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Qld national park returned to traditional owners

Tucked away in the most northwestern part of Queensland, 79,000 hectares of land, gorges and
sandstone ranges have been returned to the traditional owners.

The Boodjamulla National Park was handed back to the Waanyi people in a ceremony at
Parliament House in Brisbane on Friday.

A prescribed body corporate of Waanyi representatives will lease the national park land to the state
in a first of its kind.

It will become Queensland's first Aboriginal land national park after the title deeds are handed
over and following its rededication as Boodjamulla National Park.

Chairman of the Waanyi prescribed body corporate Alec Doomadgee said the area was integral to
culture and country.

"We stand on the shoulders of great Waanyi warrior men and women that have gone before us who
have led our struggle to take back our land, Boodjamulla," he said in a statement.

"Waanyi people, together, can benefit from our land in a positive way.

"We are looking forward to a brighter future and creating opportunities for our people our way,
working respectfully and cooperatively with the Queensland government, after Waanyi peoples'
unanimous decision to approve these agreements for the hand back of Boodjamulla today."

The government and Waanyi body corporate have entered into an Indigenous land use agreement
that recognises the native title rights of the Waanyi people and future interests over the land.

This includes ongoing public access and a co-operative management agreement under the services
of the Waanyi people and .
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
Environment Minister Leanne Linard said the handover was a significant step towards the
Palaszczuk government's Path to Treaty process.

"This historic land hand back is a testament of the courage, determination and commitment of the
Waanyi people who have worked hard to see the rightful return of their country," she said in a


位于昆州最西北端的 7.9 万公顷土地、峡谷和砂岩山脉已重新回归其传统所有人。

据澳新社消息,周五,在布里斯本议会大厦(Parliament House in Brisbane)举行的仪式

上,波特加姆拉国家公园( Boodjamulla National Park)被交还给宛依原住民( Waanyi



瓦伊指定机构的主席亚历克(Alec Doomadgee)表示,该地区是文化和国家不可或缺的





其 中 包 括 在 宛 依 人 民 和 昆 州 公 园 及 野 生 动 物 服 务 处 ( Queensland Parks and Wildlife


环境部长蕾妮(Leanne Linard)表示,此次移交是帕勒谢政府落实双方合作框架协议的重要


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