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• Numeracy is called Mathematics, and literacy is called Language in Foundation Phase.

• Instructional time has increased in the Foundation Phase.
• The eight learning areas have been changed to six subjects in the Intermediate Phase.
• In the Senior Phase, school-based assessment will count 40% and the end-of-year examination
will count 60%.
• The content has been reorganised for several of the subjects in the FET Phase, and the exam
structure has changed in some of the subjects.
• Learning outcomes and assessment standards have been removed and replaced with specific
aims and skills.
• All grades will use a seven-point scale for assessment.
• Curriculum statements and learning programs guidelines have been replaced by one document
called CAPS.


1.2.1. Topic : Environment pollution

Learners will be able to ÷

• Explain the definition of pollution.

• Identify the various types of pollution.
• Know the causes of pollution.
• Know how pollution can be reduced.

1.2.2. Class activity /Classwork

a) Define the concept pollution?

b) Name the different kinds of pollution?
c) What are the things that causes pollution?
d) How can we prevent or reduce the causes of pollution?
e) Why it is important to keep our environment clean?

1.2.3. Corrections will be done in order to see if learners understood the lesson about pollution.


a) Pollution is the presence of contaminants in the environment.

b) Air, water and land pollution.
c) Burning of fossil fuel and littering.
d) Reduce the burning of fossil fuel and use of dustbins.
e) To protect our health.

2.1. Reflective journal

Week 1

My first day at Hosia Aphane Combined School. I was nervous and a bit scared as I was introduced to the
teachers by the principal of the school. And we went to assembly I was introduced again to the learners,
I was scared but the introduction lifted my mood as I was introduced as mam Sebothoma for the first
time. My first week I was scared and nervous being at school.

Week 2

My second week at school was a bit hectic and great , I was still getting to know the learners and the
teachers or colleagues too. I observed my mentor’s teachings throughout the lessons and I also
observed the lessons of other 3 teachers on how they teach, the teaching strategies they use to
approach the learners. It was great being in the classroom doing my observations seeing learners
participating and disciplined.

Week 3

My third week was bit difficult and interesting , I learned a lot from my mentor’s teaching. On my third
week I started teaching. I was nervous if I don’t present the lessons in a right way or well in the
classroom. It wasn’t easy but I managed because there were some learners who were absent and
missed the lesson. I had to make the morning classes and afternoon classes for them and also for those
who did not understand the lesson. But I managed as I wanted them to be on the same path, besides
that, all the lessons were good and my mentor teacher was very helpful as she guided me through

Week 4

During week four everything went well, I also went to the parents meeting were parents we informed
about the performance of their children and on how they should encourage them to learn. During my
lessons my teaching strategies were improved, I and the learners we were getting along so well and
learners were participating and disciplined showing interest on the lesson and my confidence was on
another point, everything was great.

Week 5

During this week I was bit sad as it was my last week at school. I didn’t want to leave because being in
front of learners teaching was a good experience. I enjoyed everything, interacting with the learners
being called mam. I learned a lot and experienced a lot. Learners were a bit disruptive and it disturbed
the lessons as they were busy asking why am I leaving, but the lesson still were great.

2.3. My teaching philosophy

As an educator I aim to add value and encourages these young kids to help them build their better
future, to help them succeed in life, because teachers have the potential to interact with learners at all
stages of development and form all walks of life. To help learners along this path and to play a part in
shaping the person they will ultimately become and also help them realize their potential. As an
educator I want to teach them develop their higher thinking skills as they mature. Learners learn best
when a teacher care about every student’s learning, every step of the way. When students feel
supported they are more motivated to learn. As a teacher I have to make sure to give attention to all
students, because students notice where the Teacher’s attention goes, and the more they feel noticed
the more responsibility they take to contribute to the classroom. The best approach that I will use to
achieve all these would be the learner-centered approach because it will help students to develop their
abilities. Being an educator means I must have love for learning and love for learners and share the
knowledge I have with learners and to make learning fun for them to love learning as well and to enjoy




Subject : Life skills

1. Localising details Grade : 5
Time allocation : 45mins
Number of learners : 24
Learners will be able to ÷
2. Learning objectives • Explain the definition of
• Know what causes discrimination
• Know how to stop discrimination

3. Curriculum topic Social responsibility

4. Lesson theme Discrimination, stereotyping and bias

(curriculum sub-theme)
Content : Discrimination is when we do
5. Introduction not treat people the same, especially
people who are different to us.
Discrimination can occurs at any places at
schools, home and work place. Where
people dislike or hate others and this lead
to mistreating others, and this can affect
their lives, self-esteem and their
• I will ask learners to
6. Teacher activities define discrimination
using their own words?
To see if the learners
understand the lesson

• Ask learners the cause

and effects of

• Ask learners what to do

to stop discrimination
and where to get help?
• Learners will explain the
7. Learners activities definition of discrimination.

• Learners will identify the causes

of discrimination that they might
came across at schools and

• Learners discussion on how to

stop discrimination and where
can one get help from being
• Articles that shows about
8. Method(s) teaching support aids discrimination.
and learning material • Awareness poster about
• Textbook to refer the concepts of
discrimination and its causes and
Indicate where theme fits into the
9. Place of the lesson in the curriculum.
curriculum • Basic rights and responsibilities.
Lesson content
• What is discrimination and how
can we stop discrimination.


• S Gravette, JJ de Beer, E du Plessis Becoming a teacher UNISA custom edition.

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