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1 2.1 The building blocks in life

2 2.2 The cell story

3 2.3 Animal and plant cells

4 2.4 Using a microscope

5 2.5 Specialized animal cells

1 2.6 Specialized plant cells

2 2.8 Tissues and organs in animals

3 2.9 Tissues and organ in plants

Cells are the building blocks of living organisms and carry out all the
characteristics of life. Microorganisms such as protozoa, yeasts, and
bacteria only have one cell, but large plants and animals have billon of
cells. An average human cell is 20 - 30microns (um). Microns are also
known as micrometers and there are 1000 um in 1 mm.

A light microscope is a piece of equipment which allows you to see

very small objects. Is uses light and lenses to magnify things. Part of an
organism, that you look at is called the specimen.

Sometimes, scientists need to magnify things even more than in

possible with a light microscope. In universities and research labs, a
different type of microscope called an electron microscope is used.
Electron microscope are big and very expensive, but they can magnify
specimens up to 1 million times. This gives us very detailed pictures of
the structures inside cells, and of microorganisms.
2.2 The cell story
1665: Robert Hooke sees cell for the first time.
simple microscope using polished glass lenses.
A thin slice of cork and saw a beautiful honeycomb structure.

1670-1683: Anton van Leeuwenhoek sees living cells for the first time.
was not a scientists.
bought cloth to make fine clothes and polished lenses.
to help him see the details of the fabric.
use his lenses to make a microscope to look at a drop of pond water.
very excited to see tiny living organisms swimming around
the first person ever to see living cells.
1883: Robert Brown sees the internal structure pf plant cells.
had a microscope which was good enough to see the internal (inside)
structure of plant cells.
Discovered the nucleus of the cell, which contains the genetic material
2.2 The cell story
The importance and reason of a M.I.C.R.O.S.C.O.P.E.

1 Communication between countries got easier

2 Scientists could compare their findings

The cell theory
Summary :Cells are the basic unit of life. this is the cell theory

1838: Matthias Jakob 1839: Theodore 1845: Carl Heinrich

Schleiden Schwann Braun

Cells are the The cell is the basic Cells are

unit of structure of
building of
all organisms. All the basic
blocks of all organisms consist of
plants. one or more cells. unit of life.
Animal cell
Contains genes
controls the cells
Cell Membrane
Controls what goes in and out of the cell
Chemical reaction occur here
Respiration occurs here
Plant cell
Cell wall Mitochondria
Give shape to the cell - Respiration occur here
Protect the cell
Keeping the plant cell firm
Support the plant
Capture light energy
Involved in photosynthesis
Contains genes
Controls the cells
Cell membrane
Controls what goes in and out of the cell
Chemical reaction occur here
Focusing knobs- turn these slowly to make sure that you can see things really clearly.

Eyepeice lens - look down

Objective lens - makes things look biggger

Stage - this is where you put your microscope slide

Clip - to hold your specimen in place

Light source - in some microscopes you have to move a mirror to get enough light to see
with, in other microscopes you just switch on a light

Coarse knob & fine focus

Using A Microscope

Total Eye piece lens Objective lens

Magnification magnification magnification

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