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MATÉRIA: Inglês PÁG. 1

PROF.: Carlos Emanuel

Questão-01) d) Rains
Can you lend me five hundred dollars? I _____ you back Questão-08)
on Friday. I’m sorry, but I _____ able to meet you for lunch
a) Am going to pay tomorrow.
b) Am paying a) Haven’t been
c) Will pay b) Can’t be
d) Pay c) Don’t be
e) Paid d) Won’t be
Questão-02) e) Wasn’t
He __________ me up as soon as his daughter _____ Questão-09)
home. By the end of this century, everyone _____ English.
A)Calls – will get a) Will be speaking
B)Will call – gets b) Is speaking
C)Called – get c) Spoke
D)Called – will get d) Speaks
E)Calls – got Questão-10)
Questão-03) I’m sure you ____ a lot better after a good night’s sleep.
In the sentence “For the first time in human history, early a) Feel
in the b) Are feeling
Next millennium, there will be more people living in cities c) Will feel
than on the rest of the planet”, the future form is used to d) Are going to feel
express a prediction. In which of the alternatives below is Questão-11)
the future form used to express a similar idea? Juliet and Romeo in the balcony scene: “Oh, Romeo, if my
a) Will someone help me with the luggage? brother
b) It will snow heavily in two days’ time. ______ us together, he _________ you. Please, go away
c) If it rains, the match will be cancelled. now.”
d) Don’t worry. I’ll watch your dog carefully. a) Will see – will kill
e) Waiter, I’ll have some salad for lunch. b) Sees – will kill
Questão-04) c) See – kill
Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. d) Will see – kill
Even though it’s ____, I ____ go to the beach. e) Will see – will kill
a) Snowing – have Questão-12)
b) Windy – don’t There are several ways of expressing future actions. Select
c) Raining – will the
d) Sunny – did Alternative which contains two of them.
Questão-05) a) I will stay here and rest. / I didn’t find that key.
The negative form of the sentence “They’ll let you take it b) She is going to work and study abroad. / They will
home” is: probably arrive at nine o’clock.
a) They won’t let you take it home. c) He thought he could win, but he didn’t . / I have to talk
b) They don’t want to let you take it home. to that official.
c) They wouldn’t let you take it home. d) John and Peter want a new roommate. / I am going to
d) They would never let you take it home. have lunch at midday .
The sentence “We’re going to Robben Island” refers to WHAT IS OFFSHORE ENGLISH ?
the Offshore English is a term used by many people for
a) Past international English (I). It is the English spoken and
b) Future written by non-native speakers in international
c) Present communication (II). Many in business are starting to
d) Daily action worry that native speakers are actually at a disadvantage
in international communication. A good example of this
situation was when a company tried to sell flight
simulators to South Korea, where a French company won
Questão-07) the contract because the buyers found it easier to
Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence understand the English that the French people spoke than
Correctly : There are black clouds in the sky. It ______. the English spoken by the British company. Many native
English speakers feel little necessity to learn foreign
a) Is going to rain languages, so they often don’t understand the difficulties
b) Will rain and problems learners have. They also don’t see (1) the
c) Is raining need to modify their language for a foreign audience, so

UNIDADE CAMPO GRANDE Um curso com a solidez de uma escola.

AV. Cesário de Melo, 2400 Uma escola com a eficiência de um curso.

MATÉRIA: Inglês PÁG. 2

PROF.: Carlos Emanuel

they use (2) idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal

verbs, etc, and don’t think (3) of the impact this has (4) on
a foreign businessperson. The English studied by non-
native speakers tends to use a more simple vocabulary, Parte 2 :
and considering the similarities in courses in many parts Questão-01)
of the world, emphasized by a small number of course I did everything that I ______, but we lost the Match.
books (Headway Series) and the domination of a few A)Can
examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means that B)Can’t
non-native speakers from different countries and cultures C)May
sometimes understand each other more easily than the D)Could
native speaker. Few native speakers outside the world of Questão-02)
ESL (English as a Second language) teaching have much You ______ take this job. It’s perfect for you!
idea of what non-native learners assimilate, and think that A) Should
as their English is native speaker level, they speak it better B)Can’t
than their non-native counterparts. Because of this, C)Can
companies are offering courses in Offshore English to D)Shouldn’t
native speakers to train them to speak the type of English Questão-03)
that will make it easier for nonnative speakers to I wish I ______ buy this new car, but it’s only a distant
understand. So they will gain more contracts. . Adapted dream.
from A)Might
Glossary: Foreign: estrangeiro B)Shall
Businessperson: homem/ mulher de negócios C)Can
Counterpart: seu semelhante D)Could
To win: ganhar, vencer Questão-04)
Disadvantage: desvantagem If I had your number, I _____ call you tomorrow.
Outside: do lado de fora A)Can
Questão-13)According to the text, B)Should
a) French people don’t know English language very well. C)Would
b) South Koreans understood perfectly the D)Can’t
company’slanguage. Questão-05)
c) the British company did not speak an easy The show _______ go on.
understanding English. d) flight simulators are designed in A)Can
many different languages. B)Shouldn’t
Questão-14) C)Could
We can say that Headway is a D)Must
a) course book. Questão-06)
b) successful course. Match the columns according to the meaning of the
c) dominant examination. modal
d) program. Verb in bold in each sentence below.
Questão-15)After reading the text, we conclude that 1-Impossibility
a) learners think that it is more difficult to learn English 2-Possibility
than French. 3-Prohibition
b) non-native speakers use less idioms, synonyms, etc to 4-Advice
talk to native ones. ()Mark studied hard for his exams, but he got poor marks;
c) English companies are not so famous as British ones. He can’t be very clever.
d) it’s easier to understand the type of English the ()You should work less! You look too tired!
nonnative speakers communicate. ()She may be in the garden.
Questão-16) Mark the option in which only one question ()You mustn’t enter here
is grammatically correct. A)1 – 4 – 3 – 2
a) Did English became the world’s lingua franca? B)4 – 2 – 3 – 1
b) Is multiple languages mixing into English? C)1 – 4 – 2 – 3
c) Do they use it to communicate with other non-native D)4 – 3 – 2 – 1
speakers? Questão-07) In the sentence: “You may be wrong, and
d) They are expanding and becoming popular online? you may be right”, “may” expresses:
a) possibility.
b) permission.
c) ability.
Gabarito: 1-A/2-B/3-B/4-C/5-A/6-B/7-A/8-D/9-A/10-C/11- d) deduction.
B/12-B/13-C/14-A/15-D/16-C e) obligation.

UNIDADE CAMPO GRANDE Um curso com a solidez de uma escola.

AV. Cesário de Melo, 2400 Uma escola com a eficiência de um curso.

MATÉRIA: Inglês PÁG. 3

PROF.: Carlos Emanuel

Questão-08) Questão-14) No trecho do terceiro parágrafo

In the sentence “At some point, if you want to tell a story “parasites could evolve resistance to the vaccine”, o
About Paris, you have to choose an angle”, the words termo
“have to” could Be substituted by: Sublinhado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de
A)can Sentido, por
B)must A)Would
C)could B)Might.
D)should C)Shall
Questão-09)Mother to child: “You _________ tell lies.” D)Should
a) don’t need E)Must
b) mustn’t The Last Dalai Lama?
c) may not [1] On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival,
d) don’t must more than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a
e) haven’t rendition of ‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso,
the 14th Dalai Lama, blew out the Solitary candle on a
Questão-10) large [5] birthday cake while clasping the hand of Patti
In the sentence “the dangerous comets and asteroids Smith, who stood beside him. The world’s most famous
Which might cross Earth’s orbit” (lines 39 and 40), the monk Then poked a thick finger at Smith’s silvery mane.
underlined Word is similar to ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said, ‘‘white hair.’’ But ‘‘the voice and
A)must. physical action,’’ he added in his booming baritone,
B)should. ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he [10] went on: ‘‘So, that
C)could. gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80 years old, but I
D)shall should be like you — more active!’’.
Choose the correct alternative that shows a modal verb Questão-15)According to the text, it is correct to affirm
Indicating an obligation. that
A)Children can practice math during common activities A)Tenzin Gyatso, the world’s most famous monk, had
such as baking or dining. more than 100,000 people celebrating his 80th birthday.
B)They do not need to sit at the table and work with a B)Dalai Lama is celebrating his friend Patti Smith’s 80th
Book. birthday.
C)Parents must be a substitute teacher. C)Dalai Lama would like to have white hair and beard.
D)It is not na easy task. D)Patti Smith is considered the 14th Dalai Lama
You shout it out Questão-16) Read the weather forecast for the UK on
But I can’t hear a word you say December 2nd, 2015, and answer the question.
I’m talking loud not saying much
I’m criticized but all your bullets ricochet Rain becoming slow-moving across central UK today.
You shoot me down, but I get up Winds largely easing.Rain across Scotland and Northern
I’m bulletproof nothing to lose Ireland at first will continue Southeastwards, stalling
Fire away, fire away across Wales and parts of northern England By late
Ricochet, you take your aim afternoon. Brighter, colder conditions will follow across
Fire away, fire away the northwest, but it will remain cloudy and mild in the
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am southeast.
According to the weather forecast, choose the correct
You shoot me down but I won’t fall
I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am
A)There will be rain in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and north
Of England
The modal verb CAN’T, bolded in the text means
B)There will be heavy rain in Wales in the afternoon.
C)The weather will be colder in the southeast.
D)It will be snowy in the northwest.
Questão-13) In “Comprehensive lifestyle changes may be
Able to bring about regression…” may expresses:

UNIDADE CAMPO GRANDE Um curso com a solidez de uma escola.

AV. Cesário de Melo, 2400 Uma escola com a eficiência de um curso.

MATÉRIA: Inglês PÁG. 4

PROF.: Carlos Emanuel


UNIDADE CAMPO GRANDE Um curso com a solidez de uma escola.

AV. Cesário de Melo, 2400 Uma escola com a eficiência de um curso.

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