Educational Research Quiz 2

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One main advantage that the interview has over the questionnaire in data
collection is that it ______.
A. costs less to use
B. is more useful in more details for underlying feelings and attitudes
C. is subject to transcription errors

In an experimental study, the researcher shall formulate research hypotheses to

guide the study.
A. True
B. False

The main difference between the questionnaire and observation is that

questionnaire is a self-report technique and can be faked by the respondent while
observation is not.
A. True
B. False

In a correlational study, a researcher collected data on two variables, both of

which are continuous and measured on the ratio scale. Which of the following
correlational procedures would be appropriate in analysing the data?
A. Biserial correlation
B. Pearson Product Moment Correlation page 157
C. Point biserial correlation

Experimental research is the most powerful research method for ______.

A. determining cause and effect relationship
B. determining the current status of a phenomenon
C. identifying possible relationships

The following are features of true experimental designs except ________.

A. random assignment of subjects to treatment groups
B. representative sample selection
C. comparison groups
When a researcher formulates a non-directional hypothesis s/he can test the
hypothesis using ________.
A. any significant level
B. one-tailed test
C. two-tailed test page 212

Which of the following sampling procedures is likely to yield the least sampling
A. Cluster multistage sampling
B. Simple random sampling
C. Stratified random sampling

All things being equal, when a sampling size increases, the sampling error ____.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains the same

Mail questionnaires are used to collect data in a descriptive research _______.

A. when the selected sample of study can read and write
B. when the postal system is efficient
C. both A and B page 142

For credibility of observation results, it is appropriate to do the observation in

A. True
B. False

A shortcoming of the use of questionnaire to collect data in a descriptive survey

is that, the respondents may fake responses.
A. True
B. False

In writing close-ended items, options should be ________.

A. exhaustive
B. non-overlapping
C. both A and B
In an observational study, it is better to observe in pairs.
A. True
B. False

Which of these experimental designs belongs to the true experimental design

A. One-group pre-test post-test design
B. Post-test only control group design
C. Static-group comparison design

A researcher in the process of selecting a sample of participants for her study

selected them with fixed intervals from a given sampling frame. Which sampling
procedure did she use?
A. Cluster sampling
B. Stratified random sampling
C. Systematic sampling

Which of the following data collection tools/techniques will be appropriate for

collecting data from community members who are only minimally functionally
A. Interview
B. Questionnaire
C. Testing

One advantage that the interview has over the use of questionnaire in data
collection is that it ________.
A. covers more issues than questionnaires
B. is more useful in probing for underlying issues
C. provides results with higher reliability

In an experimental research, when a researcher is sure that variable A really

causes a change in variable B, then the researcher is said to have achieved
A. ecological validity
B. external validity
C. internal validity
A researcher did a study to determine the attitude of basic school teachers in
the Central Region of Ghana towards school attendance. The study can be
described as _________.
A. case study
B. descriptive research page 113
C. experimental research

The purpose of experimental research is to determine the effect of a dependent

variable on the independent variable.
A. True
B. False

The final sample in a particular study is the group __________.

A. of interest to the researcher
B. on which data are collected
C. that agrees to participate

The main characteristic of probability sampling of participants in a study is that

elements in the sampling frame ________.
A. are proportionally selected
B. are systematically selected
C. have a known and equal chance of being selected page 120

In selecting a sample using simple random sampling procedure of the lottery

method, the researcher has to sample with replacement.
A. True
B. False

Mortality as a threat to internal validity, essentially refers to __________.

A. attrition of subjects from the study page 183
B. death of participants of the study
C. maturation of the participants

When a researcher has two independent groups in a study with the variable of
interest measured on the interval scale, which of the following statistical
procedures will be appropriate for the date analysis?
A. Analysis of variance
B. Pearson correlation
C. t-test

Under what condition is it appropriate to do correlational data analysis using

Pearson Product Moment correlation? When _________.
A. both variables are continuous
B. both variables are dichotomous
C. one variable is continuous and the other is dichotomous

The most appropriate research design that can help establish cause-and-effect
relationship is ___________ design.
A. descriptive research
B. experimental research
C. ex post facto

A characteristic of true experimental designs is _______.

A. random assignment of subjects/participants
B. simple random selection of subjects/participants
C. A and B

Which of the following is not a non-probability sampling procedure?

A. Convenience sampling
B. Cluster sampling page 121
C. Purposive sampling

A researcher is interested in comparing the perception of female and male

teachers at the basic level towards the process used in selecting the best teacher
in a particular district in the country. Which sampling procedure will be most
appropriate for this study?
A. Cluster sampling
B. Simple random sampling
C. Stratified random sampling page 128

When a researcher knows the identity of study participants but does not disclose
that information, which of the following terms is the researcher adhering to?
A. Anonymity
B. Confidentiality
C. Both A and B
Which of the following experimental designs is a true experimental design?
A. Pre-test post-test control group design page 176
B. Quasi-experimental design
C. Static comparison group design

When a researcher employs a specific experimental design to control for

extraneous variables, which of the following characteristics of the study is
A. External validity
B. Internal validity
C. Generalisability

The following are features of true experimental designs except _____.

A. random assignment of subjects to treatment groups
B. representative sample selection
C. comparison groups

Use the following information to answer the next three questions.

In an experiment involving eight subjects, the researcher obtained the following
observations for each subject: 18, 15, 20, 14, 12, 24, 17, 16.

What is the mean score obtained by the subjects?

A. 16 Total scores = 18+15+20+14+12+24+17+16 = 136 = 17
B. 17 No. of scores 8 8

C. 18

What is the median score for the subjects?

A. 12 = 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24
B. 16 (16 + 17) ÷ 2
C. 16.5 33 ÷ 2
D. 17 16.5

What is the range of the scores?

A. 12 Range = Highest value – Lowest value
B. 16 24 - 12
C. 24 12
Which of the following is not a measure of spread of set scores?
A. Mode page 201
B. Range
C. Standard deviation

A researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis tested when it should not be
rejected because there was no difference between the two groups involved in the
study. The decision of the researcher was a _______.
A. correct decision page 213
B. Type I error
C. Type II error

All things being equal, when a sample size increases, the standard error of a
statistic _______.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. approaches μ in numerical value

Which of the following characteristics is/are quality/qualities of an interviewer?

A. Being critical
B. Being able to remember details
C. Being in control of the interview session
D. All of the above page 147

UCC as a top-notch educational institution has loads of questions in its
bank and well versed in the setting of examination questions. The
likelihood of shying away from past questions and setting totally new
questions from the modules is very high, and candidates are hereby
cautioned not to rely ENTIRELY on past questions; neglecting their
modules in the process. Thank you.
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