Chp06 29

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Data-Flow Diagrams

Identify the processes inside the Level 2 system boundary and draw these processes and their data-

For each data-flow into and out of the process for which this Level 2 diagram is being created we
need to identify an appropriate sub-process to receive and send the data flows. The following table
lists each data-flow and suggests a suitable sub-process to receive/send the data-flow:

data-flow Sender Receiver

video loan loan of video - process loan customer
membership card customer loan of video - validate customer
request for video customer loan of video - validate customer
payment customer loan of video - issue video
return of video customer loan of video - restock video
customer details customer-file loan of video - validate customer
overdue items stock-file loan of video - process late return
item returned loan of video - restock video stock-file
item on loan loan of video - issue video stock-file
overdue reminder loan of video - process late return customer

Adding these processes and data-flows to the diagram we get the following:

Identify any data stores that exist entirely within the Level 2 boundary, and draw these data stores:
For this example there don't appear to be any “local” data stores

Identify data-flows between the processes and data stores that are entirely within the Level 2 system
boundary: Since there are no local data stores, there are no data-flows between processes and data
stores to be added.

Check the diagram: Upon checking the diagram, we find that the process “validate customer” has no
output data flows. Looking more closely we see that a plausible data flow out of “validate customer”
would be something like “loan permission”.

Upon adding this new data-flow the diagram looks as follows:


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