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everyone knows that reading is important

but have you ever asked yourself why is

that so

reading is one of the most beneficial

and practical activities that a human

being can do

unfortunately it is a disappointment

that people these days really bless as

we know

books were the main source of

entertainment centuries ago but with a

wide spread of technological advances

such as the cinema television internet

among others many people left their

books on the bookshelf

good day everyone this is levin our

papriyaga i'll be sharing with you some

tips and strategies in literacy

instruction that can be used for

struggling readers especially now in a

remote learning setup

here's a fact

among 79 participating countries and

economies the philippines scored the


lowest in reading comprehension in the

2018 program for international student

assessment or pisa

psi is a worldwide study by the

organization for economic cooperation

and development that examines students

knowledge in reading mathematics and


what could be the problem

why are filipino learners lagging behind

in reading comprehension scores

we can determine the possible solutions

for this problem by analyzing our



opportunities and threats

but before that

let me share with you a short story


we are all different


i have a straight hair

i have wavy hair

i have curly hair


i have afro hair


i have light skin

i have dark skin

i have a birthmark

i have freckles

i live with my two dads

i live with my grandpa

i live with my mom

i live with my mom and dad


i have a cat

i have a goat fish

i have a tortoise

i have an ant farm


i have two big brothers


i have no brothers or sisters

i have a twin

i have a little sister

i speak portuguese


i speak ben kelly


i use sign language


i speak swally

i like bananas

i like apples

i like grapes

i like strawberries

i do ballet

i play football


i play basketball

i do gymnastics


i like writing

i like music

i like art

i like maths


i like

green i like pink

i like rainbow colors

i like black

i like sunshine

i like rain

i like wind

i like snow

we are all different

we are all fans

the story will help to promote the

beauty of diversity and celebrate

differences it will help children to

talk about themselves and others

positively and respectfully as you

noticed the book looks at different hair

types and families as well as likes and



reading this story could help introduce

children to different disabilities

makes children more aware of their


and highlight diversity as an important

element in the society

overall the story will help children

promote learning environments that are

more inclusive and kind

stories help children with their social

emotional development

through pictures and graphics children

also develop their creativity and


above all it enhances children's

language development

from the story heard earlier we were

exposed to the characteristics of

diverse learners that may be present in

the learning environment

regardless of their age gender

socio-economic status

every learner deserves to achieve


literacy which is defined as the ability

to read and write is crucial for the

realization of individuals potential

increased empowerment and economic

social and political participation

literacy is a universal right not a


teaching reading may be already

difficult before the pandemic wreaked

havoc on the education system

due to limited face-to-face interaction


challenges in literary instruction


the abrupt shift to modular online and

blended learning modalities all together

shocked teachers parents and learners

who are not skilled and technologically

equipped to handle these new approaches

in education

teachers who found it hard to teach

lessons in a normal face-to-face setup

due to challenges like large class size

insufficient learning materials and

unconducive learning environments

found it harder to transfer learning in

a remote setup where they could not

monitor properly learning gaps and


parents may feel stressed due to being

out of work or working from home

and juggling the roles of guiding

children with their lessons and other

parental responsibilities

on the other hand learners struggle with

the routines with which they are stuck


at home resulting in them being anxious

withdrawing angry and needy for love and


across the globe learners have been away

from schools and their teachers but of

course literacy instruction must


the comforting prospect during this

situation where learners are required to

stay at home is the increased time that

may be allotted for reading

after completing modules or attending

online classes learners may engage in

various reading exercises

as the learning at home body

parents may assist their children in

choosing the right kind and amount of

reading exercises

time spent reading together may also be

a form of bonding between parents and

their children

there are numerous resources for

literacy instruction available online

there is no need to buy expensive


materials just to learn how to read


learners may lack interest in reading

they may choose to engage in playing

online games or watching non-educational

television shows

parents may have limited or no time in

guiding their children in learning how

to read because of their jobs or busy


parents may also consider it difficult

to find the right kind and amount of

resources for their children

the aforementioned strengths and

weaknesses may open opportunities to

enhance literacy instruction for

children thinking optimistically

the pandemic may spur innovation in some

online literacy programs

those that will help learners make

learning to read fun

a strong homeschool partnership must

also be fostered

parents will not be the actual teachers


at home

with the help of teachers parents will

just shepherd their children towards the

correct learning resources for literacy


to plan effective literacy programs

threats in its implementation must not

be overlooked

relying heavily on online resources

increases screen time

this leads to blurred vision eye strain

and long-term vision problems like


access to resources may also be

difficult for households with limited or

no access to the internet

when we think of reading issues we often

imagine children who struggle to decode

the letters in the text and turn them

into spoken language this type of

struggling reader has a very difficult

time figuring out what many of the words

are and has poor phonological skills

however there are also some learners who


sound like they are reading beautifully

but in reality they have difficulty with

understanding vocabulary and figurative



verbal reasoning grammatical development

and oral expression

as children get older if they are

decoding text well we assume that they

are really well

once a person learns the code reading

comprehension now becomes more about

language comprehension and focus

we must remember that at this transition

teachers may begin to notice that some

learners who decode texts fluently

but they are not understanding

since this type of struggling reader is

less noticeable than the ones who have

difficulty of decoding

teachers must be very careful

even then their issues may go undetected

for a long time

maybe resulting in some high school


students who sound like they are reading

but understand nothing that they have


strongly readers should be targeted for

limitation the earlier the better

have a struggling reader in your class

not too sure how to cater for his or her


here are some strategies to assist

learners with reading problems

first scaffold

set the bar too high and there's no


set the bar too low and it's belittling

learners need an appropriate challenge

that they can overcome with little


this doesn't necessarily mean that the

text needs to be different in every

reading session

perhaps they just need multiple reading

of the same text

maybe they need a partner to discuss the

language while they're reading


developing a reader's self-esteem is the

most important facet here

second be inclusive

it is crucial to encourage as much

success as possible when children are

learning to read

the teacher should take as many steps to

enable to the struggling reader to

participate in classroom discussions

about stories

how can we encourage this

allowing children to listen to the text

beforehand will increase their

familiarity with the text and give them

time to process the events in the story

independently and without pressure

this will enable the struggling reader

to respond to questions about the texts

alongside their peers


allow preparation of oral reading

oral reading is often a struggling

reader's greatest fear as it publicizes

his or her weakness


to enable learners to achieve success

allow time to practice until they are

confident to present it

next is explore children's interests

include a range of reading materials for

independent and guided reading

you may set up a virtual library where

learners can choose the reading material

they would like to explore

using environmental print is also


learners who are able to read a jollibee

sign walking down the street will often

find difficulty when presented with the

same word on a sheet of paper

giving individual words enables learners

to engage in more complex language than

what would be possible out of


one good practice is that learners could

take photos of words in the environment

and add them to a word wall

use shared reading

shared reading is a great method for


boosting the confidence of struggling


learners can join in when they are ready

to participate

this can be utilized even in online


multiple readings mean multiple

opportunities for success

target overall comprehension of language

recent research reveals that reading

comprehension difficulties may stem from

an underlying oral language weakness

that exists from early childhood before

reading is even taught

it turns out that learners who have poor

reading comprehension also often

understand fewer spoken words and less

of what they hear and have worse spoken


so to address reading comprehension

deficits effectively educators may have

to use an approach that teaches

vocabulary thinking skills and

comprehension first in spoken language


and then in reading and written language

teach vocabulary

because learners with poor comprehension

often have poor vocabulary skills and

understand less of what they hear it's

helpful to teach the meanings of new

words through the use of multi-sensory

strategies like graphic organizers

pictures and mnemonics

improving their overall language skills

increases the likelihood that they will

understand the words they encounter in

written text

since it is impossible to know every

word one might encounter learners should

be taught about the different types of

context clues and how to use them to

determine the meaning of unknown words

another strategy is to teach our

learners how to think

once learners have the vocabulary to be

able to make it through a text they

often struggle with the complex thinking

or sustained attention required to keep


up with all of the important details and

to access information that is implied

but not directly stated

teachers can instruct learners on

cognitive strategies that they can use


discussing or activating prior knowledge

developing questions while reading

connecting what they are reading to

another text something they have seen or

something they have experienced

visualizing or picturing what they are


making predictions about what will come

next in the text looking back for

keywords and rereading in order to

clarify or answer questions and thinking

aloud to model the strategies and

thought processes needed for


learners must know how to use the

strategies that work best for them

depending on the text they are reading

pulling deeper meaning out of text


through the use of thinking strategies

can be beneficial not just to reading

comprehension but also to writing

i know that you feel that everything i

said is just too much to handle

yes it is difficult

but literacy instruction during a remote

learning setup is possible

now let me guide you in setting up your

virtual library

you may be interested in using

educational content from youtube

youtube has about any video you could

think of from cooking videos to gameplay

walkthroughs and everything in between

since the creation of the website in


people are now uploading 500 hours of

footage every minute and the website is

generating over 1 billion views daily

youtube has opened up the tools for

education in many ways

teachers and learners both often use

youtube as an alternate form to teaching


and learning a lesson

you may want to check my channel for

instructional videos and reading using

the marunku approach



































three stars


you can also access storytelling videos


a class







leo the late bloomer

story by robert cross

pictures by jose aruwego


leia couldn't do anything right


he couldn't read


he couldn't write

he couldn't draw


he was a sloppy eater


and he never said a word


what's the mother with lei

asked leah's father


said leah's mother

leo is just late bloomer

better late than never

thought leia's father


every day leia's father watched him for

signs of blooming


and every night leia's father watched

him for signs of blooming


are you sure leo's a bloomer

asked leah's father


said leo's mother

a watched bloomer doesn't bloom

so leo's father watched television

instead of leo

the snows came


playa's father wasn't watching

but leo still wasn't blooming


the trees butted

leo's father wasn't watching

but leo still

wasn't blooming


then one day in his own good time

leo bloomed


he could read

he could write

he could draw

he ate neatly


he also spoke

and it wasn't just a word it was a whole


and that sentence was

i made it


you can also find some songs










show me a little love when you visit my

channel don't forget to subscribe and

hit the notification bell

i would also like to introduce you to

the online publishing house twinkle

twinkle provides instant access to a

complete range of teaching

planning and assessment materials to

support learning

this includes materials for primary

schools secondary schools parents and

home educators

as for now they have materials written

in english but they are soon releasing

materials written in filipino to reach

our learners more i promise you twinkle


saves teachers time we know that as a

teacher creating materials are quite


twinkle provides quality educational

materials that would fit classroom and

online learning needs for beginning

approaching proficiency and proficient


be sure to check twinkle's website to

explore lots of resources for literacy


you may choose to sign up for a free

account or a premium account

get updates you may also like and follow

twin girls official facebook page and

join its facebook group

remember to teach reading more

inclusively provide a balance of

resources to our learners

what can we do

modules and hard copies of materials may

be given to learners with limited or no

access to the internet also these

tangible materials will help reduce the


screen time of our learners

the low comprehension scores of filipino

learners in international reading

assessments is a challenge for all of us


let us not grow tired of helping our

learners attain maximum proficiency and


reading is the gateway for children that

makes all other learning possible

be a hero

be a reading teacher

once again this is levin arpabriaga

thank you for listening


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