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Essbase- Extended Spread Sheet Data Base.

(Main data base)

EPM , it was build by Hyperion ( hyperion is an company )

1. its a multi dimensional data base that enable business user to analyze

business data in multiple view.

2. its stores data in multi dimensional array.

In hyperion we can do two thinks :

1. Consolidation (closing) = in this step they do planning and budgeting

2. HFM = Essbase and planning (Hyperion financial management)

This is based on supply chain management:

Eg : manufacture > vendor > customer (comma neg for supply chain)

For now we need to purchase a raw material for manufacturing some product . for example take pen

To manufatue pen we need

1. Plastic
2. Riffele
3. Nib.

This material can be order to different different vendor

Like plastic is orderd to one vendor , Reffel is order to another vendor , nib is order to another

This particular vendor has different id number (purchase id ) and this transation can be captured or
tracked in ERP (one of the data base)

Once the data in ERP is added successful that can be send it to EPM data base and also called data
ware house. Epm (DW) data warehouse

Another example: using ATM and Online banking.

OLTP = online transaction process

OLAP = online analytical process


In ATM we can

1.withdraw money

2. Deposit money or addd money

3. mini statement or check your transcation

4.other facility

So in ATM we can only check only ur last 10 to 15 transaction.

But if u use internet banking we can take 1 to 2 month transactions. With in 10 to 15 mins

OLAP (Data ware house ) (EPM) :

It’s the process by the bank back end team that when we asked for 1 to 2 years transaction details

This process will take atleast 1 to 2 days depends upon the bank or data.

EPM is a kind of data ware house .

Essbase for reporting analytical reports.


If the company manufacturing an product with 100 employee and producing 25 brand of 5000

If the demand was high or customer demands 6000 quantities we can’t be make that extra
production using 100 emplyee

So we need to hire 20 + employee to manufacture that extra 1000 quantities.

And also the company is producing 1000 quantity means 500 can be store in ware house.

So here the reporting is the process to report the hr or official team that we cant able to produce
6000k product with 100 employee so you need to hire another 25+ employee
2nd reporting: in sales
Data jan feb
Sale 10000 20000
Cogs(man power , 8500 15000
logistic, etc)

Profits 1500 9500

So from that table there is an major different in that sale, because of impt decision has been taken
there . so there will be in an increase in profit and they can able to caluculate the next month sale
report by comparing jan and feb .

Now we need to compare the reports from 1991 to 2022 .now, see the profit curves

On 1991 the company revenview was 10 million

In 2022 the company reveniew was 10 billion . in between the gap there is new features new
products are introduced and new decisions are made .

The main use of reporting is to make the right decision (for existing team) and for anaysist the need
to analysis every thing.

The company need to store thet data in the excel and it was not capable of storing all the data
because the excel contain few number of rows and colum for that Essbase is introduced to extend
the spreed sheet .even its required may no of employee to maintain the data

1.employee to enter data

2.employee to verify that data

3.employee to approve the data

Its an multi dimensional data base

In essbasse there are two storage option:

1.Aso = Aggregative storage

2.Bso = block storage

In application if there is an red star then it was an aggregate storage

And if the red star is not there means then it was block storage.

Application is used to capturing all data

In that application we can create data base.

1. Enterprise View
2. Administration servers
3. Essbase Servers
4. Essbasecluster1
5. Applications(ctsbud)
6. Data base(CTSBUD )

7.Under data base > list is refereed in above pic

We can also able to create n (many) number of data base. But it will be little difficult to manage


So , now in outlet, outlet is actually a business structure

This above pic describe the outline of the company. (organization structure)

2.LRO(Linked Reporting Objects)

Use to link between ur application 1 and application 2 or data base to data base.

And Partitions also help to transfer data from one database to another data base

3.Calculation Script.

It’s the part of writing an script may be a code or tranfer data or move one dp to another dp .

4.Report script.

Report script from erp and able to load into epm

5. Rules file

It has 2 types.

1. Load metadata F

2. load data

From erp to epm

Transferring data from one data base to another data base by using partition

Now is Essabase we can use two cube

1.Aso = Aggregate storage (ASO)

2.Bso= Block storage (BSO)

Mostly we use bso cube

Based on the clint we choose aso or bso cube.

And depend upon the organization has ability to use which os to use and different admin server

1.window (mostly we don’t use windows because it ask more update, but lunix and unix ask less

2.lunix (command server)(we can access through putty key server )


In ERP day to day transaction can be captured in the regular base, it will collect the 1 month data
from jan 1 to 31 and it was stored in ERP and that stored data can be moved to EPM

In ERP they only collect and store the recent years data (max 3 years)

In EPM they collect all the data from the company started till the day.

So if it march month is currently running ,in ERP feb month data is collected and stored that feb
month data was added to EPM in march month for analysis that feb month data and the process
repeat again.

There are tools help to transfer data

1. Etl tool
2.file export import

3. Form tables.

Epm is catagory into two enviroinment

1. on prem

2. cloud

Oracle On prem: physical server. – oracle - they have a package and one os system and config.

Like 36 gb of ram . 2tb hard disk etc., instal packages eg : amazon ott platform.

Oracle Cloud:

In cloud there is no physical server, web based server. (online) just take subscription

How to create application in Essbase;(on prem)

1. right on application > create applicatipon

2. Create application > using block storage

3. set app name.

Application name cant be long more than 8 .

Unicode mode:

By default we have non -unicodde mode

If we select Unicode mode to change to language system(religion lang)

Like client was arab they ask reports in arab so we use Unicode mode

Here we create application and DB


Storage place of application: Back end (this process take place in back end)

After creating the application in the app or Essbase server. There will be back end process will be
take place and it mentioned below.

 Here it’s create a path with folder structure (arborpath) arbor is the name of the scientistt
 Like we instal app in windows , it also have a path in that servers so there the application
was created in backend .
 Eg : c> progamer file > system 32
 Here uu06/oracle/middleware/user project/Essbase server/ app (that we created )

 The app is created like a folder in that path

In application:

After application was created in app the created application can be found below the application tab.
So in the back end it will create an folder in the name of application what we given and in that folder
it has created the 2 file ,

 Essbaeapp.instance

 >>>

Here train _gn is an application file and instance file is an encrypted file.

Data base creating :

Now in FRONT END (application or app)

So here click the created app and right click that and select create data base

So here we need to name the data base and here also data base name should be not more than 8

Here database type > normal and currency

normal : its denotes the country which use USD dollar or data from same country

Currency: its denotes the currency from a different location like the main branch in India and also
having many branch in different country like china, Japan. for converting currency into USD we use a

Now we click ok the data base will create under the application name when we expand \ TRAIN_GN


Under that data base there will be an default option >outlet > linked reporting object > partitions
After creating the database in the back end also it will create a folder in the name of database in
that folder it will create some 5 default files and those files are impt.


The files are

 Train-gn.tct >>>> is file which capture all transaction made in the Essbase
 Train-gn.olt >>>> the main file
 Train-gn.esm >>>> is the colonel file
 Train-gn.dbb >>>> data base back up file
 Train-gn.db >>>> data base file

Now we move to front end

Now in outline is the structure of the company.

Step 1: we create dimensions

Under dimension, all the things we created are called as members

Dimension is called as parent , member is called child

So, right click the outline and select add child`

Atleast we have one dimenstion

So here we creating Market as dimention

Under market we creating members and sibiling

Dimension (generation 1) (lev 2)

member or child(generation 2) ( lev 1)

sibiling(generation 3) (lev 0)

Here market , period ,etc is dimesion , na region & Europe is member or child , new York is sibiling

Like wise it apply to all.

How to add child

Right click the parent and select add child

Now for sibiling right click the child and select add sibiling

After adding those details select verify to verify the process to find duplicate or special sybm are
present or not

Here there is 3 type of method loading given below image

Rule file: to load meta data only

So, if we have more than 1 million or billion data we can’t enter that data manually so use the rule
file, rule file can load metadata and also load data in the outline automatically. Before importing the
data from file make sure that the dimension in the file is present in the app that u created or that
data from the file will not upload in that app that we going to create.

There are 3 type of data input we have here

1. generation reference type == here we select type as generation

2. level reference method == here we select type as level

3. parent-child reference method. === here we select parent child type(mostly we use this method)

To create rule-file right click the application name and select create and select rule file

Application name >>>Create >>> Rule file .


In rule file The data was taken from ERP we have to 2 type of files 1. data file and 2. Tabular format

Data type can be in any formate .txt, csv, Execel ,. Data

Rule file is saved in (.rul) formate

In Tabular formate we have tables and views that we need to connect with database

To find the file path with ERP from server 1 erp to server 2 EPM
ALL The data can be dumped from server 1 to server 2

Every month we dump erp to epm

To upload data file from excel to essbase app

>>select File >>>open >>>file system

And select the location where the file was saved and open the file and upload it

After importing the file it will auto capture the field

Hint : The created dimension is to be present in the outline

Know, we can skip the header line for that we can use data stored property tab to skip that

Then select Header tab , here type the number of line to skip
Now it will skip the header line like wise we can skip how many line that we want

And select Assosiate outlet and select the application name

Now we can select the file in the rule file and select field property


Now select the dimension build property and select the required dimension

Select>> >dimension as measure (what dimention u want to choose here measure is the dimension
we selected )>>>> type as generation>> > number as 2

2 refer to second generations. (dimension as 2 nd generation , parent as 1st , child as last gen )

We need to select the dimension,type that what we going to enter for example if we going to enter
accounts then select account like wise we need to select for different dimension and type

Then click next and continue this for till how many dimension that you created

Then , now u need to create dimension setting for that you need to go for dimension setting

Here we need to go to dimension setting and select the setting

By default it will show use generation method we can choose what method we need (lev ,)
After selecting the required setting (build method) then select validate to check any mistake was
there if it was successful then save the rule file from the file option

After saving this rule file this will also create a file under the application and also create the file in
back end also

Now right click the application (TRAIN_GN) then select load data

>>> >>>>

Here mode have 3 type

1. load only >>> only load data

2. build only >>> only load dimension

3.both >>>>>load both dimention and data

Now for data source we need to insert the excel or note pad data that we already have

Click on find data in the bottom and select the data file which we already entered

And click on find my rule file and select the rule file that we created . and save that file with new

For ASO file we need to create sql and its based on tabular formate that we discussed above for
that we need to create sql link

Go to >> File>> open sql

Then click open sql data source and select oracle call interface and give name for that
And select ok / retrieve after that sql connect file will open in that sql connect we need to give user
name and password and select application name and database

So now the tabular formate will be created with top 50 records , but the record contain almost 2lack
data but it select top 50 rec and create a data base

Thn here we again need to load data like we done in bso

Then validate and run



Rule file for data load : to input data

Here we have 3 type of data load that we have

1. rule file

2. smart view from data load

Now using rule file

We are importing data from file to epm system

For uploading data 1st we need to create the rule file

cSelect app name and right click >> create>>>> rule file
Now select file and select open data file

After that select the file that we need to upload

Now, we can select data source property in rule file and we can delete the header and separate the
comma coloums using dilimeter tab


2nd step

>> assosiate out let >> select app naem

3rd step

field property>>data load property>.select dimentions and type

4th step

dimension build setting>>again dimenstion build settings>>>select build methd

5th step validate and save

Now to load data

select app name select load data

find data , find rule file

save. With new name and exit

now the rule file is created and we can use it to any time that we want and we can also able to
modifie the rule file

now , right click the application and select data load

here u again select the data load option and mode>> load only and load the file using find data file
and load rule file

using find rule file option.

After this prosess in the back end it will create the two file .

1. Page file

2. Index file

This too file captures the data from the file

Here this file is capable for 2 gb of data only after that it will create another new file automatically

2. data load using FREE FORM DATA LOAD

For free-form data type there are 4 rules to follow rule file is required

2. data should to loaded from tab delimeter

3. special charaters should be denoted using double quotes eg : “#”, “@”,”$”

4.for every dimenstion atleast one member is need to present

Here in this free from data even if we don’t have special character we can give double quotes

SO, here we have dimention and data in the note pad

Here the last colum will taken as data by Essbase

So here we have don’t need to create rule file then we directly go for load data

App>> load data>> data load>> find data file (that note pad file) >>save the file

Then this data is added to the application

3. Smart view :

For upload data in app using smart view we need to download the smart view in exel sheet 1 st

After that we need to enable the smart view option by

go to >> file in excel >>options>>add in >> manage >> and select COM-add in>>select GO >>> select
oracle smart view for office

now the smart view will be enable on the excel

we need to create a connection between the epm server and the smart view

select smart view tab >> option >> general >> select the server

Now select panal to display share connection in that share connection we need to input the user
name and password there and in the share connection we now able to select the server and select
oracle Essabase

After selecting the sever it will display the Essbase cluster below the cluster it will display the
application that we already created >> select the app that we created

Select the application and select >> ad hoc analysis

Thn it will add the dimension into excel that we created in the app
So now there are different option in then smart view.

Now go to smart view option again and select the member option

1.Member option >> Indentaion: means is like the members in the left side in the smart view

Select identaion to none

2. data option:

To supress rows and colum


Here we can add the Essbase server url

 Team link of the project

Only thing we can do with smart view is to validate the data or check the data that they loaded or

In several case we can use smart view to load data using level 0 member
By using the zoom in and zoom out option we can see the dimention and and parent in the smart

Click Essbase tab to display >> zoom in ..>> zoom out

Zoom-in is use to display next level in entity and zoom out is used to hide the previous shown lev in
the entity

Or even if we double click the entity in the excel also it will move to next level and market will

And we can also select the member by using the member selecting tab (any one member or how
many we want )

And selecting the pivot tab we can change the dimension from row to colum

Account and year name can be add manually .

After filling the data that we want press submit


1. Standard dimension type

2. Attribute dimension type

All the highest consolidation members are called dimensions for example





These are comes under main dimensions

Standard dimension has two type

1 .sparse


Mostly if we create any dimension it will be in sparse That we can check it in application in
And we can also able to change to dence by clicking that

Where the data combination is high we use dense dimensions

Where the data combination is low we use sparse dimension

In ASO cube we only have sparse dimension

Attribute Dimension:

Here we use this dimension in the end of the outline by right clicking the dimension and select edit
member property and select the dimension type as attribute dimensions

For example we have bike production plant the bikes are produced in different engine cc like 200,
400 ,1000cc

This cc’ can be add to the member dimension (entity , product , accounts, etc) like child by using the
associate option in the

Essbase Member property

It is also called as Storage property

It was clarified into 6 types

1. stored data = it’s is the default type when u created a dimension and it stored data into data base

2. dynamic calc = it will calculate but not store any data, only if we run the app it will show the data
(like temporvary value) , calculate the data when the user request for it.

3. dynamic calc and store = it will calculate and store the data
4. share member = The data for shared members come from the original member. There is no
storage space reserved for the shared member

5. label only = it was like a dummy parent.

6. never share = the data will not reflected to main parent . (implied sharing )

 Data storage properties define where and when consolidations are stored. The default
storage property is Store Data.

 Store Data - The member stores data. Store data is the default storage property.

 Dynamic Calc - The data associated with the member is not calculated until requested by a
user. The calculated data is not stored; it is discarded after the request is completed.

 Dynamic Calc and Store - The data associated with the member is not calculated until it is
requested by a user. The calculated data is then stored.

 Shared member - The data associated with the member comes from another member with
the same name. Essbase does not store any values in the shared members.

 Never share – This member data storage property does not allow members to be shared
implicitly. Implied sharing is a relative concept.

Label Only - Although a label only member has no data associated with it, a label only member can
display a value. Scenario dimension is an example for Label Only

Calculation Scripting
Its comes under coding part

To create calculation script

Right click the database app >> create >> calculation script
We use a calculation script for aggregate data

Here 1st we use the set command in the scripting part

After saving this file it will save this script under the application database

Then right-click that calculation script and select execute

Then it will run that script

This script will run in the bottom of the Essbase application (Enterprise view tab) and this scipt
aggregate the data

Scripts that generate reports on data

Report scripts are text files that contain instructions on

 data retrieval,

 formatting,

 and output

to create a report from the Essbase - Database (cube).

Report scripts are typically associated with a particular database, but you can define
a report script for use with multiple databases.

Report scripts have a .rep extension.

To create Report script

Right click the database >> select create>> report script

Write the code and save and execute

We mostly don’t use report scripting

Partitions Definitions:
We are partitioning the data base

Select partition in data base and right click >>> new partition

Here we have 3 type of partition

1. Replicated

2. transparent partition

3.linked partition

1. Repilication Partition.

If we have 3 cube

Eg. 1st cube , 2nd cube , 3rd cube

Data from the 2nd cube can be sent or transfer data to cube 1 (70% of data will be moved )

It is a copy of data transfer from source to target

Here source is cube 2 and target is cube one

Now, if we select the partion in database it will ask for type

So here we need to choose type , connection details, area , mapping and validate and save that file

After saving click the partition in the database and select -run the partition

2. transparent partition

It is like creating a link (internet link ) and transfer the data form source to target and area mapping

For replicating partition we need to save and manually run data by clicking the run partition

But Here , it automatically save the data from cube 2 to cube 1 with help of user itself

3. linked partion:

It’s a kind of smartview (exel add in)

Once we selected linked partition it will ask or user name and password in the application

After submitting it will automatically create the connections in the data base

Mostly linked partitions are not used in many companys

Maxl script – used to update the outlet

Mdx script – multidimensional script

Its only for aso

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