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Easily confused words

1. 1) excessively / exceedingly

a She become exceedingly nervous as the day of the exam approached.

b The new hotel in our village charges excessively high prices for what is a very
ordinary room.

2) unreasonable / irrational

a My boyfriend has an irrational fear of flying.

b I was asked to do an unreasonable amount of overtime next week, so I


3) infer / imply

a The article seemed to imply that the singer was sufferimg from depression.

b The police were able to infer from his statement that he had not returned
home that night.

4) classic / classical

a My professor is fascinated by classical mythology.

b I made the classic mistake of asking after her boyfriend when they'd split up
the previous week.

5) borne / born

a My brother's borne me a grudge ever since I went to university and he


b The twins were born prematurely, but they were both very healthy.

6) possibility / opportunity

a We try to get away to our holiday home at every opportunity.

b We had to rule out the possibility of early retirement when we found out
how our pension would be.
2. 1) Ruby took her phone off the hook because of continuous interruptions
from her friends.

2) My brother is completely uninterested in science.

3) The salesman finally persuaded my father to buy a new car.

4) The manager doesn't altogether agree with our proposal.

5) The first moon landing was, for me, the most historical event of the
twentieth century.

6) Governments are becoming increasingly concerned about the current

economic situation.

7) Escape was impossible because of the high wall surrounding the complex.

8) Anna adores all her pets, especially her dog Mitsi.

Page 75, ex. 6

1) classic / classical

classic – „kvalitetno“; koristimo ga u značenju nečega što se ceni. Takođe znači i

savršen ili najtipičniji primer nečega.

classical – koristimo da bismo se pozvali na kulturu i na umetničke oblike koji

pripadaju dugoj tradiciji.

2) unreasonable / irrational

unreasonable – znači da neko ima očekivanja u vezi sa nečim ili drugom

osobom koja nisu realna ili se u nešto ne može uveriti koristeći logiku i

irrational – besmisleno; nešto nema smisla.

3) possibility / opportunity

possibility – mogućnost; znači da bi se nešto moglo dogoditi ili da može biti

opportunity – prilika; znači da ako vam neko pruži niz okolnosti kojih se
pridržavate, to bi se moglo dogoditi. Koristimo da razgovaramo o situaciji u
kojoj možemo učiniti nešto što želimo.

4) imply / infer

imply – sugerisati ili reći nešto na indirektan način.

infer – pretpostaviti ili zaključiti na osnovu dokaza i obrazloženja.

5) excessively / exceedingly

excessively – prekomerno, previše, izvan odgovarajućih ili normalnih granica.

exceedingly – veoma, izuzetno.

6) borne / born

borne – past participle od glagola bear u svim značenjima, osim onog vezanog
ra rođenje. Može se koristiti kao sinonim za nošenje, trpljenje, čuvanje.

born – past participle glagola bear samo kada se koristi u značenju rođenja.

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