Present Forms

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Present Simple permanent stations ‘She owe age shop. repeated /habitul tetions (osperilly ‘wh frequency adverbs: ‘en, usualy ot) Tasualy getup a 70. permanent truths oF {oes of nature Money doesn buy hapoess Viator reczes at °C. tinetabletprogramnes (fture meaning) The math fnehes ata. “ne plane leaves a 5. reviewslspots ‘ommontris! ‘tomate neat ay Stoop acts nay ni fn Present Siple Present Cont, ‘resent Perfect Present Part. Cont. (Present Forms Present Cont, Pressnt Perfect temporary situations recently completed Troprestying tthe etn Puktoicatprecent — Sbehes tldled er oon. (he has ished yng barroom. You can see iste now, edocs inthe present) setins happening att scons which heppened Sound the moment alan unstated past time ot peaking dare connected with Sholelooking fra thepresent bate. He has oe i ys, (He {6s eoking forthe) repestadactions wth personal experiences! Present Perl Cont. scion started nthe pest and continuing Upto tho present Fhe boos wting Teter to hur: (16 ‘hte wo ors ago and eal ig) pst gtlons of cetaln Eoraton having visio sults or ffects nthe present he's boon crying. (oroyes are res) tions expressing ange, . ssing, changes whieh have nate annoyance, tnnoyance oetclem happened txplanaon or enti ‘Shes aay Te tost 10 Kos. iho boon using ny Inerapting me! tenet? fannayanes) {ed arrangements in mhasis on number emphasis on duration the near ttre ‘She's wit tree (usually with for, since Thedionn ae inter since ie morn. or how la) Mininots engne «Sheer called on two Sho bren cling on [rest arargea) Clots shoe 12o'boce, carts eee this moma ‘hanging or developing] Note: Ave, fee an work can bo used ether tn stations 1 Ine Present Peroot or te Present Perfect Cont, isergich ‘tyne diference in meaning. cating bai ee been lvingt'¥elved i Rome fr year. Time expressions used with: every dayiveskdmontear, usally, often, sways, rely never, inte momingeveninglernoon, et ight on Mondays ste row at he moment, at present, nowadays, today, tonight, vaye, sl ee just, ever never, resdy, yet (egations & questions) ehwsys, How Hens fe, rently eco (e rom a starting pont in the pat for (CBver period ot tne), today, this week/month ete how long, fr, shes (2) Pate verbs into the erect column inthe Sr person singular toe, my dy, en6s28,rasch, pay, ema ty eve ene plays eso + a foe ‘les (@ sing tothe oto vr pt em othe core column, 7 90m, veh sles y Ig obi consonant ng in raving dveth se “The present simple is otlen used wth acerbs of Iroquoncy (avays, usualy, ofen, sonatines, ‘eldomfaraty, never, le) to chow Rew often Semetting huppans: The adverbs of freauoney ‘newer the question How fin. ‘0g How aften do you go 6 bed aay? I always! usually go Dod esr om ro sone 25a ‘ways ally ofan sometines roe ‘leon ‘State verbs are verbs which do net normaly ‘have continuous toneee boeause they describe slate rather than an acton. These elude © verbs which express kes and dss: th Jove, hat, dclka, enjoy, praer, ee. (69. Cathy kes romantic tins. © vers of perception: baie, kro, note, remem: bey, forget, recognise, understan, ras, S067, {hink os. don' baer sword essay. 22, athe moment of speaking. (29. The soup tastes cotcious ln mast be to ato. ean her hs ett © some other verbs: be, conta, nee, mat: ez, need, Belong, cost owe, meer, ov, pear, want have (=possess), te, 3 This book mine bolonge fom. Both the prozent perfect snd the present perfect ‘continous ae'used wih the folowing line expree- Sone now tong 09. How long have you known Jk? How long have you been leaming English? + for (duration) 0. have known Jack for Svs years "have not seen Enily fra lng tine. (69, They have boon maid snes lt Aoi We have been ving hore since 160. nave net tated fn since et Suna. * lsteyireconty 129, Have you seen ary 000 fis laelyrecenty? ‘Sho has been going cut 2 tleyrecenty. Adverbs of trequency come before the main ‘vot (lton, wate, et), ut afr the vero Be * nd surly of modal verbs, such a2 do, eat, Inust ee. The adverbs rarely, ealdom and never have a negative meaning and are never used sth he word not 29. nly mer matches poor ns Yau must abveys behave yout a schoo Boos foger een call you during the wok | Adverbs of frequency slays go otore the uxt lary ver In short ances, 19, Doyou buy expensive cles? No, never ao Some sale verbs have continous tenses, but there ls lifference in meaning. Stay the following exemple 1) tink see alan (batove) 1m hiking about my tay "am consering) 2) Tha soup tates awful. (=has an awl vou) She's tasting te soup. (= esting arcu 4)! can see an aeroplane I te sy. (=perive wn my eves) im seeing i ong. (4m masting) 4 Susan looks trad. (mappeee) Susan I Tooking some pcos. (is sting) 15) The ecm ame of perfume, (=has te smal) ‘The ats smelling fs foe. (=is sing) 16) This towel foes sot. (=has a sf texte) Lit a feting her son's ora. (=I foucing) 7) Ha fe calfch, (character ~ pene sta) ‘els being son Pohsvout~ eamparay ston) 8) Ho has sportscar, (=possesses) He's oving unc nw. (no eating — io) ‘Same floms wth have Include: bratfat/knch ner ee ‘2 bath | shower | si I pay ee ff) accident experience | crear, ‘ababy ticity fun | wouble, se ‘The present perfect fs sully used with the follow. Ing time expressions slrey 20, We nave areaoy soon mn nn, Have yeu finshed already? + yet 20. Hes Roger let yet? Sinan has no fished yet 2.1 have just phoned I aiveys: 2g. sho has always loved anna 2g: Have you over been abroad? fg, She has never Been 1 Franc. + sotor 2 have sont vont nations so fr Wat neve you done so far? > Thoy have gone tothe ast. (hi means 3 Hels been to Japan (is mess tate hs faa Jack ut va ce ck Fi i the gepe mith havehas been fo) oF Ives gre fo) Hi i, Wheres Pout ‘Ohne 1) ss goe London orate ays Realy) London cent Team back jester 3) You on ete? No, thaver Paul 4) ‘wes bales though What's Sara? Shes) = Spain wo ‘ost with her rer. They 6) there tat come ends, ‘inen'e ene smingbach? Seyi be bake weekend 41 atte does the tan ear? LTbinkie A. at 2e'dock” Aieave Bas >on owing Chose “ay or te superar ‘8 hove hal one B have been going © 90 3 ‘What ul ding tose cays” (Shee oa job ke so ont [A's kehing’ 8 hasboon looking © looks 4 te Many watoing TV? "No She ron farhemework ight now Aicalye cing B oomg C dows 5 2 0 they have not come back yt. Tey 8 i te thai) iso Japan he ent tare now. He has come Back) avs you ben fo a wal” "Yea Toft nf walks in the evenings Arrave gone Bamgang Cao ‘Have you een sey tins ato "Yer: tly, on vo Bs week? Avtavecsen "Bansesing © 500 ita ioc leery pe, Murn mac yet: [A er youstingB co you ost "C have you eler ‘are you ging on by tis sumer?” ‘Yee essen onaugh men: Alam sain B have neney saved © e308 a Too rein the newspaper?” wo He cee the meme A hesbesn naling B makes” femakhng “Wave you bought any naw CDs recent?” “Ven Potton is week ‘Avravs bought 5 eve Been buying © 9 burly "What ne coos the play star” qWikiesnees a1 CCK” Arhasbesn daring B stats © has tare “wer Mas He nwt the Rey to tu same books Aoasgone Bases B93! What ‘Arava youn B do you wite Care you wing ice io my pantera. tm fling ex Gens 1 Ur an | at good tends We Anowne inown sch eter for fur yess, 2 Sarah vary ta She has boon workings work: ing har al ey. 4 Whate John” Me's usta. 4e does doing ie horwor” 4 cant go tothe party on Saturcay. lam leaving! have been loving ox Spr on say nt 5 Jane as fished fishing cearing Me oom, id now se ie ging outwit er eens he recogrice Tm He looks ooking sot feretin as 17 Ion need to wash my ca, Jn weshesinas wasted or me aoa. 4. Lin hae been tating faking bhi bos or sn hour non 9. Clale's tan arivesitag arived st 3 o'dock. | ‘rust go and mest he te ssn 10. "hou ou lef borrow ook Noy thanks | have redhave boon reang ible 41 "Where ae you goingao you 0? To the drama Wut you tet come wih re? 12 Have you seen my bag? | am searchinghave boon searching or mornin 12. Cain here? 1 don’ know. | event seen! havent boon seeing hin a 63 14 Sophie is xy sever ‘She Jb speaking/epeaks oven iferent engages 15. We are movingihave moved house tomerow. Evening is packe, Gay ir ro retain tm sore 11 Ae Wat are you dong. (our? Noth (esti) my rch 2 where (oube) et morning? aI (clear my house sine 8 ot00 aK (Goulc) anything ne weekend? 8: Navi (rons) any pars yet. 48: dana oaks yaa (shee) weight?” fe: Yeevshe = er) lt cent, rae edeou) uy ight 5 You) (levee ing he pon. 6: Worle Peter 8: He (wash the cx athe moment. 7 Who (e2} you favoutte eter) ar hs) Sean Connery sce was» cia oa {Goule) you hamenak yr? 5: Amos (eo) nom, Preseni (aa), Putin verb in brackets nt the comset 4 Wh chs Been dein (8) my oot? 2 Wha (your? ‘ ‘ora te 3. Sananina (oy tenis wn ends every weaken, 4 Tin and Mate os) rranied snes 1991 5 Uncle 81 ustisecrate) 6 Pauline Tom (oa) Inthe schol eho ie 8 week 7 Wea. (youtsoeah to? 8 Sarah is vay happy. Sho {epee conpesten. ° (Gert to cups of coos femeoning 0 My fend tiv) in reves 11 They enuatychangs) jobs every fie yar. wi (rormatylut ny ha mys 18 Lina, (euyin fhe rary or owe hore 4 We (0g ne concer nest weer 15 Who. (rac) my can? 16 Tim ave th House at 7h sory mening 7 (you metherwor) fa bark 6 (youl cote with your treaist evry day? 19 We m= (MOKG) plans for uF mer halide ih om. 20 Th enn PVE Hes nt Sopeber, ut the vorbe in brackots nto the correct 2B )p tense. «Dear Nek, See ee epee eee Oa See eS etn Rp ees epee oa fee macs =| | yourtaty 16) (hope! youl beable ‘lomest me af sport Peas give my ovo your tea te chien te] sanse Peesent Tenses I © rin wth Pact Simple orPravet Consus. ‘Mam: Hal, Jie. Whar 1) are (you! ea on? shine: 13) (bo) ator atthe ‘ramen by boss 3) {have ann with i wie now. 40 4» (otra) arto rch on Tosa, Yau: Wal hy 8) (joulphone? fe here aryting wong? June: Ne, ust want yout kaw hal (oom) hone 8 at Satay um: Wat ie 7), ou ‘ranarivo)n Leads? sine: 18) “eave Landon et 11 ick and) (ato in Leeds 2 dock, Mum: See you on Setursay then. Qvreetnae cemetion ‘1 ga5/ 2m easing that he ston sett conto, 2.The savages a Insights delaius 4.0 you enjoyars you enoycg tis party? “You haven ui a word all mong, What re you thningldo you think bout? SiH naafa heieg a Slamese cet 6-Thoee for ar anelinglsel ce 7.1 don't oulem net knetiog mere she keeps the keys. 1 Winy are you fosting'so yo Fol your pokes? Have you lst anything? 12. ¥iny eo you amet ySusmang the mK? Do you nk i as gane of 18-Annais Halen, Ene is cosnalsoese tem ay. 11. That eas lots leotng nlx on you 42 Paul teste Searing one rocor in i oa, {1 fyou gov't ockarentTocne at at omic boo, Theo 8 “don weights weil 60 wos 48 Many bie Bats very nau ese dys @riin wt Proce sing or continuous 500: What). areyou ding (youl) now? ek: 12) ‘took trough ese al i epiznes. Leck he's 2 opr o ack Nicolo, sve: 08,13) ten) ne). oo) nll Andis sat) (oat im rope. Mak: Yoo 16) (ago). Ane 7) (copay ob realy angry wonder what he (ira st sue: Heo) (ben at new i thats on at tbe (eon rom ist he? ‘Mask: Yes, saw as rit He 1) (look very ‘iter now. He 19) (woh) ait mare sue:92} ope) ea good 33) (oo) Rion. Sta 1) : (taka) me. Acta, ho 15) ee) ery nice to meow dat an: proba 18). (wan ‘9 vorow sme money ‘500: 197) (eee-That expan Present Teses I Look at Appendix 1 and put the follow. ng verbs ino the comect box nthe Sr porson singular evatn, 3,256 play do, sto, mis, ty, iy dive, fo, oor, wach pry rh, @ ‘pe +s sets saehch yo +68 sconchen vorel ty +8 eae consonant +{-+les tries tw uta ran, wot, type, tow, dl, apo ear a semisg yoy ens es Ch shies Sonenant sing Expand the following nto santeneos In ))p order to mace tue statements with ‘Sosert or dont where ncessary 1 water bet 100°C Water boils st 100°C foe gow | on wees ice deosn't grow on trees 2 chk ate om eggs 4 kangarooe/ nein Span 5 plants / need / water grow a Fain tal Wom cles ‘ronal /wvel/in submarines ons iy / 0008 9. pandas lve! tay 10. Seprants oa /reat 11 sn) wat /enland 12 thesun eatin te east 13. bees / give mk 14 cterpss urn nto bataris 15. woo! come tom anesp How is our worl changing? Look at the Bictares ond the prompts end make Efntencee using ths present continous, (09, More people ae recylngrbbish nowadays, & @ rere prone racjcle/—theclimate ot revi nawacaye ‘warmer evr) Year : . ee. 1G te*! retain crete, TEREST soreraats, computors/ Become | {aor over yoo es grow / og nen year ‘Read the following extracts end put the ‘orbs in brsckats iio the prosont simple ‘rite present caedinuous. Then, o2Y what tie afthons toncea eech exact thous. 1h Toaee days; geome everyting 1) ls changing. (change) ies 2). os foam) | Digger and ouser every year tera) 3) cov ete an ev boro, sabes ten meas eg wo j Cer ET yor nie en ere | ana (oo mows) Be anew poe | Te ons) i (pave) an a sar caterer 3) (ba) voy Wy. Te ation) : {ogi when to young men 8 fry oreba vere | [>

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