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Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

EMG for assessing the recovery of voluntary movement

after acute spinal cord injury in man
Blair Calanciea,b,*, Maria R. Molanoa, James G. Brotona
The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, SUNY’s Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, 750 E. Adams St, IHP #1213, Syracuse, NY, USA
Accepted 3 March 2004
Available online 15 April 2004

Objective: Multi-channel electromyogram (EMG) was used to examine the pattern and time-course of voluntary contraction recovery in
subjects with acute traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), concentrating on the latest time after injury at which a given muscle would begin to
show voluntary recruitment.
Methods: We conducted repeated measures of voluntary contractions of 12 lower limb muscles (for all subjects) and 12 upper-limb
muscles (for subjects with cervical injury), beginning within days of the injury and extending for 1 or more years post-injury. The EMG
interference pattern was scored in a blinded fashion from tape records.
Results: We recruited 229 subjects, including 152 from whom repeated measures were made. Several different patterns of recovery were
identified. For persons with motor-incomplete injury to the cervical or thoracic spine, EMG recruitment had not yet occurred by 5 weeks
post-injury in roughly 1/2 of all lower limb muscles, and prolonged delays between injury and recruitment onset were sometimes seen. Injury
to the thoracolumbar spine was frequently associated with very long delays (i.e. . 1 year) between injury and resumption of volitional
contraction of distal lower limb muscles.
Discussion: The incidence of neurologically incomplete SCI is rising. In such subjects, delays of 1 or more months between injury and the
onset of voluntary contraction are common for muscles of the distal upper limbs (for cervical injury) and lower limbs. Given the abbreviated
period of in-patient rehabilitation now routine in the United States, these subjects in particular will benefit from frequent follow-up
evaluations to assess spontaneous recovery and design appropriate rehabilitation strategies to maximize functional independence. Moreover,
the potential for delayed recovery must be considered when designing and implementing novel clinical interventions for treating SCI, to
better differentiate between spontaneous and treatment-related improvements in neurologic function.
q 2004 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Electromyogram; Spinal cord injury; Human; Recovery; Voluntary contraction

1. Introduction the MMT as a primary measure, often using that form

endorsed by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)
The ability to voluntarily contract and relax a limb (Marino et al., 2003).
muscle following spinal cord injury (SCI) provides nearly An earlier publication from this laboratory using a subset
unambiguous evidence of the retention (or recovery) of of the present study’s subject population showed that a 6
cortical control over that muscle’s motoneuron pool. In point scale of electromyogram (EMG) activity can be
humans, this property is appreciated through widespread use substituted for MMT measures, and was accurate for
of the ‘manual muscle test’ (MMT), in which subjects are predicting contractile force within multiple muscle groups
asked to attempt a voluntary contraction of specific muscle at both acute and chronic stages following SCI (Calancie
groups, and the strength of contraction is assessed by the et al., 2001). In the present study, we report on our findings
tester (Daniels and Worthingham, 1980). Virtually all major of recruitment recovery based on EMG measures from a
clinical studies of outcomes following SCI have included large population of subjects with acute SCI in who repeated
follow-up evaluations were made.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1-315-464-9935; fax: þ 1-315-464-9848. Other studies of human SCI emphasize recovery of
E-mail address: (B. Calancie). overall muscle strength, expressing outcomes as
1388-2457/$30.00 q 2004 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759 1749

a composite score for all 4 limbs (Burns and Ditunno, 2001; 2.3. Protocol
Waters et al., 1998). Rather than adopt this approach, we
concentrated on the early stages of recovery as indicated by The primary measure of muscle contraction was the
the presence and magnitude of EMG activity on a muscle- EMG interference pattern. Early studies included indepen-
by-muscle basis. We paid particular attention to the period dent measures of muscle strength via the MMT. This
of time following injury when subjects were going to, and traditional form of strength testing was conducted by a
being discharged from, the rehabilitation service, as the physical therapist or physician experienced in this form of
overall length of stay in the rehabilitation setting following testing and who did not have knowledge of the subject’s
traumatic SCI has declined precipitously in the United EMG findings. We discontinued MMT testing after
States over the past 2 decades (Kirshblum et al., 2002; establishing that there was a strong positive correlation
National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, Birmingham between MMT and EMG values for multiple upper- and
AB, 2002). lower-limb muscles at both acute and chronic stages after
Two key goals of the present study, then, were to: SCI (Calancie et al., 2001).
(1) identify common patterns of EMG recovery across For persons with cervical injuries, EMG was recorded
populations of subjects in relation to the severity of injury; from the following muscles: biceps brachii (biceps), triceps
and (2) for multiple upper- and lower-limb muscles, brachii (triceps), wrist extensors (including extensor carpi
establish the range of times post-injury during which
radialis (ECR)), wrist flexors (including flexor carpi radialis
muscles initially paralyzed by the SCI could begin to
(FCR)), thenar group (including abductor pollicis brevis
show motor unit recruitment (i.e. EMG) during voluntary
(APB)), hypothenar group (including abductor digiti minimi
contraction attempts. In other words, how long after injury
(ADM)), hip flexors (including psoas major (psoas)),
might one expect to regain some degree of voluntary
quadriceps (quads), hamstring (hams), tibialis anterior
contraction in various upper- and lower-limb muscles
(TA), soleus, and abductor hallucis (AbH; an intrinsic
affected by SCI. Our findings are relevant to the manner
muscle of the foot). For persons with injury at or caudal to
and timing of follow-up assessments and rehabilitation
the 3rd thoracic vertebrae, EMG for voluntary contractions
intervention, as well as to questions of subject selection and
was recorded from only the lower-limb muscles described
result interpretation when implementing novel interventions
for treating SCI (Burns et al., 2003; Fawcett, 1998).
Subjects were asked to make an isolated contraction of
each muscle or muscle group in a particular direction (or
2. Methods axis), and were given auditory feedback of that muscle’s
EMG. When necessary, resistance to contraction was
2.1. Recruitment provided by one of the investigators, such that all
contractions were isometric (or nearly so, in the case of
We enrolled subjects with acute, traumatic SCI who were normal contractile strength). The instructions were to
admitted to Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH). attempt to move a joint in the direction indicated, smoothly
More than 90% of subjects were recruited in a 3 year span and quickly increasing to maximal effort upon the word
from 1997 to 2000. All subjects gave their informed consent ‘contract’, and to maintain that contraction until asked to
(for adults) and assent (for children) to participate in this ‘relax’ (subjects were cautioned against making an abrupt
study, which was approved by the University of Miami’s increase in force (i.e. a ‘ballistic’ contraction)).
Institutional Review Board. In persons with cervical injury, we began with voluntary
contraction attempts of left-side muscles. As this study was
2.2. Instrumentation part of a larger, comprehensive evaluation of spinal cord
properties after acute SCI, we followed the EMG recruit-
EMG was recorded with pairs of surface electrodes ment with measures of spinal cord reflex excitability, and
positioned on the skin overlying target muscles. (In fewer used transcranial magnetic stimulation to examine central
than 5% of these studies, EMG was recorded with pairs of motor conduction in some subjects. Next, recording leads
1/200 EEG-type needle electrodes placed subcutaneously were connected to comparable electrodes on right-side
over the target muscles (Hugon, 1973; Nuwer et al., 1993). muscles, and these measures were repeated.
EMG was amplified, filtered (100 – 2.5 kHz) and stored on The entire assessment protocol, including TMS,
magnetic tape (PCM 4000 (A.R. Vetter, Co.; initial studies) required approximately 1.5 h in a person with cervical
or DT-1600 (Micro-Data Instruments, Co.)) for off-line SCI. Most subjects were tested acutely while supine or in
analysis. Individual EMG records were displayed visually side-lying postures, and while sitting or reclining in later
on a computer screen (Computerscope; R.C. Electronics) evaluations. Follow-up evaluations were scheduled at 1, 2,
and audibly, through mixers (Rane RM 26; Rane Corp., or 4, 8, 12, 26, and 52 weeks relative to the initial
Roland M120; Roland Corp.) and a loudspeaker (MS101; examination. Many subjects were receiving some form
Yamaha Corp.). of injury-related medications at the time of initial
1750 B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

evaluation (e.g. acetaminophen; narcotics) or at follow-up two-thirds of the population was neurologically ‘incom-
(e.g. baclofen, gabapentin). plete’ at the time of initial evaluation, based on ASIA
criteria (i.e. ASIA ‘B’ through ‘E’).
2.4. Analysis Fractures of the cervical spine were the most common
cause of SCI, occurring in 62.5% of the total subject
Analysis was done off-line, from taped records. EMG population (Fig. 1A). Forty-seven subjects (20.5%) sus-
scores were assigned on a 6 point scale, comparable to that tained a fracture of at least one thoracic vertebrae, and
used for manual muscle testing. Scoring criteria were lumbar fractures accounted for 13.5% ðn ¼ 31Þ of the
established to approximate a MMT score, as follows: 0, no sample population. In the cervical spine, fractures of C2 and
volitional recruitment or rate-modulation of spontaneously C5 were common, as were fractures of the T12 and L1
active motor units; 1, recruitment of 1 or 2 motor units, vertebrae in the thoracolumbar region. Eight (3.5%) of the
unsustained discharge; 2, recruitment of 1 – 3 motor units, 229 subjects in our study were admitted to the hospital with
sustained discharge, slow onset and/or offset; 3, recruitment neurologic evidence of SCI, yet no radiologic evidence of
of . 3 motor units, but not enough to become indistinct
audibly, sustained discharge, rapid onset and offset; 4,
recruitment of multiple units, indistinguishable visually and
audibly, rapid onset and offset, moderate amplitude at peak;
and 5, recruitment of multiple units, indistinguishable
visually and audibly, rapid onset and offset, high amplitude
(. 1 mV) at peak (Calancie et al., 2001). The same author
(JGB) assigned EMG scores for muscle contractions. He
was not present during data collection, nor did he have
specific knowledge of each patient’s clinical status. Mean
EMG scores were calculated for each limb. We also
expressed EMG scores individually, using a ‘pie-chart’
format to allow rapid visual assessment of a large number of
individual data values across time (see Fig. 3).
Contraction in muscles distant to EMG electrodes may
be recorded when the muscle underlying the electrodes is
electrically silent. Such ‘cross-talk’ (De Luca and Merletti,
1988; Farina et al., 2002; van Vugt and van Dijk, 2001) can
introduce error into the EMG scoring, for which a low EMG
score might be assigned to a muscle that is not, in fact, being
recruited. In the recording configuration used in the current
study, the occurrence of cross-talk appeared to be highest
from triceps brachii (during strong contractions of biceps
brachii; and see (Calancie et al., 2001)) and the psoas
muscle group (during contraction of quadriceps). Such
cross-talk was typically seen as a dense interference pattern
(i.e. motor units indistinct, rapid firing rates) of low
amplitude (, 50 mV peak to peak), evident for contractions
of both the target muscle and of the muscle from which
cross-talk was likely originating. A score of ‘0’ was entered
Fig. 1. Breakdown of the study population incidence, based on cranial-most
when cross-talk was suspected. This was most common in level of spine fracture (A), time (in days) between injury and the first
the ‘motor-complete’ group for triceps brachii contractions evaluation (B), and the number of evaluations performed on each subject
(, 5% of trials). In cases in which cross-talk was suspected (C). Fracture data shown in (A) exclude sites of more caudally located
but one or more clearly differentiated single motor unit fractures in those subjects with multiple fractures. Cases of spinal cord
injury without radiologic abnormality (SCIWORA) are represented to the
potentials were superimposed on this activity, a score of 1 or
far right of the figure. In (B), subjects first studied within 24 h of injury lie
2 was assigned. within the first bin, subjects studied between 24 and 48 h post-injury are in
the second bin, etc. The most common interval was 3 days from date of
injury to date of initial evaluation. Mean and SD for the total population
3. Results (‘all’) is shown. Dashed line represents an arbitrary cut-off excluding 15
subjects whose recruitment into the study was especially delayed.
Excluding these subjects, a revised mean (,19 days) is also shown. In
A total of 229 subjects were included in this study. The (C), the largest group by far had only one evaluation performed. In contrast,
average subject age was 40.0 ^ 17.5 years (mean ^ SD). as many as 12 evaluations were carried out on 2 subjects. A total of 802
Males constituted 76.4% of the population. Approximately evaluations were carried out over the course of the study.
B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759 1751

fracture could be found (i.e. SCI without radiologic indicate the time when the subject was asked to contract
abnormality—SCIWORA). each of the biceps (‘1’) through AbH (‘12’) muscles. This
Fig. 1B summarizes the time at which subjects were first subject was able to contract and relax each of her left-side
evaluated following their injury. This value across all muscles without hesitation (Fig. 2A). Co-contraction of
subjects was 6.8 ^ 8.7 days (mean ^ SD). This includes upper-limb muscles was modest. Contractions of leg
data from 12 subjects who were transferred to JMH muscles were accomplished with little or no upper-limb
after initially being hospitalized elsewhere, and another 3 muscle activity. The only left-side lower extremity muscles
subjects whose life-threatening injuries prevented us from showing considerable co-contraction were the TA and AbH
recruiting them at an earlier time-point. The average period muscles, active along with soleus during ankle plantar-
from injury to date of first evaluation for these 15 subjects flexion contractions.
(to the right of the dashed vertical line in Fig. 1B) was Contraction of her right-side muscles (Fig. 2B) was much
32.9 ^ 15.5 days. Excluding these 15 subjects, the average more difficult for this subject. She had no volitional APB,
delay from time of injury to initial evaluation was 5.0 ^ 3.8 TA, or soleus recruitment during this evaluation, and only
days for the remaining 214 subjects (i.e. . 93% of the total). trace recruitment in triceps brachii, ADM, and hamstring
Twenty-six subjects were first tested within 24 h of their groups when attempting to contract each of these in
injury. isolation. However, several of these muscles were clearly
We completed a total of 802 evaluations of spinal cord recruited when she attempted contractions of other muscles.
neurophysiology in the 229 subjects enrolled in this study. Note also that there were multiple upper-limb muscles
Fig. 1C illustrates the distribution of the total numbers of recruited during right-side lower-limb contraction attempts.
evaluations per subject across the population. The sampling Co-contraction was in fact very common amongst persons
frequency was dominated by subjects ðn ¼ 77Þ in whom we with SCI, many of whom would contract all muscles
completed only a single evaluation following acute injury. receiving voluntary innervation in an effort to recruit those
In the majority of these cases, subjects were discharged or muscles left paretic or paralyzed by the injury.
transferred shortly after our initial evaluation, and were lost Fig. 3A summarizes the average EMG scores by side (left
to follow-up evaluations. As this manuscript concentrates and right) and limb (upper and lower) for all of the recording
on the pattern of recovery, those subjects tested only a single sessions carried out in the subject whose data are shown in
time are not considered further in this report. Thus we Fig. 2. There was a clear asymmetry between left- and right-
averaged just under 5 evaluations per subject on those from side strength (left-side stronger), evident from the initial
whom we had multiple evaluations. evaluation onwards. EMG scores from this subject’s left
Fig. 2 illustrates EMG records following two unin- side showed substantial and steady improvement from the
terrupted series of contractions in left- (A) and right-side time of injury through a 6 week span, while improvement in
muscles (B) of a 17 year old girl who sustained a C4 fracture right-side muscles was delayed in onset and more gradual.
after falling from a bicycle approximately 7 weeks prior to Three of the 4 limb averages reached their highest value at
this recording session. The short horizontal lines above and the final evaluation conducted (6 months post-injury).
below the upper- and lower-most data traces in each panel Right-side limb scores in particular would likely have

Fig. 2. EMG recruitment in left-side (A) and right-side (B) muscles, during attempted voluntary contraction of each muscle in isolation. Each panel represents a
continuous record of 12 channel activity recorded simultaneously. The horizontal lines at the top and bottom of each panel (with accompanying number at the
top) indicate the time during which the subject was asked to contract the muscle indicated (position of each line estimated from the voice record on tape giving
the cue to ‘contract’ and ‘relax’). Contractions always started with biceps brachii (‘1’) and continued in a proximal-to-distal manner. There were several trials
of right-side (Fig. 2B) muscle contractions which were repeated by the subject (e.g. ECR (‘3’), hams (‘9’), TA (‘10’), soleus (‘11’), and AbH (‘12’)).
Neurologic status at admission: ASIA ‘C’.
1752 B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

Fig. 3. Summary of average EMG scores for each limb at different times post-injury (A) and individual EMG scores for each muscle separated by left-
and right-sides (B). This serves as an example of a ‘slow, subtotal’ recovery pattern. In (B), each circle is divided into 5 ‘slices’. An EMG score of ‘0’
has no fill, an EMG score of ‘5’ leads to a completely filled pie, and scores of 1 through 4 are indicated by progressively more ‘slices’ being filled. Note
that this subject was much weaker in her right-side muscles than in muscles on her left. In fact she had no detectable EMG in any right-side lower-limb
muscle during the first 3 evaluations (EMG average scores of ‘0’ and represented by ‘diamonds’ in (A), and open ‘pies’ for all right-side lower limb
muscles in the first 3 evaluations in (B)).

increased further at later times following injury, but longer group the majority of subjects in whom repeated measures
term evaluations were not possible with this subject. were carried out. Sixty-two percent of subjects with cervical
Fig. 3B illustrates individual muscle scores for each of and thoracic incomplete SCI fit this ‘slow, subtotal’ recovery
the 6 recording sessions summarized in Fig. 3A. Depiction pattern. Other subjects showed rapid and substantial motor
of data in this manner reveals a number of aspects of recovery within days of their injury, leading to essentially
recovery following SCI that are not apparent when normal motor function (down-pointed triangles in Fig. 4).
comparing overall muscle scores, or even when comparing
mean limb scores. It was not unusual to see an individual
muscle group with minimal recruitment early after an injury
then fall silent upon the next follow-up evaluation, as
occurred in the right-side FCR findings between week 1
(score of ‘1’) and 2 (score of ‘0’). A substantial increase in
proximal (psoas and quads) right lower-limb muscle
strength was largely responsible for the big improvement
in average scores for this limb between the 3rd (week 4) and
4th (week 7.5) recording sessions (as seen in Fig. 3A),
whereas right upper-limb EMG was almost unchanged
between these sessions. While not contributing much to the Fig. 4. Hypothetical single EMG score averaged for all muscles examined,
overall limb averages, 3 different muscle groups (right-side reflecting a synthesis of 4 different recovery patterns encountered in
APB, TA, and soleus) showed new recruitment at the week subjects from this study. Subjects with a ‘rapid, near-total’ pattern showed
14 session compared to evaluations at and prior to the week the best clinical improvement, in which function had recovered to
7.5 examination (see Fig. 2B). Finally, the modest decline in essentially normal within a few weeks of injury. This profile accounted
for 25% of the cervical, motor-incomplete cohort. Persons with a ‘slow,
average EMG scores of the left lower limb from week 7.5 to subtotal’ recovery pattern experienced a more prolonged period of clinical
week 26 (squares in Fig. 3A) reflects a drop of ‘1’ in scores improvement, continuing over a period of months following injury. This
across each of 4 different muscles (psoas, quads, hamstring, was typically due to a combination of recruitment of previously silent
and soleus). It is not clear in this individual’s case whether muscles, and greater levels of motor unit recruitment/rate-coding in
this modest decline across multiple muscles reflected a muscles that had already shown recovery. More severe SCI led to a ‘slow,
minimal’ recovery pattern, which is typical for subjects with neurologi-
genuine loss of function (unlikely, given that distal cally-complete (i.e. ASIA ‘A’) SCI. It is characterized by gradual
musculature on the right side was continuing to improve strengthening of muscles innervated from levels at or rostral to the SCI
in EMG score), or whether she had simply not achieved her epicenter, and no recruitment in muscles innervated from more caudal
maximal contraction effort prior to relaxation. levels of the spinal cord. Finally, some subjects with fracture to the caudal
The pattern depicted in Fig. 3 is consistent with a thoracic or lumbar spine experienced a ‘slow, root-sparing’ recovery
profile. These subjects typically showed preservation of recruitment in
relatively slow, subtotal improvement in function spanning proximal lower-limb musculature evident almost immediately following
months. Fig. 4 (up-pointed triangles) graphically depicts this injury, and gradual recovery of recruitment capability in more distal
as one of 4 recovery patterns into which we were able to muscles.
B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759 1753

This pattern described the recovery profile in 25% of the Fig. 5 illustrates data from upper-limb muscles of
cervical incomplete population, and 8% of subjects with subjects with neurologically incomplete injury to the
thoracolumbar injury. cervical spine. Circles represent the latest time (in weeks)
A third pattern of EMG recovery encountered in this after injury when the muscle indicated was tested and found
study is referred to as a ‘slow, minimal’ recovery pattern to be silent during an attempted voluntary contraction (i.e.
(diamonds in Fig. 4). This is seen in subjects with EMG score of ‘0’), while the overlying triangle represents
neurologically complete SCI to the cervical or thoracic the first time after injury that recruitment was seen in that
levels. Five subjects with cervical incomplete SCI recovered muscle during an attempted contraction (i.e. EMG
only minimal upper- and lower-limb function, yet were not score . 0). Using the top-most panel (‘biceps’) in Fig. 5
included in this ‘complete’ recovery pattern because of clear as an example, the right-most data set shows that the biceps
evidence for voluntary recruitment of 1 lower-limb muscle muscle in this particular subject was not recruited during
(AbH in all 5 cases). By definition, all subjects with cervical repeated measures up to and including a trial at approxi-
motor-complete SCI were included in this pattern, in whom mately 28 weeks post-injury, but then showed recruitment at
recovery was restricted to proximal upper-limb musculature approximately 46 weeks post-injury (the next time after the
(e.g. biceps brachii, wrist extensors). Similarly, persons 28 week evaluation that this particular subject was tested).
with thoracic, motor-complete SCI failed to show any motor Also shown in the heading of Fig. 5 panels is the mean
recovery in lower limbs. number of weeks for which EMG recruitment was absent
Finally, some subjects with thoracolumbar injury showed (circles) for each muscle, along with the median time of
what we refer to as a ‘slow, root-sparing’ recovery pattern, EMG absence for that muscle population. Again using the
in which modest improvement in lower-limb EMG scores biceps brachii as an example, the mean time at which EMG
were seen spanning a very prolonged time-frame (Fig. 4, was looked for and found to be absent in this population was
circles). Recovery of EMG recruitment, when seen at all, 4.7 weeks. However, this value was disproportionately
was in a proximal-to-distal manner, with continued affected by the prolonged time without recovery of biceps
improvement in EMG scores within proximal muscles at function (silent at , 28 weeks) of the right-most data set.
the same time that more distal muscles began to show Overall, more than one-half of the subjects had recovered
recruitment (i.e. individual muscle scores . 0). biceps recruitment at 2– 3 weeks post-injury, with a median
Not all subjects improved in neurologic function from time of 1.4 weeks post-injury at which EMG was looked for
the most acute stage and beyond. A small number of our and found to be absent.
subjects showed distinct deterioration of EMG recruitment The mean and median times of EMG absence for distal
scores in the weeks following their initial evaluations (i.e. muscles of the upper limb (APB and ADM) were
‘acute deterioration’). In each case these subjects showed a considerably higher than those for more proximal muscles
widespread deterioration of clinical function, and ultimately of the arm in motor-incomplete subjects with cervical injury
died of injuries secondary to—or sustained at the same time (Fig. 5). Approximately 1/3 of all hand muscles did not
as—their SCI. show recruitment by 5 weeks post-injury, a time chosen to
Finally, longer-term complications and neurologic reflect a stage during which many of these subjects were
deterioration have been reported in persons with chronic now on the rehabilitation service, or had been discharged
SCI. In our subject population, modest levels of deterio- from the hospital altogether. Finally, there were a few cases
ration in mean EMG scores (a decline in mean EMG score for hand muscles (n ¼ 5 and 8 for APB and ADM,
of ‘1’ or more for any limb studied) at time points in excess respectively) in which recruitment recovery was delayed
of 1 year post-injury were seen in 21% of subjects with for even longer periods, extending beyond 20 weeks post-
neurologically incomplete injury to the cervical or thoracic injury. This prolonged delay between injury and recruitment
spine. Such deterioration was seen in 1 of the 7 subjects with recovery was seen only once for the biceps, and was not
thoracolumbar injury followed beyond 1 year post-injury. seen in any of the triceps, ECR or FCR muscles for this
We did not see any cases of ‘delayed deterioration’ in population.
upper-limb muscles of persons with cervical, motor- Fig. 6 illustrates the distribution of recruitment delay
complete SCI. within lower-limb muscles in subjects with cervical and
We now shift attention to the time after injury at which motor-incomplete SCI. Both the mean and median times of
EMG recruitment first becomes evident in a particular the last examination date without recruitment were
muscle, without consideration of the magnitude of the considerably longer in lower-limb muscles than those
recruitment. In these cases, a given muscle score had to be values from upper-limb muscles in this subject population.
‘0’ at the initial evaluation, and greater than ‘0’ at some Roughly 1/2 of all cases across the 6 lower-limb muscles in
subsequent evaluation. We were especially interested in this cohort had not shown recruitment by 4– 5 weeks post-
learning how long after injury one might look for, and not injury. The incidence of especially late recruitment (. 20
see, signs of EMG recruitment during a voluntary contrac- weeks for the last examination without recruitment) varied
tion attempt in a muscle or muscle group that ultimately did between a low of 10% (for AbH) to a high of 27% (for
show signs of recovery. hamstring). Note that the filled circles in the ‘Hams’ and
1754 B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

‘AbH’ data records of Fig. 6 represent data from a single

subject who failed to show recruitment in these two muscles
at 127 weeks post-injury, but they were recruited during his
next evaluation (264 weeks post-injury).
Given the more serious nature of their spinal cord
injuries, there were far fewer cases of delayed muscle
recovery in persons with cervical and motor-complete SCI.
By definition, these subjects did not recover recruitment in
any lower-limb muscle. Within upper-limb muscles, the few
cases encountered of distal recovery usually became evident
within the first 5 weeks post-injury. There were only two
cases of prolonged recovery within this cohort, both
occurring in the triceps muscle (absent recruitment at 28
and 55 weeks post-injury, with recovery at some later time
A small number of subjects with thoracic-level SCI went
on to show recovery of recruitment within one or more
lower-limb muscles. The delays in recruitment recovery in
this population were similar to those for lower-limb muscles
in persons with cervical, motor-incomplete injury. Recovery
had not yet become evident in approximately 1/2 of all
lower-limb muscles by 5 weeks post-injury in this cohort.
Across all categories of injury, there were a few cases of
what we term ‘very prolonged’ recruitment delays (i.e.
confirmed absence of recruitment at a time-point exceeding
1 year, with known recruitment at a still later point in time).
Based on absolute numbers, the incidence of such very
prolonged recruitment was identical for the ‘cervical
incomplete’ and ‘thoracolumbar’ groups. However, as a
percentage of the total number of cases in each group, very
prolonged recruitment delays made up only 3.5% of the
‘cervical incomplete’ cases, 4% of the ‘cervical complete’
cases, and a much higher incidence (57%) of the
‘thoracolumbar’ cases. Based on Chi-square analysis, the
difference between the ‘cervical incomplete’ and ‘thoraco-
lumbar’ groups in the incidence of cases very prolonged
recruitment delay was significant ðP , 0:001Þ:

4. Discussion

In this study, we found the incidence of neurologically-

incomplete SCI to be considerably higher than has been
reported in other large-scale studies of SCI (Bracken et al.,
1984, 1990, 1997). This trend is in keeping with recent
reports (National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center,
Birmingham AB, 2002; Sekhon and Fehlings, 2001), and
Fig. 5. Data from subjects with motor-incomplete cervical SCI. Each panel
corresponds to a different upper-limb muscle, showing the greatest number
of weeks post-injury at which we confirmed an EMG score of ‘0’ (circles) Data were arranged in order of increasing time from injury to date of
for that muscle, and the time of the next evaluation when a non-zero EMG confirmed absent EMG recruitment. Following each muscle name is the
score was seen (triangles). There were 2 cases (1 each for APB and ADM mean time (weeks ^ SD) of confirmed recruitment absence for each
muscles) in which the time of non-zero confirmation was not illustrated, in muscle, followed by the median for this muscle’s sample. Large differences
order to avoid excess ‘compression’ of the ordinate. Recruitment was seen between these two values, most evident in the APB and ADM records,
at 101 and 83 weeks for these two cases, respectively. Since most subjects reflect the contribution to the mean value of especially long intervals
had non-zero EMG scores in biceps at the very first evaluation, the sample between injury and EMG absence/recruitment (to the far right of these
size for this group was much smaller than that for other upper-limb muscles. panels).
B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759 1755

left- and right-side muscles in the initial deficit of persons

with incomplete injury, as well as in the pace and extent of
their neurologic recovery (Waters et al., 1993). Such
asymmetry was also seen in persons with complete SCI at
the acute stage, but these differences between sides tended
to diminish over time in this latter population.
There was a high incidence of delayed recovery of EMG
function in motor-incomplete subjects. In persons with
cervical injury, approximately one-third of all distal hand
muscles did not show recruitment at 5 weeks post-injury,
but recovered recruitment some time afterwards. In leg
muscles of these subjects, and for persons with motor-
incomplete injury to the thoracic spine, the proportion of
delayed (. 5 week) recruitment recovery was closer to one-
half of all the lower-limb muscles sampled.
This time-frame of 5 or more weeks is beyond the most
acute stage during which drug studies to improve outcome
have been initiated (Bracken et al., 1990; Geisler et al.,
2001), all of which used the MMT as an outcome measure.
Therefore assessments of muscle strength in this population
at the acute stage would fail to detect force in a relatively
large number of muscle groups that will eventually show
recovery. Assuming that persons with incomplete injury are
candidates for novel intervention studies now being
considered for treating SCI (Fawcett, 1998; Jones et al.,
2001; Schwartz, 2003), this high probability for delayed,
spontaneous improvement in neurologic function must be
considered when interpreting findings emerging from new
intervention studies.
In addition to this concern (which is largely theoretical at
the present time), a practical consequence of our findings
relates to the timing of hospital discharge and a patient’s
access to rehabilitation. A significant number of subjects in
our cervical, motor-incomplete group had already been
discharged from the hospital before this 5 week period had
been reached: the median length of stay for this cohort was
only 16 days, while the average length of stay for this group
was 38.4 days. (This latter value is somewhat less than a
mean length of stay of 59 days for acutely injured patients
treated within a Model System center, a value derived from
all treated patients (complete and incomplete) and dating
back to 1998 (National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical
Center, Birmingham AB, 2002). Thus in the present study,
many subjects had already been discharged at a time when
some of their lower limb muscles were still completely
paralyzed. Access to a rehabilitation facility for timely
Fig. 6. As in Fig. 5, but now showing recruitment delays for lower-limb
muscles in subjects with motor-incomplete, cervical SCI. Filled circles in the
evaluations and implementation of appropriate therapy as
‘Hams’ and ‘AbH’ panels represent cases of very prolonged delay between new muscle groups regained voluntary innervation would
injury and recovery of recruitment capability. These values are 131 and 127 therefore be especially crucial to this population, who might
weeks, respectively. Recruitment was evident in both of these muscles at the have the most to gain in terms of functional independence
time of the next evaluation (189 and 264 weeks post-injury, respectively). from structured out-patient therapy (Kirshblum et al., 2002).
We attempted to recruit subjects at an acute, but not
may reflect increased usage of seatbelts as well as improved ‘hyper-acute’ stage following injury (as would be the case
head/neck immobilization and patient transport techniques with assessments in the emergency room setting, for
following injury (Sekhon and Fehlings, 2001). We also example). Hyper-acute assessments are necessary for
found that there was usually a marked asymmetry between examining the role of neuroprotective agents – such as
1756 B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

methylprednisolone –but it can be difficult to conduct a valid channel EMG recording, particularly since this approach
neurologic exam at such an early time after injury, due to allows for quantitative electrophysiologic studies of spinal
pain, mild brain trauma, sedative use (or alcohol effects), cord properties (e.g. reflexes and central motor conduction)
and psychological unrest. In fact a delay of several days not accessible to traditional clinical examination.
from SCI to research assessment is associated with an
improved accuracy of prognosis (Brown et al., 1991). 4.2. Recovery patterns

4.1. EMG as an outcome measure The ‘slow, limited’ EMG recovery pattern illustrated in
Fig. 4 is characteristic of a severe, neurologically complete
In an earlier study of subjects with SCI (Calancie et al., SCI at the cervical level (i.e. ASIA ‘A’ category). There is
2001), we showed that there was a strong, positive typically some degree of improved function in upper-limb
relationship between the MMT score and scores from the muscles initially paretic or paralyzed but receiving inner-
EMG system used in the present study. This has allowed us vation from levels at or rostral to the injury epicenter, but
to substitute EMG for MMT testing in this study. Multiple this improvement does not extend to muscle groups that are
channel EMG recording and analysis requires relatively more caudally innervated. Muscle contraction capabilities
expensive instrumentation, and adds time (electrode place- tend towards greater symmetry between left- and right-sides
ment) to the evaluation compared to a typical MMT in such cases than is usually the case for motor-incomplete
protocol. However, EMG monitoring does confer certain injuries (Waters et al., 1993). It is this type of injury that is
advantages over traditional MMT testing for assessing traditionally associated with SCI, and a large proportion of
motor recovery after SCI. animal models continue to use this severe-injury profile (e.g.
First, EMG recording is, without question, more sensitive transection, or high-momentum weight-drop) for studies of
than the MMT, since only one single motor unit need be SCI interventions (Bunge, 1994; Geller and Fawcett, 2002;
recruited to score a ‘1’ with EMG testing. Such limited Schwab and Bartholdi, 1996).
recruitment would be unlikely to cause palpable contraction The majority of subjects in this study showed higher
in a subject with acute or subacute injury (in whom degrees of EMG recovery than that depicted by the ‘slow,
peripheral sprouting had not yet occurred (Thomas et al., limited’ pattern in Fig. 4, based on both the numbers of
1997)), particularly if the motor unit’s rate of discharge was muscles showing recruitment, and the magnitude of
relatively low. Paralyzed muscles tend to develop faster recruitment. In some cases substantial recovery was seen
twitch contraction times—hence require higher stimulus very quickly (i.e. within days) of the injury (e.g. Fig. 4,
rates to cause fusion—than those under supra-spinal control ‘rapid, near-total’), reflecting a ‘neuropraxia’-like state of
(Cameron and Calancie, 1995; Stein et al., 1992; Thomas axonal dysfunction and recovery. More prolonged recovery
et al., 1997; Yang et al., 1990). (weeks to months) was also common. Possible mechanisms
Another advantage of EMG recording is that one can underlying this later recovery include nerve regrowth
examine multiple muscle groups simultaneously for indi- (centrally and/or at the neuromuscular level (Hill et al.,
cations of co-contraction, excessive amounts of which are 2001)), axonal remyelination (Honmou et al., 1996), or a
associated with central motor disorders (Boorman et al., redistribution of excitable channels (Waxman et al., 1994).
1996). In a related vein, the use of manual muscle testing in There were 5 subjects in the present study who had clear
conditions involving altered (i.e. increased) muscle ‘tone’ recruitment in multiple muscles during our initial evalu-
has been discouraged, due to the difficulty in attributing ation, and in whom we noted a substantial decline in motor
contractile force to one muscle alone when it more likely function upon follow-up evaluation (i.e. acute deterio-
reflects the net effect of multiple muscles acting simul- ration). In one case the patient’s deterioration followed
taneously across a joint (Daniels and Worthingham, 1980). surgical spinal cord decompression and stabilization of her
Monitoring multiple EMG channels can help confirm spine fracture. The other 4 cases of deterioration were
that a subject is genuinely attempting to contract a paretic or associated with multiple co-morbidities secondary to motor
paralyzed muscle, since such attempts typically lead to vehicle accident. The decline in contraction capabilities in
motor unit recruitment in muscle(s) innervated at a level each of these subjects appeared to reflect deteriorating
rostral to the cord injury (Sherwood et al., 1996). An central motor function. Significant cognitive dysfunction
example can be seen in Fig. 2B, in which the right biceps was ruled out in these cases, as each of these subjects
was recruited during attempted contractions in most of the indicated their ongoing willingness to participate in the
other right-sided muscles of this subject. study protocol at subsequent evaluations. Outside of these 5
Despite all these advantages, the time and expense of cases, there was no evidence for deterioration of neurologic
EMG monitoring for assessing persons with acute SCI function to values below those encountered upon the initial
likely renders it unsuitable for routine clinical use in most evaluation, in contrast to a previous report of transient
centers. However, novel interventions which may call for deterioration after acute SCI (Brown et al., 1991). Other
expanded outcome measures for assessing the intervention’s reports of deterioration after acute SCI are thought to be
efficacy would likely benefit from inclusion of multi- related to thrombosis of a key vessel or to inflammatory
B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759 1757

and/or immune mechanisms (Belanger et al., 2000), symbols (e.g. a week or two) gave a very accurate indication
possibly due to episodes of hypotension (Aito et al., of when that recovery took place relative to the time of
1999). Whatever the causes, it is evident from our own injury. If, conversely, the interval between these two pivotal
findings and the limited numbers of published reports that evaluations was very prolonged (e.g. months to 1 year or
deterioration of neurologic function after acute SCI in more), then considerable error could have been introduced
humans is rare (Aito et al., 1999). Put another way, subjects by equating the date of EMG recovery to the date of
are typically in their worst neurologic status at the time they evaluation. In contrast, no such error can be associated with
first reach the hospital following SCI, and thereafter quantifying the latest date (relative to the date of injury)
experience varying degrees of neurologic improvement. upon which EMG was looked for, and not seen. As such,
Cases of ‘delayed deterioration’ were relatively common presenting the mean and median for these latter values was
in subjects with cervical and thoracic incomplete SCI. Several felt to be more conservative, thereby avoiding overestimates
studies have reported on the incidence of post-traumatic of the anticipated time of recovered motor function on a
myelopathy, frequently associated with cystic cavitation and muscle-by-muscle basis after traumatic SCI.
tethering between spinal cord and dura mater (Asano et al., As previously discussed, absence of recruitment at
1996; Falci et al., 1999; Lee et al., 2001; Smith and Rekate, 5 weeks in muscles which ultimately recovered some
1994). Such a diagnosis of spinal cord tethering was made in function was very common in persons with cervical (or
one of our subjects, who experienced marked loss of thoracic) motor-incomplete injury, but less common at 20
neurologic function approximately 1.5 years post-injury. He weeks. There were very few cases in these subjects where
was treated surgically (cervical laminoplasty, dural untether- we could unequivocally show an absence of recruitment at
ing and duraplasty) and had good resolution of symptoms. For one year post-injury in a muscle group that ultimately went
our other cases of ‘delayed deterioration’, lowered EMG on to show recruitment. It is important to note, however, that
values may have simply been due to a submaximal our outcome measure does not directly measure force. A
contraction effort, but one cannot rule out the possibility of muscle group atrophied from disuse (likely in a person with
spinal cord tethering (Bursell et al., 1999; Little et al., 1992), chronic SCI) may therefore be limited in force production
reflecting the early stages of this known complication capability and/or fatigue resistance, despite the presence of
following spine trauma. Alternatively, loss of spinal moto- a measurable EMG signal during contraction efforts.
neurons secondary to trans-synaptic degeneration has been Training of these muscles via circuit weight or related
reported following central lesions (Aisen et al., 1992; Chang, protocols (Duran et al., 2001; Jacobs et al., 2001) might then
1998; Eidelberg et al., 1989), and may have contributed to lead to improvement in force production and fatigue
diminished muscle EMG noted in these subjects. resistance, translating into higher functional muscle scores
at these delayed times following injury.
4.3. Time-course of recovery onset Cases of thoracic injury leading to a ‘motor-incomplete’
status were infrequent, and the time-course of recovery in
This manuscript concentrates more on when neural these few cases was roughly comparable to that of lower-
signals are arriving at the muscle, and less on the absolute limb recovery in persons with cervical and motor-incom-
amount of functional recovery one can expect to get after plete SCI. In contrast, injury to the thoracolumbar spine was
acute SCI. Thus while we are comfortable presenting and associated with a relatively high probability for very
comparing findings about the onset of muscle contraction prolonged periods of recovery. In several cases for which
after injury, our study design does not address the maximal data were unambiguous, recovery of muscle recruitment
degree of recovery one can expect, since our more limited first became evident well over a year after injury. Given the
data and that of others indicates this process of strengthen- high probability of nerve root (i.e. lumbosacral plexus)
ing can continue for 2 or more years following SCI (Ditunno involvement for injury to the thoracolumbar spine, one
and Formal, 1994; Piepmeier and Jenkins, 1988). cannot rule out long-distance regeneration of motor axons as
In Figs. 5 and 6, we quantified the latest time after injury a possible contributor to this very delayed recovery (Little
at which EMG was looked for and not seen, rather than the and DeLisa, 1986). In fact there is evidence—albeit
first time after injury during which recruitment was seen. limited—for such late recovery following surgical repair
This decision reflects the wide disparity of timing for or transplantation of damaged ventral roots in humans
follow-up evaluations across different subjects. Had we (LeBlanc et al., 1969; Petrov, 1971).
been able to carry out follow-up evaluations across all There were 13 subjects in our study who had no lower-
subjects with an invariant schedule between time of injury limb EMG recruitment upon the initial evaluation, but went
and time of evaluation, we might have presented these data on to recover contraction in one or more muscles of both their
differently. In each record of these figures, a given muscle lower limbs at a time period exceeding 2 weeks post-injury
fell under the volitional control of the subject between the (i.e. all were motor-complete for at least 2 weeks following
time indicated by the circle (EMG not present with injury). Six of these subjects went on to ambulate
contraction attempt) and the triangle (EMG now present independently. Within this subgroup, all but one subject
upon contraction attempt). A brief interval between these had recovered recruitment in at least one muscle of both
1758 B. Calancie et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (2004) 1748–1759

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