974-1639460245652-Interim Report Template - CS6P05ES

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CS6P05ES Project

Interim Report

Your Project Title Goes Here

Name: Your Name Goes Here

ID Number: Your ID Number Goes Here

Date: Wednesday, 05 July 2023

First Supervisor: Your Supervisor’s Name Goes Here

Second Supervisor: Your Second Marker’s Name Goes Here

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

Module: CS6P05ES Deadline: 02/06/2022

Module Leader: Prof. Ruvan Abeysekara Student ID:


You are reminded that there exist regulations concerning plagiarism. Extracts from
these regulations are printed below. Please sign below to say that you have read and
understand these extracts:

(signature:)______________________ Date:

This header sheet should be attached to the work you submit. No work will be
accepted without it.
Extracts from University Regulations on Cheating, Plagiarism and Collusion
Section 2.3: "The following broad types of offence can be identified and are provided as indicative
(i) Cheating: including taking unauthorised material into an examination; consulting unauthorised
material outside the examination hall during the examination; obtaining an unseen examination
paper in advance of the examination; copying from another examinee; using an unauthorised
calculator during the examination or storing unauthorised material in the memory of a
programmable calculator which is taken into the examination; copying coursework.
(ii) Falsifying data in experimental results.
(iii) Personation, where a substitute takes an examination or test on behalf of the candidate. Both
candidate and substitute may be guilty of an offence under these Regulations.
(iv) Bribery or attempted bribery of a person thought to have some influence on the candidate's
(v) Collusion to present joint work as the work solely of one individual.
(vi) Plagiarism, where the work or ideas of another are presented as the candidate's own.
(vii) Other conduct calculated to secure an advantage on assessment.
(viii) Assisting in any of the above.

Some notes on what this means for students:

1. Copying another student's work is an offence, whether from a copy on paper or from a computer
file, and in whatever form the intellectual property being copied takes, including text,
mathematical notation and computer programs.
2. Taking extracts from published sources without attribution is an offence. To quote ideas,
sometimes using extracts, is generally to be encouraged. Quoting ideas is achieved by stating an
author's argument and attributing it, perhaps by quoting, immediately in the text, his or her name
and year of publication, e.g. "e = mc (Einstein 1905)". A references section at the end of your
work should then list all such references in alphabetical order of authors' surnames. (There are
variations on this referencing system which your tutors may prefer you to use.) If you wish to
quote a paragraph or so from published work then indent the quotation on both left and right
margins, using an italic font where practicable, and introduce the quotation with an attribution.

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

Submission Information for Students

 Submit as a PDF file.

 Submit BOTH the Formal and Second submissions

 The report is a formal document and should be written in formal


 Write for someone who is technically proficient but not necessarily

familiar with your particular project

 Do not use ‘possessive words’ such as I, me, my, we… in reports

 Your report should cover everything as detailed in this template. You

should delete the guidance notes before submission

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

You can also call this the Summary if you wish.

Although it appears first, it is probably the last section to be written. By

reading just the abstract, the reader should get a good sense of what the report says

but in about half a page.

This document contains fields. To update the fields, select all (CNTL+A),

then press F9. Word will ask if you wish to update the whole table of contents or just

the page numbers- select whole table.

Finally, don’t forget to delete all my hints in italics before submission

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here


Submission Information for Students................................................................2



1. Introduction....................................................................................................5

1.1 Subheadings should be ‘heading 2’ style and numbered as here.........5

2. Background....................................................................................................6

3. Work Completed............................................................................................7

4. Further Work..................................................................................................8

5. Progress Review.............................................................................................9

6. References....................................................................................................10

7. Bibliography.................................................................................................11

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

1. Introduction
This section introduces both the subject of the report- that is the project you

are doing and writing about in this report- and the structure of the remainder of the


Staff will look for:

Clarity with which the subject is introduced

Does this correspond with what was agreed?

How well you have introduced the structure

1.1 Subheadings should be ‘heading 2’ style and numbered as here

To include subheadings in the table of contents, the last thing you need to do

is select all (CNTL+A) and update fields F9. If you don’t need this subheading,

delete it.

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

2. Background
In order to convince the reader that any conclusions drawn and

recommendations made at the end of the final report are valid, you need to show that

you have a good understanding of the area in which you are working and are fully

aware of any other working that has been done in related fields. You do that by

presenting a summary of that work in this section. You do not need to copy out great

chunks of other’s work, or spend a long time in reviewing this. This is the section

where references will be most plentifully employed, both to demonstrate the level of

reading you have undertaken and to save space. Rather than setting out other’s work

in detail in this section, you can summarise it briefly, and include a reference to the

original which the reader can look at if necessary.

Staff will look for:

How efficiently you have presented the information, using references rather

than writing out lots of text.

Quality of background work presented

Completeness of coverage

Level of understanding displayed

Level of consideration of any wider contextual issues

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

3. Work Completed
The title of this and subsequent sections can be changed if you wish, to

something more appropriate. This section should focus on the work you have already

completed towards your project. Remember this should show a logical and structured

approach to producing what you can argue is the best solution to the problem


Staff will look for:

Logical flow to work presented

Rigorous and formally correct approach to the work

Presentation matches with work done as seen in supervision meetings

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

4. Further Work
This section should detail the work you still have to do.

Staff will look for:

Full and realistic presentation of work still to do

Evidence of thought given to amount of work remaining

Reference to project plan and revision of project plan if required

A level of confidence that you will be able to complete the project on time

based on what is presented

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

5. Progress Review
This section is probably the most important in the interim report. You review

what you have done so far and what you still have to do, and make an honest

assessment of whether you are on target to finish by the end of the project. You

should also review your project plan and see if that’s still correct, updating it if not.

If you are on target, or ahead of schedule, this is good. If you are behind,

you need to analyse why you are behind, and most importantly what you are going to

do to get yourself back on target. In this section you will not lose marks for saying

you are behind, or that there are problems, but you will lose marks if you present an

inaccurate review saying everything’s fine, when it evidently is not.

Staff will look for:

A realistic assessment of your current position compared to your project plan

A sensible revision of your plan if you are behind schedule

An explanation of why you are behind if this is the case

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

6. References
Cited references only in this section. Use either Harvard or IEEE referencing

and be consistent.

Your Project Title Goes Here.
Your Name Goes Here

7. Bibliography
Other sources but not cited in the text


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