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Puree Cy Lae) Elementary Student’s Book Tim Falla, Paul A Davies Solutions 2" edition Elementary lc max) Words app Words on the go! Look up, listen to and practise words from Solutions 2” edition anytime, anywhere. Part) eT (Td C0) 9 Cea © Look it up: Choose how you view words from the Elementary Student’s Book and Workbook: by unit, by topic, or asa dictionary. Over 1,000 words included. » Define: Choose a word and tap on the screen to see the definition and word in context. > Listen: Tap on the audio icon to hear the word spoken in English. Repeat and improve. > Practise: Design and play our interactive quizzes: > Test your knowledge of the meanings of words with our multiple choice quizzes » Drag and drop words into contextual sentences to check how words are used Works with iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and Android phones. For more information, goto Solutions Elementary Student’s Book OXFORD Tim Falla Paul A Davies UNIVERSITY PRESS i ‘sen, sabe CT © orci et ‘ad andi er diy pcs, eles fot) Athads ooking sea il aces inst vk, cw pr teat, (toca hs er iawn) rosowng eons {res Natonalts (ha, ach) ie mene haw foment 8 oe ad wor {i oar ctr ete) Ses or ant ist sone, cto scents et) @ tee eon abou mar nde aah : rant " “ansptruns an ade och safe) ‘ease wet em ae oc 0) |G Five pape aot tay ota fom eh! @ Lineing (101 = ks, wack: 2.01 «dk, tek) Cr DrTine. days andes 19 sovnesnninr Onin nemo a ‘ase ime et Vocab eer eves the nousenr rere oaee) 24 apes evan des ‘esbuny sing an open butte este) Ingres 1B anardoyoutbedne? easing ene ih yang uno west ‘cao acon vei. Go stophton, a) orate fame Bega ‘ecst acso enng et ent ed ‘Set ks gam mo) 1 okey dots reece Son fate’ a ‘wana asi tay aration ‘own (econ Bee eed ‘ocsbiny Hea presens laure) . stern S feodng Ainge serps horn smteemforintoration IS LS TE SEE [7A tahingabot yr wae {coding re on oghand Pata asso seeing: ee eras lout te wetane ‘scab ensures ancoymanh (hea Wow! Irowriet Py sta nertatig feoing Te sas anima into Sskng yale Sto = 242 Howobut«'t) sb wie at, een me) ‘ps dy oor best hay brea) 1G Seep Piet p24 On hegre feaigCap eon une eavegprone 85 {Sent ead era itn, Sonne roe oh ales) ‘ou Boyes alain ean ono aa \anforpemienon Co tohemy bean te wn.) sr tine mgrssns af sey) 1D Sowlonton scutes a Introduction THIS UNIT INCLUDES Vocabelary « numbers # alohabet « describing people « tine, daysand dates Grammar « be » have got » possessive adjectives » demonstrative pronouns Speaking = meeting people EVERYDAYENGLISH Meeting people 1. Look at the photo. Where are the people? How old do you thinkthey are? listen, repeat and check. How are you How old ae you What about you Where are you from Becka Hi, José. 2 José Fine, thanks, Becka. And you? Becka _m fine too. josé, this is Agnieszka. She's from Poland. José Hi, nice to meet you. Agnieszka And you. * ? jose ¥'m from Paraguay. Agnieszka 2 tm 17.4 3 zka_ I'm 17 too. How do you spell your name? zka A-G-N-I-E-S-2-K-A, 3 X99 Listen and repeat the numbers. 4 Say the even numbers from 2 to 30 round the class. Then say the odd numbers from 1 to 29. ‘two, four, six... | | one, three, five, . BED VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 1): PAGE 130 29 4 | Introduction 5 W104 PRONUNCIATION Listen and repeat the alphabet. abcdefghijkimno qrstuvwxyz © Find all the letters that have the sounds below. 7 Work in pars. Think of someone inthe class. Spell the person'sname, How quickly can your partner guess the name? <5) 8 G91.05" Listen tothe dialogues. Complete the information about the people Use four of the counties below Australia Britain Canada the Republic of Ireland New Zealand the USA Conversation 1 Name: Martin Age; Name: Age: Country Country: Conversation 2 maa, a A Name: Kan. Age Name: Age: Country: Country; __ 9 Work in groups of three. Practise reading the logue in exercise 2, changing the words in blue. GRAMMAR be, possessives and pronouns 1. Read the text. Choose the correct answers. 1 Kar is from England / ireland. 2 He's 17/19 years old, 3 His sisteris at university in Dublin / London. wayne i torornerinemrow Lage feaetes fier te tonics tephe STretnd ny wo Sous hheremeor Rah rd eee ne wivcoesone os Sieve ust onder clad 17.51 234d September 2 Complete the table ith the affirmative and negative forms of the verb be. Use the text in exercise 1 to help you. od nm = 1 5 He/She/it®=_... He/She/It* You/We/They » You/We/They * on = Am? Ishe/she/it ..? ‘Are you/we/they ..? Yes, lam. / No. I'm not. Yes, he/she|its. No, he/shey/it isn’. Yes, you/we/they are. / No, you/we/they aren't 3 Complete the sentences withthe affirmati ofthe verb be. Make them true for you 1 Myname—___ Matt My names MAHL / My name n't Mat Ourteacher inthe classroom. 1___ thirsty We at home now. ‘My bag ___black Myparents from Istanbul 1___17 years old. 8 ft___very hot today or negative form G Write questions. Use the interrogative form of be. 1 Adele / your favourite singer? 4 ourteacher / very tall? 2 we / from Hungary? 5 you / 16 years old? 3 your friends / at home? 6 you / hungry? 5 EQLENNNE Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4, BED GRAMMAR BUILDER IB (EX 1): PAGE 101 6 Underline three possessive adjectives in the text in exercise 4, Then complete the table below. 1 — jt its you your we? he his you your she her they? EDD GRAMMAR BUILDER IB (EX 2): PAGE 108 7 Read the Learn this! box. Then find one demonstrative pronoun in the textin exercise 1 Demonstrative pronouns Singular: this that Plurals these those We use this and these for things that are close tous Chere’), We use that and those for things that are further away (there’). & Write sentences. Then maich them with the pictures. 1 this / your pen? Is this your pen? Picture ® 2 that / not my dictionary 3 these / not his trainers 4 these / your CDs? 5 this / not our MP3 player 6 that/herbike? ED GRAMMAR BUILDERIB (EX 3): PAGE 108 Introduction Grammar fave got and articles 4 2106" Read and isten tothe dialogue. Who or what is 3 Complete the sentences withthe affirmative or negative form of have got. Use information from the dialogue in exercise 1. 1 Harvey — acat 2 Harvey —_ a dog. 3 Eva__ arabbit. 4 Evaand Harvey —___a brethe 5 Sam __ his mobile with him, EBD GRAMMAR BUILDER IC (EXS 4-6): PAGE 108 4 ESTES Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the things below, ‘LedyGngeCD abike acat adictionay a rabbit adog 5 Read the Learn this! box. Then underline all the examples of 8, an and the in the dialogue in exercise 1. Articles The definite article is the. We can use it with singular and plural nouns. the door the windows The indefinite article is o or an. We only use it with singular nouns. house an apartment We use a/an when we mention something for the first time, I've got a dog anda cat. ‘We use the when we mention It again. The cat isn't very friendly, Lauren Is that your cat? Harvey No. haven't got a cat. I've got a dog — his name is, Patch. And my sister has gat a rabbit Lauren What's her name? Harvey Floppy. lauren Not the rabbit - your sister! Harvey Oh, sorry. My sister’s name is Eva. Lauren Have you got a brother? Harvey Yes, | have. Sam. But he isn’t at home. lauren Where is he? Harvey I'm not sure. He hasn't got his mobile with him. 2 Undertine all the examples of have gotin the dialogue. Then 6 (9/4407! Listen and repeat the words. Then write aor an. completo the table below. ‘When do we use a and when do we usean? got 1 mobile 5 MP3 player sa 2 — book 6 — actress 3 English lesson 7 guitar : | YouMerbeye et. See Sone He/She/It? got... = = 7 Complete the sentences witha, anor the. ip got | ou/wertney haven't got... 1 I've got___ dog and __ rabbit. __rabbitis white. He/She/it*__ got 2 We've got Mercedes and Audi, Mercedes is very old. HELE 5 wlifwelthey pot 3 I've got__MP3 playerand computer, but! haven't Has he/she/it got .? got ___computerwith me, 4 “Listen to this. I's song by the Black Eyed Peas.’ ‘i's rier eaeie reat! What's thenname of __ sons Yes, he/she/ it has. / No, he/she/it hasn't. BD GRAMMAR BUILDER IC (EXS 7-8): PAGE 108 @@ Yes, you/we/they have. / No, you/weithey haven't. 6 | Introduction CLOUT Naa WU cee lNVcee Lome EL ok 1 GVAL0B) Listen and repeat the times. two o'clock quarter past half pasteight ten past nine twenty-five quarterto five five pastseven tento three to eleven 2 pes 1:09) Listen and draw the times. 3 @2.10 Listen and complete the dialogue with the words below. excuse past time welcome you Poppy ‘me. What __isit, please? Man Isfive\__six, Poppy Thenk* ___. Man Youre*__. 4 Workin pairs. Ak and answer questions about the times in exerse 2.Use the dialogue in exercise 3tohelp you. 5 G¥1.11 Complete the days of the week and the months of the year. Use the words below. Then listen and check. April August February June October Saturéay Thursday Wednesday December March November September Sunday 6 GPIA2! Listen and repeat the ordinal numbers. 1 2% 38 ge 58 6 7 BM gM 10" 11 12" 13" 1% 45% 16% 476 18% 19" 20" 21" 22 23 24" 25" 26" 278 28" 29% 30% 31% VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2): PAGE 130 7 Answerthe questions. 1. Whatis the second letter of your first name? 2. What isthe fifth month of the year? 3 What is the seventh letter in his sentence? |4 What is the third word in the third question exercise? What is the fifth word in this sentence? What is the ninth letter of the alphabet? this LOOK ouTI We write: Friday 3° June or Fri 3June We say: Fridoy the third of lune We write: 1600, 1708, 1996, 2015 We say: sixteen hundred, seventeen oh eight, nineteen ninety-six, twenty fifteen | [SETAE Read the Look out! box. Then workin pairs. Take turns to say the dates below. a a a a a a T322791 1 3/21 2/197 | “2011 7919) 1803 1700 “3914 1999. 9 G13) Listen, repeat and check. 10 [EYIET Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. When’s Valentine's Day? 2 When's Christmas Day? 3 When's American independence Day? 4 What's the date today (day, date and year)? 5 What's your date of birth? Introduction 7 Friends and family Pele TMU AUN IS ‘THIS UNIT INCLUDES Vocabulary « family » possessive’ pluralnauns « everyday activities Grammar» present sinpe:alrmatie and neeative « present simple: questions * question words « object pronouns Speaking * taking about fomly and fiends ¥ making frend talking about STZ ene aay 1 Look at Holly’s family tree. Complete the sentences. Choose from the words below Family aunt brother cousin daughter father granddaughter grandfather grandmother grandson husband mother nephew niece sister son uncle wife 1 James is Holly's athe. 6 Owen is her Leois her + 7 Sarah is her Kate is her 8 Charlie isher Emma is her 9 Elliot is her Alice Is her possessive 's We add ’s after a name or a noun to show possession or 2 family relationship. ‘my mum’s computer my cousin’s husband We just add *to plural nouns, but only if they end in -s. my cousins’ house (BUT my children’s dog) B | Unit 1 » Friends and family 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then look at the family tree again. and complete the sentences using words from exercise 1. 1 Leois Sarah's veplicw. —§ Alice is Sarah's 2 James is Emma's + 6 Kateis Owen's ‘ 3 Holly isKate’s ___. 7 James is Kate’s__ 4 Grace is Eliot's __. 8 Charlie is Owen's _ 3 1.14 pronuncanion Us answers to exercises 1 and 2. ‘repeat and check your 4 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1. Your cilices are your sons and daughters, Your parents are your mother and Your grandparents are your __and Your grandchildren are your sands. Atwinisa___or the same age as you. Your great-grandparents are your's or parents. 5 115 PRonuNcATON Listen tothe pronunciation of the vowels in blue. mother ‘mada’ cousin kazn! 6 1.16 Look at the words in exercise 1. Which other words hhave the sound /.? Listen and check. LOOK ouT! We use step when we refer to relationships from remarriage. stepmother (your father’s wife) stepbrother (the son of your stepmother or stepfather) 7 @1.47 Read the Look out! box. Then listen and match the ‘names with the words below. cousin friend sister stepbrother stepdad Carie____—Joseph____ Marcus Darren ‘Anna BD VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 1): PAGE 131 @@ 8 [SGIZUIIEG Work inpairs. Ask and answer about people in Holly's family. Describe each person intwo ways. He's Holl’ father and “he's ate'sson. ED VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2); PAGE 131 @@ Grammar Present simple: affirmative and negative bout facts and things that happen regularly. 41 Look tthe photo. 00 you know the name ofthe character ‘and the TV show he is from? Read the text and check. In the 1V show House, Dr Gregory Howse works at a hospital in the USA. He's a great doctor and he's very intelligent. He speaks seven languages. But Dr House isn’t happy. He lives alone and he doesn't go out 8 lot, He walks with a stick because of a problem with his leg. ‘The star of Houses the British actor Hugh Laurie, He doesn't speak with an American accent in real ife~ only in the TV show, don’t live inthe USA." he says. ‘And I don’t live alone. 've got wife and three chilcren and we live in London. But Iwork i the USA. They don't see me alot And Hugh doesn’t speak seven languages ~ but he speaks five! 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then look atthe text and complete the table below with the correct form of the verb speak. We use the present simple to talk about 1 something that always or regularly happens. 2 a factthatis always true | speak English We speak English You speak English. You speak English. He/She/it. English. They speak English, 3 Undertine more examples of affirmative verb formsin the text in exercise 1. When does the verb end in -s? 1.18 PRONUNGATION Listen and repeat the verbs below. LUsten tothe pronunciation of the endings. Try to copy what you hear. A 8 /slorl2/ speaks meets goes says a watches finishes 5 1.19 Listen and add the words below to group A or Bin exercise 4, comes dances likes lives teaches uses ‘Some verbs change spelling when you add -s: Igo to school She goes toschoot Iwatch TV. ‘She watches TV. study Chinese. She studies Chinese. © Read the Learn This! box. Then complete the sentences with, the present simple affirmative form ofthe verbs below. go have live see speak study watch work 1 We _s02___ our cousins every weekend. 2 Mystepbrother maths at university. 3 Myuncle in an apartment in London. 41 to school by bus. 5 Myaunt in a hospital. 6 Mybest fiend four languages. 7 Mymum, lunch at work. 8 We Tevery evening. BD GRAMMAR BUILDER 18 (EXS 1-2): PAGE 110 © 7 Look tthe table. Then underine mare examples of negative verb forms inthe text in exercise 1. | don't work. We don't work. You don’t work. You don't work. He/She/It doesn't work. _ They don't wort. & Complete the sentences. Use the present simple negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Mygrandparents das live (not live) in the USA. My cousin __ (not have) an American accent. Our stepdad (not see) his children a lot. Your great-grandmother (not speak) English. ' (not go) out a lot during the week. Hugh Laurie (not work) in a hospital. BBD GRAMMAR BUILDER 18 (EXS 3-5}: PAGE 110 8 ® Write three true sentences and three false sentences about ‘your family and friends. Use the present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs below. live speak work study have go My cousin lives in the USA 2 My grandmother doearit speak French 3 My 10 EGIEUIIE Work in pairs. Say your sentences to your partner. ‘Your partner guesses if they aretrue or false. Unit * Friends and family | 9 1C ae BUM Oyler ig ee era 1 Look at the photo. Who are the man and woman? _—--3._Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Can you name any of their family members? Camilla is William's mother. William's wife is the Duchess of Cambridge. His brother's name His grandmother’s name Kate is one of two children. James is William's cousin. William isa football fan, The King or Queen of England is also the King or Queen of Australia 4 @L21 LEAEMIN compiete the ext wih the words below, (Use the wordlist in the Workbook to help you.) Then Usten and check The UKis a monarchy. This means that the monarch (the king or is the official head of the country. However, the British monarch does nat have political power because Parliament makes the In fact, the monarch is not allowed to enter the Parliament building! 2 1.20 Read the text. Match paragraph headings 1-5 with paragraphs A-D. There is one heading that you do not need. 1 Anon couple 4 Willa’ fly At the Biitish people vote to choose their local $ a she rey eae MP (Member of * ). These MPs are usually members of cee political The leader of the party with the most MPs becomes Prime Minister ~ head of the British * __. 5 1.22 Listen tothree people talking about the Br ‘monarchy. Match two opinions with each speaker. Write 1,2 0r3 inthe chart below, QA a They're attractive. b They're old-fashioned, ¢ They're good for tourism. 4d They work hard. ¢ It’s interesting to read about them, f They're partof ourhistory. 6 EXEZNING Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Is your country a monarchy? Who has political power? 2. Can you think of any other monarchies in the world? 3. Doyou think monarchies area good or bad idea? Givea reason. Use the vocabulary in exercise 5 to help you. 10 | Unit 1 = Friends and tamity 2 Lookat the photo. ‘What hobby is this? 2 G12D" Listen tothe frst part of an interview with 17-year ‘old dancer Aisha, Write questions a-d in the correct place. ‘a Does your partner enjoy them? b Doyou practise a lot? € Doyou like competitions? 4. Does your mum watch you? Interviewer Alisha Yes, | do. They're really exciting! Interviewer = ‘Alisha No, he doesn’t. He says they're scary! Interviewer > Alisha Yes, she does, but my dad doesn't, Interviewer § Alisha Yes, we do. Every day! 3. Complete the table with the correct form ofthe present simple interrogative. Use the questionsin exercise 210 help you. We form present simple questions with do or does + base form of the verb. s, |/you/we/they watch TV? Yes,12___. No, 1? *___he/she/it like chocolate? Yes, she? _.. No, she 4 Complete the questions with Do or Does. 1 _Da_you speak French? 2 your friends go out at weekends? 3 Lonel Messi play football? 4 you watch DvDs? 5 ____ your best friend go ta your school? 6 you study at weekends? crammar Present simple: questions Md Icon ask questions about facts and everyday events. 5 ‘Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4, 6 1.24 Pronunciurion words, Which three start with the sound /h’? How What When Where Which Who Whose ‘We can use question words to ask for information. ‘We put them at the beginning of the question. Where does your uncle live? Whose brother's he? Which is your bedroom? When do you go to bed? 7 Read the Learn this! box. Then translate the question words in exercise 6 into your own language. 8 1GVT:25) Complete the second part ofthe interview with Alisha, Use question words from exercise 6. Then listen and check. Interviewer doyou live? Alisha | livein San Francisco. Interviewer *____ do you travel to competitions? Alisha By plane or car. Interviewer >____doyou study? Alisha _In the moming, before breakfast! Interviewer *___ doyou do in your free time? Alisha fen to music Interviewer Really?» do you listen to? Alisha Adele, She's great! I've got all her albums. Interviewer “do you like best? Alisha Her first album. & EXIZUILES Work in pairs. Practise reading the interview. BED GRAMMAR BUILDER 1D: PAGE 110 @@ 10 Write questions. Then workin pairs. Take turnsto ask and answer the questions. 1. when / go to bed? 2 how / travel to school? 3 who / see at weekends? 4 what / eat for breakfast? 5 where / goon holiday? 6 what / watch on TV? (_Ahaieastin. | 414. Workin pars. Write three questions for Alisha and invent answers. Use the questions in exercises 8 and 10 to help you. 12 ‘Act out your interview to the class. Unit 1 © Friends and family | 12 1 Look at the photos. Do the people look modern or old-fashioned? What is unusual about them? 2 Read the text: Match paragraph headings 1-4 with paragraphs A-C. There is one heading that you do not need, ‘When you answer multiple-choice questions, read the whole question, including all ofthe options, then look for the information in the text. When you have found the correct place in the text, ead the options again carefully and compare them with the text before deciding which Is 3 Read the exam strategy. Then read the text again and choose the correct answers. 1 The Amish don't ive in a Europe. b the USA. c Canada 2. Amish husbands don't have a hats. b beards. ¢ moustaches. 3. Amish women don’t wear a shoes, b short skirts. ¢ dresses, 4 After dinner, Amish Families a don't relax. bb don’t sing or read. ¢ don’t use computers. 5 Amish children leave schoo! when they are a twelve years old. » fourteen years old. ¢ sixteen years old 6 After Rumspringa, four out of five Amish teenagers ‘a don’t stay in the community b don't leave the community don’t find a husband or wife [TEENIE complete the everyday activities with the verbs, below. Then check your answers in the text. Undertine the everyday activities in the text. do finish get go have prepare start use Complete the sentences about the Amish community. Use the correct affirmative or negative form of the verbs in exercise 4. 1 The children _den't go to school when they are fifteen years old 2 Amish men and women work earlyin the moming ang work in the evening, 3 Amish people computers, 4 Themen the housework. 5 People up early in Amish communities. 6 Thewomen food during the day. 7 Themen dinner alone. 8 TheAmish to bed very late. ‘Work in pairs. What do you think about the life (of the Amish? Give examples from the text to explain your ‘opinion. Use the adjectives below to help you. boring / interesting modern / old-fashioned easy / hard “In my opinion, their life | isteasy/hard because . Unit 1 * Friends and family | 13 SLs cima iem asta ( eM ar eaner eCNg ay 1 2:26 Read and complete the dialogue with information 4 Read the text. Replace the words in blue with an object pronoun, from Freya's fact fie. Then listen and check, 5 @227’ Listen tothree dialogues. Read sentences a-fand NAME: — Gireya.. ‘match two sentences with each person. From: London 1 Maxs__and__— 3 Liam: _ and _ i ES 2 Ave: end — 2 I come to school by tral Famuty: —brother..14. (clase. 100). b. Myold school is really big. sinc. 18. Gt univer). © l'mfrom tiverpoo!, 4 I'mfrom Canade, @ love sport. F My brother works in a hospital = © Complete these questions from the dialogues with the words SHE SAYS: ‘\.really miss. London! Toby Hi, I'm Toby. Are you new? below. Freya Yes, | am. My name's Freya Taye to eel you ea What das ve you In? do fist aot have the te Freya, 1 Do you__ithere? 2 Toby Really? My fiend Sam is in that class, Do you know 2 What does your dad —__? hime 3 Isthis your dayat this school? —_ Freya No, | don't. This is my first day! A Opyouall_—_—ceniseltt — Toby Oh, Het: Whare are you rom? 5 you got fiends at this school? Freya ?__.. realy miss it 6 Doyou__ near the school? Toby Have you got any brothers or sisters? Freya Yes. I've got a brother and a sister. 7 2.27) Match the answers below with the questions in Toby Really? How old are they? exercise 6. Listen again and check. Freya My brother is”_____and my sister is*____. a Yes,itis. ¢ It's OK. € Most of the time! Toby _ Doss your go fo this achool? P b/No,Idon't. d He's ateacher. f I've got one friend, Freya Yes, he does. He's in lass* __. But mysister's at’ don’t see her in the week. 8 ‘Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is new to ‘Toby That's the bell. I've got science now, Bye. the school. Prepare a dialogue like the dialogue in exercise 1. Freya See you later. Include three questions and answers. Use the ideas below or . your own ideas. 2 [STEW Work in pairs. Practise reading the dialogue. lass? “firstday? broth friends at the school? where from? and sisters? live near? 3 Lookat the table and complete itwith object pronouns from the dialogue in exercise 1. aa ueeinuce Always look at the person you are 5 a loud, clear voice. ‘ame you you you~ you they ~ them he! 9 ESGEIDINNG Read the speaking strategy. Then act out your SSeS aes ialogue to the class. [BD GRAMMAR BUILDER 1F: PAGE 110 414 | Unit = Friends and family waitin A message Re ae ee aaa A. Read the messages from a school magazine. What is their ‘main purpose? Choose the correct answer. a Two students want to find people with the same hobbies. b A teacher wants to give information about two new students. € Two students want to describe themselves and their best friends. d_ Two new students want to introduce themselves, NEW FACES! Hil My name is Gebnel.1™m 16 years ‘ld and I'min Year 11, 've got a ‘brother anc a sister, and we five wath ‘my mum and my stepdad. We've {got pet dog, Bouncer: fm new to the school, butI'm nol new to Birminghar. ove ving in Birmingham because i's got two realy ‘900d football teams andi'm a football fan. My stepdad ‘sa Birringham City fan, but my brother and | support ‘Aston Vita, On Saturdays, we aWvays watch football on TV togethe It's realy nosy! Hi there! My name is Summer ‘andy 15.1'm in Year 10.1'm ‘rom Scotland, but now live in Birmingham with my parents arc ‘my grandma, 've got a brother and sister but they don't live here. My brother isnt at school, he's at ‘university in Edinburgh, and my sisters in Brazil for a year. ‘ove music, listen to my MP3 player every morning ‘on the bus. My favourite singers are Rihanna and Pink. | watch DVDs a ot too. My favourite actors are Jachie ‘Chan and Johnny Depp. 2 Workin pairs. Student A: Answer questions 1~6 for the frst message. Student B: Answer questions 1-6 for the second message. What is his/her name? How olds he/she? ‘What class is he/she in? Who does he/she live with? ‘What hobbies has he/she got? ‘What favourite team /actors/singers does he/she mention? 9 [EGIENINIG Now find out about the other messages. Work in pairs, Take tums to ask and answer the questions in exercise 2. ‘A Read the Learn this! box. Complete the sentences with prepositions. The sentences are all in the messages exercise 1, Prepositions. Prepositions are words like in, to, on, at, with and for. They go before a noun to show position, time or jirection. Sometimes, there are rules for choosing the correct preposition, but often you need to lear them as partofa phrase. live \__— Birmingham »___ my parents. ‘My brother isn’t __ school, he’s* _ university. listen ‘my MP3 player the bus. We watch football’ _ TV. My sisteris*____ Brazil*_a year. 5 Choose the correct prepositions, Hill'm at / on the bus. Where are you? oes she live at /in abig city? What do you doat / in the weekends? t / with my best friend at / on school. What do you want at /for breakfast? What's for / on television? Bruns It's important to include all ofthe information requested in the task, When you plan your writing, tick or underline the key points in the task as you include them inthe plan. That way, you won't forget anythi © Read the exam strategy. Inagine you are a new student at ‘school, Write a message to introduce yourself for a school ‘magazine. ‘Say your name, age and class. ‘© Give information about your family members and pets. + Include information about one or two hobbies or free- time activities. ‘Include information about favourite teams or people related to your hobbies. Can °F Workin pairs. Swap messages with your partner. De you know anything new about your partner after reading his/her message? Unit» Friends ang family | 15 Ta CC aaa cl Reading 1 ‘Complete the phrases with the verbs below. do get make walk 2 3 my homework 4 dinner catch go have meet Fa tothe beach 6 —__—abath 7 — my fiends 8 the bus 2 Dothe exam task. Read the profiles of four people (A-D) and answer the questions (16). Put the correct letter in the spaces provided. ‘A Marguerite, 18, from Cameroon I get up at 5.30 and help with the little children. My father has got three wives and twenty children. | get dressed at 6.30 and have breakfast, Then | walk to school with my friends. t's two kilometres, away. School starts at 7.30 and finishes at 3.30. I love my lessons. When | get home, | workin the vegetable garden and | help my mother to make dinner, Then | do my homework. | go to bed at 9.30. B Steve, 16, from Australia I get up at 7.30 and have breakfast. Ittakes half an hour to go to school on foot. School starts at 8.45 and finishes at 3.20. | study hard because | have exams this year. After school, | go hame and do my homewort. On Thursdays from 5.00 until 9.00, | work in the local supermarket to earn some. money, Or meet my friends and go to the beach, We all love surfing. | go to bed at around 10.30. Mitsuko, 17, from Japan I get up at 6.00 and have breakfast. Then I catch the bus to school. School starts at 7.40 and lessons Finish at 4.30. After school, the students clean the classroom, We have extra activities like musie and karate until 7.30. Then we go home for dinner, After dinner, have a bath. Later, | start my homework. | don’t finish until 11.00. | go straight to bed because I'm so tired. 46> Get Ready for your Exam 1 D Messias, 16, from Brazil ‘get up at 6.30 and walk to school with my friends. School starts at 7.10. We have lessons til 11.45, then school finishes and we go home. After lunch, Ihave a sleep. ‘Then | do my homework. | work hard because | want to go to university. | don't have much time to meet fiends in the evening. My dayends at 11.00. 1 has. a job after school? ee | 2 really kes school? 3 likes to do a sport? ‘4 doesn't walk to school? ‘5 goes to bed duting the day? 6 has young brothers and sisters? Speaking 3 Read the exam task in exercise 6 below. How many points need to be included in the conversation? 4 (1.28 Listen to Maria inthe exam. In what order does she talk about the afferent points? 5. @ 1.20. Listen again, Correct the mistakes that Maria makes. 4 gota brotter and a sister x 2 My sstersne's 14. 3 School star at eight o'tock. x 4 listen music 5 ike watch fms. 6 Do the exam task. You are talking to a friend from Great Britain who you are going to visit during a school exchange. He/She would like to lear more about you. Include information about the following points: © yourfamily © where you live * yourfree time * atypical day ela ma hcl Listening 7 ‘Complete the chart of activities with, the verbs below. chat do. listen ploy play watch play : basketball / computer games 1V / films / DVDs the piano / the guitar ‘nine to musie / to the redo. homework / sports B Q 1.29 Dothe exam task. oe ‘You are going to hear a conversation between two students, a girl and a boy called Sarah and Eric. Answer questions 1-8. You do not need to write full sentences. Who is new at the school, Sarah or Eric? What year is Sarah in? What lesson has Sarah got now? Why does Eric get up early on Thursdays? What time does he get up on other school days? What does Eric do betore dinner? Does Eric watch 1V? Does Sarah like computer games? wy OMeuNe Speaking 9 Match the words betow with ‘the definitions. classmate cousin neighbour relative step-brother teammate somebody who lives near you somebody in the same sports team somebody in yourclass at schoot the son of a parent's new husband/wife —: the child of your uncle and aunt anybody in your family 10} 1.30 Read the exam taskin exercise 12. Then listen 10 Alex in the exam. Who does he describe? Use words fromexercise 9. 11 €} 1.30 Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words below. age both mine old same together 1 He's 24 years : 2 We realy lke football. 3 She's a neighbour of 4 She's the same asme. 5 Welike the bands, 6 Wellisten to CDs 12 Do the examtask. Talk about two people you know well:a friend anda family ‘member, Include information about the following points for at least one of the people: ‘© their family © their home ‘© when and where you see them ' hobbies or interests you share Use of English 13 Do the exam task. ‘Complete the text with the correct word: A, B or C. ‘My name is Nicole and I lve in Waterford * the Republic of Ireland. love Waterford — »__ t's on a fiver and also only ten kilometres the summer, 1” tothe iy friends every weekend. Every Saturday, Waterford has a market in the centre of the city. You can buy food there. | often go to the market and look around, but * usually buy a lot. Agroup of Amish people live in a community near Waterford. They _____bread, jam and other typesof food and sel atthe market. They ok dierent har and clothes are very old-fashioned ~ butwhen you talk to them,” —teally friendly. You can’t talk to them about TV programmes or ‘computer games, of course, because they don’t watch TV ort computers! 1 Aa B from Cin 2Ak Bits cis 3 Acme —B go. € 4 Aamnot — B dort c 5 Ado B make C give 6 A there B theyre C their 7 Atheyre 8 thee € their 8 Ado Bate —C use Get Ready for your Exam 1 a7 Grammar» adverbs ofrequency # How offen? con # adrerbs THIS UNIT INCLUDES My ti e Vecaby» abies nd sats «vr «nowncallatons «action verbs Speaking * aninterview » talking about abilities expressing likes and disiees Writing = an arsouncement DCC PUMA de alee |U lacy ened 1. REXEEIITAT Label the photos with eight of the words below. Which hobbies and sports are not illustrated? Hobbies and sports athletics basketball board games cycling dancing drama drawing fashion football symnastics ice hockey Ice skating jogging listening tomusic reading books reading magazines rollerblading skateboarding surfing the Net taking photos swimming video games volleyball watching films 2 GP131/ PRONUNCIATION’ Listen, repeat and check. | 3 Work in pairs. Which sports and hobbies can you do: 6 Write six sentences about your hobbies and interests. Use the phrases from exercise 5. 3 ina sports centre? 6 ina team? VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 1): PAGE 132 a 4 C132 Listen to three people talking. Match each person eine i | 9 Mittra ine pean yt ett 7 SEIS wot ipa Aan anne unto abi i ‘exercise 1. ” enly and ren 2 Andy and 5S ©9132) Complete the sentences with the words below. ‘Yes, I'm realty intoit. / No, not very keen on it. / ‘Then listen again and check. like it./ t's OK, but | prefer... What about you? 8 Doa class survey. Which sport or hobby is: | 1 Fm really spor. 2 rm not very on swimming. 2 the most popular in the class? 3 CallofDutyis_—_, but|___ Burnout Revenge. 2 the least popula in the class? a ice lise baal games to 3 the most popular with the boys? idtblecuan 4 the most popular withthe gs? 6 I quite hip hop. VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2): PAGE 132 18 | Unit2 * Mytime crammar Adverbs of frequency ee Me Tes 1 G39. Read and listen to Mille talk about her Saturday. How many activities does she mention? cee ee? eee Ree ata e Sek ed eet oe erg Geet usu haces eee eee ge! ace eee ere) reer a ee eee) Gracey cee peer Serer 2 134 Complete the chart with the adverbs of frequency below. Lister, repeat andcheck. Ad f frequency alway: sly ten never 3. Read the Leorn this! box. Choose the correct words to ‘complete rule 2. Use the text in exercise 1 to help you. 1 We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens. 2 We normally put an adverb of frequency before / after the verb be. before / after most other verbs. 4 GBS. Usten wo Lam talk about his Saturday. Complete ‘the sentences with the correct adverbs of frequency. 1 Gam sets up late on Saturday morning. | 2 He____ watches 1V on Saturday morning. 3 Inthe evening, he watches sporton TV. ab Hels tired at 10 o'clock inthe evening, 5 He_____reads magazinesin his bedroom. 6 His _ in bed before midnight. 5 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 4 so that they are true for ‘you. Use the correct form of the verbs. Change the pronouns. hardly evee Lup late on Saturday morning 6 [EET Work in pairs. How sporty are you? Ask and answer the questions, Tick your partner's answers. How sporty are you? 7 How often do you watch bic sports events en TV? Never. Hardly ever. Sometimes. Often. 2 Do you enjoy RE. lessons at schoo!? No, never No, hardy ec Ys, usualy. Ys, ava. '3 How often db you do sport after scoot? Never. Often. Hardiyever, Sometimes, 4 Do you tum off the TV when a sports programme comes on? No, never. No, hardly ever, Yes, sometimes. Yes, always. ‘5 How often do you tak abou sport wth your fiends? Nowe Hardly ve, Someties. Often, Quiz 7 Lookat the answers in the quiz. Write sentences about your partner. Use the adverbs of frequency. Robert hardly ever watches big sports events on TV. EDD GRAMMAR BUILDER 28: PAGE 112 Lookat the chart. How often do you do the activities in the evening? Completetthe first column of the chart with adverbs of frequency. x cook dinner do homework meet friends do the washing-up listen to music watch TV tidy your bedroom play ontine games: You an 9 [EIEN Workin pairs. Ask and answer about the activities inthe chart. Use How often. ? Complete the second coluran of the chart. (GEE REGaaE) (REGRET) 10 Tell the class about you and your partner. { often cook dinner. Joe sometimes cooks dinner { martin often watches TV. | hardly ever watch TV. | ae sania Unit 2 * Mytine | 19 20 Caras Ta fac TL el Oi aloe actelola tg er ee Ree en 1 G¥1,36" Read the text, Are the sentences true or false? 1 There are competitions for cheerleading teams 2 Most Americans think that cheerleading isa sport 3 Hannah and Dan don' think that cheerleading is a sport, CHEERLEADING is @ very popular activity for girts in the USA. Most American secondary schools have got a cheereading ‘am, They chose a sports matches ter choo, or exam, American focal an basketball mches, Some teams also enter ‘ompattions But sally a port? Over St pr cat of Americans don't think so. Here are the opinions of two American teenagers. Hannah ‘No, Ido ink cherleadig i a sor. nm Opn, it just dancing. The chereates entrain he Gat scoot Sports event, Dut theyre ust sports An uors At my Stoo, cheereading is just fo is, and ony the prety gs on the team In cherieading competion. he teams don't core Qa pons, tke in football rte. think cheerleading i tk | Dan: Cheerleading isn't easy, Some ofthe routines ‘very dificut. Cheerleaders train alot, and it's important that they are ‘strong, fit and pean, just like other sportspenple. Ard they'e very Skul, Alot of cheerleaders are very good at gymnasts. Also, there | are cheerleading competitons. So of course is a sport” 2 EGEEQUIIETY match the highlighted words inthe text with the definitions below. 1 the people who go to see a sports event 2 games between two people or two teams 3a group of people who do a sport together 4 points that somebody scores in a sport like football 5 a person who loves a team, a singer, a band, et. 3 Read the text again. Answer the questions. What do cheerleaders do at sports events? Do giris and boys do cheerleading at Hannah's schoo'? How is cheerleading different from sports like tennis? How are cheerleaders similar to other sportspeople? What other sport are cheerleaders often good at? unit 2 = mytime 4% 1:37 Listen to a radio interview with Kelly, an American cheerieader, Complete the sentences. 1 Kelly is ___years old, 2 There are people in her team. 3 The team has competitions in the 4 Kelly's team ___at school sports events. 5 1.37 Listen again. Choose the correct answers. 1 The cheesleaders are all a twelve years old. b seventeen years old. sixteen or seventeen years old 2 Theteam a Is only for girls b is for boys and girls isn’t interested in having boys. 3 The team trains ‘2 more in winter than in summer, b less in winterthan in summer. € the same in summer and winter. 4 Atthe competitions 2 the teams just cheer. b the teams do their routine and they cheer. € the teams just do their routine. ‘6 Match the photos with the words below. ballroom dancing bowling chess darts diving ‘skateboarding 7 Work in pairs.Do you thinktthe activities in the photos in exercise 6 are sports? Tell your partner your opinion. Use the phrases belowto help you. you have totrain hard they compete / don't compete you have tobe fit/strong/skilful there a itis/isn’t easy Grammar can and adverbs ear eae 41. Read the text. Choose the correet answers. 1 Robert Pattinson is English / Irish / American. 2 Hishobby/s reading / running / music. 2 Complete thetable below withthe correct forms of con. Use the exemplesin thetext in exercise 1 tohelp you. The form of an isthe same forall persons (, you, he, they, etc.) Veandance. They dance. (Full form: cannot) hhe dance? Yes, he can, / No, he can’t. We use canto talk about ability. 3 Complete the sentences. Use can/can’tand the verbs below. do play play dance drive sing speak write 1 Tomis oneyear old. He can draw, but he can't. wnte 2. Harty can speak French, but he Italian, 3 I never goto night clubs because | 4 "What's that terrible noise?” ‘i's Max. He 2 5. Sueis really into sport. She football and she___athietics. 6 He 2 car, but he wants to learn. 7 She's only our years old, butshe ____the piano. 1D GRAMMAR BUILDER 20 (EXS 4-5): PAGE 112 “4 Read the Learn this! box. Then underline three adverbs in the text in exercise 1. Adverbs We form most adverbs by adding -Ivto the adjective. Sometimes the spelling changes. slow~ slowly easy easily careful ~ carefully ‘Some adjectives don't change. fost late early hard The adverb form of good Is well. We use adverbs with verbs to say how something happens. She sings badly. He con dance beautifully. 5 Complete the sentences. Use adverbs from the Learn this! box. 1 I can’t understand you. Please speak slauly.. 2 This question isn’t difficult. You can answer it 3 He's good at tennis. He playsvery 4 ‘He's a fast driver’ Ves, he drives very " 5 ‘Amy's gota beautiful voice.’ Yes, she sings 6 Inever get up after six o'clock, | always get up DD GRAMmaR BUILDER 20 (EX 6): PAGE 112 6 694.38" Listen toan interview with Dave, Complete the fist colurinof the chart Tck the things that Deve can do. 7 Complete the second column of the chart for you. 8 ESTEE Workin pars, Askand answer questions about the Yes Lean. /No,teant | 9 XZZNIN Telthe cass about you and your partner. Unit 2 * My time | 21 ‘reavinc Extreme sports ee te ee EEEEIENG Lookat the photos. Match the parts of the body with the words below. GF 1.39 PRONUNCIATION Listen, repeat and check. [ESERIES Work in pars. Cover the words in exercise 1. Peint to body parts in the photes. Askand answer questions. What's this? It’s his back ‘When you have to match pictures to texts, look for words In the text that refer to things in the pictures. Look at the reading strategy. Then read the text. Which sports can you seein the photos? FRee Time crazy Time a Som peopl say free munning nt ely asp. You cant usally ent ‘ompettons cr win medals or prizes, and mast re runners aren't interested in hem. You can do toe uring in & town a cys a very dangerous actvty because tee runnes run, jmp and cmb fst ~ over ‘wal, ots ad bugs. They use thr hands and fat and ove tke als, They watt feel Fee! BASE jmping isan enemy dangerous acthy Alt of BASE umpers 6 every yar. BASE mpes jmp ol bling, tedges ad ‘mois. They've gota srk paactto on Be B9D, They avery (hc 03 mporast to open the pact vr fa They have {ot much too use he paracuto bore thoy tthe ground a Cave avg 's very cangeous undereater actly, Des cin down ‘nto dep caves that ev got water in hen Thy vein the water anew though tha caves. Tho cave re very dark athe vrs ‘wear asttong ght on or heads, Sometimes fe ht reals, 0 they cay wo extra ios wher. They sar comfy, cause hey ‘an et out he caves easy they have an acide. ga ‘Streat ug ise very dangerous road race. Luges ae he big ‘skateboards. Pacors le down en the boar with th fat at the rato the luge. They ace down a il. They go very fast— up b 140 klometres an hor They use tec feet to stop! Racers wear helmets on thelr heads ‘and pats onthe ame and legs, because they have at of accidents. 5 Read the text again and choose the corect answers. 1 Free running is not a sport because a there aren’t usually competitions, b it’s very dangerous. you cando it anywhere. 2. BASE jumping is dangerous because a the parachutes are very small. b there isn’t much time to open the parachute, € the buildings are very small. 3 Cave divers have to swim a very carefully. b very quickly. without light. 4 Luge racers have to a lie on the boards. b sit or lieon the boards. ¢ stand on the boards, 6 Are the sentences true or false? 1 People do free running in towns and cities. 2 BASE jumpers jump from b planes. Cave divers climb, dive and swim. Cave divers have got lights on their heads. Luge racers don't wear helmets. 7 Find six body parts from exercise 1 in the text. find and underline seven of the verbs in the text. Action verbs climb dive fall fly hit j fun swim 18S, mountains and 3 4 5 Luges can travel at more than 100 kilometres an hour. 6 8 [RTT Label the pictures with the verks below. Then 9 Complete the sentences, Use the correct form of the verbs in exercise 8, 1 Please don't ‘or___ into the swimming pool 2 That bird can very fast. 3. My brother always. the big tree in our garden, 4 ‘Can you?" "No, | can't, so | don't often go in the sea’ 5. Usain Bolt can 100 metres in less than 10 seconds. 6 Be carefull Don't ‘off that chair! 7 In baseball you __ the ball with a bat. 10. [SZZINIE| Workin pais. Look at the photos in exercise 1 again. Cover the text and then take turns to describe the sports. 11 @1.40 Listen and complete the song with the words below. arms chin eyes feet hair heart love mother shoes skirts Got | ‘my toes, liver, sot my blood — Unit2-* Mytime | 23 EVERYDAYENGLISH Expressing likes and dislikes eee ee eee 1 GAA Read and listen to the dialogue. Does Emma like 6 @A.64 Put the words in the correct order to make sports games? questions. Then listen, repeat and check 1 you / D0 / tke / dancing /? Do you like dancing kind of / you / board games / What / lke / do /? think of / What / you / Take hat / do / 7 singer / Who's /avourte / your /? favourite / Whats / computer game / your /? you / interested / in / Are / fashion /? rawing / you / Do | readingor / prefer /? Mims Mi Bi, 7 Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in aa (De v6 ka Vidia Pane? exercise 6, Use phrases from exercise 2 Marcus Yes,| do. love them, | Emma Me oo. What kind of games ¢o youtke? Doyoulike dancing? | [ No, can't stand it! Marcus Sports games. | Emma. Realy? mot very Keen onsporsgames. | Marcus Oh. What's your favourite video game, then? === ESTEE] Work in pairs. Ask and answer similar questions Emma_ | really ike Car Chase. about the people and activities below. ‘Marcus It's not bad, | suppose. But | prefer sports game. 1. pehoned Apr . _ 2 reading books 5 online games 2 Divide the phrases below into three groups: 3 Abba 6 Harry Potter es ° Work in pais. Prepare a diaiogue. Use one ofthe Opinions She's allright. They're terrible ‘ideas in the chart and the prompts below. Hean’t stand him. Iloveher. Ihateit. He's awful I think she's great. I'm not very ken on him, (woe They're OK. ‘They're boxing. I'm very keen on her insfector thal ieae It's biiliant. meally into it. 1 quite like them, oekefalinos’ Wiiskerband Iealy ike her, They/re not bad. A 3 (GLAD PRONUNCIATION Listes, repeat and check. Try to ; copy the intonation, ‘Askaboutthe hobby. Underline phrases in the dialogue that are similar to the > Saythat you likeit phrases in exercise 2. ‘Askabout B's favourite, < 5 (GLU! Listen to three dialogues. Choose the correct > tz answers. Dialogue i ARRAS) 41a Lily's favourite singer is Rinanna E . b Lily's favourite singer is Justin Bieber. Sp» AskaboutA’s favourite. 2 a Lily and james both ike Katie Pery b James likes Katie Pery, but Lily doesn’t ike her. Reply <= Dialogue 2 = Give your opinion of A’s 3 a Sean plays football and ice hockey. favourite. b Sean doesn’t do sport. 4a Hannah sometimes goes running. 10 Read the speaking strategy below. Then act out bb Hannah often goes running your dalogue tothe class. Dialogue 3 5 a Sally thinks that The Lord of the Rings is brilliant. Tom thinks that The Lord of the Rings is briliant. 6 a Tom reads magazines and books. Tom likes magazines, bute isn’ keen on books. Remember to try and copy the intonation you heard in exercises 3 and 6. 24 | Unit2 = Mytine CULM EUnet {can write an announcement for a club. Read the announcements. Are there any clubs like this at your Read the Learn this! box. Then underline examples of school in your town? imperatives in the announcements in exercise 1. Which DANCE CLUB eT Do you like dancing? Come and joinus at Apple Dance Studio. We dance every Wednesday from five o'clock until seven ‘We play dance games on the Wii I's great fun and we learn lots We use imperatives to give instructions. For the affirmative imperative we use the base form of the verb Call Dave on 56.2786. of new steps. Every month we make 3 video We form the negative imperative with don’tand ‘of our dances and put base form of the verb. iton YouTube! Don'tforget! Don't watt een Complete the imperatives with the words below. dance club! Beginners welcome! TET 1 imeresting new people! Sane 2 new rollerblading tricks! eee 3 toour club! Pre uee 4 athome! 5 basketball and get fi 6 our website! 7 totell our friends! | PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB erent auc eee erent at rT Invent club, Use one of the clubs below or your own idea, ‘We take photos, edit them and put them on our website Pre es peti ie Plan an announcement for your club. Make notes. ee es ‘© Give the name of the club, on’ wait! Phone Kevin Pickle # Saywhen and where it meets. Perk * Say what you do. ay vee ou retain: were # Include contact information ~ a phone number and a Se et sabes Read the announcements again, Answer questions 1-5 for ‘Always check your work carefully when you have finished ‘each club. Write your answers inthe chart below. writing. Check spelling and grammar, 1 When do they meet? 2 Where do they meet? Read the writing strategy. Write an announcement for the 3 What do they do every week? club. Use your notes from exercise 6. Remember to use 4 What do they do every month? imperatives. 5 Who do you phone about the club? Cenacle Have yor x included all the information in the taskiin exercise 6? 2 Included some imperatives? # checked your spelling and grammar? 4 5 Unit2 « Mytine | 25 age Review Unit 1 1. Complete these sentences with the correct family word. 2. My uncle's children are my 2 Your brother's son is your 3 Her father’s father is her 4 Myfather’s sisteris my 5 Our daughter's son isour Mark: |S. 2 Match the two halves of the everyday activities, 1 do aup 2 20 b work 3 get © tobed 4 have d the housework 5 stort © breakfast Mark __/5, 3. Complete the text. Use the present simple form of the verbs below. 0 have not'see notspeak work ‘My cousin Rory lives in Japan because his parents ina big hospital in Tokyo, He? to school there, but he’ _____ Japanese in class because i's an American school. But he * Japanese lessons every weekend. | —justat Chistmas, Rory 2lot Mark: _/5 44 Put the words in order to make questions. 1 how / travel / you / do / school / to? 2 lunch / do / have / they / when ? 3 sports / 40 / does / which / she? 4 finish / this / does / when /lesson ? 5 what / wear / school /at / you / do ? Mark: 5 5 Complete the sentences with the object pronouns below. her him it me. them 1 Sarah and Maxare my cousins. Do you know 2 That dog isn't friendly. Don't touch. 3. Myuncletives in Australia, so! never see 4 This bag is heavy. Canyou help ? 5 Where’s Mum? can't ind 2 Mark: __/5 26 | Language Review 1-2 Unit 2 6 Complete the hobbies. Use the -ing form of the verbs below. keep read. surf take watch ajc fms 2 ___ magazines 3 the Net oe fit 5 chats Mark: _/5 7 Complete the parts of the body in these sentences. 1. Open youre __s andlook! 2 He's got his little granddaughter on his sh_ 3 She can dance well. Look at her __t 4 I can’teat any more. Mys_____his full 5 Ican't move myhead.t've got a bad n__k. Mark: 5 8 Write sentences. Use the adverb of frequency in brackets, It / be / cold in my bedroom (sometimes) Its sometimes cold in my bedroom 1 1/be / ted at school (never) 2 mydad / do / the washing-up (often) 3 1/ tidy / my becroom at the weekend (sometimes) 4 mymum [ cook/ dinner (usually) 5 theweather in my town / be / good (hardly ever) Mark: _/5 9 Complete these sentences with cam (/) or can't(X) and the adverb form of the adjective in brackets, 1 Lions () run very ____.. fast) 2 Lionel Messi (9 speak English __. fluent) 3 Adele _() sing. (beautiful) 4 Chickens __00 fly very _. (good) 51 W) do this exercise ___. (easy) Mark: _ /s 10 Number the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. 2 [)Paula Hip hop and rap. b [)Paula Yes, ido. love it. ¢ [james Really? 'm not very keen on hip hop. 4 FJiames 00 you tke music? ¢ [_Jiames What kind of music do you like? ‘Mark: /5 Skills Round-up Lead-in 1. Which of the hobbies below do you enjoy? Do your close friends havethe same or different hobbies? computer games cycling dancing drama films music sport. swimming Reading 2. Read the text. Which hobbies from exercise 1 does it NOT mention? EE Ee These students want to find an English exchange student. page 11 ana 1 HE My ram is Aon and im 16 year ol. hin Linn Poland wn iy parents and my brome, My hobbies are re ane musi: mn realy inerested in spot, but | Mo ewirming. Iraven'tgot aot of ero fee hobbes because | have 10 wrk hard at schoo. My favourte subject wicous Helo rm Nicolas and Im rom Marseis in te south of France. 'm 7 and lve wth my mam ard my sister I've oo a univer in Pas. ove football and play baskstbal at school My ‘her hooby is computer games. | oen play one win my ends. DANELA wth ry rants | haven't got ec, but Ive got six couaine. | goto an interes ro Engish My avourte subjects Spanish My hobbies ave muse an 3 Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Anna likes films, but she doesn’t like sport 2 Anna and Nicolas are from Poland, 3. Nicolas plays computer games with his fiends, 4 Daniela lives with her cousins. 5 Daniela's favourite subject is English Writing 4 Imagine that you want to take part ina student exchange. Write a message forthe forum tke the messages in ‘exercise 2. include the information below. + your name and age «were you live and wiho youve with '* the type of school you go to and your favourite subject, + your hobbies aad interests Listening 5 (01.45 Listen toan English student, Libby, talking on the Intemet to Anna, one ofthe students from exercise 2. Which hobby do they share? 6 145 Listen again. Choose the best answer: a,b orc. 1. Libby's home isin a fast London. b the centre of London. € South London. 2 Atschool, Libby 8 plays footbal. b plays tennis € goes swimming 3. Libby doesn't enjoy a shopping or swimming. b sport or music € swimming or music 44 What do Libby and Anna think of Johnny Depp? 4 They both like him. Libby likes him, but Anna doesnt «Anna tikes him, but Libby doesn't Speaking 7 Workin pairs. Role-play 2 dialogue like the one between Libby and Anna. Find out + where your partner lives. + which sports your partner likes and doesn’t like. ‘which other hobbies you share. Skills Round-up 1-2 | 27 THIS UNIT INCLUDES cS At school aso as Pea Grammar = prepositions of place VOCABULARY AND LISTENING SCHOOL Subjects Tee aD ere ETT tae 4 BEEING Label the pictures with tmelve of the schoot 5 1.47 Listen to rine scnoot lessons and identify the subjects below. Which subjects are not illustrated? subjects. Schoolsubjects art and design biology chemistry a $= 7 = .T, (design and technology) economics English 2 5 8 French geography German history 3 6 9 ICT (information and communication technology) feat Cie Belipiilcdekscaliend ‘ysis 6 Write atimetable fora day at school. choose your eight RE, Gellglows education) Russian favourite subjects, and number them from 1-8, 2 2.46 PRONUNCIATION’ Listen, repeat and check. MONDAY 3 Which of the subjects from exercise 1 do you study? Do you TT Wstory ce % study any other subjects that are notin the list? and deg VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 1): PAGE 133 @@ 4 Workin pairs. sk and answer questions about which subjects you ke and wh. Use the phrases below. za 7 EIEN Workin pairs. Ask and answer questions about Hove, Wsgreat, really Uke it. k's allright. paretar toouie W's notbad. Iqute tke. I'm no very keen on Heart stand it. Ihate it's (quit) interesting. GiaC RE REA ; W's (quite) easy. It's (quite) boring. It's (quite) dificut. See fistlesson?, (ve you tie history? | [tes allright. tes quite interesting. } BED VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2): PAGE 133 2 Unit 3 = At schoot cramman there is/there are; some/any with plural nouns ere gar) Deu ga 4A Lookat the photo. Whereare the gist and man? What do you -—-«'S_Lookat the photo. Complete the questions with Is there a or thinkis the relationship between them? Read the text and Are there any. ‘check your ideas. “There's a secondary, school near to Emma Wallace frome in Norwich. But | Emma doesn't go to school. | “Enme's classroom isthe | Saigaomattoe. Te | {on'ta Blackboard ora whiteboard inthe dining | aut there ia table. There aren't any shelves, but | ape tcten | | any other students? No, there aren’ istherea teacher? | room, there is.Emma’s dad! - 1 Isthere a bed? 8 wardrobe? 2 Accihece any chairs? = 9 window? 2 Complete the table with the words in blue inthe text, ai oe we 4 computer? 11 posters? 5 shelves? 12 ___ plants? . 6 wr 13 — lamp? Ue 7 books? 14 curtains? atelevision. any CDs. 6 1.50 Match the prepositions below with the pictures. Then listen, repeat and check, “ ‘anotice board? »__any children? Prepositions of place between behind in front of ‘Yes, therels. /'No, there | Yes, there are. / No, there near in opposite on under isnt. | aren't a a B a 3 Lookat the examples inthe table again, Then complete the to Up rulesin the Learn this! box. Use a/an, some and ony. a) some and any a it} SG eee ara The Geo sentences, Weuse-__with ‘ pees ee eens es 7 (SEEN Work in pars. Look atthe photo and questions in exercise 5 again, Ask and answer the questions. Use the prepositions in exercise 6. & 1.49 Look atthe photo in exercise 1 again and complete the sentences about the photo, Use the correct form of there ‘is, and a/an, some ot any. Then listen, repeat and check. 1 There.are.seme books. 2 teacher, 6 laptop. STEN Workin pars. Ask and answer questions about 3 sthoolbags. 7 pens. your partners bedroom. Use the nouns in exercise 5. 4 posters. 8 shelves, a Dlackboard. 9 _wv. DD GRAMMAR BUILDER 3B: PAGE 114 Unit3 * Atschool | 29 Describe the photo. Use the words below to help ‘you. What can you see? classioom desk exercise book lesson student teacher textbook uniform {GP UST Read the text. Match paragraph topics 1-5 with paragraphs A-E. 1 sport at Eton ‘general information about the school how much it costs to study at Eton what students co when they leave Eton the buildings and facilities A. Eton College ver famous privat schoo near London It is over 579 yoars cd. There are about 1.300 students in the school and they all Iie in the schoo! ‘during the tem, Theo scent any ii in the ‘ony boys. Tey tale a speial mace exam and they start at on when theyre thieen years old 8 Etonis a priate schaoard itis very expensive. It cost about £0,000. year ta study there, Most Eton ‘students core fram voy th fares, for example Pringe Wiliam and Prince Hany! Thor are aout 100classroms in the schoo. at of scence las ICT roams and music roms, a concert hal two theates, a gy, two swimming pons twenty tenn cours, an athe track and a got couse! The college has got 160 teahers, teacher for eght students! D_ Sports vay imporant at Eton College. Students can do over 40 ferent ports, eluding ogy. rch, rowing. fencing and waterpolo. Al he stucents do spect every day Many of he sports teachers are professional sportspeople E Most studets stay atthe schoo uri they ae ‘eighteen yors ol. Ato hat, 99 per cant of thes to riversity. Many student from Eton get moortart jobs, Famovs stadents from Eton nude nineteen Bish prime ministrst 3) RIENTIEN Check the meaning of the words below. Use the wordlist in the Workbook. Then find five of the words in the text Parts of a school canteen classroom corridor gym hall head teacher's office ICT room library musicroom playing field reception science lab stai teachers" room toilets 4% @ 1.52 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the words, 5 Read the text again. Complete the first column of the chart Eton College Whitebridge Comprehensive private schoot | state school years old + __years old 2 students (no girs) |* students (boys and teachers gitls) different sports start at age % of students go to university teachers classrooms different sports start at age "_ ___% of students go to university 6 Describe the photo. Use the words in exercise 1 to help you. 7 G¥2.53 Listen to an interview with a student froma state school. Are the sentences true orfalse? 1 Catherine's school Is in Birmingham. 2 Catherine doesn't wear a school uniform. 3. Catherine doesn't want to goto university 8 @1.53" Listen again. Complete the second column of the chartin exercise 5, 9 ‘Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Is your school a state school ora private school? 2 How old is your school? 3 How many students are there in your school? 4 Is ita mixed school (for both boys and girls)? 5 How old are the students when they start and leave? 6 How many teachers are there’ 7 Do you wear a uniform? crammar have fo ern ea eau eae Tega Tse 1. Lookat the photo, What can you see? Read the text and check your ideas. | 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the table below with the highlighted words in the text. 1 We use have to to say that something is necessary or compulsory. 2 We use don't have to to say that somethingis not necessary (but it isn’t against the rules). foe || W¥ou/We/They have to start school a 8p. He/she/It stay at school until 3.30. '/You/We/They *____wear a uniform. He/She/it doesn’t have to study at the weekend. Do I/you/we/they have to study R.E.? Yes, do. /No, | don't. *__he/she/it have to work hard? Yes, he“ 1 No, he doesn’. 3 Complete the sentences. Use the correct affirmative or negative form of have to. 1 In winter, | take the bus to school. walk, 2. Mysister____ stay at schcol for lunch. She usually ‘goes home and eats there. |____wear a school uniform: a black stirt and a white shirt, but my sister wear a uniform, 3 4 We study a science: chemistry, physics or biology. 5 [hate maths, but | study it. 6 Mycousin’s school is private ~ she pay. 4% @254 PRONUNCIATION Listen, repeat and check. How ar the words have fo and has o pronounced? Tryto copy what you hear. GD GRAMMAR BUILDER 30: PAGE 118 5 GTS Listen to Libby talking about her school. Circle yes orno i the chart 6 Write sentences about Libby. Use has to or doesn’t have to. ibby has to get to school before 4 am Look again at the chart. Then write sentences about your school. Use have to or don’t have to. We have to / don't kave to get to school before 4 a.m |B Read and complete one student's description of an ideal school. Use have to or don't have to. ‘My ideal school starts late, so! +_ get up early. Students 2 rive until 10 o'clock. They?___wear a school uniform, but i's a really cool, nice uniform. We* __ wear school shoes ~ we can wear trainers or boots. Lessons start at 10.30. The teachers? —__ askthe students what they want to study. Every lesson *__be interesting or we can leave the class. And we 7 do homework in the evening! What a great school! ® Workin pairs. Think about your ideal school. Write a description of it using have to and don't have to. Use the Questions in exercise 5 and the text in exercise 8 to help you. 0 [SEL Work with another pair. Ask and answer questions about your ideal schools. Unit3 © Atschool | 31 ‘reaviNG Sumo school Ce a ee [SIEUIIE Look atthe photos. What can you see? Which countey do you think they ar in? ane z When you read a text for the first time, don’t worry if you Complete the fact file with the verbs below. don’t understand every word. ust tryto understand the general meaning, Ina sumo match, only the feet'___ the ground. Ifenother part of the body touches the ground or is outside the ring, the wrestler I the match. Many sumo matches only? __four or fve seconds. Some metches can last two or three Sumo wrestlers have to big and heavy, But they abo haveto* very quickly, and have very good balance Sumo wrestlers * about 20,000 calories @ day! (A normal man ects about 2,500 calories.) Sumo wrestles usually ’___ for tO years before they fight professionally 3. Lookat the reading strategy. Then read the text. Which sentence is true? 1. Yasuo only trains in the morni 2 Yasuo trains in the moming and afternoon. 3. Yasuo trains in the moming, afternoon and evening. UH ty Mosonsoaaa @ Hello, Yasuo. Tell me about aday at the sume school. ‘A. Well, we get up at five oclock and start training, 5 We tain for five hours It's very hard work. ‘wien we makea mistake, the teachers get angry with tus and hit us with long sticks) Q Oh, dear! what do you do after training? ‘A. We have hunch. We usually have lots of fish, meat, rice ard vegetables *____ Then we sleep for four hours. ‘This helps us to get fat! Thisis because the food in the body changes to fat What do you do after your sleep? We study school subjects because we have to finish ‘ur education. « @ What do you de atter lessons? ‘A. We have dinner Fish, meat, rice and vegetables again. ‘ima bit bored with the food ©. What time do you go to bed? ‘A. We go toed early ~at about nine oclock There are ‘twelve students and we al seep in the same room. It isn't much fun, @ Why do you went to be a sumo wrestles, then? ‘A. Wel, m good at sume wresting, And my family ate proud of me,> Sumo wrestlers are very important people in Japan and champion wrestlers are very rich | want to be champion one day! >o aes 4 Read the text again. Match sentences A-F with gaps 1-5. There is one sentence that you do notneed. ‘A I'm really interested in history, butI'm not keen on maths. B He lives and trains ata sumo school in Tokyo, Wedrink beer too. D They are poor and | want to help them. E I don’t like sharing a room. F Wedon'thave breakfast. 5 Answer the questions. 1 What time does Yasuo get up? 2 What happens when Yasuo makes a mistake during training? 3. What do students do after training? 4 How many hours do students sleep after lunch? 5 Why do students study in the afternoon? 6 What does Yasuo want to do one day? Look at the questions and answers below about Yasuo and ‘sumo school. Complete the questions. Use the correct form of the present simple. 1 How much ee He weighs 115 kilograms. 2 Where a He lives in Tokyo 3 What____ ey He studies sumo, 4 What ? Fish, meat, rice and vegetables. 5 How many Ss ‘There are twelve students. 6 When ‘They go to bed at nine o'clock TH] Some adjectives are often followed by certain prepositions. Complete the collocations in the chartwith the prepositions below. at in of on with with 1 interested 2 keen 3 good 4 angry — bored proud ‘Checkyour answers inthe text and the sentences in exercise 4. Underline the collocationsin the text and sentences. ‘Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercise 7. 1 I'm____with basketball. We play every day at school. 2 Geography is my favourite subject. I'm very att. 3 Jake is very In fashion. He buys a lt of clothes. 4 Mysisteris at Oxford University. We are very ___of her. 5 Mymum gets 6 Mybrother is very lots of different things. with me if| come home very late ‘on cooking. He always cooks [ESTEE Workin pls. what can you emenber about the life of a sumo wrestler? Close your books and then take turns to sayone sentence each. Unit » Atschool | 33 EVERYDAY ENGLISH Giving directions ees ee ee Zoe Excuse me. Where’s the science lab? Finn it’s opposite classroom 7. Zoe Oh, right. Where’s that? I'm new here. Finn Oh, OK. Go along this corridor and turn right. Joe Yes... Finn Go through the doors, and go up the stairs to the first floor. Turn right. Go past the library. The science lab is on the left Zoe Could you repeat that, please? Turn right, go past .. Finn Tum right. Go past the library. The science lab is on the left Zoe Thanks very much. Finn That's OK. 1 QHUSE Read and listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true orfalse? 1 Finns a new student 2 The science lab is onthe first floor. 2. ESTEE Workin pairs, Practise reading the dialogue. 3 @1.57) LEAL Match the directions in the pictures with the phrases below. Find six similar phrases in the dialogue. Then listen, repeat and check. Directions Go along the corridor Go past the Ubrary. Go through the doors. i's onthe telt. Turn lof Go down the stairs sear 34 | Units © At schoot Look atthe plan of the school. Follow Zoe's roule in exercise 1, (Ground feor) 5 1.58) Look at the plan of the school. Then listen to six logues and follow the directions. Where is each person soing? Person Person 3 Person 5 Person2 Person & Peison 6 6 [SEEING Work in pars. Look at the plan ofthe school. Take turns to give directions tothe places below, Use the prompts below. head teacher's office classroom reception music room library classroom boys" toilets hall A ‘Ask where a room or part ofthe schools. SAUER > tothe libray). ‘Askwhere that is. < > Givedirections. ‘Ask B to repeat the < directions. se _ Repeat the directions, Thank. ~< Reply. Co Wig Te eae ea ea ea 4 Read the letter. Mach photos 1-3 with three of paragraphs A-D in the letter. 125t Helens Road Plymouth PL 99 6VH 1st September Dee se, token to gin yur Elin i! an show Hal you around St. John’s Secondary School and answer your vector to wea seho before 8.50, esos sata ce) 9.10, after assembly. There are four lessons in the morning, Sots sot bt 1050 tance at 12.45, Thr’ canteen The od ba bat sane arto byt re You cn bing pa Tene it tanawehes tthe shop oppose reception Ib] rere ese th. On Tse, wen PE Tris fret yor PEt, yun o Soya sl a8 (in So mates S door ook forward to meeting 00! See you 5008 Gavorge 25 Om your rst day at school, meet me bythe scoot gates at 845. 2 Read the letter again. Answer the questions. 1. What time do students haveto arrive in the morning? 2 What time do lessons start in the morning? 3 What time is the morning break? 4 Isthere acanteen? 5 Where is the shop? 6 How many lessons are there in the afternoon? 7 When is RE? 3 Read the Look out! box. Which rules are different in your language? LOOK OUT! We use capital letters in English for: the start ofa sentence * /as a personal pronoun names ‘languages and nationalities * days and months * towns and countries + abbreviations of school subjects, e.g. ICT. “4 Undertine examples of the seven rules from the Look out! box Inthe letter in exercise 1. 5 Rewrite the sentences with the correct capitalletters. 1 the new school year starts on monday 6th september. 2 your first lesson on thursday is history. 3. our spanish teacher is from lima in peru. ‘4. my brother james and i go to eton college. 5. our geography teacher's name is george white, © Look at the writing strategy. Then read the letter in exercise 1 again, Complete the letterrules with the words below. See yousoon adiiess date iilormation name Wier Letter rules 1 We put the inthe top right comer. 2 We put the below the address. 3 We startwith Dear and the person's 4 We finish informal letters with a phrase like Love, ‘or Bye for now. 5 Weadd extra at the end after the letters PS. mu 7 Plan letter to welcome an exchange studentat your school. Make notes. Give information about: ‘break times and the number of lessons. ‘© where / what time lunch Is and where you can buy snacks. ‘= sports and games: what, where and when they 2re. © Write the leter (90-120 words). Use your notes from exercise 7. Usea new paragraph for each new topic of information. Ceara Unit 3» At school clare ama cl) Listening [SATEEN What is a boarding school? Choose the correct definition. a A school where all the students are boys. b A school which has students from the age of 5 to 18, A school where the students stay all day and night during, term time. A school which gives extra lessons for sports. @ 1.59 Do the exam task, feeiirens You are going to hear a conversation with a student at ‘a School in England, Listen and choose the best answer to the questions: A, B or C. 1. Luke is ata boarding school in London because A his parents don’t live in Britain, B there isn’t a good school near to his family. he doesn’t want to live with his grandparents, 2 Which Is not true about Luke's life at school? ‘A He has got company all the time. B The teachers are unttiendly, € He regularly contacts his parents, 3 Which subjects do all the students in Luke's ‘school study? ‘A maths and biology B history and French C technology and art 4 Luke is especially interested in A politics. B economics 5 Which Is Luke's favourite sport? A cricket 8 swimming C arthistory, C tennis Speaking 3 4 @ 1.60 Complete the sentences ‘with the words below. Then listen to Matthew in the exam and check your answers. building canteen chemistry clubs join packed lunch science rooms 4 Allthe ____are in one__, andl theart and music rooms in another, s0 it’s easy to find your way around, 2 You don’thave ta eat in the a____ifyoulike. 3 like maths and biology. | also tke but it’s quite dificut,, Oh, and I love PE. too. 4 There arelots of = photography, chess, music, choir. you can ‘one of them when you come to our school ‘You can bring Read the exam task in exercise 6 and decide which points the sentences in exercise 3 relate to. ‘36: Get Ready for your Exam 2 5 G9 1.60 Listen again. Answerthe questions. 1 Where is Matthew's school? 2 How many students are there in the schoo? 3 How much does a meal in the canteen cost? ‘4 Which club is Matthew a member off 5, How often does the club meet? 6 Dotheexamtask. ‘You are talking to a friend from another country who is going to attend your school. Include information about the following points: + your favourite subjects + after-school classes + how you get to different places in school + having lunch at school Use of English 7 Do the exam task. Complete the text with the correct word: A, B, Cor D. Foula is a very small island in the far north of _ UK. It's part of a group of islands *__ Shetland. There only about 25 people on the island, and life isn't easy for * There aren’t*__ shops, so they have to take a boatto buy food every week. In the winter, the weather is often very bad and the boats can’t go. There aren't many children on Foula, but there's *___ primary school. The number of students at the school changes from year to year, but usually there are only four or five. Students to the primary school from the age of four until twelve. At the age of twelve, they have toleave the island" there isn’t a secondary school. They go toa boarding school in Lerwick, a town on another island. 1Aa Ban cin D the 2 Acalled B name Cis Dare 3 Ais Bare Cisnt Dd not aait Bhim they D them 5 Aany — B some Cthe —D these 6 Aa B any Csome Dn. TAstart — B hive C80 Dare 8 Abst —-Bbecause when —_D from Get Ready for your Exam Reading carry climb hit push run throw 9 Do the exam task. Read the texts (1-4) and choose the best heading (A-E) from the list. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use. These sports are considered strange in most countries around the world. But notin the countries that play them! (11) Horseshoe throwing “Horseshoes is a game from the USA, but now people play it ll over the world, It is an outdoor game for two. teams. The teams throw iron horseshoes ata stick in the ground. The sticks quite far away. They have to ty to hit the stickto score points. in America and some other countries, itis a serious sport. They want itto be an Olympic sport! [21] wite-carrying competition This competition takes place in Finland and America, ‘Men run round an obstacle course and they carry 3 woman at the same time, The competition is difficult, The men race through water and sand, and climb over fences. The woman has to weigh more than 49 kilos, or she has to carry a heavy bag as well! She has to wear a helmet, because it can be dangerous. [31] Underwater hockey or ‘Octopush’ People do this sport in the UK. Australia, Canada and New Zealand, There are two teams and they play under water. The game is similar to ice hockey but the teams play at the bottom of a swimming pool. They push a flat ball across the floor ofthe pool and try to score a goal in the net. itis a difficult sport to play and itis a very difficult sport to watch! EENTOLTZU Label the pictures with the verbs below. [4|_| Chessboxing People do this spot in the UK, Russia and northem Europe. The competitors play a shart game of chess, then they have a short boxing match. They do this eleven, times. They can elther win in the chess games or in the boxing matches. The competitors are very good at both chess and boxing, It isan interesting sport ~ you have to be intelligent and strong too! oO For very strong men only FE cnterestet ence i a Forthose witha goed br Bnd good mists [EB] ttbezen inthe usa [EB sot easy forntayers ortans Speaking 10 Complete the sentences below with in, on and with. 1 So, what sportsare you interested _? 2 play after school _____ the park.___some friends. 3 Wedon't play the rain. 4 You're really keen i 5 Doyou watch sport __V? 6 It’sfast, noisy and boring, ‘ny opinion. 11 G9 1.61 Read the exam task n exercise 13 below. Then listen to Monica in the exam and check your answers: to exercise 10, 12 G@ 1.61 Usten again. Answer the questions. 1 What sport does Monica play? 2 How often does she play it? 3 Why does she only go swimming in the summer? 4 Does she enjoy watching the Olympics? 5 Is she keen on motor racing? 13 Do the exam task. You are talking to an English-speaking friend about sports and games. Include information about the following points: ‘© sports or games you enjoy ‘* when and where you do them ‘= sports you enjoy watching on TV * sports or games you don't lite Get Ready for your Exam 2 ca THIS UNIT INCLUDES Vocabulary # clothes « colours « describing people = Hallowsen actaties Grammar # present cortinuous » present simple and cotinuaus » present Continucus for future arangements « prepositions of time » cen for requests Speaking » describing dothes «talking aboutthe clothes youwear * making Waiting © an invitation VOCABULARY AND LISTENING Clothes eo aa ee ed 1 ‘Match the clothes in the picture with the words below. Clothes boots cardigan dress gloves hat jacket jeans joggers leggings scarf shiet shoes shorts, skirt socks sweater sweatshirt T-shirt tie top tracksuit trainers trousers 2 (92,02 PRONUNCIATION Listen, repeat and check. 3 Write sentences, Des the clothes in the picture, Use the colours below. Colours black blue brown green grey orange pink purple red white yellow The boys trainers are black and white. The gi’ jacket is 4 Workin pars. Play a memory game. Take tums to be Aand 8, ‘Student A: Look atthe picture in exercise 1 fora minute, then close your book. ‘Student B: Ask Student Athree questions about the picture. EBD VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 1): PAGE 134 38 | Unit 4 » Special occasions 5 $2.03" Listen to four people talking about what they wear during the week and at weekends. Complete the chart. Weekdays Weekends PLUG @ jacket and pans and a * BM a skirt and a> 3 anda top PEEEEE tcusers onde 6 [TEINS Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Make a note of your partner's answers. 41. What do you wear during the week? 2. What do you wear when you go out with friends? 3. Whet do you wear at home? nd a top 7 Tell the cass about your partner [BD VOCABULARY BUILDER (PART 2): PAGE 134 @ Grammar Present continuous eT ae ea a ee 11 Read the text messages. Where s Lola? Where is Jason? Hilly. Is Lola there? She isnt answering her phone. Hi Ewan, Lola is in the bathroom. Sha's washing har hai Is she geting ready for tonight? Yes, she is. ‘What about Jason’? What's he doing? He's inthe kitchen with Molly. They're making food the party. 'm helping my fend Brandon. He's the iving roam. helping Brandon. You're sending text 2 Read the Learn this! box. Then complete the table with ‘examples of the present continuous from thetext messages. We use the present continuous to talk about actions that are happening now. We form the present continuous with the verb be and the main verb + “ing ‘my friend Brandon. You’ _ text messages. She* her ha. They* food for the party. She® her phone. You* __ Brandon. ready for tonight? Yes, she is. / No, she's not. 3 Read the Learn this! box. Then underine one more example ‘of rules 1-9 the text messages in exercise 1. ‘Spelling rules 1 Most verbs: +-ing weor + wearing 2. Verbs endingin -e: smile smiling 3 Verbs ending in short vowel + consonant: double consonant + ing ‘chat chatting > ing present continuous, 1. Poppy is eating dinner. Poppy iett eating dinner. She's phoning 2 friend Amy is getting dressed. Henry and Mason are chatting online, Finley is phoning a friend. Harvey and Scailett are watching TV. Theo Is listening to music. Ben is playing tennis BD GRAMMAR BUILDER 48: PAGE 116 5 Write questions. Use the present continuous form of the verbs. 1 you / wear / black socks? ‘Are you wearing black socks? you and your classmates / work / hard? fone of our classmates / send / a text message? the sun / shine? you / fee! / hungry? we / sit /next to the door? four teacher / smile? we / wear / the same top? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. Unita * Special occasions,

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