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Unit 13: Ben's blog

1. Word Meaning:
Nice tell blog moon mirror
place break after × before hospital
beautiful ×ugly busy x free win

2. Listen and complete the following: Football, busy ,hospital ,broke ,

Ben …………. his leg at the …………… game. He couldn't move. His ………… took
him to the ………….. . It was very ……………

3. Number the words as you hear:

Word number

4. Complete the following dialogue : game – Lama – How – Hi –

better – broke
Nada : Hi ……………………………
Lama : ……………..… , Nada
Nada : I heard that you ………………….... your arm .
Lama : Yes , I broke it at the basketball …………..
Nada : ……………..…. is your arm ?
Lama : …………….….. , thanks.
5. Match "A" with "B":
1- What are Ben and Omar doing? ( ) In a restaurant.
2- Where can you see a blog? ( ) Last summer.
3- When did Ben break his leg? ( ) Looking at Ben's blog.
4- Where did Ben and Omar families eat? ( ) On a computer.
6. Reading:
Ben tells Omar about his blog. The blog is on the internet. Ben writes his
ideas every day and he puts photos in the blog. Omar reads about Ben’s
accident in his blog. Last summer Ben broke his leg at the football game.
1- When did Ben break his leg?
2- Where can you see a blog?
Choose the correct answer :
1- Ben writes his ideas on a ( email , blog , newspaper )
2- Ben broke his leg at the ( volleyball , football , tennis) game.
3- Omar reads a bout Ben's ( accident , game , hobby )in his blog.
Get from the passage:
1- The opposite of first× ………………….. Winter × ……………..
2- The present of told …………………………. wrote …………….……
3- The meaning of pictures = ……….…… says = ………….……..
4- A season ……………………... A sport ………………
7. Supply the missing part of the sentences: after hospital took too
1- Jerusalem is a ………………….. place.
2- Ben ………………. the photo of the sea.
3- I wrote my homework …………….….. School.
4- She hurt her arm, she went to the ……………..…
5- Amal and Amir went to the sea……………….
8. Re-arrange:
1 – sea , looked , The , like , a mirror
2-went , We , the , to , park
8. Classify the following: (school, Manchester, play, hospital, restaurant,
dance, Gaza, speak, Ramallah)
Places Cities Verbs

9. Language:
An object pronoun; ‫الضمٌر الواقع فً مكان مفعول به‬
It comes after verbs and prepositions.
Subject Object
I me
He him
She her
They them
We us
e.g: 1- Ahmed is here .Let's talk to him.
2-Sally is cooking. Go and help her.
Correct the underlined mistakes:
1- Mona is my sister, I like him. ( )
2- I lost my pencil, Give her a pencil, please. ( )
3- She go to school every day. ( )
4- Yesterday I sing a beautiful song. ( )
5- Ahmed break his arm last Monday. ( )

10. Writing:
The restaurant was a nice place.

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