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Manjula S. Lakshmi Krishnamurthy

Periyar Maniammai University Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology


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S.Manjula* et al. /International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology

ISSN: 0975-766X
Available Online through Research Article
S.Manjulaa* Dr.K.Lakshmib
Research Scholar, bProfessor, Computer Science and Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University,
Thanjavur-613403, Tamilnadu, India.
Received on: 20.10.2016 Accepted on: 25.11.2016


Using video cameras for monitoring the campus is common in day-today life. Most of these surveillance use human

to monitor the activities that is happening in the area of interest. However using human in surveillance has its own

disadvantage; to overcome that limitation researchers are working in automated visual surveillance systems. The

visual surveillance process comprises of the following steps: environment modelling, motion segmentation, object

classification, tracking, behaviour understanding, human identification and data fusion. The first and foremost step in

visual surveillance is identifying moving objects in a video sequence. The moving object of interest may be human

being, vehicle, etc. Object detection is the technology that deals with identifying the semantic class of the moving

object in the video sequence. Hence Object Detection is very vital for tracking moving object and behaviour analysis

in the given video sequence. Considering the importance of object detection in visual surveillance, this paper presents

various methods available for object detection. Automatic Visual surveillance has wide area of applications such as

human identification at a distance, monitoring the congestion, detection of anomalous behaviours etc.

Keywords: Object Detection,Environment modeling,background subtraction,Object classification,Motion


1. Introduction

Traditional visual surveillance system uses human to monitor cameras for detecting any unpleasant events. If more

number of cameras are to be monitored more number of man power is required which puts a limitation on the

manpower use in visual surveillance. Hence the surveillance system becomes weaker. To have a better solution for

this problem researchers work on Automated Visual Surveillance System which detects events requiring attention as

it happens, and take action immediately. Most of the automated visual surveillance system used to detect people

and/or vehicle movement in the area of interest.

IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22875

The visual surveillance system includes following processes:

Background modelling - Background modeling is a basic step in detecting moving objects in video sequences. A

general approach to background modeling is to classify each image pixel is related to background or not1.

Motion segmentation - Motion segmentation is the process of separating regions, features, or trajectories from a

video sequence into reliable subsets. These subsets correspond to independent moving objects in the scene.

Object classification - The purpose of object classificatio2-9, is to extract the region corresponding to people from all

moving blobs obtainted by the motion segmentation methods.

Target tracking – it is an important job in the field of computer vision. Surveillance systems track moving objects

from one frame to another in an image sequence.

Behaviour understanding - is the process of analysis and recognition of motion patterns, and the production of high-

level description of actions.

Human identification, aim of this phase is to identify the object/human entering the area under surveillance, and

Data fusion, the purpose of data fusion is tracking continuously by integrating every camera10. The relationship

among these steps is depicted in Figure.1

Moving object detection is an important aspect in any surveillance applications such as video analysis, video

communication, traffic control, medical imaging, and military service11. Object Detection finds its importance in the

following applications also:

Abnormal event detection: With the growing demand for security, it is necessary to analyze the behaviors of people

and vehicles in area of interest to determine whether the behaviors are normal or abnormal activities that indicate any

unwanted issues will happen12.

Human gait characterization: The gait is a daily activity and one of the main skill of the human being. Human gait

characterization observes an individual’s walking style and can be used for human identification, to analysis the gait,

the successful and well-defined representation method is used. Motion information is extracted from human gaits, and

this is fundamental for human identification13.

IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22876

Person counting: The visual surveillance system helps to calculate the human crowd at important public places with

the help of human detection technique and avoid congestion by diverting it to free pathways12.

Fall detection of elderly people: Falls are a major reason of serious injury for the elderly population. To avoid these

problems, develop some intelligent monitoring systems with the ability to automatically detect fall and make alert to

relatives or authorities. Object detection10 is a very important aspect in visual surveillance system because the poor

accuracy in object detection affects the future process like object tracking and behavior understanding. Hence, this

paper focuses on object detection methods in visual surveillance system.

This section provides an overview of visual surveillance system. The rest of this paper organized as follows section 2

gives general overview of well-known moving object detection methods. Section 3 provides about the object

classification methods, the available datasets, performance metrics and evaluation. Conclusion of the paper is

presented in section 4.

2. Object Detection Methods

The goal of object detection is to detect all instances of objects from a known class, such as people, vehicles or faces

in an image or video. Object detection is a difficult task because of illumination changes in environment, rapid

variations in target appearance, similar non-target objects in background, and occlusions. Object detection method

uses semiautomatic or automatic detection techniques. Figure. 2 shows the steps such as environment modeling,

motion segmentation, and object classification, in objects detection.

Video image


Environment modeling

a. Background Subtraction

Motion Segmentation b. Optical Flow

c. Spatio-temporal filter

a. Shape-based method
Object Classification
b. Motion-based method

c. Texture-based method

Detected Object


Figure 2: Schematic Representation of Object Detection

2.1. Environment Modelling:

Environment model construction and updating of model is essential for object detection. Environment model can be

classified into 2D models in image plane and 3D models in real world. An image can be acquired by fixed camera,

pure translation camera and mobile camera10. Depending on the types of camera used background modelling

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approach differs.When pure translation camera is used, the environment model made by patching up a panorama

graph to acquire a holistic background image14 and homography matrices can be used to describe the transformation

relationship between different images. Motion compensation is required to construct temporary background images 15

where mobile cameras are used. If fixed camera is used, the factors such as illumination variance, shadows, shaking

branches influence the construction and updating of background model. These factors are suppressed and effective

background model is constructed by using various algorithm like temporal average of an image sequence 16-17,

Adaptive Gaussian estimation18, Parameter estimation based pixel processes19-20,adaptive background estimation and

foreground detection using Kalman filtering, recovering and updating background images based on mixed Gaussian

model20. Toyama et.al21 proposed a wallflower algorithm where background subtraction was carried out at 3 levels

viz Pixel level, Region level, Frame level. Haritaoglu et.al22 builds a statistical model by representing each pixel with

Maximum intensity value, Minimum intensity value and Maximum intensity difference between consecutive frames.

These 3 values are observed during training period and updated periodically. McKenna et.al23 used an adaptive

background model with colour and gradient information to reduce the influences of shadows and unreliable colour


2.2. Motion Segmentation

Motion segmentation in an image sequence is detecting regions having moving objects. Segmentation is classified

into spatial segmentation and temporal segmentation. Spatial segmentation is either local segmentation or global

segmentation. Local Segmentation is segmenting sub images (small windows) on a whole image. The number of

pixels available to local segmentation is lower than global segmentation. Global segmentation is concerned with

segmenting whole image. Global segmentation consists of a large number of pixels. Automatic video segmentation is

separation of the moving object from the background and identification of accurate boundaries of the object. Some of

the motion segmentation approaches are outlined in the following section:

2.2.1 Background subtraction:

Background Subtraction method is suitable for static background. The detection of object from a video sequence

provides a classification of the pixels into either foreground or background24. A scene in object detection process is

represented by a model is called background model. Background modelling is one of the primary and challenging

tasks for background subtraction. The background subtraction algorithm should be robust against environmental

change i.e. capable to handle changes in illumination conditions and able to ignore the movement of small

IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22878

background elements. Moving object is detected by taking difference between the current frame with background

model in a pixel-by-pixel or block- by- block fashion. Figure 3 shows an example of background model.

( a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3.(a) Original Frame (b) Reference Frame / Background Model (c) Difference Image (d)
Binary Image

Most researchers show more interest in building different adaptive background models in order to reduce the

influence of dynamic scene changes on motion segmentation.Some early studies given by Karmann and Brandt 25 and

Kilger26 ,proposed an adaptive background model based on kalman filtering to adapt temporal changes of weather and

lighting.A detailed general survey of image change algorithms can be found in 27 .The GMM is one of the most

commonly used method for background subtraction in visual surveillance applications for fixed cameras.A mixture of

Gaussians is maintained for each pixel in the image.A new pixel values update the mixture of Gaussians using an

online K-means approach. The estimation update is used to account for illumination changes, slight sensor

movements,and noise.

2.2.2 Optical Flow:

Vector based approach28 is applied in optical flow method to estimate the motion in video by matching points on

objects over multiple frames.For accurate measurement, it require high frame rate.It need specialized hardware for

real time implementation due to the complexity of the algorithm.Optical flow is robust to multiple and simultaneous

camera and object motions and it is suitable for crowd analysis.Meyer et.al29 performed monofonic operation which

computed the displacement vector field to initialize a contour-based tracking algorithm,called active rays,for the

extraction of articulated objects which would be used for gait analysis.Rowley and Rehg30 focused on the

segmentation of optical flow fields of articulated objects.Its major contributions were to add kinematic motion

constraints to each pixel,and to combine motion segmentation with estimation in expectation maximization(EM)

computation. In Bregler’s work31 ,each pixel was represented by its optical flow.These flow vectors were grouped

into blobs having coherent motion and characterized by a mixture of multivariate Gaussians.Optical flow methods 32

used to detect moving objects even in the presence of camera motion.Most optical flow computation methods are

IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22879

computationally complex and very sensitive to noise, and cannot be applied to video streams in real-time without

specialized hardware.

2.2.3.Temporal Differencing

Temporal differencing2-3,33-36 use pixel-wise difference between two or three consecutive frames in an image

sequence to extract moving regions.Temporal differencing is adaptive to dynamic environments,but generally does a

poor job of extracting the entire relevant feature pixels,e.g.,possibly generating holes inside moving entities.Lipton

et.al3 detected moving objects using temporal differencing in real video streams.VSAM2 has successfully developed

a hybrid algorithm for motion segmentation by combining an adaptive background subtraction algorithm with a three

frame differencing technique.The hybrid algorithm is very fast and surprisingly effective for detecting moving objects

in image sequence.

3.Object Classification Methods

Different moving regions are corresponding to various moving objects in real world image sequences.The desired

moving object region is should be separated from the other moving object region because further activities like

tracking and activity recognization is depends on it, it is necessary to correctly distinguish them from other moving

objects.The purpose of moving object classification2-8,37,is to precisely extract the region corresponding to people

from all moving blobs obtainted by the motion segmentation methods.Common geometric or topological properties

used include height/width ratio,fill ratio,perimeter,area,compactness,convex hull,and histogram projection.Some of

the object classification methods are discussed here.

3.1.Shape-based classification

The shape information of motion regions like point,box,silhouette and blob are used to classify moving objects.

Shape based classification is particularly useful in certain transit systems where certain parts of the objects are

visible.In buses and trains,objects will be partially occluded most of the time, in this situation, the head8 will be a

salient feature in the scene.Lin et.al38 proposed a shape based approach to detect human.This approach is the key idea

to detect humans and estimate their poses by matching template.One major disadvantage of the shape-based method

is that it cannot capture the internal motion of the object in the silhouette region.

Collins et.al2,classified moving object blobs into four classes such as single human,vehicles, human groups and

clutter, using a viewpoint-specific three layer neural network classifier.Classification was performed on each blob at

every frame,and the results of classification were kept in histogram.

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3.2 Motion-based classification

This classification method is based on object motion characteristics and patterns. Motion can be used to recognize

―types‖ of human movements such as walking,running or skipping as well as human identification.Gait-based

methods 39 are used to identify human at a distance location.Bobick 40 developed a view-based approach for the

recognition of human movements by constructing a vector image template comprising two temporal projection

operators:binary motion-energy image and motion-history image.Cutler et.al41 presented a self-similarity-based time-

frequency technology to detect and analyze periodic motion for human classification. Efros et.al42 characterized the

human motion within a spatio-temporal volume by a descriptor,which was based on computing the optical flow,

projecting the motion onto a number of motion channels and blurring with gaussian recognition was performed in a

nearest neighbour framework.

3.3 Texture-based classification

Local binary pattern(LBP) is a texture-based method that quantifies intensity patterns in the neighbourhood of the

pixel43.Zhang et.al44 proposed the multi-block local binary pattern to encode intensities of the rectangular regions by

LBP. HOG45 introduced another texture-based method which uses high-dimensional features based on edges and then

applies SVM to detect human body regions.Zhu 46 applied the HOG descriptors in combination with the cascade

of rejecters algorithm and introduced blocks that vary in size, location and aspect ratio.Moctezuma 47 proposed

HOG with Gabor filter and showed improved performances in both person counting and identification.A

comparison12 among object classification methods are listed in this table 1.

Table 1: object classification methods.

Sl.No Method Accuracy Computational time

1 Shape-based classification Moderate Low
2 Motion-based classification Moderate High
3 Texture-based classification High High

4. Conclusion

Detecting an object accurately in a surveillance video is one of the major research areas in computer vision due to its

wide range of applications. It is very challenging one, to process the image obtained from a surveillance video due to

the following reasons low resolution, illumination variation, dynamic objects in the background, small changes in the

background like waving of leaves. We have presented an overview of recent developments in object detection

methods. The detection process occurs in background modeling, object detection, object classification. In this paper,

IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22881

all available object detection techniques are categorized into background subtraction, optical flow and spatio-

temporal filter methods and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the methods applied in various types of

dataset. The object classification techniques are categorized into shape-based, motion-based and texture based

methods. The state-of-the-art of existing methods in each key issue is discussed and made to point the future work

needed to improve the object detection process in surveillance videos.


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IJPT| Dec-2016 | Vol. 8 | Issue No.4 | 22875-22885 Page 22885

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