Consumer Perception On Relation To Celebrity Endorsement in Buying Decision

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Now a days customers are exposed to a numerous advertisement. It is necessary for the
marketers to attract the customers towards purchase of the products. Advertisements is the
effective tool to inform as well as to influence the target customers. So it influence the purchase
decision of customers, marketers use celebrities help marketers to create unique ads which can
create a positive attitude of the customers towards the product and influence purchase decision.
The term celebrity refers to an individual who is known to the public for his or her achievements.
(Friedman and friedana, 1979) endorsement is a channel of brand communication in which a
celebrity acts as the brand's spokesperson and certifies the brands claim and position by
extending his/her personality popularity, statue in the society or expertise in the field to the
As cosumers we are surrounded by brands; we get exposed to millions of of personalities in
billboards and television.Every brand tries to capture our time to inform us about what they have
to offer to us and teach us about the different attributes of the product.And this is where the
challenge lies.The marketers have to delve what will retain the customer’s attention.In order to
achieve this, celebrity endorsement is put into effect.
Celebrities are often perceived as idols by many and people want to follow their lead and try out
those products which have the touch of celebrities to them as celebrities make those products
more alluring and desirable. In the world of advertisement, in order to stand out from the clutter ,
celebrity endorsement is considered the effective tool that will do the job. This technique of
involving celebrities with a brand is a winning formula to build the brand and enhance it’s value.
The study focuses on the consumers perception and buying preferences towards cosmetics which
are endorsed by celebrities.
The purpose of the study consists of exploring the consumer's perception towards cosmetics
products and celebrity endorsement, to know the influence of celebrity endorsement on the
consumers purchase decision, to identify the key factors of celebrity endorsement which can
influence consumers purchase decision and to suggest on the basis of the study ideas to build a
positive image in the minds olf the consumers related to celebrity endorsements.

Most of the companies use the popularity and fame of film stars,sports stars and other public
figures in advertising.

Companies choose certain celebrities as their brand ambassadors.Celebrity endorsements creates

a brand image and also influence the buying behavior of the customers.

Advertisers have attempted to quantify and qualify the use of celebrities in their marketing
campaigns by evaluating their awareness, appeal, and relevance to a brand’s image and
celebrity’s influence on consumer buying behavior.

In our study, the problem is stated as ‘The comsumer’s perception towards celebrity endorsement
with respect to cosmetic products considering the consumers of thodupuzha municipality’.


The main objectives of the study are:

1. To identify the consumer’s perception about celebrity endorsement for cosmetic products

2. To study the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying decision

3. To find out the type of celebrity preferred and reasons for celebrity endorsement.

4. To suggest, on the basis of study the ideas to build a positive image in the minds of the people
with respect to celebrity endorsement advertisements.

This study covers consumer perception regarding celebrities endorsed advertisements buying
decision, types of celebrities used in advertisements and influence of celebrities on purchase
behavior of consumers. This study mainly focuses on celebrity endorsement in the
advertisements of cosmetic products and how it influences the youth. The area is limited to 60
respondents within the age group of 18 to 25 years who resides in Thodupuzha Muncipality.


This study on customers perception towards celebrity endorsement with respect to cosmetic
products among youth is important because it helps to understand the influence of
advertisements on consumers through the use of celebrities in it. Celebrities are important in
advertisements as a celebrity creates a brand image inside consumers through the advertisements.
This research studies the consumers perception about celebrity endorsement, the influence of
celebrity endorsement on consumers purchase decision and to find out the type of celebrity
preferred and reasons for celebrity endorsement. There are advertisements with celebrities and
without celebrities, but the advertisements with celebrities enjoys an upper hand over consumers
as the celebrities create a clean image about the products. This study is needed to know whether
celebrity endorsement influence the consumers purchase decision and also to know whether the
consumers switch the brand in the absence of celebrities in the advertisements


The area of study has been limited to some areas of Thodupuzha Muncipality located in Idukki
district, Kerala.


The study regarding influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying decision of

cosmetic products among youth – with special reference to thodupuzha taluk was conducted
during the period 2019 Dec -2020 March.

For the study both primary and secondary data was used. Primary data constitutes the main
source of information. The data was collected from the students who comes from thodupuzha
muncipality. Primary data was collected using questionnaire which were specially prepared for
this study. The sample size was 60.

School and college students who purchase cosmetic products in thodupuzha muncipality were
drawn from the study population. After collection of data an analysis of the data and
interpretation of the result were made with reference to the objectives of the study. The result
obtained was reported in tables and figures for better understanding and attractive presentation of


Following are the limitations of study

* The number of respondents are restricted to 60 and it focuses a specific age group.

* This study is limited to a specific small area.

* The study is only being confined to impact of celebrity endorsement and its reasons.


The study report is presented in 4 chapters

Chapter 1- Introduction

Chapter 2- Theoritical Framework

Chapter 3-Data analysis and interpretation

Chapter 4- Findings, suggestions and conclusion.

Introduction to Advertising

The objectives of all business to make profits and merchandising concern

can do that by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible if the product is widely
polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrial users and through
convincing arguments it is persuade to buy it. Publicity makes a thing or an idea known to
people. It is a general term indicating efforts at mass appeal. As personal simulation of demand
for a product service or business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a
published medium or obtaining favorable presentation of it upon video television or stage that is
not paid for by the sponsor.

On the other hand, advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific product or
service at a specific cost. It is a method of publicity it always intentional openly sponsored by the
sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for. It is a common form of non personal
communication about an organization and or its products idea service etc. that is transmitted to
the target audiences through a mass medium. In common parlance the term publicity and
advertising used simultaneously.

Advertising meaning and definition

The word advertising is derived from the Latin word viz “advertero” “ad” meaning
towards and “verto” meeting towards and “verto” meaning. “I turn” literally specific thing
“.Simply stated advertising is the art “says green”. Advertising is a general term for and all forms
of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling news papers to the most celebrate attention
attracts device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or service, to create a
demand buying and in general to bring logethel man with something to sell and the man who has
means or desires to buy”.
Advertising has been defined by different experts. Some of the quoted definitions are:

American marketing association has defined advertising as “any paid form of non personal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor”. The media used
are print broad cast and direct.

Stanton deserves that “advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a
non personal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, idea. This
message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by
the identified sponsor.

Advertising is any paid form of non personal paid of presentation of ideas goods or services by
an identified sponsor.

Advertising is a “non personal paid message of commercial significance about a product, service
or a company made to make a market by an identified sponsor.

In developing an advertising programme, one must always start by identifying the market needs
and buyer motives and must make five major decisions commonly referred as 5M(mission,
money, message, media and measurement) of advertising.


Print Advertising
- Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Flyers
 The print media have always been a popular advertising medium.
 Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice.

Outdoor Advertising

-Billboards, Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events

 Outdoor advertising is also a very popular form of advertising, which makes use of
several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors.
 The billboard advertising is very popular however has to be really terse and catchy in
order to grab the attention of the passers by.
 The kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company products but also make for an
effective advertising tool to promote the company’s products.

Broadcast Advertising
-Television, Radio and the internet
 Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several
branches like television, radio or the internet.
 Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they have been introduced.
The cost of television advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement, the
time of broadcast (prime time/peak time), and of course the popularity of the television
channel on which the advertisement is going to be broadcasted.
 The radio might have lost its charm owing to the new age media however the radio
remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers. The radio jingles have been very
popular advertising media and have a large impact on the audience.

Covert Advertising

-Advertising in movies

 Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand

is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies, television shows
or even sports. There is no commercial in the entertainment but the brand or the product
is subtly (or sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show.
 Some of the famous examples for this sort of advertising have to be the appearance of
brand Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise’s phone in the movie Minority Report, or
the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded.
Surrogate Advertising
-Advertising Indirectly
 Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product
is banned by law. Advertisements for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are
injurious to health are prohibited by law in several countries and hence these companies
have to come up with several other products that might have the same brand name and
indirectly remind people.

Public Service Advertising

-Advertising for Social Causes
 Public service advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective
communication medium to convey socially relevant messaged about important matters
and social welfare causes.
 Like, energy conservation, political integrity, deforestation, illiteracy, poverty and so on.

Celebrity Advertising

 Although the audience is getting smarter and smarter and the modern day consumer
getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a majority of advertisements there
exists a section of advertisers that still bank.

What is celebrity advertisement?

The practice of using celebrities in advertisements to promote products dates

back to more than a hundred years and continues till date. Some studies have found out that as
much as 25% of the total advertisements aired use celebrity endorsements (Shimp 2000).the
scenario is not too different in India. Celebrities from the field of sports and movies have a string
of endorsements under their belt. Products ranging from cement to pens use celebrities for
communication top celebrity can get as many as 21 advertisers to endorse products (AdEx India
Report 2007).thus celebrity endorsements become a relevant field of research in India. One of
the key streams of research in celebrity endorsements is the “source credibility” research that
primarily looked into finding out of the dimensions of a celebrity source which affect the
consumer in the communication process. The other important stream of research is the celebrity
brand congruence studies. The congruence studies have delved into the similarities or
correspondents between the product or brand and the celebrity which is popularly known as the
“match-up” hypothesis (Kamins 1990; Kamins and Gupta 1994; Kirmani and Shiv 1998; Misra
and Beatty 1990; Mittelstaedt and Riesz 2000). Again each is supposed to rub off into the brand
the 6 Meaning Transfer Model of McCracken (1989 on brand personality has not been studied
yet in consumer research.


Advertising is integral part of the society and economic systems for both
consumers and businesses. It helps to deliver carefully prepared messages to target audiences
thus facilitating marketing programs of the products and services of most organizations.

Today celebrity endorsement has become one of the most popular forms of
advertising. Flipping through the various television channels, print media and radios or social
media consumers find quite a number of endorsements. Most of the television channels are now
using celebrity endorsers to promote brands. The increasing in popularity of celebrity
endorsement can be attributed to the ability to grab audience’s attention thus giving
entrepreneurs a better chance of communicating message to consumers.

The use of celebrities is believed to help consumers remember the message of the
advertisement and brand name the celebrity is endorsing, enables to create the personality of a
brand because when a celebrity is paired with a brand, this image helps shape the image of that
brand in the minds of consumers.

If negative information about either entity is displayed on media may result in a

damaged consumer evaluation of both entities. Mass media can influence at both personal and
public level in that at a personal level, the mass media may provide information and models that
stimulate changes either positive or negative in behavior. At the public level the mass media may
also create awareness about issues among policy makers and thus may contribute to changing the
context in which people make choices. In today’s competitive world consumers are exposed to
thousands of voices and images in magazines, newspapers, and on billboards, websites, radio and

Advertisers attempt to steal at least a fraction of a person’s time to inform him

or her of the amazing and different attributes of the product at hand. Because of the constant
media saturation that most people experience daily, they eventually become numb to the standard
marketing techniques. The challenge of the marketer is to find a hook that will hold the
consumers attention such as media message content and the hooks that can hold the consumer’s
attention and the celebrities.

There is a belief that media have powerful effects on audiences either directly
or indirectly on attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. It also affects perceptions of reality, level of
anxiety and many dimensions of the way we think, feel or act. Celebrity endorsements in
advertising also common in that it helps build trust with current and potential customers, increase
the chances of the brand being remembered, and attract a new type of audience.

Endorsements also may increase the consumer’s desire for a product. This is
often achieved by implying that the particular celebrity is successful, talented, or attractive at
least partly because of the product. According to (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995), when a celebrity
is paired with a brand, the image helps shape the image of that brand in the minds of consumers.
Most of the celebrities used helping developing credibility and trust of the product being
advertised on the audience. Many people hold certain celebrities in high regard, so an
endorsement of a product instantly increases the amount of trust the consumer has in the brand.


1. Identity
This is all about the people that a person associates with in the environment. By observing
continuously a person gets attracted and apes what they doing. Audience view celebrities as very
important, prestigious and unique thus this brings in the perception of practicing what they do
and identify themselves with celebrities to have an image similar to them. This helps in finding
reinforcement for personal values thus finding model behavior.
2. Association
This is attached to the people that you live and socialize with where you want to appear like
them and be in the same level since there is belief of being in the same social class.

3. Media

According to (Black Jayetal, 1995) media exposes the audience to a lot of information each new
day. It has got a lot of influence in that we are most likely to believe in what we see, hear or read.
We take it with a lot of concern and put it into practice or rather give it a trial.


a. Establishment of credibility-approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for the

brand among the target audience especially in case of new products.
b. Ensured attention-celebrities ensure attention of the target group by breaking the clutter
of advertisements and making the advertisement and the brand noticeable.
c. Higher degrees of recall- people tent to commensurate the personalities of the celebrity
with the brand thereby increasing the recall value of the product.
d. Associative benefit - a celebrity’s preference for a brand gives out a persuasive massage.
Because the celebrity is benefiting from the brand the consumer will also benefit thus this
perception increases the sales or consumers attachment to the product.
e. Psychographic connect- celebrities are loved and adored by their fans and advertisers use
stars to capitalize on these feelings to sway the fans towards their brands.
f. Demographic connect – different stars appeal differently to various demographic
segments such as age, gender, class and geographic location among others. This helps in
reaching different target groups.
g. Mass appeal – some stars have a universal appeal and therefore prove to be good bet to
generate interest among the masses.

a. The reputation of the celebrity may derogate after he or she endorsed the product – incase
the celebrity used has a tarnished name; the behavior of the celebrity reflects on the brand
thus affects the audience attitudes towards the product that they endorse.
b. The vampire effect – incase the celebrity overshadows the brand. This makes the
audience to remember the celebrity and not the product being advertised.
c. Multi brand endorsement by the same celebrity would lead to overexposure. The novelty
of a celebrity gets diluted if he does too many advertisements, thus the advertisement
might not have major influence on meaning to the audience.

This chapter deals with the descriptive and statistical analysis of primary data collected with
regard to Influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying decision of cosmetic products
among youth with special reference to Thodupuzha Muncipality. The data was collected from 60
respondents through a structured questionnaire by using Google Form.

The analysis was made using GOOGLE FORM a Google software. The findings that we arrived
at after careful analysis of the data collected is presented in the form of tables and diagrams(Pie

This chapter is divided into three sections. 3.1 deals with analysis of general attributes of the
respondents. Section 3.2 is related to analysis of perception of the respondents. Section 3.3 deals
with the analysis of buying decision of the respondents.


This section deals with the general attributes related to the respondents. Questions related to
personal profile and general buying decisions are analyzed in this section.

3.1.1 Gender of the respondents

Table 3.1.1 shows the classification of the respondents on the basis of gender.
Table No. 3.1.1

Gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 34 55

Female 27 45
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Gender Of Respondents



Figure 1: Gender Of Respondents

From table no. 3.1.1, it is clear that 55 percent of the respondents are males and 45 percent of
them are females.
Table No. 3.1.2

Age of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

13-17 1 1.8
18-20 24 40
21-24 22 36.8
Above 24 13 21.4
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Age Of Respondents
Above 24 13-17



Figure 2: Age Of Respondents

From the table no 3.1.2, it is clear that 1.7 percent belong to age category 13-17, 40 percent
belong to the age category 18-20, 36.8 percent belong to the category 21-24 and 21.4 percent
belong to age category above 24.

Therefore, majority of the respondents belong to the age category between 18- 20.
3.1.3. Cosmetic products used by the respondents

Table no. 3.1.3 shows the cosmetic products used by the respondents.

Table no. 3.1.3

Cosmetic products used by the respondents

Cosmetic product Frequency Percentage

Perfume 23 38.3
Shampoo 12 20
Face cream 7 11.7
Hair oil 10 16.7
Others 8 13.3
Total 101 100
Source: Primary Data

Cosmetic Products Used


Face Cream Perfume

Hair Oil

Figure 3: Cosmetic Products Used

From table no 3.1.3, it is clear that 38.3 percent use perfume, 20 percent use shampoo, 11.7
percent use face cream, 16.7 percent use hair oil and 13.3 percent use other cosmetic products.

It is clear from the table that majority of the respondents use perfume.

3.1.4. Purchase of cosmetic products

Table 3.1.4 shows the places from which the respondents make purchase of cosmetic products

Table no.3.1.4

Places from which purchase is made

Purchase Frequency Percentage

Nearby retail store 31 52.5
Exclusive cosmetic shop 9 15.3
Online 15 25.4
Other 4 6.8
Source: primary data

Places From Which Purchase Is Made


Near By Retail Store


Figure 4: Places From Which Purchase Is Made

From the table no 3.1.4, it is clear that 52.5 percent make purchase from nearby retail
store, 15.3 percent make purchase from exclusive cosmetic shop, 25.4 percent make purchase
online and 6.8 percent through other means.

It is clear from the table that majority of the respondents make purchase from nearby retail shop.

3.1.5 Source of information

Table 3.1.5 shows the source from which the respondents get information about cosmetic

Table no. 3.1.5

Sources of information

Source of information Frequency Percentage

Television advertisements 26 43.4
Retailers 2 3.3
Newspaper 2 3.3
Friends 22 36.7
Other 8 13.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

From the table no 3.1.5, it is clear that 43.4 percent respondents get information about the
product from television advertisements, 3.3 percent get information from retailers, 3.3 percent
get information from newspaper, 36.7 percent get information from friends, 13.3 percent from
other source.

Therefore, it is concluded that majority of the respondents get information about cosmetic
products from television advertisements.
Source Of Information

Tv ads


Newspaper Retailers

Figure 5: Source Of Information

3.1.6. Preference of brand

Table no 3.1.6. shows whether the respondents prefer any particular brand while making

Table no. 3.1.6

Preference to a particular brand

Factors Frequency Percentage

Yes 48 80
No 12 20
Total 60 100
Preference Of a Particular Brand


Figure 6: Preference Of A Particular Brand

From the table no 3.1.6. it is clear that 80 percent of the respondents prefer any particular brand
and 20 percent do not prefer any particular brand.

Therefore, it is clear that majority of the respondents prefer a particular brand.

3.1.7 Type of brands preferred

Table 3.1.7. shows the type of brand preferred by respondents.

Table no. 3.1.7

Type of brand preferred

Type of rand Frequency Percentage

Domestic brand 21 35
International brand 39 65
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Type Of Brand Preferred

Domestic Brand

International Brand

Figure 7: Types Of Brand Preferred

From the table 3.1.7. it is clear that 35 percent of the respondents prefer domestic brands and 65
percent prefer international brands.

Therefore, it is clear from the table that majority of the respondents prefer international brands
when compared to domestic brands.
3.1.8. Noticing a brand

Table 3.1.8. shows the factor that make respondents to notice a brand.

Table No. 3.1.8

Factors that make respondents to notice a brand

Factor Frequency Percentage

Quality 45 75
Price 3 5
Brand name 9 15
Celebrity endorsement 1 3.3
Design/package 0 0
Others 1 1.7
Total 60 100


Source: primary data

CelebityFor Noticing Of A Brand
dorse- Others
ment Quality

Brand Name

Figure 8: Factors For Noticing Of A Brand

From table no 3.1.8 it is clear that 75 percent of the respondents notice a brand based on quality,
5 percent notice a brand based on price, 15 percent respondents notice a brand based on brand
name, 3.3 percent respondents notice a brand based on celebrity endorsement, 0 percent
respondents notice a brand based on design/package and 1.7 respondents notice a brand based on
other factors.

Therefore, we can conclude that majority of respondents notice a brand based on quality.

3.1.9. Frequency of seeing celebrity endorsed advertisements.

Table 3.1.9. shows how often respondents come across advertisements that feature celebrities.

Table no. 3.1.9

Frequency of seeing celebrity endorsements

Frequency of Ads Frequency Percentage

Often 12 20
Sometimes 28 46.8
Rarely 10 16.6
Never 10 16.6
Total 60 100
Source: primary data
Frequency Of Seeing Celebrity Endorsed Ads
Never Often



Figure 9: Frequency Of Seeing Celebrity Endorsed Ads

From the table it is clear that 20 percent of respondents come across advertisements that feature
celebrity often, 46.8 percent of respondents come across ads that feature celebrity sometimes,
16.6 percent rarely come across ads that feature celebrity and 16.6 percent of respondents never
come across ads that feature celebrity.

Therefore we can conclude that majority of respondents comes across celebrity endorsed ads

This section deals with the perception of the respondents about celebrity endorsed ads. Various
statements with respect to the perception towards celebrity endorsement were asked to the
respondents. Five point Likert scale was used to collect the rate of agreement of the respondents.
The respondents indicated their agreement by way of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and
strongly disagree

Table 3.2.1. Table showing the statement- products endorsed by celebrities will possess high

Table no. 3.2.1

Products endorsed by celebrity possess high quality

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 4 6.7
Agree 13 21.7
Neutral 30 50
Disagree 9 15
Strongly disagree 4 6.7
Total 60 100
Source: Primary data

Table no. 3.2.1 shows that 6.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree to the statement product
endorsed by the celebrity possess high quality, 21.7 percent agree with the statement, 50 percent
have neutral opinion, 15 percent disagree with the statement and 6.7 percent strongly disagree
the statement.
Therefore, it is concluded that half of the respondents have neutral opinion to the statement-
product endorsed by celebrities will possess high quality.

Table 3.2.2
Table showing the statement- I am proud to use the product endorsed by my favorite celebrities.

Table No. 3.2.2

Proud to use the product endorsed by favorite celebrity
Factors Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 5 8.3
Agree 14 23.3
Neutral 18 30
Disagree 18 30
Strongly disagree 5 8.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no.3.2.2 shows that 8.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree to the statement- I am
proud to use the product endorsed by my favorite celebrities. 23.3 percent agree with the
statement, 30 percent have neutral percent, 30 percent disagree the statement and 8.3 percent
strongly disagree with the statement.

It is clear from the that majority of the respondents disagree and have neutral opinion about the
Table 3.2.3 Table showing the statement- celebrity endorsement will make a brand recognize by

Table no. 3.2.3

Endorsement make a brand recognized
Factor Frequency Percentage
Strongly agree 8 13.3
Agree 27 45
Neutral 22 36.7
Disagree 2 3.3
Strongly disagree 1 1.7
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.3 shows that 13.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement-
celebrity endorsement will make a brand recognized by the people. 45 percent agree with the
statement, 36.7 percent have neutral opinion, 3.3 percent disagree and 1.7 percent strongly
disagree the statement.

Therefore, it is clear that the majority respondents agree with the statement.

Table 3.2.4. Table showing the statement- the worth of a celebrity can influence the demand of a
product endorsed by him/her.
Table no. 3.2.4

Worth of the celebrity influence the demand of the product.

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 5 8.3
Agree 27 45
Neutral 23 38.3
Disagree 4 6.7
Strongly disagree 1 1.7
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.4 shows that 8.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree with statement- the worth
of a celebrity can influence the demand of a product endorsed by him/her.45 percent agree with
the statement, 38.3 percent have neutral opinion, 6.7 percent disagree to the statement and 1.7
strongly disagree to the statement.

Therefore, it is clear from the table that most of the respondents agree with the statement- worth
of the celebrity can influence the demand of a product endorsed by him/her.

Table 3.2.5. Table showing the statement- celebrity endorsement gives a positive image to the
endorsed brand.
Table no. 3.2.5

Gives a positive image

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 8 13.3
Agree 17 28.3
Neutral 26 43.3
Disagree 7 11.7
Strongly disagree 2 3.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.5 shows that 13.3 percent respondents strongly agree with the statement- celebrity
endorsement gives a positive image to the endorsed brand. 28.3 percent agree with the statement,
43.3 percent have neutral opinion, 11.7 percent disagree the statement and 3.3 percent strongly
disagree the statement.

It is clear from the table that majority of the respondents have a positive opinion.
Table 3.2.6. Table showing the statement- a celebrity can communicate the benefits of the
products clearly to the customers.

Table no. 3.2.6

Communicate the benefits

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 3 5
Agree 18 30
Neutral 25 41.7
Disagree 12 20
Strongly disagree 2 3.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.6 shows that 5 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement- a
celebrity can communicate the benefits of the products clearly to the customers.30 percent agree
with the statement, 41.7 percent have neutral opinion,20 percent disagree the statement and 3.3
percent strongly disagree to the statement.

It is clear that the majority of the respondents have neutral opinion.

Table 3.2.7. Table showing the statement- celebrity endorsed ads are easy to recall than others.

Table no. 3.2.7

Easy to recall

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 8 13.3
Agree 30 50
Neutral 16 26.7
Disagree 5 8.3
Strongly disagree 1 1.7
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.7 shows that 13.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement-
celebrity endorsed ads are easy to recall than others. 50 percent agree with the statement, 26.7
percent have neutral opinion, 8.3 percent disagree the statement and 1.7 percent strongly dis
agree the statement.

It is clear that the majority of the respondents agree with the statement- celebrity endorsed
advertisements are easy to recall than others.
Table 3.2.8. Table showing the statement- by using a celebrity, a product can be easily placed
into the market.

Table no. 3.2.8

Easily place the product in the market

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 11 18.3
Agree 31 51.7
Neutral 12 20
Disagree 6 10
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.8 shows that 18.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree the statement- by using
a celebrity, a product can be easily placed in to the market.51.7 percent agree with the statement,
20 have neutral opinion, 10 percent disagree the statement.

It is clear that the majority respondents agree the statement.

Table 3.2.9. Table showing the statement-celebrity endorsement creates confidence about a
brand in the minds of people.

Table no. 3.2.9

Creates confidence

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 7 11.7
Agree 22 36.7
Neutral 24 40
Disagree 7 11.7
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.9 shows that 11.7 percent respondents strongly agree to the statement- celebrity
endorsement creates confidence about a brand in the minds of people. 36.7 percent agree with
the statement, 40 percent have neutral opinion, 11.7 percent disagree to the statement.

It is clear that majority of respondents have neutral opinion and also agree to the statement.
Table 3.2.10. Table showing the statement-celebrity endorsement creates a sense of familiarity of

Table no. 3.2.10

Creates a sense of familiarity

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 10 16.7
Agree 32 53.3
Neutral 11 18.3
Disagree 4 6.7
Strongly disagree 3 5
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.2.10 shows that 16.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the given
statement.53.3 percent agree with the statement, 18.3 percent have neutral opinion,6.7 percent
disagree the statement and 5 percent strongly disagree to the statement.

It is clear that the majority of the respondents agree the statement- celebrity endorsement creates
a sense of familiarity of brand.


This section deals with the buying decisions of the respondents on celebrity endorsed ads.

Table 3.3.1 shows the response of the respondents after coming across celebrity endorsed ads.
Table no. 3.3.1

Time Taken By The Respondents To Make A Purchase

Factors Frequency Percentage

Within one week 4 6.7
Within fortnight 2 3.3
Within a month 8 13.3
After month 10 16.7
Never 36 60
Total 60 100
Source: Primary Data

Time Taken To Make A Purchase

Within 1 Week
Within A

Within A Month

After A Month

Figure 6: Time Taken To Make A purchase

From the table no 3.3.1. it is clear that 6.7 percent of respondents make purchase of the cosmetic
products within a week, after seeing a celebrity advertisements. 3.3 percent make purchase
within fortnight, 13.3 percent make purchase within a month, 16.7 percent make purchase after a
month and 60 percent respondents never make purchase. Therefore, it is clear from the table that
even if the respondents see a celebrity endorsed advertisement, they will not take a purchase
immediately. It takes almost over a month for majority of respondents to make a purchase.

Table 3.3.2 Table showing the statement I will take into consideration the price of the product,
which is endorsed by my favorite celebrity.

Table no. 3.3.2

Take into consideration price of the product

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 7 11.7
Agree 23 38.3
Neutral 23 38.3
Disagree 5 8.3
Strongly disagree 2 3.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.2 shows that 11.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree to the statement- I will
take into consideration the price of the product which is endorsed by my favourite celebrity.38.3
agree with the statement,38.3 have neutral opinion,8.3 disagree the statement and 3.3 strongly
disagree with the statement.

It is clear that majority agree and have neutral opinion to the statement

Table 3.3.3 Table showing the statement- I will switch my purchase from the existing brand I am
using, to a different brand, if it is endorsed by my favorite celebrity

Table no. 3.3.3

Switch my purchase to another brand if it is endorsed by favorite celebrity

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 3 5
Agree 12 20
Neutral 25 41.7
Disagree 15 25
Strongly disagree 5 8.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.3 shows that 5 percent of the respondents strongly agree the statement- I will
switch my purchase from the existing brand I am using, to a different brand, if it is endorsed by
my favorite celebrity. 20 percent agree the statement, 41.7 percent have neutral opinion, 25
percent disagree with the statement and 8.3 percent strongly disagree to the statement.

It is clear that majority have neutral opinion about the statement.

Table 3.3.4 Table showing the statement- relevance of the celebrity to the product influence my
purchase decision.

Table no. 3.3.4

Relevance of the celebrity influence purchase decision

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 7 11.7
Agree 14 23.3
Neutral 25 41.7
Disagree 9 15
Strongly disagree 5 8.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.4 shows that 11.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree the statement- relevance
of the celebrity to the product influence my purchase decision.23.3 percent agree with the
statement, 41.7 have neutral opinion, 15 percent disagree the statement and 8.3 percent strongly
disagree to the statement.

It is clear that majority have neutral opinion with respect to the statement.

Table 3.3.5 Table showing the statement- the presence of celebrity in an ad encourages me to
buy the product.
Table no. 3.3.5

Presence of celebrity encourages to make purchase

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 4 6.7
Agree 21 35
Neutral 16 26.7
Disagree 13 21.7
Strongly disagree 6 10
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.5 shows that 6.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement- the
presence of celebrity in an ad encourages me to buy the particular product.35 percent agree with
the statement, 26.7 have neutral opinion, 21.7 disagree the statement and 10 percent strongly
disagree with the statement.

It is clear that majority of the respondents agree with the statement.

Table 3.3.6 Table showing the statement- there is a strong relationship with image of the
celebrity and the brand they are endorsing.
Table no. 3.3.6

Strong relationship with image of the celebrity and the brand

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 6 10
Agree 22 36.7
Neutral 24 40
Disagree 6 10
Strongly disagree 2 3.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.6 shows that 10 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement- there
is a strong relationship with image of the celebrity and the brand they are endorsing.36.7 percent
agree with the statement, 40 percent have neutral opinion, 10 percent disagree the statement and
3.3 strongly disagree the statement.

It is clear that majority of the respondents have neutral opinion.

Table 3.3.7 Table showing the statement- I will notice a product if it is endorsed by a celebrity.
Table no. 3.3.7

Notice a product

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 3 5
Agree 23 38.3
Neutral 28 46.7
Disagree 4 6.7
Strongly disagree 2 3.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.7 shows that 5 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement- I will
notice a product if it is endorsed by a celebrity.38.3 percent agree with the statement, 46.7 have
neutral opinion,6.7 percent disagree the statement and 3.3 strongly disagree with the statement.

It is clear that majority respondents have neutral opinion

Table 3.3.8 Table showing the statement- I will by a product endorsed by a celebrity if at all it is
a new one.

Table no. 3.3.8

Buy a new product if endorsed by favorite celebrity

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 3 5
Agree 10 16.7
Neutral 26 43.3
Disagree 16 26.7
Strongly disagree 5 8.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.8 that 5 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement- I will buy a
product endorsed by a celebrity if at all it is a new one.16.7 agree with the statement, 43.3
percent have neutral opinion, 26.7 disagree with the statement and 8.3 percent strongly disagree
with the statement.

It is clear that majority of the respondents have neutral opinion.

Table 3.3.9 Table showing the statement- among various choice, I will choose one product in
terms of celebrity endorsement.
Table no. 3.3.9

Choose one product in terms of celebrity endorsement

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 2 3.3
Agree 16 26.7
Neutral 21 35
Disagree 20 33.3
Strongly disagree 1 1.7
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.9 shows that 3.3 percent of the respondents strongly agree with the statement
among various choice, I will choose one product in terms of celebrity endorsement, 26.7 percent
agree with the statement, 35 percent have neutral opinion, 33.3 percent disagree with the
statement and 1.7 strongly disagree with the statement.

It is clear that majority respondents have neutral opinion.

Table 3.3.10 Table showing the statement- charisma of a celebrity motivates me to buy the
Table no.3.3.10

Charisma of celebrity motivates to buy a product

Factors Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 4 6.7
Agree 16 26.7
Neutral 15 25
Disagree 21 35
Strongly disagree 4 6.7
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Table no 3.3.10 shows that 6.7 percent strongly agree with the statement- charisma of a celebrity
motivates me to buy the product. 26.7 percent agree with the statement,25 percent have neutral
opinion, 35 percent disagree to the statement and 6.7 percent strongly disagree the statement.

It is clear that most of the respondents disagree to the statement- charisma of a celebrity
motivates me to buy the product.

3.3.11 Celebrity preferred

Table 3.3.11 shows the type of celebrities preferred by the respondents for promoting a brand.
Table no. 3.3.11

Type of celebrities preferred

Celebrity preferred Frequency Percentage

Sportsperson 12 20
Film actors 24 40
Models 10 16.7
Others 14 23.3
Total 60 100
Source: primary data

Type Of Celebrities Preferred

Sports Person

Film Actors


Figure 7: Type Of Celebrities Preferred

From the table no 3.3.11, it is clear that 20 percent of respondents prefer sportsperson, 40 percent
prefer film actors, 16.7 percent prefer models and 23.3 percent prefer other personalities.
Therefore, it is clear that most of the respondents prefer film actors.
3.3.12 Factors /attributes of celebrities

Table 3.3.12 shows the factor of the celebrity which influence the purchasing decision of the

Table no. 3.3.12

Influencing factor of the celebrity

Factor influencing Frequency Percentage

Public image 14 23.3
Personality 16 26.7
Credibility 20 33.3
Physical attractiveness 6 10
Celebrity expertise 4 6.7
Total 60 100
Source: Primary Data

Influencing Factor Of The Celebrity

Physical Celebrity Expertise
Public Image


Figure 8: Influencing Factor Of The Celebrities

From the table no 3.3.12 it is clear that 23.3 percent of the respondents is influenced by the
public image of the celebrity, 26.7 percent is influenced by the personality, 33.3 percent is
influenced by the credibility, 10 percent is influenced by the physical attractiveness and 6.7
percent is influenced by the celebrity expertise.

Therefore, it is clear from the table that majority of the respondents is influenced by the
credibility of the celebrity.

Now a days customers are exposed to a numerous advertisement. It is necessary for the
marketers to attract the customers towards purchase of the products. Advertisements is the
effective tool to inform as well as to influence the target customers. So it influence the purchase
decision of customers, marketers use celebrities help marketers to create unique ads which can
create a positive attitude of the customers towards the product and influence purchase decision.
The term celebrity refers to an individual who is known to the pubic for his or her achievements.
(Friedman and friedana, 1979) endorsement is a channel of brand communication in which a
celebrity acts as the brand's spokes person and certifier the brands claim and position by
extending his/her personality popularity, statue in the society or expertise in the field to the
The study focuses on the consumers perception and buying preferences towards cosmetics which
are endorsed by celebrities.
The purpose of the study consists of exploring the consumer's perception towards cosmetics
products and celebrity endorsement, studying the influence of celebrity endorsement on the
consumers purchase decision and identifying the key factors of celebrity endorsement which can
influence consumers purchase decision.


The main objectives of the study are:

1. To identify the consumer’s perception about celebrity endorsement for cosmetic products

2. To study the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying decision

3. To find out the type of celebrity preferred and reasons for celebrity endorsement

4. To suggest , on the basis of study the ideas to build a positive image in the minds of people

with respect to celebrity endorsed advertisements.


Celebrity endorsement is truly a multifaceted and debatable research topic. Based on the
literature review it can be concluded that even though celebrity endorsement as a marketing
communication activity is viewed in a positive light, it’s influence over the purchase intention of
the consumers are not so effective.

Following are the main findings that made from this study:

 Majority (55 percent) of the respondents are male.

 43.4 percent of the respondents get information about a product from a television
advertisements with respect to the perception of the respondents about celebrity endorsed
advertisements, the respondents show a neutral opinion and agreement to the statements.
 Few (3.3 percent) of the respondents give response to a celebrity endorsed advertisement
within a fortnight
 Most of the respondents use (38.3%) perfume and shampoo (20%) when compared to
other beauty items.
 Majority (52.5 percent) of the respondents purchase products from nearby retail store
 Most (80 percent) of the respondent prefer particular brand while making purchase.
 Majority (65 percent) of the respondents prefer international brands when compared to
other domestic brands.
 Majority (40 percent) of the respondents preferred film actors for promoting a brand

Most(51.7 percent) of the respondents have a positive opinion with the statement – by using a
celebrity , a product can be easily placed into the market and also with regard to the statement –
celebrity endorsed ads are easy to recall than others ; plus create a familiarity of brand.

On the basis of the findings of the study, the researcher has put forward following suggestion in
order to build a positive image in the minds of the people with respect to celebrity endorsed

 Majority of the respondents are male, so more efforts should be made on developing
cosmetics especially for female consumer as it holds an impressive portion in the entire
cosmetic user’s segment. This enables a manufacturer to capture more market share.
 Majority of the respondent never make a purchase of cosmetic products; endorsed by a
celebrity from the date of watching a celebrity endorsed advertisement. Hence celebrity
endorsed ads must be such that, it will persuade the customers and, they will make a
response to the ads within a short span of time.
 Most of the respondents use perfume. So companies should take necessary steps in order
to attract more customers to purchase other wide range of cosmetic products in the
 Majority of the respondents make purchase from nearby retail store. So steps has to be
taken from the company’s side for attracting customers in order to put different buying
 Most of the respondents preferred particular brand while making purchase. So companies
should introduce branded cosmetic products in the market.
 Majority of the respondents prefer international brands while purchasing cosmetic
products. So domestic companies must take adequate steps in order to persuade the
customer in Indian market.
 Most of the respondents prefer film actors for promoting a brand. So the companies
should undertake innovative brand loyalty programs to create a class of stable and steady
group of consumers.
 Most of the respondents have a positive opinion with the statement - by using a celebrity,
a product can be easily placed into the market. So companies can place celebrities while
making advertisements, because it helps the product to be easily placed in the market.

Celebrity endorsements pull in hundreds of crores of money every year, and are widely preferred
by marketers to promote their products. Using celebrities for endorsing brands has become a
trend for building the brands as well as the company's image. Promotion of a company's products
through these celebrities is termed as celebrity endorsement. The company makes use of the
celebrity's characteristics and qualities to establish an analogy with the products specialties with
an aim to position them in the minds of the target consumers. The study concludes that
customers are having a clear perception about various attributes related to celebrity

Celebrity endorsements pull in hundreds of crores of money every year, and are widely preferred
by marketers to promote their products. Using celebrities for endorsing brands has become a
trend for building the brands as well as the company's image. Promotion of a company's products
through these celebrities is termed as celebrity endorsement. The company makes use of the
celebrity's characteristics and qualities to establish an analogy with the products specialties with
an aim to position them in the minds of the target consumers. The study concludes that
customers are having a clear perception about various attributes related to celebrity

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