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Student Name: Fransiscus Rendy Bilianto

Student Number: 4020896

Subject Code: ENT102A

Subject Name: Venture Ideation And Validation

Lecturer: Deji Okuneye

Assessment Title: Market Research Report

Word Count: 1000 (+/- 10%)

Due Date: Sunday week 6 by 11:59PM

Signed: Fransiscus Rendy Bilianto

Table of Contents







In the current era of technology that continues to grow rapidly, there are more and more opportunities
for people to make money. many people can make money easily without the need to spend large capital
by studying via the internet. that way I propose an online business course on how to build a business
that can be done online. In my opinion, this online business course fits perfectly with the values that are
in me, this business course will help many people easily build a new online business. with my skills in the
field of marketing it fits perfectly with this business and this is very important for me because, with me
who understand how to do marketing well, this course will be useful for many people who take this
online business course.


The primary method that I chose is to conduct an online survey, because with a survey that I will
distribute online and have various results from the answers of the survey fillers, it will make it easier for
me to properly guide my online course customers and besides this survey it is also very accessible and
can be done online. The secondary method that I chose is the research method (observation) which can
be done on social media, the social media that I chose to make observations, namely Instagram, by
making observations as seen from Comments and Likes on an Instagram account that distributes
tutorials online. this method can be used to see how many people are
interested in the online course business that I will run.

for example, I have made observations using Instagram social media.

The post uploaded by @businesscouseacaemy has 200 likes and 105
comments with 86.6k followers on his account. Uploading the photo is a
form of assessment that the business being run attracts the attention of
people who want to build an online business, that way I can know that
many people will be interested in the business I am proposing, namely
creating an online business course.

Furthermore, by observing the comments on the post there were as
many as 105 comments from the public. It seems that there are still
many people who are interested in online business and want to try
and need courses on how to run an online business, with this
observation if I start by sending invitations about online business
courses which I will be running on Instagram and I will be conducting
an online survey of those interested in this online business course,
before I start this course. because I have to know what they need in
this online business course. whether it is about marketing or finance
that they need more. then with online surveys it can also open up
good interaction between the two parties, namely me and my
customers to promote more freely. then with business courses that
are lured free of charge without being charged anything, it makes
people more interested in taking these online business courses. the
research results from the secondary method support the primary
method I chose. at this time there are also many businesses that run
online and not only businesses that can run online even with

With today's technology, learning can now be done online and

spread to all corners of the world. because, besides being easy with an online business it also saves
people time compared to having to come from one place to another to do it offline. then apart from that
there are a number of points that I have to pay attention to in building this online business course,
namely this online business course must have a flexible cost for everyone, it can start from $1 - $3.

and people who have taken this online business course will receive an award such as a certificate as a
sign that they have taken an online business course and this certificate can also be used as a consumer
portfolio later. With the online business course that I propose, many people will be helped by this
business idea, and it will be useful for the two parties involved. for myself who proposed this business
idea, this business idea can be a job opportunity for me and for customers who take this online business
course will build an online business with a strong foundation thanks to learning from the online business
course we are doing together. with so many people taking advantage of the convenience of this
technological advancement, especially in developing or building an online business.


from the results of the research that I did, the rapid advancement of technology made it easier for many
people to build online businesses and also made it easier for people to do online learning. In my opinion,
this is a good business idea and can continue to be developed because with continuous technological
advances and technology that continues to empathize every day, people will rely more on technology as
a complement to their lives, from buying things they need to even learning. there will always be online
methods in today's technological era.


henceforth, I will conduct online business course services that I offer to the wider community. there are
many points that I have to pay attention to in this online business course from the level of business
success to awards to consumers who take part in the online business course, then I will also try my best
to conduct surveys on the internet in order to accurate the results of online business courses that are i
will run it. then, I will also arrange the right time and how to cover a lot of people in my online course.


QuestionPro. (n.d.). What is primary research? A complete guide. Retrieved from 

Scribbr. (n.d.). Secondary research. Retrieved from


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