Piekarczuk - Numerical Investigation Into Plastic Hinge Formation in Arched Corrugated

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Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

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Full length article

Numerical investigation into plastic hinge formation in arched corrugated MARK

thin-walled profiles

Artur Piekarczuka, , Przemysław Więcha, Krzysztof Malowanyb
Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, 1 Filtrowa St., 00-611 Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, Warsaw University of Technology, 8 Św. A. Boboli St., 02-525 Warsaw, Poland


Keywords: The paper concerns thin-walled corrugated steel profiles used as arched roofing in architectural structures.
Numerical analysis Corrugation formed on the profile surface when the profiles are shaped affects their rigidity and load capacity.
Thin-wall components The complicated geometry of a profile surface prevents the creation of an analytical description based on the thin
Fourier transform film theory. A loss of stability in this kind of profile is related to the formation of local instabilities in the early
Critical force
stage of local plastic mechanisms development. To that end, it is more relevant to identify the lower limit of load
Corrugated steel profiles
capacity to estimate the overall load capacity of the profile. The results obtained by the numerical calculations
demand a thorough analysis of the map of strain, which is difficult because there are no clear quantitative
criteria describing the beginning of plasticisation formation. The paper presents a method of analysing the
results of numerical calculations based on the identification of a perturbation component of displacement in
selected points of the profile. The method is based on a discrete Fourier transform and allows the establishment
of an estimation criterion for the lower limit of a profile's load capacity.

1. Introduction covers of formed steel sheets was based on computational methods

developed by each designer on their own, using simple rod models,
Profiled steel sheets in an arc shape are used as roof covers in which did not take into consideration the corrugated surfaces of a
architectural structures. They are cheap and quick to mount. Elements profile. Excess simplification often resulted in misevaluation of the load
of the roof covers are manufactured by cold-rolling using mobile rolling capacity and, consequently, in structural failures or even the collapse of
mills. The manufacturing process involves the shaping of a trapezoidal arc-shaped roofs. Some clarifications to the rod model were proposed in
profile from a 0.75–1.5 mm thick steel sheet (shape and dimensions as a study by Zaras et al. [2], where load capacity was evaluated by a non-
in Fig. 1a) followed by the curving of the previously made profile to linear model with an orthotrophy impact caused by crosswise corruga-
form a circular arc with a 6–30 m radius. This way, a single curved tion of the profile. This calculation method turned out to be effective in
profile with corrugated and wavy web surfaces is formed (Fig. 1b). terms of overall load capacity assessment but it did not consider local
Single profiles are combined by crimping free edges to form a effects. The paper by Norman et al. [3] describes a corrugated structure
continuous trapezoidal surface. An arc-shaped surface formed in this introducing some generalisations related to the orthotrophy of the
way and supported on its two extreme edges is a self-supporting elements and the relation between local and overall loss of stability, but
element, which does not require a supporting sub-structure. The the description applied to a single corrugated element cannot be
installation of a ready-made profile set as roofing on a building applied directly to an analysis of corrugated profiles.
construction is presented in Fig. 1c. The complicated geometry of the profiles of the analysed structures
A roof cover is exposed to environmental (snow, wind) and process is the major problem in identifying their load capacity and stability.
loads [1]. The design of an arc-shaped roof cover should meet the Following the formation of the required curve of the profiles, their
requirements of load capacity and serviceability. Unfortunately, nowa- surfaces become corrugated and wavy (Fig. 1b). Overpressing on the
days there are no uniform design methods for such elements, as web surface is quite regular, while the shape of the flange surface
reference standards do not cover profiles with corrugated surfaces. mainly depends on the arc-bending radius and thickness of the rolled
This kind of roof cover has become popular due to its low manufactur- sheet. The wide variety of sheet thickness and bending radius combina-
ing costs and quick installation. Previously, the dimensioning of roof tions translates to an inordinate amount of overpressing geometries,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: a.piekarczuk@itb.pl (A. Piekarczuk).

Received 14 March 2017; Received in revised form 16 May 2017; Accepted 27 May 2017
0263-8231/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 2. Tensile test results in terms of εeng and σeng.

Fig. 1. Tray section a) cross-section, b) surface c) arched roofing under construction [29].
2. Methodology
which makes it impossible for a uniform mathematical description to be
applied in practice for such a surface. 2.1. Material stress–strain relationship
The global buckling and local plastic mechanisms of thin-walled
elements has been the subject of numerous original studies [4–8], but it The strength characteristics of steel were identified through a series
is still difficult to develop a universal description of local instability for of laboratory tests on 30 samples of steel sheet with a nominal thickness
thin-walled profiles with corrugated surfaces. The problems of load- of 1.00 mm (actual thickness: 0.95 mm). A static tensile test performed
capacity and the rigidity of corrugated profiles have been mentioned in according to EN-ISO 6892-1 [13], method B, rendered the mean value
studies and experimental papers [9–12]. Based on these, it was of yield stress of Re = 366.3 MPa and tensile strength Rm = 383.6 MPa
concluded that strong non-linearity caused mainly by local instability, [9]. The strength characteristics in a static tensile test on steel may vary
as related to the profile's geometry, determines load capacity and, depending on the strain rate reached during the test. In the static tensile
consequently, the stability of the profiles. Papers [9,10] devoted to the test the strain rate was assumed to be 3•10−3 1/s. According to the
issue suggest that the process of local loss of stability begins in the paper by Kotełko [14], when material properties are identified in the
elastic-plastic range of the construction operation. Plasticisation is tensile test, a load rate within the range of (10−5–10−1) 1/s is classified
initiated in a load range, which is hard to identify but strongly depends as a static or quasi-static test. The results of the static tensile test are
on the geometry of the curved and corrugated surface of the profile. presented in Fig. 2.
That is why identification of the course of local plastic joints and, An elastic-plastic multi-linear material based on the test results was
consequently, the application of computational mechanisms resulting used for numerical calculations with ANSYS [15]. Based on the
from the theory of boundary load capacity of plates and coatings are parameters obtained in the tests, steel can be classified as S320 GD +
highly problematic. In a proprietary study [10], the authors made an AZ grade, according to EN 1993-1-3 [17]. The classification takes into
attempt to select a relevant model of profile geometry that would be consideration an uncertainty of measurement amounting to 2% of the
useful for an analysis of profile load capacity. The issue was analysed by measured value. Other material constants, such as Young's modulus (E)
subsequent iterations of the model's accuracy. Consequently, a separate and Poisson number (ν), were taken according to EN 1993-1-1 [18], and
geometry model was established, which correctly reflected the results amounted to E = 210 GPa and ν = 0.3 respectively. An isotropic
of studies but only did so in peak load values. It was decided that this hardening model was acquired for the numerical analysis [15]. The
was not sufficient for a detailed analysis of the mechanism of local model is suitable for analysis at high loads and assumes that stress
instability formation. With regard to the above, another study was equilibrium is achieved as a result of subsequent strain, as hardening
performed [9] which investigated the fitness of the proprietary model grows, while maintaining the plastic surface shape.
identified in paper [10], compared to the model obtained by 3D The model identifies the relationship between σtrue and εln variables
scanning. Finally, the concept of improving the proprietary model based on the following formulas:
was given up in favour of the geometry obtained by 3D scanning. ⎛l⎞ ⎛ l + ∆l ⎞ ⎛
l dl ∆l ⎞
Despite the application of numerical calculation methods to obtain εln = ∫l 0 l
= ln ⎜ ⎟ = ln ⎜ 0
⎝ l0 ⎠ ⎝ l0 ⎠
⎟ = ln ⎜1 +

⎟ = ln (1 + εeng )
l0 ⎠ (1)
the perfect geometry via 3D scanning, it is only possible to identify the
upper estimated limit of load capacity, which determines the final loss σtrue = σeng (1 + εeng ) (2)
of stability, while the lower limit of the range initiating the beginning of
plasticisation still remains unclear, and close to the load level at which where:
the plastic limit is reached. εln – relative logarithmic strain,
With regard to the above, the authors proposed a non-ambiguous σtrue – true stress,
criterion of identifying the lower limit of the state of development of σeng – engineering stress (test result),
local plastic mechanisms. This criterion is based on the share of the εeng – engineering strain (test result),
displacement perturbation component in a selected lengthwise section Δl – sample length gain [mm],
of a profile for which the Fourier transform was used to identify the l0 – initial sample length [mm].
value. A multi-linear material model adopted for numerical analysis is
presented in Fig. 3.

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 4. Scanning of the model.

Fig. 3. Multi-linear material model in terms of εln and σtrue.
known position of the measurement arm is used to determine the exact
2.2. Model geometry and boundary conditions position of the scanner in space; thus, a single measurement of the
profile geometry is located in a global coordinate system. By grabbing
The authors conducted their own enquiries regarding the fitness of multiple profiles of the measured object, a full three-dimensional
certain geometrical models to calculate profiles with different degrees geometry is obtained and represented as a point cloud.
of simplification. Paper [10] presents an analysis of three different The model is part of an arc with a bending radius of 18.0 m, and
models in order to compare the results of numerical calculations with 1.0 m long. All geometrical details of the actual construction were taken
the test results. The first model did not take the corrugation of the into account. Fig. 5 presents a view of the model implemented for
profile surface into account, contrary to the second which considered calculations.
the corrugation of both web and flanges, while the third incorporated The model support conditions are presented in Table 1 and Fig. 6.
waviness and corrugation in its calculations. The first two geometrical Free translation Y1 and rotation Rx1 of the top support as well as
models were rejected as irrelevant due to significant discrepancies with rotation Rx2 of the bottom support are acceptable. Any other degree of
the results of the studies. The third one was considered the most freedom of the supports is a constraint.
promising springboard for further work. The authors of paper [9] The top and bottom supports are executed in the ANSYS programme
continued to study the fitness of a geometrical model to analyse the by applying Remote Displacement – a rigid behaviour type of support
strain field in the area where a local loss of stability occurs in a profile. [15], which reflects a rigid object with releasing degrees of freedom.
To that end, the results of numerical calculations obtained using the The top (1) and bottom (2) supports are arranged in such a way that
model were compared with the results of the studies. Digital Image their coordinate systems overlap in the Y1 and Y2 direction (vertical
Correlation was additionally employed to identify the strain field. axis), with the central coordinate system (Y) situated at the center of
Further, the results of the numerical calculations were used in the gravity of the model. The rest of the axes (X1 and X2, and Z1 and Z2)
comparison. These acquired a geometrical model in the form of a 3D are parallel to axes X and Y respectively in the central coordinate
scan of the studied element. system.
The correlation of the results of calculations obtained after using our
own geometrical model with the study results was satisfactory for the 2.3. Selecting the finite elements shell
maximum load value, but some discrepancies were observed, which
related to the development of local plastic mechanisms and resulted Shell 281 [15], with a square function of an 8-node coating element
from geometrical imperfections in the studied sample. That is why with six degrees of freedom in each node (three displacements and
further works on the development of a proprietary model were three rotations), was used in the model. The element can be used for
abandoned and a geometry model obtained in 3D scanning was used analysing non-linear thin elements [21] when significant displacements
instead. Actual geometrical imperfections in the 3D scanned model and rotations occur. The parameters of the finite elements mesh were
were taken into consideration and, consequently, the results of calcula- optimised. It was assumed that a finite element net has an optimum
tions demonstrated very high compliance with the study results across distribution when the change in the results of calculations for the
the entire load range. With regard to the above, the scanned 3D model critical load at net change (concentration) does not exceed 5% [16].
was used in further numerical analyses, as it presented significant Table 2 presents the results of calculations in three subsequent steps.
advantages over other methods of determining the lower load capacity
The model geometry was obtained by 3D scanning (Fig. 4) of the
actual element. A three-dimensional geometry of a profile section was
measured with the use of a handheld scanner, Nikon ModelMaker
MMCx, mounted on a 7-axis articulated arm – Nikon MCAx [19]; the
measurement accuracy was ± 0.1 mm.
The scanner uses a triangulation principle to determine the shape of
an object [20]. Namely, a laser line is projected onto the measured
surface, and a camera records the position of the deformed image of the
line. The distance between the camera and laser projector, as well as the
triangulation angle (the angle between the axis of illumination and the
axis of observation) are previously determined by calibration of the
sensor. The data and actual position of the line are used to calculate the
distance between the measured profile of the object and the sensor. The
Fig. 5. View of the model, a) axonometry, b) side view, c) cross-section.

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Table 1
Model support conditions.

Top support (1) Bottom support (2)

X1 = 0 X2 = 0
Z1 = 0 Z2 = 0
Y1 ≠ 0 Y2 = 0
RX1 ≠ 0 RX2 ≠ 0
RY1 = 0 RX2 = 0;
RZ1 = 0 Rz2 = 0

Fig. 7. Displacement load of element.

used in the second step is sufficient but the net with the best
parameters, as obtained in step 3 of the iteration, was chosen for
further analysis.
The kinematic function with displacement in the Y1 direction (see
Table 1) was used in the calculations. The function was performed in 8
steps gaining between 1.0 mm and 8 mm, every 1.0 mm. As a result of
the displacement gain, reaction gains in the form of axial force R(δ) in
the Y2 direction (Fig. 7) could be observed. Non-linear calculations
used the Arc-Length [22,23] method, which helped to perform a non-
linear analysis in the local plastic mechanisms area, i.e. in the area
Fig. 6. Support conditions. where the curve describing the force-displacement relation dropped.

Table 2 3. Results
List of finite elements net selection.

Optimisation Critical No. of nodes No. of Element Aspect ratio 3.1. FEM model
force [kN] elements quality
Fig. 8 presents the results of calculations in the force – axial
1 33.154 129.944 43.425 0.949 1.178
displacement arrangement. Fig. 9 presents the substitute Huber-Mises
2 32.143 180.719 60.272 0.951 1.177
3 31.808 265.446 88.402 0.959 1.154 stress – axial displacement. The stress values obtained in the calcula-
tions exceeded the yield point obtained in the tests (366,3 MPa) as a
consequence of the transformation of the material characteristics test
The maximum and minimum size of the finite elements net is the results (engineering data) to the actual data, according to the rules
variable parameter. The percentage increase in the value of the critical
force is the evaluation criterion. Additionally, a list of the created net
elements and nodes, and basic parameters of the net quality evaluation
according to ANSYS is presented for each iteration [15].
The element quality parameter applies to the quality of the finite
elements net. This parameter ranges between 0 and 1, where the value
of 0 for a surface (2D) is identified as an element of insufficient quality,
while 1 denotes a very good net. The Aspect Ratio parameter in a
surface arrangement (2D) is defined as the ratio of the longest to the
shortest side of a finite element. The net reveals the best parameters
when the Aspect Ratio reaches the value of 1.0. Detailed rules of
identifying the parameters are presented in [15].
In the subsequent iteration steps, the variation range of the finite
elements net was changed. Upon changing the dimensions of the FE net,
a discrepancy of 3.05% was obtained in the second step in reference to
the peak force value, as compared to the first iteration. The third
iteration step resulted in a discrepancy change to the value of 1.04%, as
compared to the previous step. With regard to the force change
criterion previously established at 5% it can be assumed that the net Fig. 8. Result of displacement calculation.

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 9. Result of stress calculation.

specifying material model preparation [15] for ANSYS.

The load in the initial loading stage causes a linear gain in reaction
R(δ), which is marked as section AB in the force – displacement
diagram (Fig. 8). The linear range ends at point B, which corresponds
to the load value of 17.38 kN and stress value of 349.5 MPa (below the
yield point) at point H (Fig. 9). Further on (BC curve), the R(δ) reaction
gain is gradually reduced until point C at which the R(δ) reaction
reaches the value of 27.06 kN, and the equivalent of the point on the
stress curve reaches the yield point at point I, i.e. 366.3 MPa. After
reaching this point, the R(δ) reaction increases to the boundary value at
point D reaching 31.808 kN, which corresponds to the stress value of
405.25 kN at point J. Point D marks the beginning of the dropping
section of the curve presenting the force – displacement relationship Fig. 11. Huber-Mises stress contour plots obtained from calculations.
and also the beginning of the destruction stage. The R(δ) reaction
reaches the value of 29.95 kN at point E, while stress at point K reaches to depict the changes in displacement and stress the typical points of
the maximum value of 455.95 MPa. The stress is slightly reduced analysis more clearly. Points A–F are referred to in Fig. 8, while points
farther along section KL and the value of the R(δ) reaction at the EF A, H, I, J, K and L are referred to in Fig. 9. The displacement reading is
section drops significantly. in the direction of the Z axis of the global coordinate system (see Fig. 7).
The displacement and stress maps were compared in Figs. 10 and 11 This direction of the displacement reading was selected as it best
reflects the element strain in the whole calculation cycle. At the linear
load range (point B), the map of strains indicates minor impairment of
the geometry in the middle part of the profile caused by the previously
introduced imperfections (first buckling form). Stress below the yield
point (point H) is uniform, with no clear impairments. When the yield
point is reached (point I and point C on the load curve) on the
displacement map in the middle part of the profile, wavy displacement
and areas with greater intensity of stress are revealed on the map of
stresses. These areas correspond to maximum displacement. When the
maximum load is reached (point D) displacement and stresses are
redistributed (point J). From there, displacement and stresses are of
local nature and apply to the middle area of the profile. A local plastic
joint is formed. Farther in the range, the intensity of stresses changes
only slightly but their area focuses on and around the formed plastic
joint (point K). Displacement increases dramatically (point E), while at
the same time force drops. The analysis is stopped at points L and F.

3.2. Results analysis

The following section of the paper presents an analysis of results

obtained by FEM, focusing on the displacement towards axis Z (Fig. 6)
of points situated on the corrugated web of the studied element within
the symmetry axis of the profile (Fig. 12). Its main stage involves
separation of a perturbation component of displacement using the
Fourier transform.
The Fourier transform is used to identify the harmonic components
of the first buckling form [24–26]. In the case in question, the Fourier
transform can be described using the following formula (3):
F (f ) = ∫y z (y ) e−2πiyf dy
Fig. 10. Displacement contour plots obtained from calculations. p

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 13. Standardised actual part of the DTF for three selected load levels.

three load ranges are presented in Fig. 13.

Based on the obtained results, the displacement perturbation
component was assumed to fall within the 157 [mm] ≤ λ ≤ 313
Fig. 12. Location of displacement reading points.
[mm] range (0.00319 [1/mm] ≤ f ≤ 0.00638 [1/mm], see Fig. 13).
The lower limit of the range is obtained based on the first local
minimum of the actual part of the DTF. If this minimum is observed
y – coordinate determining location of a point in the analysed
for the wavelength fi. then lower limit of the range is assumed as fi+1
wavelength. Similarly, the upper limit of the range is obtained based on
yp, yk – abscissa of extreme points in the analysed section (Fig. 12)
the actual part of the DTF value falling below the level of the first local
z – displacement
minimum. If this minimum is observed for wavelength fj. then the lower
f – inverse of perturbation wave λ of displacement component
limit of the range is assumed as fj-1 wavelength.
Since a set of zn displacements for N points situated uniformly along
To verify the validity of the obtained range for the three previously
a section limited by ordinates yp and yk is used as data for analysis, a
identified representative load levels, the displacements were filtered
discrete Fourier transform was applied. In the analysed case, the
using DTF towards the z direction in the y ordinate domain. A
discrete Fourier transform (DTF) has the following form (4):
demonstrative diagram presenting (schematically) the flow of calcula-
N −1 kn tions for one load level is shown in Fig. 14 The development of
F (fk ) = ∑n =0 zn e−2πi N (4) displacements into a Fourier series is the basis of the DTF. Based on
whereby: the actual part of the DTF, the terms of the series related to the
displacement perturbation component are identified. The terms are
(N − 1) k marked in red in Fig. 14. The last stage involves the acquisition of a
fk =
N (yk − yp ) (5) separate displacement perturbation component (red) and its remainder
(green) by adding relevant terms of the series.
The k number can take any integer value. Considering the periodi- The displacement values for three load levels subject to filtration are
city of the F(fk) transform, it is enough to limit the k value to the range presented in Figs. 15–17. The symbols used in Figs. 16 and 17 are
of < 0, N-1 > . To facilitate the comparison of transforms obtained for explained in Fig. 15.
different load levels, the results were further standardised by dividing In spite of the small number of analysed points, good separation of
subsequent F(fk) values by F(f0). the perturbation component (157 [mm] ≤ λ ≤ 313 [mm]) from the
In the case in question, the most important difficulty in using the remaining displacement (λ > 313[mm]) can be observed. The displace-
DTF is related to the corrugated geometry of the profile, which ment component with a wavelength of λ < 157 [mm] was considered
naturally limits the number of useful points available for analysis. negligible for the load levels of 17.38 kN and 31.80 kN. Only in the
The values of displacement for the points situated in the corrugation development of local plastic mechanisms phase of the element opera-
apexes were used for the analysis. A relatively small number of points tion, under 29.95 kN load, was local impairment in the place where the
affects the accuracy of determining the perturbation wavelength of the
displacement component, but the obtained values are sufficient to
separate the component. These will be presented below.
In order to separate the perturbation component of the displace-
ment, its corresponding λ wavelength range should be identified. The
discrete Fourier transform (DTF) from the y ordinate domain of the
analysed points to the f domain of inverse λ wavelength of each
displacement component was initially performed for three load levels
selected in item 3.1. The levels mentioned in item 3.1 characterise the
most representative elements for the whole working range under
17.38 kN, corresponding to the beginning of plasticisation of a
profiled section web material (Fig. 8, item B).
31.80 kN, corresponding to the maximum load level (Fig. 8, item D).
29.95 kN, corresponding to the maximum reduced Huber-Mises
stresses observed during the development of local plastic mechanisms
of the studied element operation (Fig. 8, item E, Fig. 9, item K).
Standardised diagrams of the actual part of the transform (4) for the Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of the calculation flow.

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 18. Method of identifying displacements ΔzR and ΔzP.

components, first their extreme values were identified, according to

the diagram in Fig. 18. The extreme values are as follows:
ΔzR, deflection of the analysed element, not including the displace-
ment perturbation component.
ΔzP, maximum amplitude of the perturbation component.
The relationship between the load exerted on an element and
Fig. 15. Analysis of displacement at 17.38 [kN] load.
displacements ΔzR and ΔzP is presented in the diagram in Fig. 19.

4. Discussion

Based on the obtained results, a diagram was developed presenting

the relationship between the force and ratio of both displacement
components, described by the following parameter: Ψ = ΔzP/ΔzR. The
relationship, which is presented in Fig. 20, will be used to evaluate the
relationship between local buckling of the web while maintaining the
profiled sheet subject in eccentric compression.
Based on the analyses of displacement (Fig. 8) and stress (Fig. 9)
obtained from calculations, the presence of a relationship between the
lower limit of the development state of local plastic mechanisms and
the point of inflexion in the Ψ–F relationship diagram was identified.
The point of inflexion is located at the place identified by the following
Eq. (6):
Fig. 16. Analysis of displacement at 32.80 [kN] load.
d 2F (Ψ )
dΨ 2 (6)

The location of points of inflexion for a diagram composed of

discrete data points is presented schematically in Fig. 21.
The point is reached when the following conditions are met:
φn −1 < φn −2 and φn −1 < φn (7)

Similarly, a relationship was observed between the formation of a

global plastic joint and the parameter of the maximum value shortly

Fig. 17. Analysis of displacement at 29.95 [kN] load.

plastic joint is formed, observed in the component with λ < 157 [mm].
To that end, the threshold wavelengths of 157 mm and 313 mm were
considered to be suitable for further analysis.
Then, the displacement components were separated into the follow-
ing ranges: 157 mm ≤ λ ≤ 313 mm (perturbation component) and
λ > 313 mm for all load levels of MES calculations, the same as for the
three initially selected loads, i.e. 17.38 kN, 31.80 kN and 29.95 kN. In
order to describe jointly the relations between the two selected Fig. 19. Relationship between ΔzR and ΔzP, and the load exerted on the profile.

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

Fig. 20. Relationship between parameter Ψ and F load exerted on the profile.

Fig. 23. Huber-Mises stresses contour plots at 31.8 kN load.

observed. This is related to the formation of a global plastic joint.

5. Conclusions

Using numerical calculations to analyse phenomena related to local

loss of stability facilitates its qualitative and quantitative evaluation.
Still, it is challenging to search for a specific solution, e.g. at the
beginning of the plasticisation stage, particularly in the area of
dispersed results. The dispersion mainly applies to the possible
occurrence range, since initiation of plasticisation at such a complicated
profiled surface can take place in different areas, depending on the
geometry and loading method. The proposed method of identification
of the lower limit of the bearing-capacity state, involving separation of
a displacement perturbation component in a carefully selected section
of a profile wall, can be a useful analytical tool. Its use helps to initiate
the formation of a joint and the moment when it causes a change in the
Fig. 21. Location of the point of inflexion on the Ψ – F relationship diagram.
static diagram of the analysed profiled sheet. This method is particu-
larly convenient whenever it is necessary to analyse a large volume of
before reaching the maximum force. data from numerical calculations or measurements using the DIC
Consequently, the following two load levels were identified method [27,28]. The method of identifying the lower load capacity
(Fig. 20): limit presented in this paper, combined with a numerical analysis,
28.7 kN, being the lower limit of bearing capacity state, related to facilitates a clear definition of load capacity evaluation of thin-walled
the beginning of the formation of a local plastic joint, for which the profiles at an early stage of local plastic mechanisms development, its
Huber-Mises stresses map was developed. main advantage being that it helps to avoid errors caused by over-
31.8 kN, corresponding to the formation of a global plastic joint. estimation of the load capacity of corrugated thin-walled profiles.
Fig. 22 presents contour plots of Huber-Mises stresses at 28.7 kN
load. Plasticisation zones formed in the middle of the web and the
Conflict of interest
flanges are clearly marked.
Fig. 23 presents contour plots of Huber-Mises stresses at 31.8 kN,
None declared.
where the development of a plasticisation zone in the web can be

Ethical statement

Authors state that the research was conducted according to ethical



This work was supported by the National Center for Research and
Development (Poland) within the project OPT4BLACH (Grant no.:
PBS1/A2/9/2012) and Statutory funds of the Warsaw University of


The financial support from The National Center for Research and
Development (Poland) through the project OPT4BLACH (PBS1/A2/9/
Fig. 22. Huber-Mises stresses contour plots at 28.7 kN load. 2012) and the statutory funds of the Warsaw University of Technology

A. Piekarczuk et al. Thin-Walled Structures 119 (2017) 13–21

(Grant number: 504/002366/1143) are gratefully acknowledged. [13] EN ISO 6892–1, Metallic Materials – Tensile Testing – Part 1: Method of Test at
Room Temperature, 2009.
[14] M. Kotełko, R.J. Mania, Quasi-static and dynamic axial crushing of TWCF open-
References section members, Thin-Walled Struct. 61 (2012) 115–120, http://dx.doi.org/10.
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