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SESSION 1 2023/2024


Network design and facility location have become strategically important in today’s highly
competitive business environment. Most companies, choosing a network design and facility
location is a strategic decision that can have a significant impact on the distribution management
performance and costs. A strategic network design and facility location in the specific
geographical where operates the facilities and transportation, and also the inventory facilitates
the efficiency of the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers. It also involves the
process of determining the optimal configuration, capacity, and location of these elements to
meet business objectives and customer expectations.

Change in today’s interconnected, volatile, global economy and high-risk world, triggered
companies to face supply chain disruptions that impacted the performance of their companies,
where the supply chains have become increasingly vulnerable to disruptions caused by natural
and man-made events. In order to be sustained, supply chain leaders must continue to deliver
value even under disruptive situations.

Due to the issue, companies embracing change through enhance supply chain resilience
capabilities. Resilience is a dynamic capability that emphasizes the ability of an enterprise to
embrace and respond to change. Supply chain resilience and agility are essential for long-term
success in facing increasing volatility and disruptions in demand and supply.

However, organizations tend to become less resilient as they grow more complex. Hence, they
must learn when to anticipate, absorb and overcome disruptions since one-size fits-all is not an
effective approach to managing supply chains. Supply chain management literature suggests
that organizational resilience can be cultivated by understanding their supply chain vulnerabilities
and by developing specific managerial capabilities to cope with unpredictable disruptions more
effectively than their competitors. Therefore, success of failure may depend on how well the
planning team is able to quantify these risks factors and rationalize an effective and credible
action plan.

You are required to form into 3-4 members of each group. Each group need to find one (1)
existing company whether from local or global company and explore the key factors to
consider in influencing the company’s supply chain networks design and its current facility
location. In order to respond to the issue about, you are also required to analyze the
company’s supply chain disruptions and company’s risks management strategies. You
may choose any company from various industries such as F&B, logistics, agriculture,
manufacturing, services, confectionery, chemical, construction, retail, and others. Your report
must include the detail of information regarding on:
 Supply chain industry (What does the supply chain of the company involves?)

 organization structure,
 highlight the company’s product / services offered,
 the company end-to-end supply chain diagram


a. Determine at least three (3) factors influencing company’s networks design
decision and facility location decision. (refer Chapter 10: Basic Network
Design and Facility Location)
b. How do the company design its supply chain network to deliver the required service
at the lowest possible cost and to meet anticipated customer demand?


a. Due to the rapid changing environment, identify the company’s supply chain
disruptions and the risks faced by the company in managing their supply chain.
(refer Chapter 11: Building A Resilient Supply Chain)
b. In your analysis, how the company manage the issue of supply chain
disruptions or company risks management strategies in order to sustain their
supply chain networks?

 You are required to suggest 4 recommendations to the company to improve or
enhance its supply chain networks.
Your analysis must be supported by evidence of research and extensive reading on the topic.
Reference to a theory is required to demonstrate that you have completed suitable background
reading. Reference to other sources of information that have shaped your views should be
provided using the APA Reference style.

The main contents of the final report should include the following:
i. Table of content
ii. Introduction
iii. Content (based on the topic of discussion)
iv. Conclusion (recommendations)
v. References (APA format)
vi. Appendices (pictures etc.)

Additional notes:

 Font : Arial / Times New Roman / Tahoma, Size: 11

 Paragraph : 1.5 spacing
 Margin : Justify
 This assignment accounts for 15% of the total on-going assessment marks of the
 Your report should be between 1000-1500 words excluding references. The number of
words should be shown at the end of your assignment.

 Each group are required to submit the report on the day that the presentation will
be held / during the presentation.

 If you are caught cheating or plagiarising, the case shall be referred to the college
Disciplinary Board. For all proven cases of cheating or plagiarising, a faculty member has
the authority to grant a failing ‘F’ grade for the work undertaken, or for the course(s).

 The lecturer reserves the right to reduce the grade or not accept lateassignments out of
fairness for the remainder of the class.

 A hardware or software problem with your own personal computer is not a valid excuse
for submitting a late assignment report - It is the responsibility of all students to back-up
computer files to avoidproblems with disk or flash drive failure.
You are required to present all your analysis and findings regarding topics discussed. The
requirement of the presentation are as follows:

1. The presentation session will be started on Week 12.

2. Each group need to prepare the most creative slides in your presentation.

3. Duration of presentation is between 15 to 30 minutes for each group.

4. Every group member must take part in the presentation session.

5. Formal dress core is much appreciated during the presentation.

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