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‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬ ‫املديرية العامة للتعليم‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫املاةة‪ :‬اللغة إلانجليزية‬

‫املستوى‪ :‬السنة لاولى ثانوي‬

‫الشعبة‪:‬جذع مشترك آةاب‬

‫جوان ‪0202‬‬

‫‪0‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


‫وسعيا من وزارة التربية الوطنية لضمان تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية في ظل الظروف الاستثنائية (كوفيد‪ )11‬تضع مديرية التعليم الثانوي‬ ‫تحضيرا للموسم الدراس ي‪ 2021‬ـ ‪َ ،2022‬‬
‫العام والتكنولوجي بالتنسيق مع املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية بين أيدي السيدات والسادة املفتشين وألاساتذة التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‪ ،‬املعدلة بصفة استثنائية بما‬
‫يتماش ى والحجم الزمني املتاح‪.‬‬
‫يشكل التخطيط لتنفيذ املناهج التعليمية عامال مؤثرا في تحقيق أهداف العملية التعليمية ‪/‬التعلمية و تنمية كفاءات املتعلمين‪ ،‬يرتبط هذا التخطيط بعامل الوقت الذي‬
‫يجب أن ينظر إليه كمورد من املوارد املتاحة التي ينبغي استثمارها بالشكل ألامثل‪ ،‬تشكل التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات أداة بيداغوجية أساسية توضح كيفية تنفيذ املناهج‬
‫التعليمية بحيث‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬تراعي التوافق بين حجم التعلمات والزمن البيداغوجي املتاح‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضبط السير املنهجي للتعلمات بما يكفل تنصيب الكفاءات املستهدفة في املناهج التعليمية‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضمن بناء املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة بأقل ألامثلة والتمثيالت املوصلة إلى الكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تضمن تناول املضامين وإرساء املوارد مع مراعاة وتيرة التعلم وقدرات املتعلم واستقالليته‪،‬‬
‫‪ ‬تقترح فترات للتقويم املرحلي للكفاءة بما يضمن الانسجام بين سيرورة التعلمات وعملية تقويمها وتنمية قدرة املتعلم على إدماج املوارد وحل املشكالت‪،‬‬
‫من هذا املنطلق نطلب من جميع ألاساتذة قراءة وفهم مبادئ وأهداف وآليات هذا التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية والتنسيق فيما بينهم بالنسبة لكل مادة وفي كل‬
‫ثانوية من أجل وضعها حيز التنفيذ‪ ،‬كما نطلب من املفتشين مرافقة ألاساتذة ودعمهم بتقديم التوضيح الالزم‪.‬‬

‫‪1‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫مباةئ وأهداف التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية‬

‫لاهداف‬ ‫املباةئ لاساسية‬

‫تنصيب لدى املتعلم الكفاءات املسطرة في املناهج التعليمية؛‬ ‫املحافظة على الكفاءات كمبدأ منظم؛‬
‫تمدرس ناجع للتالميذ يسمح بإرساء التعلمات ألاساسية املستهدفة في املناهج‬ ‫املحافظة على املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة؛‬
‫املحافظة على تقويم القدرة على إلادماج لدى املتعلم من خالل وضعيات مشكلة مركبة التعليمية؛‬
‫تزويد املتعلم باألسس العلمية الضرورية ملتابعة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى‬ ‫تستهدف التقويم املرحلي للكفاءات؛‬

‫آلاليات البيداغوجية واملنهجية للتعديل البيداغوجي‬

‫آليات التعديل البيداغوجي‬
‫الجانب البيداغوجي‬ ‫الجانب املنهجي‬
‫ب‪-‬املمارسات البيداغوجية‪:‬‬ ‫أ‪ -‬املوارة املعرفية والنشاطات‪:‬‬ ‫تحديد مالمح التخرج والكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫توزيع التعلمات على ‪ 22‬أسبوعا دون احتساب أسابيع تحديد الحد الالزم من املوارد الضروري لبناء الكفاءة منهجية استغالل الوثائق (استغاللها ضمن مسعى لحل‬
‫مشكل)‪،‬‬ ‫املهيكلة)‪،‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫(املوارد‬ ‫التقويم‪،‬‬
‫استغالل الحد ألادنى من الوثائق‪ ،‬السندات بناء بطاقات منهجية‪ ،‬تقدم للمتعلم‪ ،‬توضح منهجية‬ ‫ضبط التقويم املرحلي للكفاءة؛‬
‫استغالل مختلف أنماط الوثائق (جداول‪ ،‬منحنيات‪،‬‬ ‫وضع مخطط زمني يسمح بمتابعة مدى تنفيذ املناهج والنشاطات لبناء املوارد‪،‬‬
‫نصوص‪ ،‬أعمدة بيانية‪ ،‬خرائط‪،)...‬‬ ‫الدمج بين النشاطات في إطار حل املشكل‪،‬‬ ‫التعليمية‪.‬‬
‫إدراج ضمن التقويم النشاطات التي تستهدف البناء مرافقة املتعلم أثناء إنجازه للمهمات بتقديم تعليمات‬
‫تيسر الحل‪،‬‬ ‫التحصيلي للتعلمات‪،‬‬

‫‪2‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Level: Secondary Education Year One (SE1)

Stream: Literary stream
Time devoted: 3 hours/ week

At the end of SE1, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages / texts of descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and
prescriptive types of about 120 words using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Getting Through Intercultural Exchanges 6 weeks / 18 hours
2. Once Upon a Time Famous People 5 weeks / 15 hours
3. Our Findings Show Communication –The Press 5 weeks / 15 hours
4. Back to nature Environment, Pollution and The World of Animal 5 weeks / 15 hours
5. Eureka Innovation and Technology 5 weeks / 15 hours

3 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


Due to the COVID19 pandemic repercussions on both teaching and pedagogical performance, the Ministry of
National Education deemed necessary to issue these revised learning progressions as a tool to alleviate the effects of the
disease on learners. In this perspective, the present document intends to facilitate the understanding and the
implementation of the curricula. These progressions also allow the achievement of coherence with the pedagogical
plan. For this, practitioners (Inspectors, teachers…) are requested to get an insight into the underlying principles of
these progressions and put them into practice.

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.

- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites
through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

- Assessment should occur at regular intervals during the sequence and at the end of the sequence in addition to
designated exam periods.

- After 2/3 weeks of teaching, learners will be able to mobilize their resources and reinvest them in a problem-
solving situation.

4 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Unit and Content to be dealt with at home

Term Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
Theme (online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 1 : with a situation
Write an email, where they
Getting notes, an Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. mobilize and
Through. application letter reinvest what has
and a résumé. SWBA To: SWBA To: been learned in the
* Name the main parts of any communication * write about means of intercultural unit (oral or 6
Intercultural device. exchanges (computer, internet, written) weeks
Exchanges telephone…) eg: compare 18
* give sequenced instructions between two means hours
* write formal / informal letters / of communication,
* talk about means of intercultural exchanges
messages accordingly. express their
(computer, internet, telephone…)
*manipulate some common means of intercultural * making comparisons
First Term

* write a reply to an email
* differentiate between formal and informal letters
/ messages.
*state point of view and justify it
*express obligation, prohibition, absence of
*express purpose.
*Express preferences
* read and interpret an email
* describe regular activities

5 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Resources: Resources:
*The imperative: to give instructions * Comparatives of adjectives and
adverbs: less/ more + adj + than.
*Sequencers: First, …. Next…
*Prepositions of time and place: in,
*Modals: on, at (practice)
need to/needn’t, have to/ don’t have to,
must/mustn’t. *Frequency adverbs: (practice)

*Express purpose: in order to, so as to , to

*Frequency adverbs: always, often, rarely…

*Degree adverbs :
very , quite …

* I prefer… …, / I prefer…. rather than….

*Correlative conjunctions :
Neither ….nor / either ….or / both ….and …

Lexis related to:

* computing and messages

*Stress in two-syllable words

Project : Example: Making a job application booklet (CV, application letter, a letter of reference ).

6 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
(online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 2 : with a situation
Write a personal
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Once Upon narrative / a short SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
a Time story/ a folktale *listen and respond to a tale *write a short book / film review of reinvest what has
*study the techniques of a short book review your choice. been learned in the
and express literary preferences unit (oral or 5
Famous People written) weeks
* discuss the importance of a blurb eg: write about the 15
works of famous hours
* read and interpret a literary portrait literary figures
First Term

or : write the
*describe people’s physical appearance and summary of a short
personality features story

*write the beginning and the middle of a short *imagine an end to the same story
story following a set of guidelines

*Past simple and past continuous using
“when”, “while”

*Relative pronouns “who”, “which”

- Use adjectives to describe people
Pronunciation of the final ‘ed’
Example: Design a booklet of folktales of your own culture
Project :
Or: write a short story / a poem

7 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home (online,

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 3 : with a situation
- Conduct surveys Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Our Findings SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Show… * talk about means of * write about means of communication
reinvest what has
- Conduct an been learned in the
communication(TV, newspapers, (TV, newspapers, magazines …)
interview magazines …) unit (oral or 5
Communication written) weeks
* prepare a questionnaire * write a questionnaire
The Press eg: write a 15
* read and interpret reports, newspaper * report what people say using newspaper article hours
articles and graphs summarizing verbs reporting an event
Second Term

* identify the main phases of a survey

*write a report / an article
* making requests /suggestions /

Resources: Resources:
*Direct & indirect speech: reporting *formation of :
questions and statements in the present - adjectives using suffixes: ful /less
simple tense, modals.
* Direct & indirect speech: reporting
*Reporting verbs: said, told, wondered,
questions and statements in the present
asked, answered, replied…
simple tense, modals (consolidation)
Lexis related to the theme
Phonology: * summarizing verbs: advise, order, admit,
*Stress shift from noun to adjective recognize…

*Pronunciation of final ‘s’

Example: Conducting a survey

Project :

8 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
(online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 4 : with a situation
Write a memo
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Back To Nature SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Suggest solutions * talk about: * write about: reinvest what has
to an - different climates. - causes and effects of global been learned in the
Environment, environmental - natural and man-made disasters. warming. unit (oral or 5
Pollution and the issue - causes and effects of global warming. - recycling / renewable energies written) weeks
World of - recycling and renewable energies eg: write a 15
Animals *write an expository paragraph about paragraph giving hours
*write SOS messages. one type of pollution your opinion on
renewable energies.
*Express opinion (agreeing and disagreeing,
Second Term

arguing for and against) Or write an advert

*read and/interpret an advert promoting the three
Rs (reuse, reduce,
*making suppositions recycle)

Resources: Resources:
* If conditional (type 0 / 1 / 2) *Quantifiers : some , a little of, most
of , all of , half of , few
*Express cause / effect relationship using as
a result, so, consequently
*Express opinion: I think… Forming adjectives using suffixes:
How do you feel about…? al, ic , ical…
I agree/ I disagree… Forming opposites using negative
Lexis related to : prefixes
- pollution, natural disasters and climate
*Stress in words ending in ‘ tion’, ‘ssion’

Example: Design a rubbish collection guide in the form of a leaflet.

Project :
Or realize a cleaning campaign poster.

9 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
(online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 5 : with a situation
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Eureka ! SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Identify problems *talk about: *write about: reinvest what has
related to - inventions, discoveries and developments in the evolution of an invention been learned in the
Innovation technology technology (the evolution of an invention) unit (oral or 5
and - the development of telecommunications written) weeks
Technology * Write the biography of a scientist eg: write a short 15
Give an opinion * state/identify advantages and drawbacks of letter of opinion hours
Third Term

on the impact some inventions taking side for or

of technology * take sides in a debate against the use of a
*read and interpret an opinion letter device
Resources: Resources: or: write a
* Express concession: “ however”, “although” * Use definite and indefinite articles summary of a long
*Express result: so + adj + that biography.
*I think… First, …
Second reason, … In addition, …

*Lexis related to : telecommunication

Project : Example: Making an invention profile

10 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫املفتشية العامة للتربية الوطنية‬ ‫املديرية العامة للتعليم‬
‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

‫املاةة‪ :‬اللغة إلانجليزية‬

‫املستوى‪ :‬السنة لاولى ثانوي‬

‫الشعبة‪:‬جذع مشترك علوم و تكنولوجيا‬

‫جوان ‪0202‬‬

‫‪11‬‬ ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Level: Secondary Education Year One (SE1)

Stream: Scientific and Technological Stream
Time devoted: 2 hours/ week

At the end of SE1, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages / texts of descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository and
prescriptive types of about 120 words using written or oral support.

Unit Theme / Topic Time

1. Getting Through Intercultural Exchanges 7 weeks / 14 hours
2. Our Findings Show Communication –The Press 7 weeks / 14 hours
3. Back to nature Environment, Pollution and The World of Animal 6 weeks / 12 hours
4. Eureka Innovation and Technology 6 weeks / 12 hours

12 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬


Due to the COVID19 pandemic repercussions on both teaching and pedagogical performance, the Ministry of
National Education deemed necessary to issue these revised learning progressions as a tool to alleviate the effects of the
disease on learners. In this perspective, the present document intends to facilitate the understanding and the
implementation of the curricula. These progressions also allow the achievement of coherence with the pedagogical
plan. For this, practitioners (Inspectors, teachers…) are requested to get an insight into the underlying principles of
these progressions and put them into practice.

Guidelines for implementation:

- The items in bold refer to pre-requisites.

- At the beginning of each unit, teachers are requested to check the level of assimilation of the pre-requisites
through a diagnostic test and regulate their teaching accordingly.

- Assessment should occur at regular intervals during the sequence and at the end of the sequence in addition to
designated exam periods.

- After 2/3 weeks of teaching, learners will be able to mobilize their resources and reinvest them in a problem-
solving situation.

13 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Unit and Content to be dealt with at home

Term Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
Theme (online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 1 : with a situation
Write an email, where they
Getting notes, an Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. mobilize and
Through. application letter reinvest what has
and a résumé. SWBA To: SWBA To: been learned in the
* Name the main parts of any communication * write about means of intercultural unit (oral or 7
Intercultural device. exchanges (computer, internet, written) weeks
Exchanges telephone…) eg: compare 14
* give sequenced instructions between two means hours
* write formal / informal letters / of communication,
* talk about means of intercultural exchanges
messages accordingly. express their
(computer, internet, telephone…)
*manipulate some common means of intercultural * making comparisons
First Term

* write a reply to an email
* differentiate between formal and informal
letters / messages.
*state point of view and justify it
*express obligation, prohibition, absence of
*express purpose.
*Express preferences
* read and interpret an email
* describe regular activities

14 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Resources: Resources:
*The imperative: to give instructions * Comparatives of adjectives and
adverbs: less/ more + adj + than.
*Sequencers: First,…. Next…
*Prepositions of time and place: in,
*Modals: on, at (practice)
need to/needn’t, have to/ don’t have to,
must/mustn’t. *Frequency adverbs: (practice)

*Express purpose: in order to, so as to , to

*Frequency adverbs: always, often, rarely…

*Degree adverbs :
very , quite …

* I prefer… …, / I prefer…. rather than….

*Correlative conjunctions :
Neither ….nor / either ….or / both ….and …

Lexis related to:

* computing and messages

Project : Example: Making a job application booklet (CV, application letter, a letter of reference ).

15 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home (online,

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
First Term

Unit 2 : with a situation

- Conduct surveys Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Our Findings SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Show… * talk about means of reinvest what has
* write about means of communication
- Conduct an been learned in the
communication(TV, newspapers, (TV, newspapers, magazines …)
interview magazines …) unit (oral or 7
Communication written) weeks
* prepare a questionnaire * write a questionnaire
The Press eg: write a 14
* read and interpret reports, newspaper * report what people say using newspaper article hours
articles and graphs summarizing verbs reporting an event
* identify the main phases of a survey
*write a report / an article
* making requests /suggestions /

Resources: Resources:
*Direct & indirect speech: reporting *formation of :
questions and statements in the present - adjectives using suffixes: ful /less
simple tense, modals.
Second Term

* Direct & indirect speech: reporting

*Reporting verbs: said, told, wondered,
questions and statements in the present
asked, answered, replied…
simple tense, modals (consolidation)
Lexis related to the theme
* summarizing verbs: advise, order, admit,
Phonology: recognize…
*Pronunciation of final ‘s’

Project : Example: Conducting a survey

16 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
(online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 3 : with a situation
Write a memo Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Back To Nature SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Suggest solutions * talk about: * write about: reinvest what has
to an - different climates. - causes and effects of global been learned in the
Environment, environmental - natural and man-made disasters. warming. unit (oral or 6
Pollution and the issue - causes and effects of global warming. - recycling / renewable energies written) weeks
World of - recycling and renewable energies eg: write a 12
Animals *write an expository paragraph about paragraph giving hours
*write SOS messages. one type of pollution your opinion on
renewable energies.
Second Term

*Express opinion (agreeing and disagreeing,

arguing for and against) Or write an advert
promoting the three
*read and/interpret an advert
Rs (reuse, reduce,
*making suppositions recycle)

Resources: Resources:
* If conditional (type 0 / 1 / 2) *Quantifiers : some , a little of, most
of , all of , half of , few
*Express cause / effect relationship using as
a result, so, consequently
*Express opinion: I think… Forming adjectives using suffixes:
How do you feel about…? al, ic , ical…
I agree/ I disagree… Forming opposites using negative
Lexis related to :
- pollution, natural disasters and climate

Example: Design a rubbish collection guide in the form of a leaflet.

Project :
Or realize a cleaning campaign poster.

17 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫التدرجات السنوية وآليات تنفيذها‬

Content to be dealt with at home

Term Unit and Theme Project Outcomes Content to be taught in class Assessment Time
(online, email, handouts, etc.)
Targeted Competency: Targeted Competency:
Interacting Interpreting Producing Interpreting Producing Provide students
Unit 4 : with a situation
Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. where they
Eureka ! SWBA To: SWBA To: mobilize and
Identify problems *talk about: *write about: reinvest what has
related to - inventions, discoveries and developments in the evolution of an invention been learned in the
Innovation technology technology (the evolution of an invention) unit (oral or 6
and - the development of telecommunications written) weeks
Technology * Write the biography of a scientist eg: write a short 12
Give an opinion * state/identify advantages and drawbacks of letter of opinion hours
Third Term

on the impact some inventions taking side for or

of technology * take sides in a debate against the use of a
*read and interpret an opinion letter device
Resources: Resources: or: write a
* Express concession: “ however”, “although” * Use definite and indefinite articles summary of a long
*Express result: so + adj + that biography.
*I think… First, …
Second reason, … In addition, …

*Lexis related to : telecommunication

Project : Example: Making an invention profile

18 ‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

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