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The Shorts Film School


1. Record a quick video talking about what you’re doing right now (don’t worry if you think
it’s boring or not! Just share with your followers.)
2. Share your latest Reel/Short to your story
3. Share your latest post but hide it with a sticker
4. Ask people what they’re doing today
5. Create a poll related to your brand
6. Re-share anyone who has tagged you in a post, story or reel
7. Remind people about your website with a link
8. Share someone else’s reel/post that you liked
9. Post a review that someone left for your product
10. Do an AMA (ask me anything). Start by putting out a call for questions, then answer
each one in one story
11. Reshare one of your old favorite posts
12. Introduce members of your team/family/friends
13. Create a countdown to an event
14. Share any random thought you had today
15. Host a giveaway, ask people to reshare your story or a post to enter
16. Celebrate any milestones you have
17. Highlight your products/services
18. Give a discount with a clickable link
19. Create a tutorial with a series of stories
20. Post a throwback picture #TBT
21. Share an inspirational quote
22. Post a photo of your meal
23. Tag products or services that you use
24. Post a photo with a ‘caption this!’ call to action
25. Post a silly selfie
26. Share a trending meme
27. Share your daily routine
28. Post a photo of where you’re at with a location tag
29. Share a fun fact about yourself
30. Post a photo of wherever you’re working

Phil Ebiner
Dan Britain

copyright 2023 Video School Online Inc.

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