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study by the Australian Council for Education Research in 2017 found

that students in single-sex schools did outperform their co-ed counterparts

A recent study from the University of Queensland found that girls leaving single-
sex schools were on average more confident than those leaving co-ed schools.
In a girls’ school, Bridge says, “There’s not the social pressure to be quiet in class. The
conversation becomes about learning, not being liked

This house believes that co-education is not better than single-sex education, in fact single-sex
education is far better than co-education for several reasons. First, students in single-sex schools do
better academically on their own without the attendance of the other gender, because it gives equal
opportunities not like co-education where there can be some kinds of discrimination between the two
genders, and this was proved by a study by the Australian council for education research in 2017. In
addition, another study from the University of Queensland found that girls leaving single-sex schools
were on average more confident than those leaving co-ed schools, because there is not any social
pressure in class and your concerns become about learning, not being liked. Finally, single-sex schools
create more comfortable environment for learning for both boys and girls as students will not have to
keep watching out for their behaviors because of the presence of the other gender

Why are you against co-education?

Co-education have a different environment than single-sex education and it is a worse one, cause there
is a higher chance you will get distracted in a co-education system than getting distracted in single-sex
schools due to the presence of the other gender. In co-education systems there is a lot of comparison
between the two genders, which creates a non-equal opportunities between the two genders like in
sports. As teenagers, students need the safest place to grow up in and study, but that does not sound
like co-education environment where there is lots of bullying that creates an uncomfortable place to
grow up in and, I can’t deny that bullying also happens in single-sex schools but it is greatly reduced in
them and don’t have the same effect as when the other gender is around.

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