Writing Assg #1

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The Writing Process

Level 6 -- Writing Assignment #1

Zapata Bonet William Alexander
Topic: Your home and neighborhood.
Write between 150-200 words describing your home and neighborhood.
Include the advantages (what you like) and disadvantages (what you don’t like)
about both your home and neighborhood.

1. Brainstorm--Use words and phrases, NOT sentences

not hardware
Location: La Rioja
Gym Neighborvehood

Neighbors security guards

TOO QUIET and cameras

Dining room
Bedroom Home

terrace bathrooms

Pets closet kitchen

2. Organize IdeasEliminate/add ideas --Put in ‘categories’--Put in sequence
you will write= 1,2,3,4

I like
1. Location: La Rioja (Guayaquil)
2. Security guards and cameras
3. Bus station
4. Sure
5. Neighbors
6. Gym
1. Too quiet
2. No shops
3. Not hardware stores
I like
1. Bathrooms
2. Bedroom
3. Kitchen
4. pets
5. dining room
1. Garden
2. Terrace
3. Closet
4. Grill

3. Topic Sentence--To introduce topic and get attention

4. Write sentences--In numerical order…Based on words and phrases from
brainstorm after organizing
1.My neighborhood is in a northern area, far from the center of Guayaquil.
2.My neighborhood is a very safe place thanks to the cameras and security
guards, but it is also very silent.
3.On the bus that passes very often through my neighborhood they steal at night.
4. I would like my terrace to be bigger.
5. I have a very small closet.
6. The gym is very complete to train.
7. I like to bathe with hot water in the morning.
8. I would like to have a garden to be able to plant plants.
9. my room is very comfortable.
10. There are no stores or hardware stores near my neighborhood.
5. Write sentences in paragraph form--This is the first draft

This is my neighborhood, away from the insecurity of the city center.

6. Concluding Sentence – Tie it all together (similar to topic sentence actually)

My neighborhood is located in the north of Guayaquil, it is a very safe area

but it is also very quiet, the security cameras and the guards help keep the
area safe, my neighborhood is very tidy and the owners always take care of
their pets, picking up the waste from their dogs, the bad thing about my
neighborhood is that we don't have stores where we can buy food, or
hardware stores where we can buy tools for the home, the closest
commercial stores are far from my home.
In my home I feel very comfortable with the environment of my house
although I would like to have a bigger kitchen since I like to cook but the
small space in my kitchen makes it difficult for me to cook. I would also like
to have a terrace to be able to grill.
From Monday to Friday my neighborhood is very quiet but on weekends it
is always full of people doing various physical activities.
What I like most about my neighborhood is that we have a GYM where I
usually go with my friends to train.

7. Revise
Change CONTENT--Add, remove, change order of ideas
8. Edit
Check spelling, punctuation, sentence length, word count, etc

9. Rewrite Final draft

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