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EDCO 230: Career Education


Personal Career Assessment: Career Timeline
Submitted by: TESSA MAE E. TIRADOR (M.Ed. - Guidance)

 Career Timeline

Career timeline or career according to the 1950 theorists, is not only an occupation or job. Rather,

it is a lifelong process of how someone wants to live his or her own life. In which the photo above shows

the career timeline that I have lived and continuously live by. Events that happened to me and might

happen are most likely affected by both internal and external factors. In this reflection paper, I will

discuss the past, present, and future experiences which I choose to oversee and would relate them to the

theories discussed in Career Guidance. Hopefully, in writing this reflection paper, I will also reevaluate

the decisions and judgments that I have and will have.

During my younger and adolescent years, most of the decisions I made are most likely affected

by external factors. In these years, I am more eager to learn but quite dependent on those who are closest

to me. I have tried to venture into the kind of life that I foresee, however, I choose to remain and work in

my own shell. I gained knowledge about different careers and slowly neglected the original things I

wanted. I pursued a profession that was not my choice. Fortunately, I developed an understanding of the
kind of profession that I am really passionate about. I had seen myself quite enjoying this cycle of my


In my young adult years or should I say, where I am now. It is more driven by my innate decisions. I can

now make decisions that I can also fulfill at my on pace. I do have a job that helps me cope with the kind

of lifestyle I wanted. This period of my life is quite exhausting since I need to render extra energy and

commitment. However, it is fulfilling since I get to know myself more. I learn to value everything that I

worked hard for and appreciated my innate talents and skills. This cycle is teaching me more things that

my younger self hasn’t thought of.

Looking at the future career I wanted, all I ask for is stability and fulfillment in everything that I would

do. Hoping that my future self would be pleased enough with the life that it has chosen. So as to look

back on my experiences, I have learned that having your own self-concept and having control of your

discernment can really make a big impact in one’s life. Despite the doubt that surrounds you, you can

still go on if you do have confidence in yourself.

Assessing the Career Plan/Timeline that I have, I can somehow relate it to Bandura’s Social Cognitive

Theory. Bandura included in this theory that past experiences can really affect one’s current situation.

This could either motivate them or negatively lose their focus on their future. Evaluating my present self,

I am motivated to continue the life I have chosen, wherein I chose to be dependent enough on myself

rather than being dependent on others. Encouraging myself to not be the old me, a submissive one, who

would only rely upon what others have decided in my own life.

Learning from the past had made a positive impact on my life. I became more passionate about

developing and planning the career I wanted to have someday. This made me more responsible with my

actions and became more sensible with the people around me. This somehow also affected the closest

people I have. They were able to gain understanding in being sensitive before they interfere in

someone’s life. They also had given value in letting me and their selves develop my own self-concept.

Never did I regret making a change in my career plan since this had made a beautiful impact on

my current self. However, I still humble myself by thanking my younger self to let others help me in

seeing what I am really capable of.


 9 Career Development Theories: Build Your Journey [Guide]. (n.d.). Valamis.



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