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> What do pw mean by biopiracyy? Give an erample Biopiracy fepers to tre Megat use of wioresourceys ly Muurinarional corporanions (MNCS) and chau orqanusatona viet aumensahon or pennusebn From me Coun and ptople convened, withouk tomptnsabony payment Whiy 16 ero- inguin @-camed? How is ingurin dipperent Pom it pInswun is past 5 Yneiscd a pro-hormone » which undergoes procesanig befor ik become a Pay mamae and Punchonal hormone . Promauiin Consists OF 4 Single pol ide dnain How Is “Rosie” dipferent Eronn omer cows 7 Explain Rosie ie a transguc animal dened to produce hum an proktin -etnvicntd pulk (2:4 Gro me rule Conrainy the Rumen prokein cared Lacratiaunun(alya) and 6 a numitio locker _produdr por Muna Babi as compared narra Cow's mul Mention the cart and ef the body aupeeys appected by wR depivenay i Maman? Comaed Aue to the detehon of He gene tak Codes of Adenovine deaminase (Ag. ADA tnguctenety cours worked Uymuune Saggy ii) None He vector uotd Por transpeming AoA - ONA into the veuplont ces wy humans Name me recipient cer: A rerrovirak vector is used Fo WDduce OR cRNA io Ag yoni at pats 5 _GEAC is one OF the orgamaarions st up by the Indvan qovernnen ent. Wrik ih Pau Porm. Give its 2 obycrves Generic engineering Approval commuted . F maser decistona “en pre vauidiry of. Gu research and ne Sap ery of. veer SI ier Bau For pablic services: 6. QEAA backnum Gadi Hupungionais produces a rule prkan narned Gry run Mar is lara 4 certain insecs bur nok bo bactuum ) why dOW Hus WoUN Wok KU Me baatna Be Youn do nok kKLU the bacteta itsUp becut the toxin is preeent in an inache proouin Shake, Hor requuifer an Aecuine medium to Sobuslise i)whar hype °F ehanga ctu i the qe of insects on Consurning Hus eroitin? voien a plank Hat Cxpressa this Br bexin is conmumed ley te Gseck , iF hand unto ite Stable fom the Shea, seven in tO Atakroys { eu he oh the inate vi) Hows has Man eapioited Hus praetn por his ener - Man hak wed Hus Be toa fo creak plans Hat oKe nan Pedant Fe inte er pests, - wiktouk MIL NCLA Por pPulnercles t Name tne host plant and the per that Meloidame incognira inpects . Explain the row of- syradeuinn in ThE producrion of AARIVA in the Wost plant Ir INFe as the roots f feo accopleunts | Aeron a cF CNY vetrors oe Ursicl to Induce nematode — Speclpic e4enea into the Most pleut The intecluchion ofp BNA is such that ir produces born Sense And anh-seue BNA In fe West Cells, hee Strands Form a Avuble Strandecl SNA oe AS RN tent ence ‘ney ase Form iReernerkohi4 Yo eenthe. ohn a We source and Mpa of oy gna. expla ts orig bacant wrougee qt tn S etau, modibied crops ery qines cue isolated Prom Baca Tausahg pei Crytac > Color, boul Wornd Cry To Cryt eto — tom bere _ ThE Fw eupsresstd 19 plank creak resistance Fo ingeds voltuouk MWe aeed Per paherdes Compare. and conkrask the advetrtages ound disadvantages of eroding quouncalty modipred ogame. > Made crops more Foltrank te Abiohic shess es ~ Reduced reliance on pancidea ~ Werped fo reduce hearwes Losses ~ prerenis Incureata Peiaty of soi - Mids numeral Mowerphen in plants — Enhotuiag humronat value of peoa Pisa! human body Proayices ivan in the pro-hem-ore _shage which ander goes processing te spur into Panchional puman intutin TAL ity | orren anripucialay proclucedl neue Is Alec M2 meade Foor: Nome rhe inoter thar attacks cotton aes and codes 0 wok of damage to He urvp row have BE cotton pLAnk ownrcome Mus problenn! Explain Lepitopkaana and up iorans ore He imeeck Hat eomnamarely atate COmORn flo and cause a reduchion in tur yeaa Trough qenent ongineerdy eet plank dlemélop & Ceris bain to Hrese insects, and HU the inStce due fo We preven of Sb toxin DwWeie He roe oF gene. ery Lhe cyte conhrelK corn borer Witck

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