Tales of Longwall - Desperate Measures

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Tales of Longwall - Desperate Measures

This supplement to Tales of Longwall looks to introduce a system to track how the Rangers of
Alladore struggle to combat the Shadow Deep while confronting the possibility to turn the powers
of the shadows to their own ends. It can viably be used in any mission as long as you are aware of
the different categories I have designated to the Rangers enemies, but has primarily been
designed to be added into either Tales of the Border (My procedurally generated mission) or Tales
of Longwall (my Hexcrawl mission)

While there are a multitude of enemies which the Rangers face while looking to protect Alladore,
they tend to fall within one of three broad categories - The Wild, Internal Corruption and the
Shadow Deep. Rangers are trained to fight all these threats, it's only natural that they tend to
focus on combatting one over the others, due to their diverse nature and the need for individual
specialisations. The Rangers are organised with this in mind, and there are multiple orders within
the Rangers structure. Each concentrates on a different threat so as to allow similar minded
Rangers to share tactics, experiences and resources against one form of enemy or another. While
there are too many such factions to list here, we are focused on these following three for the Tales
of Longwall and Tales of the Border,

Well Known Factions that exist within the Eastern Alladorian Rangers

Chains of the Untamed - This faction focuses on the threat of the Wild to the people of Alladore.
They are one of the oldest factions, and therefore consider themselves as self appointed
guardians of the Rangers history and traditions. As such, they are normally one of the most
conservative of the factions, their doctrine long established and they believe the Wilds a threat
which can always be bested, if only the procedures are adhered to. This long established doctrine
has tended to give them a confidence in battle as they believe strict adherence to their teachings
will result in nothing other than total victory.

As a faction, they are averse to deviating from these teaching, and as a result tend to be the most
puritan of the factions. Any new ideas are considered with suspicion, as to cast doubt on the
teachings is to question the path to victory. However, in these dark and changed times, there are
those within the Chains of the Untamed who are willing to seek new ideas, those who believe that
without continuous improvement comes a staleness to the teachings, and consider the possibility
that the Wild is not given enough credit, and itself is learning to combat their own teachings and
so the need to adapt is greater than ever.

Order Haeoen - Not all that threatens Alladore lurks outside the settlements within its borders. The
very people the Rangers have been sworn to protect have often proved to be the threat that must
be faced. All citizens have the potential to cause Alladore great harm, a failed crop causing a
farmers family to practice illicit rituals hoping to bring about a change of fortune, or some agitator
looking to work against the state for some personal gain. It is the Order Haeoen who’s job it is to
stand against them. This has a tendency to make them a somewhat unpopular to the wider
community and so they have a tendency to operate from the shadows, which in turn does not
help them win any popularity contests.

While not the largest faction, they do have a tendency to get results. Numerous uprisings or cults
have been stopped in their tracks by members of the Order Haeoen, sometimes operating as
undercover agents alongside those they suspect as heretic. The members of this faction are
therefore exposed to far more insidious material than other Ranger factions, and while members
of the Order Haeoen take pride in this helping to strengthen their resolve against the dark arts as
they see the direct consequence of dabbling in that which should be left untouched, other
factions wonder if they hide dark secrets and as a whole are somehow tainted by this exposure

Greycloaks - A new faction that has sprung up in direct response to the threat of the Shadow
Deep. These Rangers have desperately tried to get an understanding of this new threat on the
doorstep of Alladore, and are therefore far more likely to have ventured into Lorenthia to learn
what they can of this new foe. This faction has been formed over a short period of time and
quickly grown to be one of the major forces within the Rangers. Many Rangers have moved from
other factions to declare as Greycloaks out of necessity due to the proximity of the threat or as a
desire to find out as much as possible of this new danger. Also, most new recruits to the Rangers
have signed up as a response to the Shadow deep, and are therefore immediately drawn to the
Greycloaks and see the faction as an extension of their calling.

This all means that the faction has little in the way of established doctrine and almost each day
brings new discoveries about the strengths and weaknesses of the denizens of the Shadow Deep.
This results in each Ranger within the Greycloaks to act almost as an independent arbiter of the
factions beliefs and values - primarily determined by their own experiences and those of the other
Greycloaks with whom they have recently conversed. This can of course lead to some very stark
differences between two Greycloaks who would both consider themselves as fervent followers of
the burgeoning factions doctrine.

Paved with Good Intentions

As the Rangers struggle to hold back the darkness that threatens to overwhelm them, they are
faced with many different enemies who attempt to bring about their end. These creatures are
unscrupulous in their actions and are willing to use any power they can wield to cause the end of
Alladore. As Rangers, you of course hold yourselves above such base methods and choose the
path of righteousness in ended these abominations…but what if those same powers, when
wielded by the pure of heart, we turned against their creators? Can Alladore afford not to discover
the answer to this question?

All Rangers start their service within Longwall as Puritan servants of the crown. Either they are
newly installed to the rank of Ranger and see everything in black and white, or they have
considered the matter in the past but not been tempted to dabble in dark arts before, without the
Shadow deep being the threat it is now.

This might not last long now though, as desperate times call for desperate measures. All Rangers
of any faction are faced with unprecedented threats, and new solutions are needed to claw things
back into the Rangers favour, so there is an Alladore in the future within which such matters can
be debated. Throughout the mission, Rangers will be confronted with stark choices to tap into the
power of the darkness in the hope of harnessing it or destroying all taint, anything considered an
asset to the enemy not worth the risk of corrupting the soul of any other wielder.

While they would never consider using the power of the enemy their faction stands against…other
enemies are by their very nature lesser evils, and in some eyes, they are possibly just somewhat
misunderstood, waiting to be harnessed for the greater good. They present possibilities that could
change the face of the conflict and see Alladore return to the relative peace that existed

Additional Rules
At the Ranger creation stage, each Ranger should be sworn in to one of the above three factions.
This will show which of the 3 Threat types within Tales of Longwall the Ranger is most adept at
facing. Chains of the Untamed against the Wild, Order Haeoen against Internal Corruption and
The Greycloaks against the Shadow Deep. This will translate as them gaining a +1 Will when
facing that threat in a Threat Scenario (this does not apply when facing a generic scenario) i.e. a
Ranger from the Greycloaks will gain +1 Will when facing a Threat Scenario against a creature
from the Shadow Deep.

Also, for each Threat Scenario, an objective token should be placed in a random table space
(using that scenarios clue placement chart). This objective is a physical manifestation of one of
the abstract tenants that the Puritan Ranger must abide, connected to the current Threat. It is up
to you to determine the story around this objective as you see fit.

The Tenants by which Rangers must abide - Do not,

• Consult the Accursed Text
• Protect the Criminal
• Suffer the creatures of the Wild
• Summon the Shadow Deep
• Contradict your Order
• Take up the tools of the Enemy

Any Ranger sworn to a Faction that directly opposes the current threat will do everything within
their powers to obtain and destroy this objective, as they see this as their bound duty. If they
move into contact with the objective, they will end their activation and remove the objective from
the table. They are considered to have dealt with the objective forcefully and definitely. They will
gain +5xp at the end of the scenario.

If any other Ranger moves into contact with the objective, they end their activation and remove
the objective from the table. They will have a choice however. They can follow the rules above and
gain 5xp at the end of the scenario for eradicating the objective, or they can decide to obtain the
objective for their own ends. They will consider the current Threat a lesser evil than their own main
focus and believe that they can harness the power to assist them against greater foes. If the
Ranger takes that option, then they must record that they have taken possession of the objective.

This decision will also have later implications, but for the remainder of the scenario, any Ranger of
a faction which directly opposes the current threat will consider this a hostile act and act to
correct it. If that Ranger ends in base contact with the Ranger who obtained the objective for their
own ends, they can make an attack against their fellow Ranger in an attempt to destroy the
objective. If the Ranger holding the objective wins the combat, then they are able to move 3”
away but do no damage. If the opposed Ranger wins the combat, then they do no damage to the
Ranger but destroy the objective, gaining 5xp at the end of the scenario. If later in the scenario,
the Ranger who took possession of the objective and kept it is taken out of action, then the
objective is considered lost.

At the end of the scenario, if a Ranger took possession of the objective but lost it, due to being
taken out of action or the actions of another Ranger, then they will automatically accumulate 5
Radical Points but will not roll on the below table as they no longer have possession of the

At this point, if any Ranger is still in possession of the objective, then they will need to discover
just how powerful and corrupting it is. This will move them down the path of the Radical and
potentially tip them into being considered a Heretic. They roll a D20 on the below table to see
what the discovery bestows upon them.

Roll Implication

1 The discovery fails to provide you with anything tenable to use, but promises that there are
more secrets out there if only you are willing to reach out and take them, and you believe it.
- The Ranger gains nothing, but rather than have their RP increase by 1, it is increased by 20.

2 The discovery proves to be of little use. The best you can say is that it has been nothing but
a minor distraction. - The Ranger gains nothing of use and see’s their RP increase by 2.

3-4 The discovery speaks to you of secrets that can be unlocked for limited time to strengthen
you in your fight against your true calling. While it can’t offer any permanent benefit, it
whispers of other secrets that can - and implies that they are yours for the taking if you
only look. - The Ranger gains +1 to their Fight Stat or Shoot Stat the next time they start a
scenario against creatures from their factions major threat. The Rangers RP increases by 4.

5-6 The discovery bestows upon you a temporary buff that will fortify you in your fight against
your true calling. While this is not a permanent change, the power that flows through you
for the duration of its effect convinces you that you are on the right path, looking to turn
these dark powers against themselves. - The Ranger gains +3 Armour the next time they start
a scenario against creatures from their factions major threat. The Rangers RP increases by 6.

7-8 The discovery grants a one use spell that can only be used against the enemies of your
faction. The spell is familiar to those used by the Rangers, but the invocation is somehow
different, and you are informed that once cast, you will not be able to replicate the process.
This is the power of darkness, controlled to fight against the shadows. You feel certain that
the path you are following will bring about nothing but success. The Ranger may pick a
single spell which can be used the next time they start a scenario against creatures from their
factions major threat. This is above any normal restrictions. Once that spell is cast, the Ranger
will suffer 1 damage that can’t be blocked with armour and the spell must be discarded. The
Rangers RP increases by 8.

9-10 The discovery grants you knowledge of a certain technique with which it claims the use of
which will alter both your destiny and that of the fight against the darkness in ways that
you can’t hope to comprehend. It confides that the situation will speak to you and you will
know when to use it. This kind of insight into the workings of the darkness is exactly why
you believe this path needs to be walked. - The Ranger can select a Heroic Ability from the
normal list. This will be a single use ability and when next used, it must be discarded. This can be
used against any enemy. The Rangers RP increases by 10.

11-12 The discovery has somehow projected an aura of authority and calm about you, causing
others to take you more seriously and also more willing to provide aid to your cause. It
explains that this will not last forever, but will be useful the next time you are within a
settlement. You are less sure about how this is working exactly, but can’t help but see the
advantages it confers. The Ranger gains +3 to their Leadership skill until the end of their next
settlement visit (or end of the next mission if you are not playing Tales of the Border/Tales of
Longwall). Also, they can add +3 to any rolls they are required to make within the settlement
during their stay. The Rangers RP increases by 12

13-14 The discovery grants you an insight into your future and offers a way to shape your own
destiny in a way you can barely comprehend. You are not clear if this kind of power should
be in the control of mere mortals, but then you are starting to wonder if you could be a little
more than just a mortal now anyway. The Ranger gains the ability to either add or subtract up
to 5 the next time they roll on this table. The Rangers RP increases by 14

15-16 The discovery speaks to you of secrets that can permanently strengthen you in your fight against
the darkness. It reveals weakness of the darkness and how to exploit them. This surely is proof of
your control over the dark powers and in harnessing it to your own goals you are doing good
work. Right? The Ranger gains either +1 to their Fight or Shoot stat permanently. The Rangers RP
increases by 16.
Roll Implication

17 The discovery provides you with a weapon or piece of armour forged with great power.
Maybe it had it on its person, spoke of where to find it or was the discovery itself. However
it found its way into your hands is of no consequence to you now though, its power is
manifest and clearly should belong to no other than yourself. The Ranger makes a roll on the
Weapons and Armour table, gaining the result, but the item will have twice the normal number of
charges. The Rangers RP increases by 17

18 The discovery opens your mind to possibilities that you could not have even imagined
before. With this awakening comes additional abilities which you discover can put to good
use in the fight against the darkness, an entity which manages to be so evil, and yet can
grant such help to those who can control it. You are controlling it, right? The Ranger selects
a Heroic Ability and permanently gains it. The Rangers RP increases by 18.

19 The discovery shares secrets of a complex blessing which grants those who receive it great
strength and changes them forever. While you can’t deliver this blessing to yourself, one of
your companions is more than willing to undergo the ritual to aid the fight against the
darkness, that’s what this is all about. Right? The Ranger selects one of their companions
who immediately gains 25 companion points and all the rewards that go with it. The Rangers RP
increases by 19.

20 The discovery whispers dark secrets into your mind which almost make no sense. You feel
your sanity start to slip away and begin to question everything you stand for. If the
darkness is so strong, why try to destroy it all by using it upon itself? When instead you can
embrace it and turn it against anything opposed to it…wasn't that you once? - The Ranger
suffers -1 permanent Will and their RP increases by 20.

Each Ranger starts with 0 Radical Points (RP), and is considered a Puritan of their respective
faction. Once a Ranger accumulates 21 RP , then they are no longer considered a Puritan and are
now considered a Radical. If a Ranger ever accumulates 50 RP, then they are no longer
considered Radical, and instead are a Heretic.

Animosity and Consequences

Any Ranger considered a Radical is looked upon by settlements with concern. For both Tales of
the Border and Tales of Longwall, a Radical Ranger would see any roll made within a settlement
suffer -2.

There is also less co-operation between Rangers of a Radical and Puritan leaning and visa versa
which filters from the Rangers and through to their respective companions.

While not openly hostile to each other, there is a constant tension and this bears out in the heat of
battle when the delay in a split second decision to help a colleague of friend can be interrupted
with doubt.

If Rangers are considered to be of different leanings (Radical/Puritan) then both they and their
companions when in a Multiple Combat will need to pass a Will test before they can be counted
as offering support to a friendly figure of the other leaning. If the Will test is failed, then they do not
count as being involved in the combat.

Any declared Heretic is automatically excommunicated by their faction and slips into the
darkness. The powers they wield have overtaken their moral compass and to all extents and
purposes they are simply another threat to Alladore. While they might strive in their own mind to
defend their home from the darkness, all others can see that the darkness itself has found root
within them. They will no longer be able to operate with any other Rangers, and also will not be
able to reside within any settlement. In fact, other Ranger might themselves look to hunt them
down and slay them, unable to distinguish them from a Shadow Knight and their retinue.

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