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_Leaming Resource Centre . | | Adhaiya tnsfitutes 18CS62 Prey ye tit Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2022 Computer Graphics and Visualization Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 1a. Explain Refresh Cathode ray tube with neat diagram, (0 Marks) b. What is Computer Graphics? Explain the application of Computer Graphics. (10 Marks) 4 OR 2= 2 a With a neat diagram, explain the architecture ofa raster display system with integrated =e display processor. (10 Marks) b. Explain Bresenham’s Line drawing algorithm, with an example (10 Marks) Module-2 3. a What is theneed of Homogeneous Coordinate System? Explain Translation , Rotation and Scaling in2D Homogeneous Coordinate System, with matrix representation. (10 Marks) b. Explain.with example any two.algorithms used to identify interior and exterior area of a polygon. (05 Marks) c. Explain two dimensional viewing transformation pipe line. : (05 Marks) OR 4a. Explain Scan Line polygon fill algorithm, (10 Marks) Explain different OpenGL routines used for manipulating display window (05 Marks) c. Explain OpenGL 2D ~ viewing function: (05 Marks) Module-3 3 e, What is Clipping? Explain Cohen ~ Sutherland Line Clipping algorithm, with suitable example, (0 Marks) b. Explain Basie Illumination Model and explain Phong’s Lighting mode. (10 Marks) OR 6 a, Explain Sutherland ~ Hodgman Polygon Clipping algorithm .Find the final clipping polygon for the following Fig. Q6(2). (10 Marks) Fig, Q6(a) Important N b. Write an OpenGL program to rotate a cube in all directions. (10 Marks) 1 of2 10 oe 18CS62 Module- Explain with example, Depth buffer algorithm used for visible surface detection. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. (10 Marks) Explain 3D viewing pipeline with neat diagram and transformation from World to viewing coordinates. (10 Marks) OR Explain Orthogonal Projection in details. (10 Marks) Explain Perspective Projection with reference point and vanishing point with neat dingram (05 Marks) Explain Symmetric Perspective ~ Projection Frustum. (05 Marks) Mos What are the different Logical input devices and explain with an example. (40 Marks) Discuss the various input modes with diagram, (05 Marks) Explain the creation of display list with an example (05 Marks) OR List the properties of Bezier curve and’also explain Beizer techniques of generating curves (10 Marks) Descfibe the various features that'a.good interactive program should incorporate. (05 Marks) Explain how menus in OpenGL are created (08 Marks) 2of2 ted as malpractice. ce, 4248 ‘and /or equations w appeal to evaluat 2 3 5 5 g 1. On complet 2. Any revealing of ide Important Note | 18CS62 _ Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Jan./Feb. 2023 i Computer Graphics and Visualization Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 List and explain any six applications of computer graphics. (08 Marks) Explain the Refresh Cathod Ray Tubes with the neat diagram: (12 Marks) OR Develop the code of the Bresenhams Line Drawing Algorithm. Also illustrate the algorithm the line end points are (20, 10) and (30, 18). (10 Marks) 10 ‘Write circle drawing algorithm. Given a circle-radius r = 10, solve the midpoint circle algorithm by detérmining positions along the eirele octant in the first quadrant from x = 0 10 x (10 Marks) Module-2 Classify the polygon. Explain two methods for inside-outside test ofa polygon, (10 Marks) Develop the concept of Scanfill-algorithm for filling algorithm for filling polygon with suitable diagrams. (10 Marks) OR Explain translation, rotation and scaling of 2D transformation with suitable diagrams, code and matrix. (10 Marks) Explain OpenGL rastertransformations and OpenGL geometric transformation functions. (10 Marks) Module-3 Develop the Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping program using OpenGL. (10 Marks) Explain any tWo of the 3D geometrical transformation. (10Marks) OR Explain the Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon clipping with example. (10 Marks) Discuss the RGB color madel and CMY color model. (10 Marks) Module=4 Define orthogonal projections. Explain clipping window and orthogonal projection view volume in 3D. (10 Marks) Explain the three dimensional view pipeline. (10 Marks) OR Construct perspective-projéction transformation coordinates and perspective projection equations special cases. (10 Marks) Explain the Depth-Buffer niéthod and develop its algorithm. (10 Marks) Module-5 Explain any three programming event driven input with suitable examples. (10 Marks) Explain the various input modes with neat diagram, (10 Marks) OR Explain Animating Interactive Program. (10 Marks) Discuss Logical Device and Hierarchical Menus. (10 Marks)

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