Speaking Tasks 8 - B1

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Student A

1 Greet your partner and introduce yourself to him/her. Talk about

magic tricks. Do you enjoy watching magic tricks? Can you do any?
Why do you think people enjoy doing them?

2 Look at the photo. Describe it to your partner. Then listen to your

partner describe his/her photo to you. Together, consider how each
photo is relevant to the topic ‘Real or Fake?’.

3 Read the news headlines and adverts below. With your partner,
decide if you think they are genuine, magic or fake.

‘Michael Jackson speaks to me from

the dead’ says 25-year-old bus driver.

90-year-old woman drives from Toronto

to Buenos Aires in three weeks.
Special offer! Rolex Dayton luxury
watches from 20 US dollars.
Ring Sheila on 006657823.

Blind for nearly half a century, man

from remote Mongolian village sees
again after trip to Russian hospital.

Would you like to see your husband or wife

disappear before your eyes? Your wish can come true!
Come along to the Donny Travis special show
at the Palladium.

Thousands of children die of hunger

in Africa every day. For one dollar
a month you can save a young life.

BP TG New 3-4 Realia 3rd batch v1.indd 20 07/08/2012 09:01

Student B
1 Greet your partner and introduce yourself to him/her. Talk about
magic tricks. Do you enjoy watching magic tricks? Can you do any?
Why do you think people enjoy doing them?

2 Look at the photo. Listen to your

partner describe his/her photo to
you. Then describe your photo to
your partner. Together, consider
how each photo is relevant to the
topic ‘Real or Fake?’.

3 Read the news headlines and adverts below. With your partner,
decide if you think they are genuine, magic or fake.

‘Michael Jackson speaks to me from

the dead’ says 25-year-old bus driver.

90-year-old woman drives from Toronto

to Buenos Aires in three weeks.
Special offer! Rolex Dayton luxury
watches from 20 US dollars.
Ring Sheila on 006657823.

Blind for nearly half a century, man

from remote Mongolian village sees
again after trip to Russian hospital.

Would you like to see your husband or wife

disappear before your eyes? Your wish can come true!
Come along to the Donny Travis special show
at the Palladium.

Thousands of children die of hunger

in Africa every day. For one dollar
a month you can save a young life.

BP TG New 3-4 Realia 3rd batch v1.indd 21 07/08/2012 09:01

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