Resource List

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This is a list of interesting and widely accepted resources for Physics, Biology,
Chemistry and Maths. This document contains the list of names of books, links to
online resources and tools for the respective subjects.

Furthermore every subject is categorised into sub-subjects/fields.

Some common places to explore

● Wikipedia, Wikiversity, Wikibooks
● MIT OpenCourseWare
● Youtube (Specifically Youtube Learning Section)
● Khan Academy
● Coursera
● Google Scholar

● Most of the Chemistry, Maths and Physics resources are directly taken from
respective discord servers.
● Contributions from Andrew (@Retinol#0041)
● Biology resources are provided by @Falderappes#0032
Curated list of physics resources for highschool and undergraduate students.
The list mainly focuses on 4 pillars of physics: Classical Mechanics,
Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics.

Source: Physics Discord Server

Introductory and General Physics

● Young & Freedman - University Physics

○ Wonderful explanations for concepts

● Resnick, Halliday & Walker - Fundamentals of Physics

○ Great questions to get practice as a beginner

● Landau & Lifshitz - Course of Theoretical Physics [series]

● Resnick, Halliday & Krane - Physics, Volume 1 and 2 (5th edition)

○ The most comprehensive calculus-based introductory physics text,
from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics; a standard text seen
in many universities

Classical mechanics

● Thornton and Marion - Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems

○ Excellent intro text for Classical Mechanics

● Kleppner and Kolenkow - An Introduction to Mechanics

● Goldstein - Classical Mechanics

● Arnold - Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics

● Jose and Saletan - Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach

Statistical Mechanics

● Schroeder - An Introduction to Thermal Physics

○ Excellent intro text for Stat Mech/Thermo

● Bowley and Sanchez - Introductory Statistical Mechanics

○ Concise and clear introduction to thermodynamics

● Pathria - Statistical Mechanics

● Reichl - A Modern Course in Statistical Physics

● Kardar - Statistical Physics of Particles


● Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics

○ A very approachable discussion of EM

● Purcell - Electricity and Magnetism

○ A more rigorous and complete discussion of EM

● Jackson - Classical Electrodynamics

Quantum Mechanics
● Griffiths - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
○ Approachable intro to QM
● Townsend - A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics
○ Rigorous intro to QM
● Zee - Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell

● Peskin and Schroeder - An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory

● Weinberg - Quantum Theory of Fields

● Burgess & Moore - The Standard Model: A Primer

Fluid Mechanics
● Faber - Fluid dynamics For Physicists

● Batchelor - An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

General Relativity
● Carroll - Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity

● Dirac - General Theory of Relativity

● Wald - General Relativity

● Hecht - Optics

Quantum Field Theory

● Zee - Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell

● Peskin and Schroeder - An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory

● Weinberg - Quantum Theory of Fields

● Burgess & Moore - The Standard Model: A Primer

String Theory
● Zwiebach - A first course in string theory

● Polchinski - String Theory

● Polyakov - Gauge Fields and Strings

Condensed Matter Physics
● Ashcroft and Mermin - Solid State Physics

● Kittel - Introduction To Solid State Physics

● Taylor - An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in
Physical Measurements

● Prialnik- An Introduction to the Theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution

● Liddle - An Introduction to Modern Cosmology

● Martin, Shaw, Graham - Particle Physics

● Krane - Introductory Nuclear Physics

Online Resources
● Khan Academy Physics
● Great place to learn about electronics
● MITO OCW Physics courses
Some subjects in biology fall under every field (like evolution) and can thus be
combined if wanted

In this paper, the following can be found:

- Book references used by college students on all different parts of biology

- Links to videos and playlists about the different fields

- References and links to interesting papers about a specific topic within the field

Basic Biology
This is meant to give you a general idea of how wide biology is. The sources below
give detailed explanations at different levels of biology taught at high school, college
and university

● Crash Course Video series on Biology

Gives a good introduction to biology and all fields surrounding it in a fun and
clear way.

● Campbell – Biology

Goes into more detail on all fields within biology, commonly used by first-year
college students.

● W.W. Norton & Co – Molecular Biology Of The Cell

Explains in a clear and detailed way the anatomy of a cell.

● Lehninger – Principles of Biochemistry

Explains the principles of biochemistry like the metabolism in cells and

interaction between proteins.
● Fisher, J. Henzinger, T. A. (2007). Executable Cell Biology.


Note: Can only be fully accessed when logging in via your institution or

● Crash Course Video series on Ecology

Gives the viewer a more complex idea of how ecosystems work and how
humans interact with the world surrounding them.

● Ecology: International Edition, by Charles J. Krebs

Explores the basics of the field with easy-to-read texts.

● Grimm, N. B. Grove, J. (2000). Integrated

Approaches to Long-Term Studies of Urban Ecological Systems: Urban

ecological systems present multiple challenges to ecologists—pervasive
human impact and extreme heterogeneity of cities, and the need to integrate
social and ecological approaches, concepts, and theory.

Human Biology
Human biology is a very big field and has several different smaller fields within which
all deserve separate mentions

● Junqueira’s – Basic Histology: Text and Atlas

Great for learning about different tissues which are supported by pictures.

● Crash Course Anatomy and physiology

Explains in a fun and clear way the basics of anatomy and physiology.

● Quesada-Vázquez, S., Aragonès, G. (2020). Diet, Gut Microbiota and

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Three Parts of the Same Axis.


● Janeway’s – Immunobiology

Gives a clear idea of how the human immune system works by explaining
every part and its interaction with each other by using pictures and detailed

● Immune System Video’s by Kurzgesagt – In A Nutshell and Crash


○ By Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell
■ Immune System 1: Bacterial Infection
■ Immune System 2: The Complement System
○ By Crash Course
■ Innate Defenses
■ Adaptive Defenses
■ The Cell-Meditated Response
■ Immune System: Natural Born Killer

● The role of the complement system in HIV infection and preeclampsia.

By Pillay, Y., Moodley, J., Naicker, T. (2019).


Zoology is the part of biology that specializes in the animal kingdom. Most people
who study this become a veterinarian and learn about the anatomy of different
animal clades.

● Liem – Functional anatomy of vertebrates

Used by college students to learn about the basics of zoology by the hand of
good illustrations and descriptions

● New Insights From Female Bird Song: towards an integrated approach to

studying male and female communication roles. By Riebel, K., Odom, K. J.


● Crash Course Zoology

Plant Biology
Plant biology specializes, as the name suggests, in plants. Plant biology still spans a
great diversity of subjects like plant breeding and plant pathology.
● Garland Science – Plant Biology

Explains in a clear way and contains a lot of illustrations that make you
understand the different processes in plants.

● FuseSchool – Global Education BIOLOGY: Plants

In short video’s the basics of plant biology are explained with nice illustrations.

● Enhancement of strawberry production and fruit quality by blue and red

LED lights in research and commercial greenhouses.

By Díaz-Galián, M. V. Torres, M. (2020)


Microbiology is specialized in the tiniest forms of life like bacteria, viruses and other
microorganisms like archaea.

● Brock – Biology of microorganisms

Gives a strong coverage of the ecology, evolution and metabolism of


● ATP Microbiology
Contains videos about different species of bacteria and explains how these
can be recognized.

● The interactive effects of soil transplant into colder regions and

cropping on soil microbiology and biogeochemistry.

By Liu, S., Wang, F. (2014).


Bio-Technology is the field that specializes in the analytics of biology by analyzing
DNA and proteins.

● PNIE – iGenetics, A molecular approach

A very clear introduction to DNA and all parts involved.

● Don’t Memorise Biology

Note: This playlist contains all video’s about biology, specific video’s about
biotechnology are video 69 to 73

● CRISPR/Cas9 for cancer research and therapy. By Zhan, T. Rindtorff, N.


Bioinformatics is the field of biology that goes hand in hand with coding.
Bioinformaticians prepare and process biological experiments and work with a lot of
data. Whenever an analyst wants to check whether the DNA construct built works or
a lot of data needs to be processed, this person will approach a Bioinformatician in
order to get fast and clear results that can be further analyzed

● Michael Agostino – Practical Bioinformatics

Specifically designed for biology students on how to perform bioinformatics


● rebelCoder Bioinformatics in Python

Very clear and gives the basics surrounding bioinformatics


General Chemistry
● General Chemistry by Zumdahl
● General Chemistry by Pauling
● Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, et. al.

Organic Chemistry
● Organic Chemistry by Clayden
● Molecular Orbitals and Organic Reactions by Fleming
● Modern Organic Synthesis: An Introduction by Zweifel
● Oxford Chemistry Primer Series

Inorganic Chemistry
● Inorganic Chemistry by Shriver and Atkins
● Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by Cotton and Wilkinson
● Oxford Chemistry Primer Series

Physical Chemistry
● Physical Chemistry by McQuarrie
● Physical Chemistry by Levine
● Essentials of Computational Chemistry: Theories and Models by Cramer
● Symmetry and Spectroscopy: An Introduction to Vibrational and Electronic
Spectroscopy by Harris and Bertolucci
● Spectra of Atoms and Molecules by Bernath
● Quantum Chemistry by Levine
● Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic Structure
Theory by Szabo and Ostlund
● Laser Spectroscopy 1: Basic Principles & Laser Spectroscopy 2:
Experimental Techniques by Demtroder
● Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, and Nanoscience by Dill
● Surface Science: Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience by Kolasinski
● Oxford Chemistry Primer Series
Online Resources and Tools
● MIT OCW: Chemistry
● An Innovative Approach to Balancing Chemical-Reaction Equations (paper)
● Master Organic Chemistry
● PubChem Database
● ChemSpider : Organic Structure Search
● Chemical Structure explorer
● The Materials Project
● Learn Concepts of Molecular Symmetry

● Calculus by Larson
○ Comprehensive and clear text on calculus from limits to multivariable
and vector calculus

● OpenStax Calculus, Volumes 1, 2, and 3

○ Open access text at Calculus - OpenStax

Differential Equations
● A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications by
○ Great introduction into the study of differential equations

● Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems by Zill

○ The extended version of the previous text, with both ordinary and
partial differential equations.

Courses And Notes

● Khan Academy Maths Courses
● MIT OCW Mathematics
● Pauls Notes
● Complete List of Online Math Resource - By StudentGuide
● David Metzler Youtube Channel

Calculation and Graphing Tools


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