosimo Di Stefano c
aIstituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati (ISMN), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR),
Via Ugo La Malfa 153, I-90146 Palermo, Italy
b Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica ed Analitica “Stanislao Cannizzaro”, Università di Palermo,

Viale delle Scienze – Parco d’Orleans II, I-90128 Palermo, Italy

c Centro Regionale per la Progettazione ed il Restauro (CRPR), Via Cristoforo Colombo 52, I-90142 Palermo, Italy

Received 30 August 2006; received in revised form 8 February 2007; accepted 14 February 2007
Available online 21 February 2007

A GC–MS investigation is conducted on the double bass “Panormus”, property of Conservatorio di Musica “Vincenzo Bellini” in Palermo. The
most important components of the varnish (fatty acids) and of the glue (proteinaceous amino acids), with which the musical instrument was treated
in the past, are determined. The analyses are carried out by prior derivatization of fatty acids by acidic methanol and of amino acids by acidic
methanol and trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA). Analytes identification is achieved by direct comparison with several reference materials and the
use of a digitized library.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Double bass; Art analysis; Derivatization; GC; Binding media; Varnish; Fatty acids; Amino acids; Resins

1. Introduction Usually, the restorer has to deal with two aspects of the var-
nish and glue problem [4]: what kind of varnish and glue were
A functional or conservative restoration work, well-designed originally used and which ones among the present products are
and -executed, should slacken the deterioration process of an suited for the restoration work.
art object. Wooden artworks, although well preserved, suffer It is almost certain that a direct relationship exists between
from several kinds of deterioration attacks which are mainly varnish composition and quality of sound. Therefore, the makers
from biological origin. Physical and chemical agents which con- of stringed instruments, while trying to replicate lightness and
tribute are moisture, temperature fluctuations, light, atmospheric transparency effects and brightness of sounds, wanted to imitate
pollutants, etc. ancient masters and discover their secrets.
Wood restoration techniques vary from work to work and A comparison between ancient stringed instruments from
particular attention is needed for the handling of painted or Cremona (Italy) and modern ones confirmed the existence of
varnished material. differences in the aforementioned quality of sound and in the
After a prior eventual disinfestation from insects or parasites, timbre. The same difference was established between some
preferably in a non-toxic gas chamber [1,2], and a surface clean- Stradivari’s undamaged instruments and other ones from which
ing, the pure restoration consists in the substitution of parts of the varnish was entirely removed (by scalpel or washing) and
the ancient object trying to use the same kind of wood (ancient re-varnished with non-original different products [5]. The var-
or artificially aged, if possible) and the same kind of varnishes nish contribution to the quality of sound plays such an important
and glues [3]. role that is able, in some cases, to compensate possible struc-
tural defects (i.e. the instruments made from Guarneri del Gesù
compared to Stradivari’s) [5].
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 091 6809366; fax: +39 091 6809399. Coloured varnishes used by the makers of stringed instru-
E-mail address: (F. Caruso). ments from the 17th to the 19th century can be roughly classified

0021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212 207

separation and identification of these analytes if appropriately

Analytical derivatization of fatty acids has been extensively
treated in literature [10]. Esterification with diazomethane (DM)
reagent is still regarded as a useful and clean technique although
it has some negative aspects: gas explosive reagent to be prepared
in designed apparatus, toxic synthesis precursors and possible
reaction of the diazo group with double bonds. Trimethylsilyl-
diazomethane (TMSDM), although not recommended because
of slower reaction rates and lower derivatives yields than DM,
Fig. 1. The ancient 18th century Vincenzo Trusiano’s double bass (a) and the is a possible substitute of DM [10].
little label on the bottom of the instrument’s case (b). Alkyl chloroformates as general purpose derivatization
reagents in gas chromatography were studied by Hušek [11]. The
reaction of methyl (MCF) and ethyl (ECF) chloroformates with
as follows: (i) drying oils (linseed oil, walnut oil, poppy-seed fatty acids is quantitative (yield >98%), instantaneous and runs
oil, etc.) based; (ii) essential oils (oil of turpentine, lavender oil, at room temperature although the choice of solvent is critical
etc.) based; (iii) alcohol based. to avoid the presence of secondary reaction products. A simi-
These varnishes, as demonstrated by elemental studies lar approach is intended for amino acids though arginine and
involving X-ray fluorescence [6,7] and combined analyti- citrulline are not fully derivatized. Ethyl chloroformate were
cal techniques (optical and electronic microscopy, energy- employed to identify proteinaceous and oil binding media in
dispersive X-ray analysis, Raman) [8], often contained inorganic paintings by Mateo Castro et al. [12,13]. Paik et al. [14] proposed
dyes as aluminium coordinated with alizarin (extracted from the alkylation of carboxylic group under alkaline (K2 CO3 ) and
madder), iron or lead oxides [9], arsenic or mercury sulphides, hot (60 ◦ C) conditions by the use of bromoacetonitrile (BrACN).
etc. [5]. The esters are sufficiently volatile so that even long chain fatty
It is, however, more opportune to distinguish the different acids can be determined by GC.
varnishes on the basis of the binding medium1 which can be Hydrolysed fatty acids can be effectively converted
natural (exclusively used up to 30’s and 40’s) or artificial. Natu- to N(O)-ter-butyldimethylsilyl esters with N-methyl-N-(ter-
ral binding media are classified as follows [4]: (i) resinous; (ii) butyldimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) after an
proteinaceous; (iii) Siccative oil based; (iv) polysaccharides. alkaline hydrolysis with methanolic tetramethylammonium
However, lute makers usually employed resinous and/or hydroxide (TMAH) [15]. Similarly, hydrolysed amino acids
siccative oil based varnishes [5] even if they often used to com- from proteinaceous binders of paintings can be effec-
bine different media for some applications. tively derivatized by the use of MTBSTFA in pyri-
The subject of this work is an investigation on an ancient dine [16,17]. Recently, tubes of paint from the Arnold
exquisite 18th century double bass made by Vincenzo Trusiano Schönberg Center (Vienna) have been investigated using
(Fig. 1a). GC–MS [18] and the corresponding fatty acids identified
A little label on the bottom of the case on which “Vin- using (m-trifluoromethylphenyl) trimethylammonium hydrox-
centius Trusiano fecit Panormi 1752” is written (Fig. 1b), is ide (TFTMAH), a methylation agent which is claimed to be
a proof that the instrument is a wonderful hand made artefact superior to TMAH although it does not make the esterification
of the famous 18th century artisan from Monreale (Palermo, of the hydroxy-group in hydroxy fatty acids occur. A good sepa-
Italy). ration of saturated fatty acids with a chain length between C12:0
The aim of this paper is to describe a fast procedure to deter- and C26:0 was obtained by the use of flophemesyl chloride as
mine the main fatty acids contained in small varnish samples silylating derivatizing agent [19]. A method for the simultane-
and the proteinaceous amino acids in small glue samples by ous analysis of fatty acids and glycerol in drying oil in artworks
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, in order to understand using trimethylsulfonium hydroxide (TMSH) was described by
some relevant aspects of the ancient Trusiano’s varnish recipe Rosenberg and coworkers [20].
and to give precious information for the double bass restoration Other typical alkylation methods for fatty acids derivatization
treatment. As a matter of fact, a GC system, coupled with the use involve the use of short chain alcohols (e.g. methanol, ethanol,
of a capillary column and a MS detection, permits a high reliable isopropanol) with acidic or basic catalysts (as BF3 [21,22] or
sodium methoxide [23]).
Concerning protein analysis, a new proteomics methodol-
1 A binding medium is a compound present in every kind of varnish. Ideally,
ogy has been able to identify proteins in microsamples from
its features should be the following:
two ancient Renaissance paintings (14th and 15th century).
• Functional (fixing dyes to the substrate); This methods consists of an extraction with 1% aqueous tri-
• Aesthetic (chromatic power, lightness, etc.); fluoroacetic acid (measured efficiency by MALDI-TOF mass
• Protective. spectrometry), an enzymatic hydrolysis with trypsin and the
These binding medium’s characteristics are fundamental for the production of analysis by nano-LC/nano-ESI/Q-q-TOF MS/MS using opti-
a good paint [4]. mized parameters [24].
208 F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212

A novel GC–MS technique, combining different kinds of ysis showed that in methanol solutions more quantity of every
derivatization, for the identification of lipids, proteins and other material was dissolved (excluding Kios mastic tears and Manila
analytes from painted artworks has been proposed by Colombini copal). Results of GC–MS analyses confirmed what stated
and coworkers [25]. above.
In the present work, we report on a procedure for the anal- The double bass varnish samples were treated with 0.50 mL
ysis of fatty and amino acids’ GC–MS profile identification, of methanol and left in a screwed cap tube in a dark and dry
based: (i) on the extraction of fatty acids with methanol and place for about two weeks at room temperature.
derivatization with acidic methanol; (ii) on proteins hydrolysis
with aqueous HCl and a double step amino acids’ derivatization 2.2.2. Treatment
with acidic methanol and TFAA. Our experimental procedures Every suspension of reference material was filtered through a
are based on the choice of common and low-cost derivatiz- small column of anhydrous sodium sulphate to eliminate water
ing reagents and solvents. Furthermore, our procedures can be and solid residues. The column was previously packed with the
adopted by restoration and conservation laboratories to charac- relative solvent. The filtered solutions were dried in a water
terize lipid binders and proteinaceous glues in artworks. bath at 50–60 ◦ C under a gentle nitrogen stream. The resulting
The whole procedures have been validated by trials on several residue was treated with 2.00 mL of hexane containing hexade-
reference materials and by the direct comparison with proto- cane (internal standard) at 20 ␮L/L. Subsequently, 2.00 mL of
cols available in literature regarding other kinds of artefacts about 1:5 (v/v) HCl in methanol were added to each tube to
[12,16–18,20,26–32]. produce a biphasic system which was heated in a 50–60 ◦ C
water bath for approximately 2 h. After cooling to room tem-
2. Experimental perature, the hydrocarbon phase was separated and filtered on
a small column of anhydrous sodium sulphate – again to elimi-
2.1. Sampling nate water and possible solid residues – previously packed with
hexane with hexadecane. Solutions were then injected into the
Seven samples of varnish and two samples of glue were taken GC–MS.
from the ancient artefact. Samples were taken by gently scraping Regarding the three oils, 50 ␮L of each were diluted with
the surface of the instrument with a scalpel at nine points, thought 2.00 mL of hexane with hexadecane, treated with 2.00 mL of
to be the most representative ones. the aforementioned methylating reagent, esterified (or transes-
Samples collection is described in Table 1. terified) and cooled. The hydrocarbon phase was then separated
and filtered.
2.2. Experimental procedure for the analysis of fatty acids The double bass samples were treated like the solid reference
Trials of fatty acids analyses and subsequent rigorous anal-
yses were carried out on several reference materials: three 2.3. Experimental procedure for the analysis of amino acids
siccative oils (linseed, boiled linseed and walnut) and seven dif-
ferent kinds of resins (Manila copal, Kios mastic tears, sandarac, Two GC–MS analyses were carried on each glue sample
orange shellac, lemon shellac, white shellac and Kusmi shellac). taken as references: rabbit glue and bone glue (20 mg and
Afterwards, the seven varnish samples from the double bass were 28 mg, respectively). Eight pure amino acids were used as
analysed. standards: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, phenylalanine, glycine,
4-hydroxyproline, proline, serine, valine, to allow identification
2.2.1. Extraction of these in test samples.
For every solid reference material, a solubility test with
three different solvents (acetone (polar aprotic solvent), chlo- 2.3.1. Hydrolysis
roform (apolar solvent) and methanol (polar protic solvent)) Following indications from the literature [33,34], each sam-
was conducted for one week. Initial approximate visual anal- ple of modern and double bass glue was transferred into a 50 mL

Table 1
Sampling description and weight of the analyzed samples
Sample Sampling description Sample ID Mass of analyzed sample (mg)

Sample 1 Varnish sample from the intern left f-hole. VCB 1 0.7
Sample 2 Taken from intern right f-hole. VCB 2 0.4
Sample 3 Taken from intern upper-right f-hole. VCB 3 0.7
Sample 4 Taken from intern left f-hole VCB 4 5.1
Sample 5 Taken from the bottom of the instrument. VCB 5 2.8
Sample 6 Taken from the right edge of the f-hole. VCB 6 1.8
Sample 7 Taken from the right edge of the harmonic case and from the bottom. VCB 7 2.3
Sample 8 Glue taken from the intern left side of the harmonic case. CCB 8 12.1
Sample 9 Glue taken from the intern bottom of the harmonic case. CCB 9 49.7
F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212 209

round bottom flask, treated with about 5 mL of HCl 1:1 (v/v) in provided by CRPR. Reference materials were chosen on the
water and refluxed for 24 h into a hot oil bath (100–110 ◦ C). Pure basis of historical sources of old violins varnish composition
amino acids were only treated with HCl 1:1. [5].

2.3.2. Treatment 3. Results and discussion

After quantitative recovery into a screwed tube, each sample
(pure amino acids included) was slowly dried in a water bath 3.1. Fatty acids determination in varnish samples
at about 80 ◦ C under a gentle nitrogen stream. The dry residue
was treated with 2.00 mL of the methylating reagent used for Fatty acids derivatization involves the mineral acid-catalysed
fatty acids derivatization. The suspension was heated in a water esterification of the carboxylic groups by methanol.
bath at about 50–60 ◦ C for about 2 h. The suspension was sub- Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of the VCB 6 sample is shown
sequently dried in a water bath at about 80 ◦ C and under a gentle in Fig. 2a.
nitrogen stream. 2.00 mL of hexane with hexadecane (internal A direct comparison of the peaks retention times of the TIC of
standard) at 20 ␮L /L were added and the new suspension treated the Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix, the use of the digitized
with 200–250 ␮L of TFAA. The tube was screwed and heated library of the instrument (NIST 62 Library) and the interpretation
in a water bath at 50–60 ◦ C for about 1 h. The suspension was of the corresponding mass spectra of each eluted component
again dried on a water bath at about 80 ◦ C under a gentle nitro- allow the identification of fatty acids derivates peaks. Identified
gen stream, treated with 2.00 mL of hexane with hexadecane, fatty acids in samples VCB 1, VCB 2, VCB 3, VCB 4, VCB 6
cooled to room temperature and filtered through a little col- and VCB 7 are caproic, heptanoic, caprylic, pelargonic, capric,
umn of anhydrous sodium sulphate to eliminate water and solid lauric, myristic, pentadecanoic, palmitic, heptadecanoic, stearic
residues, previously packed with hexane with hexadecane. Dou- and azelaic.
ble bass glue suspensions were filtered twice (with two different Azelaic (nonanedieoic) acid is an important indicator of the
columns) because the solutions filtered just once still showed use of a siccative oil. In fact, the siccative power of a vegetable
some turbidity. The solutions were then ready for the GC–MS oil is strictly connected to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids.
injection. In a good siccative oil, their weight concentration should be at
least 65%. The hardening of linseed oil is due to a series of
2.4. GC–MS instrumental conditions slow oxidation reactions of fragmentation and of cross-linking
of unsaturated fatty acids and that the length of the chain of low
Fatty and amino acids analyses were performed by a Shi- molecular weight oxidative products depend on the position of
madzu GC 5000 coupled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer the unsaturation [27,35–37].
Shimadzu MS 5000 (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). The As a matter of fact, it is not correct to compare chromatograms
injector and interface temperatures were both 280 ◦ C. GC sep- of the original varnish with ones of modern varnishes because
aration was achieved on a Supelco Equity-5 (30 m × 0.25 mm of the aforementioned modification processes. Instead, it is rea-
i.d., 0.5 ␮m film thickness) fused-silica capillary column. The sonable to consider the ratio between the areas of peaks relative
following temperature program was set up: isothermal condi- to palmitic acid methyl ester and to stearic acid methyl ester
tions at 40 ◦ C for 2 min up to the final temperature of 250 ◦ C with (P/S). This ratio permits to recognize the kind of siccative oil
a rate increase of 11.5 ◦ C/min. Helium (85,7 kPa, inlet pressure) [38,39,27]. P/S ratio ranges for the most common siccative oils
was the carrier gas and its flow rate was 1.5 mL/min. Mass spec- are: 1.2–2.4 for linseed oil (our measured value is 1.4); 2.2–3.3
trometer conditions were as follows: 45.00–350.00, m/z range for walnut oil (our measured value is 2.8); 7.2–8.0 for poppyseed
of analysis; 1000 u/s, scan speed; 5.00 min, solvent cut; 1,80 kV, oil.
detector potential. The injection volume was 1.00 ␮L and the In Table 2, P/S ratios for double bass varnish samples are
injection mode was splitless (sampling time = 0.61 min). Anal- reported.
ysis was conducted in scan mode. The mean value – and the comparison with the experimental
value of the reference sample (P/S ratio equal to 2.8) – evidences
2.5. Materials the use of walnut oil as a component of the varnish binding
medium. Walnut oil is employed in oil paint, especially in wood
The fatty acids methyl esters solution (Supelco 37 Com- manufacture, as effective binding medium. This oil – although
ponent FAME Mix), used as main reference, was purchased less common than linseed oil – is regarded as a good paint thin-
from Supelco (Supelco, Sigma–Aldrich Corporation (St. Louis, ner for its quickness of drying, lack of yellow tint and non-
MO, USA)). The internal standard was hexadecane (puriss. toxicity.
p.a., standard for GC, ≥99.8%), purchased from Fluka (Fluka, Sample VCB 5 chromatogram is shown in Fig. 2b. A high
Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (St. Louis, MO, USA)). concentration of unsaturated fatty acids (presence of palmi-
As reference materials for fatty acids analysis, the seven toleic, oleic and linolenic acids) is found and a P/S ratio equal
resins and the three oils were provided by CRPR. As refer- to 1.52, in the ratio range of linseed oil. This evidence con-
ence materials for amino acids analysis, eight pure amino acids firms our first visual hypothesis which stated that this sample
(99%) were purchased from Carlo Erba (Milano, Italy) and had been taken from a reconstruction on the bottom of the inst-
from Sigma–Aldrich; the two different kinds of glue were also rument.
210 F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212

Fig. 2. TIC of methanol extracted and derivatized solution of VCB 6 sample (a); TIC of methanol extracted and derivatized solution of VCB 5 sample (the one from
the restored bottom of the instrument) (b). The internal standard (hexadecane) is labelled as “Rif. C16H34”.

In order to further confirm this evidence, the ratio between unsaturated fatty acids in the same siccative oil and, as a conse-
the areas of peaks relative to azelaic acid dimethyl ester and quence, the contemporaneity of different samples [16].
to palmitic acid methyl ester (Azel/P) is considered. This Azel/P ratios for double bass varnish samples are also
ratio allows to establish the oxidative degradation degree of reported in Table 2.

Table 2
Experimental P/S and Azel/P ratios of the double bass varnish microsamples 3.2. Proteinaceous amino acids determination in glue
and arithmetic means of the values samples
Sample Experimental P/S ratio Experimental Azel/P ratio
Amino acids derivatization involves, apart from the esterifica-
VCB 1 2.76 ± 0.01 0.31 ± 0.01
VCB 2 3.34 ± 0.01 0.31 ± 0.01
tion of the carboxylic groups by acid methanol, the quantitative
VCB 3 3.43 ± 0.01 0.35 ± 0.01 acetylation of the amino groups with TFAA.
VCB 4 2.88 ± 0.01 0.34 ± 0.01 The two TICs of the glue double bass samples are shown in
VCB 6 3.40 ± 0.01 0.32 ± 0.01 Fig. 3a and b.
VCB 7 2.81 ± 0.01 0.36 ± 0.01 The identification of amino acids derivates peaks is achieved
Mean 3.1 ± 0.3 0.33 ± 0.02
VCB 5 1.52 ± 0.01 0.08 ± 0.01
by the direct comparison of retention times of the chro-
matograms peaks and by mass spectra of the eight amino acids
F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212 211

Fig. 3. TIC of hydrolyzed and derivatized solution of CCB 8 sample (a); TIC of hydrolyzed and derivatized solution of CCB 9 sample (b); TIC of hydrolyzed and
derivatized solution of bone glue sample (c); TIC of hydrolyzed and derivatized solution of rabbit glue sample (d). The internal standard (hexadecane) is labelled as
“Rif. C16H34”.

used as references. The amino acids found in the analyzed sam- Both double bass glue samples (CCB 8 and CCB 9) show
ples are listed in Table 3. high relative concentration in glycine (Gly), proline (Pro) and
A mass fragment at 69 m/z is present in each mass spec- 4-hydroxyproline (Pro-OH). It is well known that an abundance
trum of the considered derivatized amino acids. This fragment is of these three amino acids reveals the presence of collagen-like
assigned to the formation of the CF3 + cation in agreement with proteins amounting an animal glue [41]. In fact, the presence
literature [40]. of hydroxyproline, an amino acid very rarely found in other
The relative amino acids percentage composition of the two proteins, prevents collagens from an early folding during biosyn-
double bass glue samples is obtained by integration of the peaks thetic process [42].
areas (Table 3). The results of the analysis of the two available samples of
modern animal glue used in wooden artworks restoration (bone
glue and rabbit glue) confirms the presence of collagen deriving
Table 3
amino acids (Fig. 3c and d and Table 3).
Relative amino acids weight percentage for double bass glue samples CCB 8
and CCB 9 and for modern bone glue (BG) and rabbit glue (RG) samples
4. Conclusions
Amino acid Relative weight percentage

CCB 8 CCB 9 BG RG The use of the little destructive (in terms of sample mass)
Gly 21 32 15 17 procedure permits the identification of fatty and amino acids
Val – 5 2 1 in samples of varnish and glue of the 18th century double bass
Ser 7 – 3 3 Panormus by Vincenzo Trusiano and gives useful information
Asp 3 6 6 4
for restorer, historians of art and luthiers, in good agreement with
Pro 35 23 19 20
Pro-OH 19 15 21 22 historical references about the construction of ancient musical
Glu 4 10 18 18 instruments. Furthermore, data analyses shed some relevant light
Phe 11 9 17 14 on the ancient formulations (the workshop secrets) of varnishes
In sample CCB 8, valine derivate peak area was not detected while, in CCB 9, and glues of the makers of stringed instruments. In particular, the
serine derivate peak area was not detected. Amino acids are ordered according use of walnut oil as a component of the binding medium for this
to their elution times. ancient double bass varnish is detected; a previous restoration
212 F. Caruso et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1147 (2007) 206–212

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